Compiler Lecture 5

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Lecture 5: Lexical Analysis III: The final bits

Source code Front-End IR Object code

Lexical Back-End
(from the last 2 lectures) Lexical Analysis:
• Regular Expressions (REs) are formulae to describe a (regular) language.
• Every RE can be converted to a Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA).
• DFAs can automate the construction of lexical analysers.
• Algorithms to construct a DFA from a RE (through a NFA) were given.

Today’s lecture:
How to minimise the (resulting) DFA
Practical Considerations; lex; wrap-up
CSE 359 - Compiler Masud Ibn Afjal, CSE, HSTU 1
DFA Minimisation: the problem
C b
A a D E
a b b
B a a

• Problem: can we minimise the number of states?

• Answer: yes, if we can find groups of states where, for
each input symbol, every state of such a group will
have transitions to the same group.

CSE 359 - Compiler Masud Ibn Afjal, CSE, HSTU 2

DFA minimisation: the algorithm
(Hopcroft’s algorithm: simple version)
Divide the states of the DFA into two groups: those containing
final states and those containing non-final states.
while there are group changes
for each group
for each input symbol
if for any two states of the group and a given
input symbol, their transitions do not lead to the same group,
these states must belong to different groups.

For the curious, there is an alternative approach: create a graph in which there is an edge
between each pair of states which cannot coexist in a group because of the conflict
above. Then use a graph colouring algorithm to find the minimum number of colours
needed so that any two nodes connected by an edge do not have the same colour
(we’ll examine graph colouring algorithms later on, in register allocation)

CSE 359 - Compiler Masud Ibn Afjal, CSE, HSTU 3

How does it work? Recall (a | b)* abb
Iteration Current groups Split on a Split on b
0 {E}, {A,B,C,D} None {A,B,C}, {D}
1 {E}, {D}, {A,B,C} None {A,C}, {B}
2 {E}, {D}, {B}, {A, C} None None

In each iteration, we consider any non-single-member groups and we

consider the partitioning criterion for all pairs of states in the group.

b b
C b A, C b
A a D E a D E
a b b b b
B a B a
a a
a a

CSE 359 - Compiler Masud Ibn Afjal, CSE, HSTU 4

From NFA to minimized DFA: recall a (b | c)*

S4 S5
a    b  S  S
S0 S1 S2 S3 8 9
 S c S7 
 6

DFA NFA -closure(move(s,*)) b

states states a b c
A S0 S1,S2,S3, None None b C
a c
B S1,S2,S3, None S5,S8,S9, S7,S8,S9, A B b
S4,S6,S9 S3,S4,S6 S3,S4,S6 c
C S5,S8,S9, None S5,S8,S9, S7,S8,S9, D
S3,S4,S6 S3,S4,S6 S3,S4,S6
D S7,S8,S9, None S5,S8,S9, S7,S8,S9, c
S3,S4,S6 S3,S4,S6 S3,S4,S6

CSE 359 - Compiler Masud Ibn Afjal, CSE, HSTU 5

DFA minimisation: recall a (b | c)*
Apply the minimisation algorithm to produce the minimal DFA:

Current groups Split on a Split on b Split on c

0 {B, C, D} {A} None None None
b C
a c
A B b
b|c c
A B,C,D Remember, last time, we said c
that a human could construct
a simpler automaton than
Thompson’s construction?
Well, algorithms can produce
the same DFA!
CSE 359 - Compiler Masud Ibn Afjal, CSE, HSTU 6
Building fast scanners...
From a RE to a DFA; why have we been doing all this?
• If we know the transition table and the final state(s) we can build
directly a recogniser that detects acceptance (recall from Lecture 3):
state=0; // starting state
while (char != EOF) {
state  table(state,char);
if (state == ‘-’) return failure;
if (state == FINAL) return acceptance; else return failure;

But, table-driven recognisers can waste a lot of effort.

