W23 ResearchMethodWhatisinit
W23 ResearchMethodWhatisinit
W23 ResearchMethodWhatisinit
Research methods are applied in all kinds of studies, though no consensus exists regarding what constitutes a
research method and how research methods should be categorized. Over 1900 research articles were obtained
from three major journals published between 2001 and 2010 in library and information science (LIS). Each
selected article was coded using a schema of research methods developed in this study. The coded data, along
with related publications, were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. This exploration shows that research
methods comprise data collection techniques (e.g., interview, observation) and data analysis techniques (e.g.,
qualitative, quantitative). Research methods should perhaps be categorized by data collection technique, as it
makes more sense than if research methods are labeled as qualitative or quantitative. This study is one of the
many efforts to facilitate a better understanding of research methods in LIS and help scholars make more in-
formed decisions about research method selection in their endeavors. Its implications can be extended to LIS
research education, training, and advocacy. Because research methods themselves are not discipline-specific,
researchers beyond the LIS field would benefit from this study as well.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H. Chu), [email protected] (Q. Ke).
Received 1 September 2016; Received in revised form 12 May 2017; Accepted 13 November 2017
Available online 23 November 2017
0740-8188/ © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
H. Chu, Q. Ke Library and Information Science Research 39 (2017) 284–294
actual connotation of the term research method would help researchers public, without grouping them by any subcategory. Research metho-
differentiate research methods from other terms (e.g., research designs, dology in Hildreth and Aytac (2007), however, was defined as con-
research methodologies) often seen in research publications. Scholars taining research type (i.e., descriptive, exploratory, explanatory, and
studying research methods usually develop their own lists by adopting evaluative), data collection methods (e.g., survey questionnaire, survey
various categorization criteria. Typically, no two inventories are iden- interview) and data analysis approaches (e.g., quantitative, qualita-
tical unless a later study shares the research method categories formed tive). Research methodology (or methodologies) was taken to mean
in an earlier investigation. It may be feasible to choose one criterion for research methods in Peritz (1977) as well as in Hildreth and Aytac
categorizing all research methods so that a uniform list of research (2007). Likewise, Palvia et al. (2003), researchers in information sys-
methods can be created. Additionally, research methods are tradition- tems, treated research methodology as a synonym for research method.
ally labeled as qualitative or quantitative to conform to the qualitative From the perspective of Järvelin and Vakkari (1990) research
and quantitative research paradigms that have received much attention methods consist of research strategy (e.g., empirical, conceptual), data
in the scholarly community. Such a division may be reasonable, but it collection method (e.g., interview, observation, questionnaire), type of
also may not be able to withstand scrutiny. analysis (e.g., qualitative, quantitative), and type of investigation (e.g.,
LIS scholars now use a greater number and wider variety of research empirical, descriptive, comparative, conceptual). The same classifica-
methods in their inquiries than they did before (Chu, 2015; Park, 2004). tion scheme was followed in Kumpulainen (1991) as well as Hider and
Performing a systematic examination of research methods applied in Pymm (2008). Almost 15 years after the Järvelin and Vakkari (1990)
the LIS field will assist LIS researchers in understanding research study, a slightly modified classification scheme was applied in
methods. It would help researchers select appropriate methods when Tuomaala et al. (2014) where, for example, IR experiment was added as
conducting scholarly efforts. It might also enable LIS educators to de- a data collection method. Redundancy occurred among the four spe-
termine which research methods should be taught in degree programs, cified facets of research methods in these reports. For instance, citation
especially at the doctoral level. analysis was listed both as a research strategy and data collection
The current study focuses exclusively on research methods in the method. The same could be said about experiment and IR experiment,
field of LIS and addresses three research questions: found respectively under research strategy and data collection method.
Other identical pairs in dimensions relating to research methods in the
1) What constitutes a research method? classification scheme included qualitative method in research strategy
2) Which criterion is appropriate for categorizing and naming research and type of analysis, and empirical or conceptual in both research
methods? strategy and type of investigation. A noticeable degree of redundancy
3) Can research methods be classified exclusively as quantitative or was also observed between research strategy and data collection
qualitative? method, as well as between research strategy and type of investigation.
