Materials Handling Power Presentation0001

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• Robotic material handling and tending systems are commonplace in the
industrial sector.
• Material handling refers to robotic arms moving production parts,
typically on or off a conveyor belt or to hold a part in place for production.
• Machine tending is similar, but more specific, referring to a robotic arm to
load and unload a stationary production machine.
• Both robotic material handling and machine tending systems are in high
demand as they reliably deliver productivity gains in a wide range of
The benefits of robotic material handling and machine tending systems

 Much of the benefits of these systems comes from drastically increased

uptime. Manual material handling and tending is slow, inconsistent and
less productive. Robots can work around the clock, besides small
periods of downtime for maintenance, with high levels of consistency.
 In addition to increased uptime, robots are typically much faster than
manual processes. Decreasing the cycle time of a production part
impacts productivity in a positive way. The benefit of shorter cycle
times compounds over time and are extremely valuable to
 Robotic material handling and tending produce real results
The benefits of robotic material handling
and machine tending systems
• In theory and in practice, robotic material handling and tending solutions deliver major
productivity gains. Recently, an agricultural manufacturer was experiencing production
bottlenecks for pinion gear drive train components. They needed an automation
solution to replace manual loading/unloading for lathe and part washing processes.
• After a robotic material handling and tending system was designed and installed, the
manufacturer was able to cut cycle time to under 60 seconds per part for 16 different
parts while maintaining high levels of uptime. The robotic material handling and
tending system had a transformative impact on their operations.
• Robotic material handling and tending systems offer many benefits for manufacturers.
When designed and implemented properly, they can overcome costly pain points in
production, just as in the example above.
There’s more to the story, however, in the example of the agricultural manufacturer
achieving exceptional cycle times and uptime. To understand how robotic automation
improved their entire production process, read the whole robotic material handling and
tending case study.
• Materials handling at the workplace may be defined as the handling of
materials after it has been delivered for use at the workplace and
before it is again picked up by some conventional handling process
and equipment, to be removed to the next operation.
• Materials handling at the workplace has long been neglected, possibly
because they appeared to be a minor part of the overall system and
does not always involve large or expensive materials handling
equipment. However, studies have proved beyond any doubt that in
most of the manufacturing operations, the handling of individual jobs
take more time than that for processing the jobs.
Various activities at the workplace

• The various activities at the workplace may be grouped under following

different phases:
Preparatory: Handling of materials adjacent to the workplace consists of
Bringing materials closer to or onto the workplace or machine.
Unwrapping, unpacking, untangling, cleaning materials.
Sorting or separating materials, re-arranging, restacking etc.

Feeding: Placing or directing materials closer to work place or point of-use.

Positioning: Orienting materials in exact location, placing into fixture, jig or
Various activities at the workplace cont’d
Manipulating: Handling of materials during actual manufacturing operation.
Removing: Taking material out of workplace consisting of
 Taking out of jig, fixture etc.
 Keeping it at a position for moving to next workplace.
Transporting: Moving materials out of the workplace to the next workplace.
This is generally traditional/conventional materials handling.
The materials handling at workplace is not only monotonous, fatiguing but
involves personal safety of the operators. Moreover, time that can be saved
from this handling time, directly increases productivity of the manufacturing
process. It is in this context industrial robots have been increasingly used in
materials handling at the workplace.
Robots and their classification
• Robotic Institute of America (RIA) has defined a robot as: ‘‘A robot is a
reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material,
parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions
for the performance of a variety of task’s’’
 Spot welding: robots perform spot welding very accurately, with recurring
operations and are widely used in the automotive industry. They can extend
to places and positions which normally would be difficult for humans.
 Loading and unloading: robots are extensively being utilized for the
loading and unloading of machine parts in industries thus substituting
human labor and other mechanical methods. Robots possess the benefit of
duplicating the designed tasks, performing accurately and being
compatible with the nearby environment.
Uses of robots in material handling
 Arc welding: The surroundings of arc welding are unsafe for the fitness of
human beings, and achievement of quality welds is difficult by manual
operations. Therefore, since smooth movements provide superior welds, the use
of robots for such operations is growing very rapidly. Utilization of industrial
robots for arc welding is economical, and the welds are of an excellent quality.
 Repetitive work cycle: A second characteristic that tends to promote the use of
robotics is a repetitive work cycle. If the sequence of elements in the cycle is the
same, and the elements consist of relatively simple motions, a robot is usually
capable of performing the work cycle with greater consistency and repeatability
than a human worker. Greater consistency and repeatability are usually
manifested a higher product quality than can he achieved in a manual operation
 Investment Casting: Investment casting requires duplication, accuracy, and uniformity in
production, all of which can be achieved with employment of industrial robots.
Uses of robots in material handling
 Painting: It is a difficult and unhealthy operation, where hazardous fumes are released
that are extremely dangerous for human beings, and in which a danger of explosion
exists in the areas of operation. Furthermore, manual painting results are not consistent
due to unpredictable speed of movement of the components involved in this process.
 Integration of Parts: The integration of parts in various sub systems of production is
an important application where robots can function more efficiently and with extra
speed, thus assisting in the increase of production rate. Presently, robots are being used
for tightening of bolts and nuts, placing of components in circuit boards, and a variety
of other similar tasks. Logic devices are used for identification and rectification of
defects or inconsistencies
 Hazardous work environment for humans: When the work environment is unsafe,
unhealthful, hazardous, uncomfortable, or otherwise unpleasant for humans, there is
reason to consider an industrial robot for the work.
Major components of a robot

