SIDA Annual Review Meeting Oct 2023 .Pptx-Wau

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Improving resilient livelihoods through food and nutrition

security, of the vulnerable communities, especially women

headed households, in Torit and Wau counties of South

SIDA Annual Review Meeting– 31st Oct 2023


Kenyi Mark Luba,

Gender Specialist-SIDA project focal person FAO Wau
Component 1: Access to diversified agriculture production and post-harvest handling inputs and
technologies increased
Activity 1.1 - Distribution/provision of climate-adapted and nutrient-dense crop seeds including
tuber crops and legume and pulses
• Distributed 10 metric tons of cowpeas were to 5 400 project beneficiaries for 86 WEE groups,
56 Youth group, 1 100 Nutrition beneficiaries and 10 primary school clubs.
• 10.5 metric tons of sorghum to 29 WEE and 51 youth groups involved in crop production
• 0.027 metric tons of egg plant seeds to WEE, Youth and nutrition groups involved in vegetables
• 17.5 metric tons of maize seeds to WEE and youth beneficiaries.
• 3 790 sickles and 3,500 hoes distributed to 960 WEE, 1700 youth (F= 368 and M = 1332)
• 700 tarpaulins were distributed to 29 WEE groups and 51 youth groups involved in crop
production (F= 368 and M = 1 332).

• 11 900 gunny bags were distributed to 29 WEE groups and 51 youth groups involved in
crop production (F= 368 and M = 1 332)
• 4 tons of green pepper were distributed to 57 WEE groups, 36 nutrition beneficiaries, 5
youth groups involved in vegetable production (M=70, F=80 ) and 10 school clubs.
• 12.9 tons of green gram cereal were distributed 1 100 nutrition beneficiaries at 10 OTP
centers and 10 primary school clubs.
• 3.5 tons of okra vegetable seeds were distributed for 36 nutrition groups, 57 WEE
groups involved in vegetable production and 10 primary school clubs.
• 3.5 tons of tomatoes vegetable seeds were distributed for 36 nutrition groups, 57 WEE
groups involved in vegetable production and 10 primary school clubs.
Inputs distribution

Distribution of green grams and maize to nutrition and WEE groups Distribution of maize and solar radios to WEE groups in Gedi

Activity 1.2 - Monitoring demonstration sites and training farmers on climate smart practices like planting
on ridges, basins, mulching, drought or flood tolerant crop varieties and IPPM techniques), post-
production and crop diversification practices
• 20 feddans of demos farms re-established and planted (9 planted with okra, tomatoes, Amaranthus, and
eggplant and 6 feddan planted with crops such as Maize variety Longe 5 and cowpeas).
• 29 WEE groups (870) and 51 youth groups (1530) (F=895 and M= 635) engaged in crop production) and
trained on climate smart agriculture practices such as planting on ridges, basins, mulching, drought, or
flood tolerant crop varieties and IPPM techniques), post-production and crop diversification practices.
• Trained 10 primary school clubs supported by UNICEF. Each school consists of 30 participants ( M=15,
F=15) engaged in vegetable production on using climate smart practices such as planting on ridges,
basins, mulching, drought and IPPM techniques.
• Trained 36 Nutrition groups ( 1 100) on vegetable production, using climate smart production practices.
Groundnut and cowpea demo farms

Three feddans of G/nuts for WEE group in Jebel Kheir Boma Four feddans of cowpeas for WEE groups in Moimoi
Okra and maize demo farms

2 feddans okra demo farm at Gaitan Boma-Kpaile Payam 6 feddans of maize mixed with soya beans at Moimoi-Baggari

Activity 1.3 - Promote diversification of production and distribution of small ruminants

such as goats and sheep through vouchers

• Conducted consultative meeting with the State Ministry of Animal Resource, Gender,
Child and Social Welfare, Payam administrators from five payams, Chiefs and project
beneficiaries on the Livestock Trade Fair
• 14 vendors were identified for provision of small ruminants through vouchers
• Distributed 2 728 female goats, 1 100 male goats, 572 cocks and 1,716 hens to 1 100
nutrition beneficiaries at the 10 OTP selected centers from 27th July - 23rd September
Livestock distribution

Small ruminant distribution in Agok-Boma-Wau South Payam Small ruminant distribution in Farajalla Boma-Baggari Payam
Livestock Trade Fair