Research methods in the studies by Järvelin, Vakkari, and associates
3. Literature review had broad connotations that encompassed research strategy, data col-
lection method, type of analysis, and type of investigation.
Studies of the research dimension of scholarly publications cover Luo and McKinney (2015) considered research design (e.g., time
many variables in addition to research method, including author af- dimension, research framework/paradigm), research model (e.g., plat-
filiation, research topic, and the relationship between research topic form market model), and research theories (e.g., sense of community
and method. To a large extent, some of the variables belong to the theory) as separate elements. On the other hand, Ngulube (2015) re-
domain of bibliometrics and scientometrics, where key authors, core garded research methods and techniques as being synonymous; re-
publications, top research topics, and similar variables are examined search approach and design (e.g., interview, survey), research metho-
(Peritz, 1977). This study concentrated solely on the research method dology (i.e., quantitative, qualitative, mixed), and research paradigm
component. (e.g., positivism, pluralism) were among the terms chosen for ex-
Studies on research methods have typically been conducted through amining research. Taking a different approach, Feehan, Gragg,
content analyses of a set of research publications, somewhere between Havener, and Kester (1987) focused on research methods and analytical
100 and several hundred, from selected journal titles. The time span methods, and Gelber (2013) and Greifeneder (2014) adopted a similar
involved usually covers several years either consecutively (e.g., practice.
Hildreth & Aytac, 2007) or selectively (e.g., Tuomaala, Järvelin, & Data collection techniques and data analysis techniques are the two
Vakkari, 2014). Occasionally, non-journals have been chosen as data components present in most, if not all, studies on research methods. All
sources, including textbooks (Bernhard, 1993) and dissertations (Blake, other terms were employed either as a synonym of research method
1994). Some studies focus on a single journal title (Luo & McKinney, (e.g., research strategy in Järvelin & Vakkari, 1990) or to represent
2015; Ngulube, 2015) while others cover several (Chu, 2015; dimensions other than research methods (e.g., research paradigm).
Greifeneder, 2014) or a few dozen (Peritz, 1977; Tuomaala et al.,
2014). Turcios, Agarwal, and Watkins (2014) examined 105 titles, but 3.2. Categorization of research methods
included only the latest issue of each title in the chosen time period in
their study. Multiple categorizing conventions have been applied to research
Studies of this nature have not only been done in the broadly de- methods. Data collection technique, data analysis technique, research
fined discipline of LIS, but also in specific areas such as information paradigm, research design, and more have all been used as criteria in
behavior (Greifeneder, 2014; Julien, Pecoskie, & Reed, 2011), knowl- categorizing research methods. Usually, more than one criterion has
edge management (Ngulube, 2015), technical services (Gelber, 2013), been selected in creating a taxonomy or list of research methods.
information systems (Palvia, Mao, Salam, & Soliman, 2003), and health Peritz (1977) identified 11 research methods used in a selected set
informatics (Dimitroff, 1992). of LIS documents: bibliometric and similar studies, comparative studies,
content analysis, descriptive bibliography, historical methodologies,
3.1. Research methods and associated concepts information system design, secondary analysis, surveys on the public,
surveys or experiments on libraries and others, theoretical-analytic, and
Different scholars have different understandings and interpretations other and multiple as one category for studies whose methods did not
of what constitutes a research method. Peritz (1977), in one of the early fit into one of the existing categories (p. 49). As Peritz (1977) is one of
studies on the topic, identified 11 research methodologies, including the early studies on the topic, her list of research method categories
theoretical-analytic, information system design, and surveys on the varies from that of more recent studies (Järvelin & Vakkari, 1990;
H. Chu, Q. Ke Library and Information Science Research 39 (2017) 284–294
Turcios et al., 2014). Some of her research methods were named after technique, IR experiment, was introduced in Tuomaala et al. (2014).
