Reflective Model (3) - 1

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• (Group Assignment) Proposal (20%) due: 8th feb

• (Group Assignment) Impact Report (30%) due 15 April

• (Individual Assignment) Reflective Journal (20%) due 8 April

• (Group Assignment) Poster Presentation (20%) + Participation

(10%) due 8 April
Impact Report
1. Introduction
a. What’s the problem that you are trying to tackle? This is your chance to tell potential donors why what you do is
important—tell them about the context in which you work, and the needs of your beneficiaries. You need to make sure
your donors understand the problem you’re addressing and the impact it has on people’s lives, so they appreciate why
you need their help.
2. Objectives
a. State the objective of your project.
3. Method
a. What did you do to address the issue? Explain your activities clearly—what you do day-to-day to try to overcome the
problem you explained in question one.
4. Results
a. How do we know what you are achieving? You need to provide clear evidence to support claims about your outcomes.
By evidence, we don’t just mean complex measurement tools and randomised control trials.
b. Think about what the right level of evidence for you is. Collecting a lot of unnecessary evidence is a waste of your time.
Just because something is easy to measure doesn’t mean it will tell you anything useful about your impact.
5. Analysis and Discussion
a. How are you learning and improving?
b. Talk about the challenges you’ve faced, the problems you’ve overcome and what you’ve learned from them as an
organisation. Many charities are currently missing an opportunity in their reporting to explain how they have confronted
challenges and changed their methods to become more effective as a result. Don’t be afraid to talk about your failures—
as long as you can show what you’ve learnt from them.
How Do I Make Sense Of The Experience?
When do you usually do
Designed to help you think deeply about your learning, especially on
issues such as: your progress in learning, the difficulties you
encountered, the strategies you have taken to get around those
difficulties, and your evaluation of your own performance.
Why do we need Reflection?
• For your development as a successful and independent learner by:
• Seeing your strength and weakness as a learner
• Finding out the methods of learning which suit your own learning style
• Gain a clearer picture of your learning progress
• Notice how you can improve your learning in the future

• For education, writing a reflective learning journal helps you:

• bring together theory and practice,
• yield better understanding of the course material
Reflective Model
Three Lens Model
Lenses that can be used to focus reflection are:

Mirror Microscope Binoculars

• Reflection about oneself as an
individual and as part of a team
• Yourself, your values.
• Pre-experience: What might you learn about
yourself by participating in this service project?
What challenges and opportunities does this
project offer us as a team?
• Post-experience: What did you learn about
yourself by participating in this service project?
What did you learn about working together as a
• Reflection about the service project
itself and its value to the agency and
community members
• Reflect on events that occurred, your role in
them, and their impact.
• Pre-experience: What do you know about the
agency and the community issues/needs it
• Post-experience: What did you learn about the
agency? What do they contribute to the
community? What assets do they have? What
needs/challenges do they have
• Reflection about opportunities for
student development and for
consideration of social/global issues
• Expand your vision and understanding of
causes, effects, and social impacts, and help
you envision future developments.
• Pre-experience: How can involvement in
service learning projects contribute to student
development and learning?
• Post experience: What is the relationship
between local action and global problems?
Three Lens Model
Lenses that can be used to focus reflection are:

Mirror Microscope Binoculars

STARR Method of Reflection
Situation, Task, Action, Result, Reflection
What is it?
• S: what was the Situation?
• T: what was the Task?
• A: what Actions have you taken?
• R: what was the Result?
• R: what have you learned through Reflection?

Situation Task
• When did the situation take place? • What was your role in the situation?
• What exactly did you want to achieve?
• Who were involved in the situation?
• What was expected of you? And what was expected
• What exactly was going on? of the others?
• What did you expect from yourself in that
• Where did the situation take place? situation?
• What was the environment like? • Did you have specific tasks?
• Where were you during the situation? • What was the further division of roles?
• How did you feel about that division of roles?
• How many people were present?
• Who did you work with directly? With whom
• What was the reason for the situation? indirectly?
• How did you perform the tasks?
• What did you think of your range of duties?
• Who was ultimately responsible?

