LandBreeze SeaBreeze

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Guide Questions:

1. Have you ever visited the beach both during the day
and at night?

What differences did you notice in the temperature of

the water during these times?
Guide Questions:

2. After swimming for a while during those times,

when you stepped on the sand to go back to your
cottage, what did you feel? How was it different from
the temperature of the water?
Guide Questions:

3. Do you think the temperature of the water and

sand remains the same during the nighttime?
Guide Questions:

4. Now that you know that the land heats up

faster, what happens to the air above the land during
5. At night since we observed that the sand is
cooler than the water, what happens to the air above
Activity Title:
“Hot and Cold Balloon Experiment”

Objective: To describe how air behaves when

exposed to different temperatures
1. There should be a representative for each row.
2. Distribute the bottle and a balloon.
3. Fill one container with hot water and another one with cold water for all.
4. Representative of each row will proceed Infront to partially submerge their bottle
with the balloon into the hot water.
5. Allow time for the air inside the bottle to heat up.
6. Students will observe and describe changes to the balloon.
7. To submerge it next into the cold water.
8. Observe and describe changes to the balloon
9. Prioritize safety throughout the activity.
Guide Questions:

1. What did you observe happening to the balloon

when it was placed in the hot water?
2. Can you explain why the balloon changed when
it was exposed to the hot water?
3. What happened to the balloon when it was
placed in the cold water?
Grade 7


At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Describe how air behaves when exposed to different temperatures
2. Explain the occurrence of sea breeze and land breeze
3. Appreciate the role of sea and land breezes in real-life situations
What happens to the air
in the surroundings as
warm air rises?
The surrounding air will move towards
the place where warm air rises to replace
This moving air is called the wind. Wind is
the air that is moving horizontally.
Activity Title:
“Sea and Land Breezes”

By identifying and analyzing the descriptive

adjectives used in the passage, you will enhance
your vocabulary, reading comprehension, and
imaginative thinking.
Activity Title:
“Sea and Land Breezes”


1. Distribute printed copies of the passage to each student.

2. Instruct them to read the passage carefully and identify adjectives that describe each
3. Ask them to underline the adjectives they find in the passage.
4. Once they have finished, start by asking them the adjectives they identified for the sea
5. Then on land breeze, they will share the adjectives they found for this breeze as well.
PASSAGE: Sea and Land Breezes
The SEA BREEZE arrives gently, softly brushing the coastline with its cool
touch. It carries a refreshing smell, as if it has traveled across miles of
clean ocean waters. The sea breeze whispers through the air, bringing a
feeling of calm and peace. It sweeps across the beach, creating small
waves on the surface of the sea and playfully tousling hair with its gentle
In contrast, the LAND BREEZE comes from the land, carrying the heat of
the sun-soaked earth. It is dry, like the wind blowing across sandy
deserts. The land breeze whispers through the grass and leaves, bringing
the smell of dry soil and the warmth that lingers from the day. It brings a
sense of coziness, like a comfortable blanket on a cool evening.
Sea Breeze: Land Breeze:
Cool Dry
Refreshing Sandy
Clean Comfortable
Gentle Cool

How does sea breeze form? Sea breeze occur during_______.

Guide Questions:

1. What causes the formation of sea breezes and

land breezes?
Guide Questions:

2. Can you describe the typical direction of

movement for sea breezes and land breezes?
Guide Questions:

3. How does the movement of warm air affect the

surrounding air?
Guide Questions:

4. Does air tend to flow from areas of high

pressure to areas of low pressure, or does it move
in the opposite direction?
Activity Title:
“Temperature Comparison"


1. Provide set of temperature values for different times of the day, including the land and sea temperatures.
2. Ask them to label the chart with the given temperature values.
3. Instruct them to write the corresponding temperatures in the "Land" and "Sea" columns for each time of
the day.

Morning: 25°C , 22°C

Afternoon: 30°C , 27°C

Evening: 20°C , 23°C

Guide Question:

What do you think is the importance of knowing

how to interpret and analyze temperature data,
especially in the topic of land and sea breezes?
Activity Title:
“Photo Analysis on breezes”

Direction: Observe and carefully analyze the Illustration and have someone explain
the movement of air in the image focusing on the influence of land and sea breezes.
Sea Breeze Land Breeze Cools
happens H
happens down
during the H during
day. nighttime.

Cool Air Cool Air

or Sea or Land
Breeze Breeze L
to land to Sea.
Sea Breeze Land Breeze
Activity Title:
“Quick Land and Sea Breeze Sketch ”
Activity Title:
“Quick Land and Sea Breeze Sketch "

1. Divide the class into two groups: Group A and Group B.
2. You have 2 minutes to create an illustration of land and sea breezes.
3. Instead of utilizing paper, pencil, board, or chalk materials, the activity will
require each group to use the “MediBang Paint” application on their electronic
4. Students should quickly sketch a simple representation of land and sea breezes.
5. Encourage them to include elements such as the sun, moon, land, and sea, as
well as arrows or lines to indicate the direction of the breezes.
Direction: Classify each situation as either a land breeze or a sea breeze. To
indicate your answer, please raise your hand. The correct classification will be
given right after each scenario.
Sea breeze Wind blows from the sea to the land.
Land breeze Wind blows from the land to the sea.
Land breeze Cool air sinks on land.
Sea breeze
___________4. Warm air expands and rise on land.
Sea breeze
___________5. Happens during day time.
Land breeze Happens during night time.
Sea breeze 7. Low pressure on land, warm air rises.
Land breeze High pressure on land, cold air sinks.
Sea breeze
___________9. Low pressure ( warm) on land and high
pressure ( cold ) on the sea.
Land breeze
___________10. As night falls, a gentle wind carries the cool air from the land
out to the open ocean.
Directions: Use the words from the word bank to complete the
Warmer Rising Sun Sea
Colder Sinking Low High

During the day, when the _____ comes up. The land gets warmer
than the Ocean. The air above the land gets _______ too and is
less dense, so it rises. Meanwhile, the air over the ocean is
_________ / more dense and falls. The falling dense air creates
______ pressure over the ocean and the rising thin air creates
_____ pressure over the land. A “sea breeze” develops from
movement of hot air ________ and cold air __________. A sea
breeze is when the wind we feel comes from the ______.

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