• Four common components of a robot are:

• The manipulator: The manipulator is the body of a robot, made of a collection of mechanical
linkages connected at joints to form an open-loop kinematic chain. The manipulator is capable of
movement in various directions and does the work of the robot. It can conveniently be compared
with the arm of a human. At the joint, the individual link can either rotate (revolute joint) or
make translatory motion (prismatic joint) by means of electric motors (servo or stepper) and
hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders.
• Through a combination of motions of the joint, the manipulator can achieve different desired
positioning and orientation. A manipulator can have many joints up to 8, and a robot manipulator
with six joints (six degrees of freedom) is considered quite versatile for most the robot tasks.
• A manipulator generally has three structural elements: the arm, the wrist and the hand (end
effector). The end effector is individually designed to grip individual tools or jobs, and simulates
palm of a human arm.
Major components of a robot
• Sensory devices: These elements inform the robot controller about
status of the manipulator. These sensors may be;
(i)Non visual
• Nonvisual sensors provide information about position, velocity, force
etc. Connected with manipulator motion. The visual sensors are used
for tracking an object, its recognition and grasping. These are
comparable to senses like kinesis, touch, vision etc.
Major components of a robot
• The controller: Robot controllers generally perform three function
which are:
 Initiation and termination of motion of different joints at desired
sequence and specific points.
 Storage of positional and sequence data in memory.
 Interfacing the robot with outside world through the sensors.
Generally, a microcomputer or minicomputer acts as the robot
controller, and acts as the brain of the robot.
Major components of a robot
• The power conversion unit: This component provides necessary
power for movement of the manipulator for doing work. It can be
electrical power source with amplifiers to feed servo motors or
compressor or hydraulic power pack.
• With proper programming of the robot controller, the manipulator can
be made to undergo a desired sequence of motions of linkages of the
manipulator, repeatedly and accurately and thus make the robot to
perform its desired task. Another advantage of a robot is that by
changing the programme, the manipulator can instantly change from
one set of task to another, thus making it a flexible and versatile
Classification of robotic manipulators

• Manipulators are generally classified in two ways, one based on mechanical

configuration and the other based on method of controlling individual joints.
• Classification by configuration (coordinate system)
Cylindrical coordinate robots: When a horizontal arm (boom) is mounted on a
vertical column which is mounted on a rotating base. The projected length of
arm is adjustable. The workspace of the arm tip is a hollow cylindrical space
as shown
Spherical coordinate robots: A manipulator resembling a tank turret, is called
a spherical coordinate device. The workspace is frustrum of a hollow sphere.
Classification of robotic manipulators

• Fig 1 Shows Robots with their workspaces, (a) cylindrical, (b)

Classification of robotic manipulators

• Cartesian coordinate robots: This is a robot which can have

independent translatory motion in three Cartesian coordinates. The
wrist and end effector may have additional rotational motions. This
robot may be a cantilevered type or a gantry style.
Classification of robotic manipulators
• Jointed arm (also called articulated) robots: There are three distinct types of
jointed arm robots:
 pure spherical,
 parallelogram jointed
 jointed cylindrical.

• Pure spherical: This is the most common of the jointed configuration. All
the links are pivoted and hence can move in a rotary manner. It consists of a
jointed arm consisting of upper portion and lower portion (forearm). Forearm
is connected to a base. The base can also rotate. The major advantage of this
design is that it is possible to reach close to the base of the robot over any
obstacle within its workspace. The workspace (or work envelope) is
approximately spherical. Puma (made by Unimation, Inc.), Cincinnati
Milacron T3, Fanuc Japan are having this configuration.
Classification of robotic manipulators
• Fig 3 shows Pure spherical robot Fanuc six axis robot with controller at
Mechanical Engineering Department, NITTTR, Kolkata
Classification of robotic manipulators

• Parallelogram jointed: Here the single rigid upper arm is replaced by

a multiple closedlinkage parallelogram arrangement, actuated by a
hydraulic cylinder. This robot can carry larger load than a pure
spherical one, but has limited workspace. Robots of this type are made
by ASEA, Hitachi, Cincinnati Milacron, Toshiba etc
• Jointed cylindrical: In this configuration, the single arm of a
cylindrical coordinate robot is replaced by an articulated open
kinematic chain. These robots are precise and fast working but have a
limited vertical reach. This configuration robot is made by Hirata,
Reis, GCA and United States Robots.
Classification of robotic manipulators
• Fig 4 Shows Parallelogram jointed robot and its workspace
(dimensions in mm, not to scale)
Robot applications.