Action Result
• How did you approach it and why? • Has your approach worked? And
• What actions and steps did you take and why or why not?
• What did you say and how did it relate to
• How did the situation turn out in
what you did? the end?
• Have you carried out your actual • What was your part in the end
approach? result?
• Was there disappointment in your
performance? • Was your task completed
• How did you deal with that? successfully?
• Have you tried to improve the situation? • What part did you have in the
• How did you improve the situation? success or failure of the task?
• What have you learned from it?
• How do you think you did in this situation?
• Are you satisfied with the result?
• What is the core of what you have learned?
• What would you do differently next time?
• Can you also apply what you have learned in other situations?
• How did others react to your actions?
• Do you think you did the right thing?
• How did you feel about the end result? Are you proud of it?
• What else can you add when it comes to your own actions?
Gibb’s Model of Reflection
Gibb’s Model of Reflection

Action Plan Feeling

Conclusion Evaluation

Here you have a chance to describe the situation in detail. The main
points to include here concern what happened. Your feelings and
conclusions will come later.
• What happened?
• When and where did it happen?
• Who was present?
• What did you and the other people do?
• What was the outcome of the situation?
• Why were you there?
• What did you want to happen?
Here you can explore any feelings or thoughts that you had during
the experience and how they may have impacted the experience.
• What were you feeling during the situation?
• What were you feeling before and after the situation?
• What do you think other people were feeling about the situation?
• What do you think other people feel about the situation now?
• What were you thinking during the situation?
• What do you think about the situation now?
Here you have a chance to evaluate what worked and what didn’t
work in the situation. Try to be as objective and honest as possible.
To get the most out of your reflection focus on both the positive and
the negative aspects of the situation, even if it was primarily one or
the other.
• What was good and bad about the experience?
• What went well?
• What didn’t go so well?
• What did you and other people contribute to the situation
(positively or negatively)?
The analysis step is where you have a chance to make sense of what
happened. Up until now you have focused on details around what happened
in the situation. Now you have a chance to extract meaning from it. You want
to target the different aspects that went well or poorly and ask yourself why.
If you are looking to include academic literature, this is the natural place to
include it.
• Why did things go well?
• Why didn’t it go well?
• What sense can I make of the situation?
• What knowledge – my own or others (for example academic
literature) can help me understand the situation?
In this section you can make conclusions about what happened. This
is where you summarize your learning and highlight what changes
to your actions could improve the outcome in the future. It should be
a natural response to the previous sections.
• What did I learn from this situation?
• How could this have been a more positive situation for everyone
• What skills do I need to develop for me to handle a situation like this
• What else could I have done?
Action Plan
At this step you plan for what you would do differently in a similar or
related situation in the future. It can also be extremely helpful to think
about how you will help yourself to act differently – such that you
don’t only plan what you will do differently, but also how you will
make sure it happens. Sometimes just the realization is enough, but
other times reminders might be helpful.
• If I had to do the same thing again, what would I do differently?
• How will I develop the required skills I need?
• How can I make sure that I can act differently next time?
Common issues with reflection
• Most student stops at describing feelings of service hours
• No analysis/evaluation of experience or of the issue
Benefit of Service Learning
• Personal Outcomes
• Greater sense of personal efficacy, personal identity, spiritual growth, and moral development.
• Greater interpersonal development, particularly the ability to work well with others, and build
leadership and communication skills
• Social Outcomes
• Reduced stereotypes and greater inter-cultural understanding
• Improved social responsibility and citizenship skills
• Greater involvement in community service after graduation
• Career Development
• Connections with professionals and community members for learning and career opportunities
• Greater academic learning, leadership skills, and personal efficacy can lead to greater
Reflection is an interpretation of
how you view it and why did you
view it that way.

o Poster title and author information (Names & student ID)

o Introduction
 Brief explanation of the social issue that you have selected.
o Methodology
 Itinerary of your volunteering/project
o Results/major findings
 What did you achieve?
 Pictures
o Conclusion
Participation in Project: Peer evaluation

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