data collection techniques (e.g., content analysis, surveys on the public) Questionnaire and interview have been grouped as one category be-
whereas others were based on research target (e.g., descriptive biblio- cause both are considered to be synonymous with survey. The "not
graphy, information system design) and data analysis technique (e.g., applicable" category accounted for 43% of all the research publications
comparative studies). Peritz uniquely divided surveys into two cate- coded by Järvelin and Vakkari (1990) and 24% coded in Tuomaala
gories: surveys on the public and surveys or experiments on libraries et al. (2014).
and other settings. Unlike many researchers, Hildreth and Aytac (2007) did not set up
About a decade after the Peritz (1977), Feehan et al. (1987) pro- research methods as a variable in their study. Instead, they recorded the
duced another list of 11 research methods: bibliometrics, content ana- following data collection methods: bibliometric and citation analysis,
lysis, Delphi method, experimental, historical, observation and de- case study, computer log analysis, content analysis, Delphi study, ex-
scription, operations research, secondary analysis, survey, multiple, and periment, observation, semi-structured interview, survey interview,
other. Most of the research methods on the list were derived from data survey questionnaire, and others. Case study, as explained before,
collection techniques (e.g., bibliometrics, Delphi method), although concerns only the number of sampling units chosen and has no direct
operations research is more a technique for data analysis. Multiple relation to data collection method. The authors also specifically placed
methods became a separate category in similar studies before re- surveys into two categories: survey interview and survey questionnaire.
searchers began counting each research method individually (Chu, Semi-structured interview is listed as a data collection method separate
2015) or as primary and secondary (Palvia et al., 2003). Both Dimitroff from the survey interview, which might serve as a synonym for struc-
(1992) and Gore, Nordberg, Palmer, and Piorun (2009) adopted the tured interview in Hildreth and Aytac (2007).
same research methods taxonomy by Feehan et al. (1987) in examining Additional taxonomies of research methods can be found in other
research publications of health informatics. studies (Bernhard, 1993; Blake, 1994; Turcios et al., 2014; Williams &
As noted earlier, the study by Järvelin and Vakkari (1990) had a Winston, 2003). Usability was categorized as a research method in
significant impact on research of a similar nature, as their classification Turcios et al. (2014). Usability, like evaluation method in Järvelin and
scheme was adopted in Kumpulainen (1991), Hider and Pymm (2008), Vakkari's (1990), is simply a research objective; other techniques ought
and Tuomaala et al. (2014). Some components of the research method to be used for collecting data in usability studies.
taxonomy Järvelin and Vakkari (1990) developed can be observed in Rather than using research publications as source data, which ap-
other studies (Hildreth & Aytac, 2007) and their taxonomy is regularly pears to be the norm in the majority of related studies, Park (2004)
referenced in related publications. Table 1 displays the lists of research compared LIS curricula for research methods in Korean and U.S. uni-
strategy and data collection methods developed by Järvelin and versities, showing that action research, bibliometrics, case study,
Vakkari (1990). comparative study, content analysis, Delphi study, desk research or
According to Järvelin and Vakkari (1990), “research strategy is an literature review, ethnography, evaluative research, experiment, field
overall approach to the study within which the decisions concerning study, focus groups, historical method, information system design, in-
data collection and the type of analysis are made” (p. 399). In this terview, observation, and survey or questionnaire were covered in
context, research strategy seems to determine research method selec- those courses. This 17-item list of research methods is the longest one
tion. In Table 1, the empirical research strategy category bears a strong among all those reviewed. Some of the research methods, such as field
resemblance to the data collection methods shown at the right side of study and focus groups, did not appear in other studies, while case
the same table. However, the former comprises methods other than study, comparative study, evaluative research, and information system
data collection techniques. For example, case research method, more design were not categorized according to data collection technique. In
commonly known as case study, implies a small number of cases or addition, desk research or literature review is considered a step in the
sampling units, as opposed to a sizeable sample or an entire population, research process, rather than a technique for data collection.
are studied in the research. Any data collection technique can theore- Most studies fall into the realm of LIS, though information systems is
tically be selected for conducting a case study. Also in Table 1, eva- a related domain in which studies on research methods are published.