• Can we do better? Encode states and actions in the code.
How to deal with reserved keywords?
• Some compilers recognise keywords as identifiers and check them in a table.
• Simpler to include them as REs in the lexical analyser’s specification.
CSE 359 - Compiler Masud Ibn Afjal, CSE, HSTU 7
Direct coding from the transition table
Recall Register  r digit digit* (Lecture 3, slides 10-11)
word=‘’; char=‘’; goto s0;
s0: word=word+char;
if (char == ‘r’) then goto s1 else goto error;
s1: word=word+char;
if (‘0’  char  ‘9’) then goto s2 else goto error;
s2: word=word+char;
if (‘0’  char  ‘9’) then goto s2
else if (char== EOF) return acceptance
else goto error
error: print “error”; return failure;

• fewer operations
• avoids memory operations (esp. important for large tables)
• added complexity may make the code ugly and difficult to understand

CSE 359 - Compiler Masud Ibn Afjal, CSE, HSTU 8

Practical considerations
• Poor language design may complicate lexical analysis:
– if then then = else; else else = then (PL/I)
– DO5I=1,25 vs DO5I=1.25 (Fortran: urban legend has it that an
error like this caused a crash of an early NASA mission )
– the development of a sound theoretical basis has influenced
language design positively.
• Template syntax in C++:
– aaaa<mytype>
– aaaa<mytype<int>> (>> is an operator for writing to the output stream)
– The lexical analyser treats the >> operator as two
consecutive > symbols. The confusion will be resolved by
the parser (by matching the <, >)
CSE 359 - Compiler Masud Ibn Afjal, CSE, HSTU 9
Lex/Flex: Generating Lexical Analysers
Flex is a tool for generating scanners: programs which recognised
lexical patterns in text (from the online manual pages: % man flex)
• Lex input consists of 3 sections:
– regular expressions;
– pairs of regular expressions and C code;
– auxiliary C code.
• When the lex input is compiled, it generates as output a C source
file lex.yy.c that contains a routine yylex(). After compiling the C
file, the executable will start isolating tokens from the input
according to the regular expressions, and, for each token, will
execute the code associated with it. The array char yytext[] contains
the representation of a token.
CSE 359 - Compiler Masud Ibn Afjal, CSE, HSTU 10
flex Example Output:
1 123
#define ERROR -1 Input file (“myfile”) 43 +
int line_number=1; 1 435
%} 123+435+34=aaaa 43 +
whitespace [ \t] 329*45/a-34*(45+23)**3 1 34
letter [a-zA-Z] bye-bye -1 =
digit [0-9] 2 aaaa
integer ({digit}+) 1 329
l_or_d ({letter}|{digit}) 42 *
identifier ({letter}{l_or_d}*) 1 45
operator [-+*/] 47 /
separator [;,(){}] 2 a
%% 45 -
{integer} {return 1;} 1 34
{identifier} {return 2;} 42 *
{operator}|{separator} {return (int)yytext[0];}
{whitespace} {} 40 (
\n {line_number++;} 1 45
. {return ERROR;} 43 +
%% 1 23
int yywrap(void) {return 1;} 41 )
int main() { 42 *
int token; 42 *
yyin=fopen("myfile","r"); 1 3
while ((token=yylex())!=0) 2 bye
printf("%d %s \n", token, yytext); 45 -
printf("lines %d \n",line_number); 2 bye
} lines 4
CSE 359 - Compiler Masud Ibn Afjal, CSE, HSTU 11
• Lexical Analysis turns a stream of characters in
to a stream of tokens:
– a largely automatic process.
• REs are powerful enough to specify scanners.
• DFAs have good properties for an implementation.
• Next time: Introduction to Parsing
• Reading: Aho2 3.9 and 3.5(lex) pp. 173-187, 140-
146 (lex);

CSE 359 - Compiler Masud Ibn Afjal, CSE, HSTU 12


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