A Healthy Diet For Everyone

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A Healthy Diet For Everyone

Prereading Preparation
• Look at the photographs. Describe the two meals. Which meal do you think is
healthier? Why?
• What food do you think is healthy? What food is not? 3 Why is it important to
have a healthy diet
1 Everyone knows that we must eat food in order to live.
What information follows in order to?
1. The reason 2. The decision 3. The cause

2 Sometimes people are confused about what type of food is

healthy, and what kind of food can be harmful for our health. a. In
these sentences, which word is a synonym for kind?
b. What does confused mean?
1. Mixed up 2. Clear 3. Unhappy c.
What does harmful mean?
1. B ad 2. Good 3. Easy
People are also eating more meat and dairy products in other countries such as
Cuba, Mauritius, and Hungary. Not surprisingly, the disease rate in these
countries is increasing along with the change in diet. Consequently, doctors
everywhere advise people to eat more grains, fruit, and vegetables, and less meat
and fewer dairy products.
What does such as mean?
1. For example 2. Instead of 3. Except in
What information follows not surprisingly?
1. Information that is hard to believe 2. Information that is not true 3. Information
that is easy to believe
What does consequently mean?
1. In addition 2. As a result 3. In fact
The USDA suggested how much of each food group was healthy to
eat daily.
What does suggest mean?
1. To offer 2. to decide 3.to organize
Doctors believe that fruit and vegetables can actually prevent many diff erent
What does prevent mean?
2. To keep from happening 2. To make happen

Unfortunately, when Japanese people move to the United States, the

rate of heart disease and cancer increases as their diet changes.
What follows unfortunately?
1. Something lucky 2. Something bad 3. Something false
Americans eat a lot of meat and only a small amount of grains, fruit,
and vegetables. In Japan, in contrast, people eat large amounts of
grains and very little meat. The Japanese also have a very low rate of
cancer and heart disease. In fact, the Japanese live longer than
anyone else in the world.
What information follows in contrast?
1. A similar idea 2. An opposite idea 3. The same idea
What information follows in fact?
1. More information about the same idea
2. Contrasting information about the same idea
3. Surprising information about the same idea
Vocabulary in Context
confuse (v.) /in order to / suggest (v.)/ in contrast / not surprisingly (adv.)
unfortunately (adv.)/ in fact / prevent (v.)
• Read the following sentences. Complete each blank space with the correct word
or phrase from the list above. Use each word or phrase only once.
1 Leon eats fresh fruit and vegetables daily. His brother Sam eats cake and cookies
every day.-------- , Leon is healthier than Sam.
2 Viola wanted to go swimming at the beach yesterday. ------, it rained all day, so
she stayed home.
3 Michael and his brother, Tom, look very diff erent. Michael is short and has light
hair.----------- , Tom is tall and has dark hair
4 When Harry and Bill do dangerous work, they ------injury by being
especially careful.
5 Jane loves to read books.------------ , she reads about 100 books a
6 If you want to get up at 4:00 A.M. to go fishing, -----------I that you go
to bed before 8:00 P.M.
7 ---------lose weight, you need to exercise more and eat less.
8 Leigh’s directions always me. When she gives me directions,
------------I usually get lost
A Healthy Diet for Everyone
Everyone knows that we must eat food in order to live. However, sometimes,
people are confused about what type of food is healthy, and what kind of food can
be harmful to our health. The USDA1 has prepared a food guide to help people
learn about which types of food are the healthiest to eat. The food guide describes
six basic food groups: meat (beef, fi sh, chicken, etc.), dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese,
etc.), grains (bread, cereal, rice, etc.), fruit, and vegetables. The last group is fats,
oil, and sweets. The USDA also suggests how much of each food group is healthy to
eat daily. Although this guide was prepared by the U.S. government, it is very
useful for people all over the world.
1The United States Department of Agriculture. The USDA’s responsibility is to control the quality of food in the
As a result of years of research, we know that too much animal fat is bad for
our health. For example, Americans eat a lot of meat and only a small amount
of grains, fruit, and vegetables. Because of their diet, they have a high rate of
cancer and heart disease. In Japan, in contrast, people eat large amounts of
grains and very little meat. The Japanese also have a very low rate of cancer
and heart disease. In fact, the Japanese live longer than almost anyone else in
the world. Unfortunately, when Japanese people move to the United States,
the rate of heart disease and cancer increases as their diet changes. Moreover,
as hamburgers, ice cream, and other high-fat foods become popular in Japan,
the rate of heart disease and cancer is increasing there as well. People are also
eating more meat and dairy products in other countries, such as Cuba,
Mauritius, and Hungary. Not surprisingly, the disease rate in these countries is
increasing along with the change in diet. Consequently, doctors everywhere
advise people to eat more grains, fruit, and vegetables, and eat less meat and
fewer dairy products. A healthy diet is important for children as well as
adults. When adults have poor eating habits, their children usually do, too.
After all, children eat the same way as their parents. When parents eat healthy
food, the children will learn to enjoy it, too. Then they will develop good
eating habits. Doctors advise parents to give their children healthier snacks
such as fruit, vegetables, and juice. Everyone wants to live a long, healthy life.
We know that the food we eat affects us in different ways. For instance,
doctors believe that fruit and vegetables can actually prevent many different
diseases. On the other hand, animal fat can cause disease. We can improve our
diet now and enjoy many years of healthy living
Fact-Finding Exercise
• Read the passage once. Then read the following statements. Check whether they
are True or False. If a statement is false, rewrite the statement so that it is true.
Then go back to the passage and fi nd the line that supports your answer.
1 True False---- There are six basic food groups.
2 True False----- People can choose food from each group every day.
3 True False---- Most Americans eat a lot of meat.
4 True False ---- Most Japanese eat very few grains.
5 True False----- There is a high rate of cancer and heart dis ease in Japan.
6 True False ----Doctors think it is a good idea for people to
eat less meat.
7 True False---- It is not important for children to have a
healthy diet.
8 True False -----Children usually eat diff erently than
their parents.
9 True False---- Doctors believe that fruit and vegetables
cause diff erent diseases.
Skimming and Scanning Exercise
PART 1 Skim through the passage. Then read the following
statements. Choose the one that is the correct main idea of the
a. The kind of diet we have can cause or prevent diseases.
b. Doctors advise people to eat more fruit, vegetables, and grains.
c. Eating meat causes cancer and heart disease.
Think About It
Read the following questions and think about the answers.
Write your answer below each question. Then compare
your answers with those of your classmates.
1 Why did the USDA prepare a food guide for Americans?

2 Why are fats, oils, and sweets grouped together?

3 Why do Japanese people change their diet when they

move to the United States?
Thanks for
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