luation method refers to the research objective being used for evalua- Palvia et al. (2003) came up with 13 research methods used in man-
tion. Similarly, qualitative method indicates that data collected in a agement information systems research. Another method, content ana-
study are analyzed qualitatively. The results in Table 1 were obtained lysis, was added later to the list (Palvia et al., 2004). The taxonomy of
by applying multiple criteria to categorize research methods. 14 research methods, shown in the left column of Table 2, was applied
In the list of data collection methods in Table 1, one additional in Palvia, Pinjani, and Sibley (2007). Avison, Dwivedi, Fitzgerald, and
Table 1 Table 2
Research strategies and data collection methods in Järvelin and Vakkari (1990). Research methods categorized in two studies.
Research strategy Data collection method Palvia et al. (2007) Avison et al. (2008)
H. Chu, Q. Ke Library and Information Science Research 39 (2017) 284–294
Powell (2008) adapted this list of research methods in their study of social science disciplines. For example, ethnography, interview, and
information systems. The latter is displayed in the right column of historical method were commonly considered qualitative methods,
Table 2. while experiment and questionnaire were usually placed in the category
Case study, library research, literature analysis, and qualitative re- of quantitative methods. After reporting that research choosing ex-
search, from the list by Palvia et al. (2007), do not suggest any data periments and modeling as research methods was increasing, Blake
collection techniques and cannot be regarded as research methods. (1994) concluded that the assumption of equating quantitative methods
According to those authors' definitions, library research and literature and the scientific method should be re-examined. The author also in-
analysis are synonymous, although they were listed separately. Palvia dicated that “newer qualitative methods can play a significant role” in
and colleagues subdivided the category of experiment into field ex- LIS research (p. 38). Hider and Pymm (2008) observed in their study
periment and laboratory experiment in order to better reflect the that qualitative research, which was often conducted through inter-
characteristics of each method. A more suitable term for the secondary views, gained a modest rise. They further commented that “an increase
data category might be secondary analysis; data alone cannot be a in the use of more sophisticated qualitative research methods has been
technique for gathering data. balanced by the decrease in historical research and by an increase in
Although Avison et al. (2008) adapted their list of research methods experimentation” (p. 112). Interview and historical method in Hider
from Palvia et al. (2007), the modified list contained unique items that and Pymm's study were labeled as qualitative research methods. In a
represented either additional research methods, such as action re- more recent research project by Turcios et al. (2014), interview was
search, or research paradigm, such as grounded theory. The multi- again defined as a qualitative research method, based on the definition
method and others categories commonly appear in many research from Beck and Manuel (2008). Greifeneder (2014) likewise denoted
methods taxonomies. The former is a category for those studies that use that qualitative methods, including interviews, content analysis, ob-
more than one method, while the latter includes any method that does servation, and focus groups, still dominated information behavior re-
not fit into an existing category. In comparison with related studies in search.
LIS, research in information systems tends to choose conceptual mod- The present study conducts a content analysis of related research
eling or mathematical modeling as a method. Even though conceptual and documents from three major LIS journals published between 2001
or mathematical modeling is used more for data analysis, this method is and 2010 to explore the classification and naming of research methods
mostly absent from the field of LIS. adopted in LIS studies, with particular attention to finding out if it is
Collecting data from three journals spanning information systems suitable to categorize research methods as qualitative and quantitative.
and health informatics, Davies (2012) developed the following list of
data collection techniques: archive of e-mails, electronic medical re-
4. Data collection and analysis
cords (EMRs), experiments, focus groups, freely available data, inter-
views, logs of user activity, observation, questionnaires, secondary data
Research articles published between 2001 and 2010 were obtained
based on Eldredge (2004), Palvia et al. (2003) and other related re-
from Journal of Documentation (JDoc), Journal of the American Society for
search. This list is distinctive for its emphasis being placed solely on
Information Science & Technology1 (JASIS&T), and Library and Informa-
data collection techniques, along with some types of data sources, such
tion Science Research (LISR). Editorials, literature reviews, book reviews,
as archive of e-mails. All the data sources on the list (i.e., archive of e-
letters to the editor, and any other non-research articles were excluded
mails, EMRs, freely available data, and secondary data) could be used
in the data collection.