Small Ruminant distribution and Vaccination in Agok OTP Small ruminant distribution at Ngisha OTP Center-Baggari
Activity 1.4 - Distribution/provision of labour, timesaving, and female-friendly
technologies for women farmers (e.g., donkey-plough, treadle pump, solar pumps)

• 174 donkey ploughs were received, and distribution is ongoing to 112 WEE groups and
62 youth groups
• 54 sorghum threshers were received, assembled and distribution will commence in
November 2023.
• 8 manual groundnut shellers were distributed to WEE groups involved in agro-
• 30 weighing scales were received and distributed to 29 WEE groups and 51 youth
groups involved in crop production
• 2 power tillers were received and distributed - one to a youth group and another to a
WEE group involved in crop production
Inputs distribution

G/Nuts sheller & hoes distribution at Jebel Kheir Boma Power tiller, solar radio, egg plants and Amaranthus distribution

Activity 1.5 - Conduct trainings in labour and time-saving integrated

• Activity is planned to commence in November/December 2023.
• 2 050 beneficiaries were identified. 22 Women Economic Empowerment
group, 23 nutrition groups and 22 youth groups ( F=450, M=220).

Activity 1.6 - Refresher training on improved small-scale post-harvest

handling and processing and promotion of seed savings and appropriate
seed storage methods;
• Activity is planned to commence in November/ December 2023.
Activity 1.7 - Link crop producers with WFP Smallholder Agriculture Market Support (SAM)
programme in Wau
• 29 WEE groups and 51 youth groups involved in crop production will be linked with WFP
Smallholder Agriculture Market Support (SAM) programme in November/Dec after the
harvesting period
Activity 1.8 – Support youth through cash for work to build or rehabilitate communal disaster
risk reduction assets.
• Conducted consultative meeting with the State Ministries of Roads and Bridges, Land, Housing
and Public Utilities, Gender, Child and Social Welfare and Ministry of Peace building, Payam
administrators and local chiefs from five Payams of Wau County.
• Community assets for youths identified including rehabilitation of access roads, digging of
shallow wells, drainage, tree seedling nurseries and fencing of community assets i.e. water
points, OTP centers, and primary schools.
• Conducted Environmental and Social Impact Screening for selected activities with assistance of
Government Engineers from the Ministry of Roads and Bridges and Representatives from
Ministry of Land, Housing and Public Utilities and FAO.
 Distributed cash for work tools including 120 axes, 448 hoes, 270 moladas, 14
wheelbarrows, 336 rakes, 14 measuring taps, 250 spades, 200 pairs of hand gloves and
10 heavy duty mattocks.
 Rehabilitated 17 community access roads in 17 Bomas
 Opened 8 water drainage system in 6 Bomas
 Excavated 11 shallow wells and fencing in 9 Bomas
 1 300 holes were dug and planted with fruit trees seedlings within the community
 FAO and WCDO and WBeG state ministry of Agriculture, Gender, RRC and Ministry of
Road and Bridge conducted monitoring field visit to Cash for Work (CfW) sites in
Baggari, Kpaile, Besselia, Wau North and Wau South payams
 Conducted payment for Cash for Work beneficiaries.
Cash for work activities

Cash for Work activity monitoring at Farajalla (5 KMs Cash for work monitoring from Farajalla to Tadu Boma (3 kms
Cash for work activities
Activity 1.9 - Training, coaching, mentoring and monitoring of village asset savings / loan
schemes (VSLAs)

• 138 Village Savings and Loan Association groups (VSLA) formed, trained and regularly
monitored by examining the attendance forms, checklist, total savings and loan taken,
number of existing members in the groups and new members joining the groups.
• 1 200 VSLA members received refresher training on record keeping, identification of viable
income generation enterprises farmers/enterprises and access to finance in Jebelkheir, Hai
Bafura, Jazeera, Bazia Jedid, Bussere, Ngissa, Bringi and Bussere.
• Between July to September, the cumulative savings for the 138 groups was 8,280,000 SSP
and the loans stood at 3,640,000 SSP.
• VSLA groups are engaged in various businesses - bread making, roasted groundnut selling,
groundnut paste making (by agro processing groups), tea making and small restaurants and
vegetables production
Monitoring of VSLA groups
Monitoring of VSLA groups

Trained Nutrition beneficiary on Home vegetables Income generating activity from home vegetables garden

Activity 1.10: Support male champion activities

• 100 male champions from target project locations conducted 6 dialogue sessions in
Bussere primary school and 2 at OTP sites in Ngissa, and Ngoku, Gedi and Gaitan

• Male champions advocated for gender related issues that contribute to social and
economic empowerment of women and girls through project interventions.