• Material handling by robots are of two categories;

1. Material transfer
2. Machine loading and unloading.
• Both these two categories are applicable to different phases of work place handling like
feeding, positioning, manipulating and removing.
i. Material transfer: The task of moving a part from one location to another within the
is one of the common applications for robots (pick-and-place operations). A slightly
more complex operation of the same category is palletisation or depalletization. Robot
deposits to or takes from a new position and height of the pallet in each subsequent
operation. After the pallet/box is filled up or emptied, the same may be moved by the
same or by a larger robot.
Robot applications.

i. Machine loading and/or unloading: Robot centred machine cell is most

common example of this category of application. The work cell consists of one
or more production machines, the robot and some material handling system for
delivering parts into or out of the work cell. A mobile robot may also be
employed for this operation, though less common. Some of the processes in
which robotic loading/unloading is often used are:
 Die-casting—unloading of parts and dipping them in water bath for cooling. The
robot also unloads parts from the die casting machines.
 Plastic moulding—unloading of injection moulded parts.
 Machining—loading raw blank and unloading finished product. The end effector
should be designed to handle sizes and shapes of both raw material and finished
Robot applications.

 Forging—loading raw stock to furnace, unload hot material from

furnace and transfer to forging press and hold and manipulate during
 Press working—loading individual blanks into press. However,
when coiled strip is fed, no robot is needed in the continuous pressing
 Heat treatment—loading and unloading of parts from a furnaces.
Robots in assembly
• Assembly robots are used for lean industrial processes and have expanded production
capabilities in the manufacturing world. An assembly line robot can dramatically increase
production speed and consistency. They also save workers from tedious and dull assembly
line jobs. End of arm tooling can be customized for each assembly robot to cater to the
manufacturing requirements. Additional options, like robotic vision, can also be incorporated
to improve efficiency and accuracy of part orientation or sorting identifiers

• Applications
Applications for robotic assembly include automotive components, like pumps, motors and
gearboxes. Computers and consumer electronics are another excellent area, as are medical
devices and household appliances. Assembly robots are ideal for tasks demanding speed and
precision like applying sealants and adhesives. Not only can they put together parts that are
too small or intricate for a human, but they work quickly and accurately without tiring or
making mistakes. They are good in applications where cleanliness is paramount, like
pharmaceuticals and medical device assembly, and they aren’t prone to debilitating injuries,
like carpal tunnel syndrome, that come with repetitive work.
Advantages of robots in material handling
• Increased efficiency
Industrial robots can complete certain tasks faster and more efficiently than humans as they
are designed and built to perform them with higher accuracy. This combined with the fact
they are used to automate processes which previously might have taken significantly more
time and resource results in the use of industrial robots to increase the efficiency of
production lines.
• Improved quality
Given their higher levels of accuracy, industrial robots can be used to produce higher quality
products which result in the reduction of time required for quality control and ensures that
standards of quality are adhered to.

Improved working environment
Some tasks are deemed as too dangerous or laborious and repetitive for humans to carry out
and so instead robots can perform these tasks instead. Working conditions, therefore, can be
vastly improved as well as the safety within factories and production plants by introducing
Advantages of robots in material handling

Increased profitability
The results of introducing industrial robots can only ensure higher profitability levels with
lower cost per product as by
increasing the efficiency of your process, reducing the resource and time required to
complete it whilst also achieving higher quality products, introducing industrial robots save
money in the long run.

Longer working hours
As human breaks in the working day are required, distractions happen and attention spans
slow. Whereas robots can work 24/7 and keep working at 100% efficiency. On average a
40% increase in the output of a production line occurs when one key person is replaced by
a robot who operates the same working hours, simply because of stamina. Also, robots
don’t take
• Capital cost
Implementing industrial robots can incur a high capital cost however, they do prove highly
effective and bring a positive ROI. This is why, prior to decisions being made, we always
recommend consideration is given to both the investment required and also the ROI you
expect to achieve in implementing robots. Often the advice we give is to take out asset
finance and the ROI of the robot more than pays for the interest on the asset finance.

The initial set up of industrial robots requires a lot of training and expertise as with any
other type of technology, this is because they are excellent for performing many tasks. Good
automation companies provide a support package of their expertise which is an extremely
important factor. However, to minimize reliance on automation companies, training can be
given to engineers to allow them to program the robots – though the assistance of
experienced automation companies is still required for the original integration of the robot.
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