for content analysis, although that data collection technique was not
Journals were chosen as data sources for this study based on their
included on the list.
status as core research journals in LIS. They have also been selected by
Despite the different practices in categorizing research methods
previous studies on research methods (Fidel, 2008; Järvelin & Vakkari,
among the studies reviewed above, one theme clearly emerges: research
methods are usually categorized by data collection technique. Other
The data collection yielded 1981 research articles from the three
criteria, such as research objective and data analysis technique, may not
chosen journals, a number higher than that recorded in any related
be selected either individually or jointly for categorizing research
studies. Table 3 details the frequency distribution of research articles by
A coding schema of research methods used in LIS was developed
3.3. Quantitative or qualitative research methods?
(Table 4) after coding all the research articles from JDoc and LISR that
were selected for this study. The resulting schema was then revised by
In recent decades, a growing interest in qualitative research has
coding research methods reported in all the JASIS&T articles in two
developed in the scholarly world. However, qualitative research has not
time periods: 2001 to 2002 and 2009 to 2010. The grounded theory
been defined and a determination of whether research methods can be
approach (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) was used to create the coding
categorized as qualitative or quantitative has not been made. Fidel
schema; the schema development was grounded on data gathered from
(1993) conducted an extensive review of qualitative research on in-
the selected research articles rather than using any existing categor-
formation retrieval by summarizing its characteristics: open, holistic,
ization. The schema development and the coding process were inter-
flexible, noncontrolling, and case oriented. Fidel (1993) also de-
twined and iterative. The abstract and methodology section of each
termined that there was no agree-upon definition for the concept of
article were examined to see what data collection techniques were
qualitative research.
applied in the research reported. If necessary, other sections of the ar-
Researchers often categorize data analysis techniques as quantita-
ticle were consulted in the coding process. The identified data collec-
tive, qualitative, or other. Such categorizations can be found in Feehan
tion techniques were all recorded and eventually grouped into cate-
et al. (1987), Hildreth and Aytac (2007), Järvelin and Vakkari (1990),
gories that became individual research methods listed in the coding
as well as studies that were modeled after theirs. Generally speaking,
schema (Table 4). Further elaboration on the coding schema develop-
data analyses that involve statistics are labeled as quantitative, while
ment is provided in the next section.
those without statistical analysis are marked as either qualitative or
Coded results by two coders for a randomly selected sample of 30
non-quantitative (Gore et al., 2009).
articles, 10 from each of the three journals, were compared for
Previous studies frequently categorized research methods, com-
prising both data collection and analysis techniques, as qualitative or
quantitative. This tradition was well documented in Powell (1999) 1
ASIS&T changed its name from American Society for Information Science &
when he explored trends in the use of research methods in LIS and other Technology to Association for Information Science & Technology in 2012.
H. Chu, Q. Ke Library and Information Science Research 39 (2017) 284–294
H. Chu, Q. Ke Library and Information Science Research 39 (2017) 284–294
H. Chu, Q. Ke Library and Information Science Research 39 (2017) 284–294
adopted because of its flexibility in application. research strategy of conceptual analysis in their study, while Bernhard
(1993) enumerates theory development in her taxonomy of research
5.2.9. Observation methods. In the current study, in terms of usage frequency, theoretical
Observation is a method for gathering data via carefully and at- approach is the top used research method in JDoc, the fourth in LISR,
tentively watching and making notes on the subject being studied. All and the fifth in JASIS&T.