• The male champions acted as positive role models for men and young boys in
schools and in the community by challenging harmful gender norms and foster
Male champions activities

Monitoring of male champions through FGD of WEE group in

Hai Bafura-Wau North Payam Training of male champions in Mboro Boma-Besselia Payam

Component 2: Access to information, skills and inputs for nutrition and climate
sensitive agricultural production improved
Activity 2.1 - Distribution of vegetable kits and tools to female-headed households,
pregnant and lactating women, women in reproductive age, and women with children
under five (CU5)
• 1,100 nutrition beneficiaries including pregnant and lactating women (PLW), caregivers of
the U5 malnourished children supported with 20 gram each of Okra, Tomato, Rigla and
Jirrjirr in Hai Bafura, Hai Jazeera, Ngodakalla, Gaittan, Bazia Jedid and Hai Bafura.
• 12 000 kgs of green grams were distributed to 1 100 nutrition beneficiaries in 10 targeted
OTP sites and schools - each beneficiary received 11 kgs of green grams.
• 2 050 hoes were distributed to 1 100 beneficiaries. Each group received 60 hoes.
• 1 100 nutrition beneficiaries were trained on climate smart agriculture practices to
produce vegetables at HH level to improve their nutrition status and minimize risk of
malnutrition to consuming balance diets.
Activity 2.2 - Training of female beneficiaries in home vegetable gardening, nutrition
sensitive agriculture and nutrition education and support to set up home vegetable
• 980 out of the 1,100 women received refresher training on home vegetable

• 20 OTP demo vegetables gardens were re-established, Hai Jazeera, Ngodakalla,

Gaittan, Bazia Jedid and Hai Bafura, Busere with the aim of training women on
vegetable production for improved HH nutrition status and resources spent to
purchase food from the market.
• 680 home kitchen gardens in the 5 payams were monitored by Community Based
facilitators, FAO and WCDO
Vegetable production

Training at Jazira OTP Center on vegetable production Kitchen garden at household level in Bazia Jedid Boma

Activity 2.3 - Distribution to women with nutrition sensitive and climate sensitive
technologies (solar preservation)
• Procurement of equipment is ongoing.

Activity 2.4 - Fruit tree planting in targeted for intervention OTP centres and schools

• 9 600 holes for tree planting dug by project beneficiaries in the various project
locations. 4 500 holes at 10 Primary schools and 5,100 holes at the health/OTP
facilities supported by UNICEF.
• Procurement of fruit tree seedling is completed and awaiting delivery to Wau.

Activity 2.5 - Development and implementation of nutrition education in OTP

centres and schools (promotion campaigns on diversified diets and improved
nutrition practices) - 4 days per month .

• 12 nutrition, health and hygiene education sessions conducted for 1,100 OTP
households and 10 primary schools (agriculture club members) supported by

• This is a continuous activity aimed at improved health and hygiene practices,

good food choices and preparation practices in addition to improving nutrition
status of the beneficiaries at OTPs and schools among project beneficiaries.
Nutrition education

