Research Powerpoint

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Short Film Research

How research helps us and why we do it

By Eddie Flavin
How research can affect your work
Research can affect your work in several different ways
and it’s our job to work around and sometimes with these
effects. Research effects our film because as we learn
more about a topic or area of research our understanding
develops, and our ideas develop tandem to it. As our
understanding and ideas grow, we can alter parts or even
majorities of films so they parallel our new knowledge and
concepts conceived from it. Research affects our work by
giving us an advanced understanding of the topic allowing
us to make changes that would improve the final product.

Research can also affect our work by showing us potential errors that
previously went overlooked due to a lack of knowledge. This is a
great symptom of research as it means we produce the best content we
can and avoid mistakes that could potentially bring down the overall
Types of research
Content: Content research consists of Market: Market research consists of Production: Production research
analyzing other similar products to help analyzing a films reception from the encapsulates everything involved
define your idea and avoid or embrace public and critics. Market research with the practical side of filming.
themes seen. The benefit of this is it effects how the project is made as it’s This research is conducted to
improves your project because you
avoid copying or making mistakes from often changed in order to appeal to a improve your movie by learning new
others works. My example is watching specific audience. Market research is and improved techniques and
Inside the Factory to avoid copying conducted because it helps people push implementing them into the film.
them but also seeing what they miss so their film to those who’ll watch it. My My example would be using POV
we can include it in our own project. example would be conducting a shots in the music video after seeing
questionnaire before filming Mr Lee. others achieve the results we want.
Primary and secondary research
Primary research is any piece of research that you've personally collected.
Primary research can be a plethora things, but a few key examples would be;
Surveys, interviews, focus groups. An advantage of primary research would be
that these results are new a collected personally meaning people can trust them.
Primary research has definitely helped me as it allowed me to plan the Farm to
Fridge doc around what people wanted to see improving it.

Secondary research means using research collected by other people. Some

example of secondary research would be; books, textbooks, articles and websites.
These are called secondary sources. An advantage of using secondary research is
allows you to geta broad overview of an area you may not be familiar with.
Secondary research has also greatly helped me as it helps me write with more
informative scenes for MR LEE making the movie more complex and better
Quantitative and Qualitive research
"Quantitative research is the process of collecting and "Qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing
analyzing numerical data. It can be used to find patterns non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or audio) to
and averages, make predictions, test causal relationships, understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It can be
and generalize results to wider populations." Scribbler used to gather in-depth insights into a problem or generate
definition new ideas for research" Scribbler definition

Quantitative research is analyzing and using numerical Qualitive research is the opposite of quantitative research
data (numbers) to reach a conclusion. An example of my as it deals with everything except numbers. An example of
own quantitative research would be sending out the MR my own qualitive research would be researching and going
LEE survey, collecting the results and drawing my on a location RECCE for the music video to make sure it's
conclusion from any patterns or variables I see. a good place to film.
Benefits of research and conclusion
Research is incredibly important as it allows you to get the full potential out of what you create and
show off your skills to the rest of the world. By researching what you're trying to accomplish you can
create a better piece of work since you have more knowledge and understanding to bring to your idea.
Research also helps you to realise things better as you'll have more of a know-how on what to do and
how to do it, it will become easier to do. Research also helps you be concise with what you do it
allows you to spot any mistakes you made and can also assist with;
• Technical accuracy
• Idea development
• Script writing
• Filming/Production
• In-film realism

In conclusion research is vitally important to film and film-making with the many, many benefits it
provides. Without research most ,if not all, of our films would be half as good as they are now.
Research allows us to spot mistakes, add extra bits, film scenes differently or even remove whole
portions of the film based on what our research tells us. That's how important it is. It effects every
facet of film-making and when done well it really shows.
1. Oxford Dictionary. (2024). Oxford Language and Google. [Online]. Oxford Languages. Available at: [Accessed 18 April 2024].
2. Inside the factory. (2015). Inside the Factory at Yeo Valley Organic. BBC2, 5th May 2018.
3. Ciaran Lee.. (2024). The Mr Lee Movie Questionnaire. [Online]. ECC Production. Available at
AnalyzerToken=xNMnx4pLsW3v4f178B2HBQyxy3pVtAED&id=FgfhBifCK0qqQ-seKHrH9. [Accessed 18 April 2024].
4. Drew, C. (December 13, 2022). 27 Real Primary Research Examples. Helpful Professor.
5. Drew, C. (April 6, 2023). 15 Secondary Research Examples. Helpful Professor.
6. Pritha Bhandari. (June 19th 2019). What Is Qualitative Research? | Methods & Examples. [Online]. Scribbler.
Available at: [Accessed 22 June 2023].
7. Pritha Bhandari. (2020). What Is Quantitative Research? | Definition, Uses & Methods. [Online]. Scribbler. Available at: [Accessed 22 June 2023].

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