five senses of the observer need to be used in data collection (Baker, Theoretical approach is somewhat similar to content analysis,
2006). Observation can be made in a lab or in the field. Common especially latent content analysis. The distinctive feature of this ap-
subcategories of observation include obtrusive or unobtrusive and proach lies in its focus on “theoretical” in that researchers perform
participant or nonparticipant. Observation as a stand-alone method is conceptual or theoretical analysis according to existing theories,
not regularly employed, totaling 89 times of usage in the 1981 research models, and the like. In some studies that adopt the theoretical ap-
articles examined in this study. proach, the ultimate objective is to develop a theory or model in a re-
As noted earlier, observation is often performed as part of meta- spective domain. Notably, the theoretical approach is not considered a
methods, such as experiment and field study. In the case of classic ex- review because the latter only does evaluation without any further
periments, observation is a must-have technique for collecting behavior conceptual analysis, modeling, or theory building.
data before and after the treatment is administered. In order to obtain
data for comparing the before-after and old-new differences, some form 5.2.13. Think aloud protocol
of observation is necessary in non-classic experiments. Ethnography Think aloud protocol is a research method intended to collect data
and field study often use observation as one of multiple data collection about participants' cognitive activities via the verbal reports of their
techniques. Consequently, observation is often discussed in the context thoughts, called think alouds, while taking part in an experiment or
of ethnography and field study (Baker, 2006; Fox, 1998; Spradley, performing some task (Ericsson & Simon, 1980). This method origi-
1980). In addition, observation is also used when applying such data nated in cognitive psychology, but has been adopted in recent decades
collection techniques as interview and focus groups, though observa- for research in LIS, especially in information seeking. Like the Delphi
tion would not be explicitly specified as a separate method in those method, think aloud protocol cannot be used alone. It is instead con-
studies. For example, the interviewer would closely observe any non- tingent on experiments of certain kinds. This method is used a total of
verbal language of the interviewee during the interview process. 43 times for data collection in the three journals.
H. Chu, Q. Ke Library and Information Science Research 39 (2017) 284–294
Table 6 data collection technique a case study may use. When using a case
Frequency distribution of other research methods. study, a researcher can choose any method that suits the study's
Research method Frequency
Grounded theory: According to Bawden (2012), “grounded theory
Action research 2 is, notoriously, not a research method in itself, but rather a general
Card sorting 4 strategy” (p. 156). Grounded theory refers to a study being con-
Drawing 2
ducted without adopting an existing framework or theory, with the
Information horizon 1
Photo survey 1 intention being to ground the study's work on the data being col-
lected and analyzed. Typically, the appropriate methods for a given
study are determined by the problem it explores, but not if the study
uses the grounded theory approach. The grounded theory approach
5.2.16. Other methods does not suggest any particular research method or data collection
In addition to the 15 research methods described above, there are technique for a study.
five data collection techniques reported in 10 of the 1373 JASIS&T • Library research: Also known as desk research, library research re-
research articles this study examines. Because of their low usage fre- fers to a step or component, namely literature search, in the research
quencies (Table 6), these methods are merged into one category called process. Library research itself does not imply any research method
other methods. or data collection technique. In all studies, researchers are expected
to conduct a literature search in order to learn more about the
• Action research can be considered similar to ethnography or field history of their chosen research topic.
study in that it also uses multiple data collection techniques in a real • Longitudinal study: This refers to research where temporal coverage
setting. Nevertheless, action research always intends to solve an expands over a period of time. Its counterpart is the cross-sectional
immediate problem or to produce guidelines for best practice. It study. The longitudinal study deals solely with the temporal scope
relies on techniques for collecting data that would actuate changes or coverage of a study and provides no natural linkage to any re-
or actions in the target setting or environment. Such techniques search method. A longitudinal study can employ any technique for
include participant observation, interview, and focus groups (Berg, data collection.
2009, p. 258).
• Card sorting is a technique for collecting data by asking participants In sum, data collection technique might be the only plausible cri-
to put cards of assorted entities (e.g., concepts, website headings) terion for naming and categorizing research methods. Other criteria are
into groups. Through this technique, the researcher can gather data appropriate for categorizing research strategies or paradigms (e.g.,
about how participants categorize the given entities. grounded theory), research processes (e.g., library research), research
• Drawing, as a data collection technique, asks participants to sketch types (e.g., sampling size, temporal scope), or data analysis techniques
what they see, feel, think, and do. This technique is often used in (e.g., quantitative, qualitative). For this reason, multiple methods are
conjunction with other research methods to help the researcher not selected as a type of research method in this study.
gather visual data.
• Information horizon, a technique used mainly in information 6. Discussion
seeking behavior research, aims to gather data from participants
about their usage and ranking of individual information resources Two distinctive themes emerge from this study. One theme is that
(e.g., colleagues, friends, Internet, library, personal collection). Each data collection technique might be the most appropriate criterion for
participant first draws a large circle as the information horizon and naming and categorizing research methods. The other theme demon-
then places small circles on the large one, each representing one strates that research method cannot be labeled as purely qualitative or
information source used in information seeking. Finally, the parti- quantitative.
cipant ranks those resources to indicate their preferences for each.
• The photo survey technique serves as the researcher's visual note- 6.1. Naming and categorizing research methods by data collection technique
book during data collection. Photo survey researchers use a camera
to photographically record the scenes and surroundings of their In many studies, multiple criteria have been applied for developing
study targets. The photo survey is always supplemented by ob- a list or taxonomy of research methods. The current study proposes that
servation and other techniques to make up the complete research data collection technique might be the most appropriate criterion for
methodology. naming and categorizing research methods.
First, categorizing research methods or developing a taxonomy for
There are more research methods, such as eye tracking, than pre- them is basically an exercise of classification and should thus follow the
sented above. As this study is grounded on the data gathered from the established principles that guide all such efforts: of being collectively
three LIS journals, any research method not reported in the 1981 exhaustive and mutually exclusive. This means that a single criterion
publications is not considered. should be employed in the categorization of research methods. If re-
search methods were categorized according to more than one criterion,
5.3. What a research method is not the end results would be neither mutually exclusive nor collectively
exhaustive. Quite a few such examples were reviewed earlier in this
As demonstrated in Table 4 and according to all the findings re- study.
ported so far, the following may not be considered research methods for Second, determining what could be chosen as the criterion for ca-
this study's rationale: tegorizing research methods varies among studies. Some studies select
criteria other than the data collection technique for categorization.
• Case study: Although some prior publications list case study as a Research methods comprise data collection techniques and data ana-
research method, this study finds that case study only implies a lysis techniques. Any criterion that is not part of research methods
small number of cases or sampling units, typically one or several, as would not be a proper criterion for categorization purpose. It is also
opposed to a sizeable sample or the entire population, are studied in unsuitable to select data analysis technique as a criterion for categor-
the research. There is no indication about which research method or izing research methods for reasons given below.
H. Chu, Q. Ke Library and Information Science Research 39 (2017) 284–294
Third, except in the cases of content analysis and theoretical ap- another method. Such cases only account for a small percentage of all
proach, data must be first collected before being analyzed.2 The type of the research publications considered. Many articles included in this
data collected dictates the kind of technique used for analysis purpose. study reported the use of multiple methods. This reinforces the need to
This sequence indicates why data collection technique, rather than data use data analysis technique as a classification principle.
analysis technique, is the most appropriate criterion for categorizing
research methods. 6.3. Applicability of research methods
This is true in the cases of content analysis and theoretical approach because data It might be useful to further break down the experiment category
analysis is an integral part of the data collection process for both methods. When content into classic and non-classic because most experiments in LIS research fit
analysis or theoretical approach is chosen for collecting data, analysis has to be performed
into the latter. Also, altmetrics might be listed as a separate method in
in order to undertake the data collection task. Even though it is still legitimate to indicate
that data collection technique is the criterion used for naming and categorizing content
future coding schema of research methods as more studies adopt this
analysis and theoretical approach as research methods, the data analysis technique em- method in response to the emergence and rapid growth of social media
ployed for collecting data is inseparable from the data collection technique in either case. and other similar platforms. Finally, the coding schema of research
H. Chu, Q. Ke Library and Information Science Research 39 (2017) 284–294
Table 7
Frequency and order of research methods in the data set.
Method Freq (1st + 2nd + …) Method Freq (1st + 2nd + …) Method Freq (1st + 2nd + …)
Experiment 482 (418 + 45 + 15 + 4) Theoretical approach 141 (133 + 8) Content analysis 73 (61 + 10 + 1 + 0 + 1)
Bibliometrics 270 (258 + 11 + 0 + 1) Content analysis 52 (37 + 14 + 0 + 1) Questionnaire 68 (64 + 3 + 1)
Questionnaire 247 (139 + 78 + 16 + 14) Questionnaire 51 (38 + 10 + 3) Interview 48 (26 + 16 + 4 + 2)
Content analysis 215 (149 + 34 + 18 + 14) Experiment 49 (45 + 2 + 2) Experiment 21 (14 + 4 + 3)
Theoretical approach 195 (191 + 4) Interview 49 (35 + 9 + 5) Observation 15 (6 + 6 + 3)
Interview 145 (51 + 51 + 30 + 13) Bibliometrics 31 (29 + 2) Bibliometrics 14 (13 + 1)
Transaction log analysis 86 (45 + 15 + 17 + 9) Transaction log analysis 18 (14 + 2 + 2) Transaction log analysis 9 (8 + 1)
Observation 63 (15 + 26 + 17 + 5) Theoretical approach 141 (133 + 8) Focus groups 9 (5 + 3 + 0 + 1)
Webometrics 57 (46 + 10 + 1) Observation 11 (6 + 4 + 1) Webometrics 6
Think aloud protocol 35 (3 + 14 + 11 + 7) Webometrics 9 (8 + 1) Think aloud protocol 3 (0 + 1 + 2)
Focus groups 29 (7 + 8 + 10 + 4) Historical method 7 (6 + 1) Ethnography 2
Ethnography 16 (13 + 1 + 0 + 2) Focus groups 6 (4 + 2) Historical method 2
Research diary 13 (6 + 6 + 1) Research diary 5 (1 + 3 + 0 + 1) Delphi study 2 (1 + 0 + 0 + 1)
Delphi study 9 (6 + 1 + 0 + 2) Think aloud protocol 5 (0 + 4 + 1) Research diary 2 (0 + 2)
Historical method 8 Ethnography 3
Card sorting 4 (3 + 0 + 1)
Drawing 2 (0 + 1 + 1)
Action research 2 (0 + 0 + 2)
Information horizon 1 (0 + 1)
Photo survey 1 (0 + 1)
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Kim, Y. H., & Kim, H. H. (2008). Development and validation of evaluation indicators for
a consortium of institutional repositories: A case study of dCollection. Journal of the Heting Chu is a professor in the Palmer School of Library and Information Science at
American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59, 1282–1294. Long Island University, New York. She obtained her PhD degree in information studies
Krippendorff, K. (2004). Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology (2nd ed). from Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1991. Her teaching and research
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. interests include the use of information technology in library and information science,
Kumpulainen, K. (1991). Library and information science research in 1975. Libri, 41(1), especially in the areas of information representation and retrieval, library and informa-
59–76. tion science education, research methods, and scientific communication. Dr. Chu has
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academic library research. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 41, 123–129. Journal of Documentation, Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, Journal
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Ngulube, P. (2015). Trends in research methodological procedures used in knowledge Science Research. Her book Information Representation and Retrieval in the Digital Age (2nd
management studies. African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, ed., Information Today, 2010) has been translated into Chinese, Korean, and Arabic, and
25(2), 125–143. was also published in India. She is working on a book manuscript titled Research Methods
Palvia, P., Leary, D., Mao, E., Midha, V., Pinjani, P., & Salam, A. F. (2004). Research and Design: An Interdisciplinary Approach.
methodologies in MIS: An update. Communications of the Association for Information
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Palvia, P., Mao, E., Salam, A. F., & Soliman, K. S. (2003). Management information sys- Qing Ke is a professor in the School of Information Management at Nanjing University,
tems research: What's there in a methodology. Communications of the Association for China. She holds a PhD in information management from Nanjing University and a
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research concerns research methods, information behavior, and human computer inter-
research published in the information and management. Information Management,
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