Nutrition education at OTP centres Nutrition education at a primary school


Component 3: Women’s economic empowerment promoted through nutrition-

sensitive value chains and income-generating enterprises

Activity 3.1 - Conduct refresher trainings in food value chains development or

upgrading - processing, value addition, preservation, branding and marketing.
• Value chain assessment was carried out and Nutrition-sensitive Value Chains
(NSCVA) report shared by consultant
• Cassava value chain development was identified and chosen by the beneficiaries for
their activities.
• 1 500 WEE beneficiaries were identified for 6 days training in the target payams,
and training will commence in November/ December.
Activity 3.2 - Distribution/provision of enterprise specific kits and tools.
• 29 WEE groups involved crop production, 27 vegetable production and 30 agro-processing
groups and 51 youth groups engaged in crop production and 6 groups in vegetable
production received below items:
• 1 power tiller was handed over to 2 600 WEE group members
• 1 tiller was handed over to 1 700 youth
• 8 groundnut shellers were distributed to 30 WEE groups involved in agro-processing.
• 30 weighing scales were distributed - 10 to 29 agro-processing WEE groups, 10 to 29
crop production groups and 10 were distributed to 51 youth groups involved in crop
• 174 donkey ploughs received, and distribution is ongoing to WEE, Youth groups engaged
in various enterprises.
• 54 sorghum shellers received, assembled and distribution is planed for Nov 2023.
Donkey ploughs and sorghum threshers

Assembled donkey ploughs ready for distribution to women farmers Assembled sorghum threshers

Activity 3.3 - Conduct trainings in food safety, nutrient preserving storage and
transport, nutrition labelling
• ToT training was conducted by FAO to WCDO and FAO field staff.

• Out of 1 100, 600 nutrition beneficiaries received training on food safety, nutrient
preserving storage and transport, nutrition labelling in October 2023 in four OTP
centers i.e., Hai Bafura, Jazira, Bazia Jedid and Newsite.

• 500 nutrition beneficiaries are under-going training in 6 OTP centers.

Food choice, safety training and cookery demonstration for women

Training in food safety at Jebel Kheir OTP centre Training in food safety at Newsite OTP centre

Activity 3.4 - Conduct social training (team building, decision-making, negotiation

and leadership skills, protection, nutrition and health, hygiene and sanitation) - 6
months in 2023.

• This has been a continuous activity throughout the duration of the LoA
• Trained 1 500 beneficiaries for 2 days in a month for 6 months during this reporting

Nutrition beneficiaries at Hai Bafura OTP Center-Wau North Payam.

Activity 3.5 - Conduct training in basic business development (e.g. understanding
enterprise profitability, budget development and simple economic analysis, understanding
marketing and markets, developing business plan, keeping records)
• 1,380 VSLA groups members trained on basic business development - understanding
enterprise profitability, budget development and simple economic analysis,
understanding marketing and markets, developing business plan, keeping records
• Conducted refresher training to the 1380 VSLA group members.

Activity 3.6 - Train women and youth on construction of Fuel-Efficient Stoves

• 150 WEE groups, 50 nutrition groups and 100 youth groups identified and selected for
training and activity will commence in Nov/December 2023
Component 4: Capacity to manage natural resource-related conflicts at
community-level strengthened

Activity 4.1.1 - Monitoring implementation of NRM action plans by NRMCs

FAO & WCDO have been actively monitoring and reporting activities of 10 NRMCs,
documenting reports on conflict management and monitoring the implementation
of action plans.
• Creating awareness on deforestation and burning bushes.
• Encouraging fruit tree planting and afforestation and reafforestation
• Resolving conflicts that arise at water points in the project locations.
• Resolving conflicts that arise between pastoralists and farmers in all the five
NRMC activities

Natural Resource Management training at Farajalla Boma NRMCs monitoring in Hai Bafura Boma.

Activity 4.1.2 - Organize seasonal peacebuilding conference among pastoralist and

agriculturalists and document agreement.

• Activity is planned for Nov/Dec 2023 during pastoralists migration towards


Activity 4.1.3 - Organizing dialogue between government and women

leaders for land allocation

• Conducted land dialogue with the government and women with support from
FAO Land tenure team in Wau and participation of the state ministry of Land,
Housing and Public Utilities, Gender, child and Social Welfare, Peace Building and
Agriculture and Forestry, private stakeholders , women working groups from
different NGOs, women leaders and chiefs from various project locations.
Dialogue between government and women on land allocation

Consultative meeting on land rights and land allocation for women Women and gov’t officials for peace process on land allocation
Land dialogue

FGD on land rights and land allocation with women in Wau Group photo for Land dialogue participants

Activity 4.1.4 Training on gender sensitive participatory land allocation process

• Five training on gender Sensitive participatory on land allocation process was

conducted in Wau North, Wau South, Baggari, Besselia and Kpaile ( Bazia).
Training on land rights and land allocation

Training on land rights and land allocation in Newsite Boma Training on land rights and land allocation in Masna Boma

Project monitoring

• 9 monthly gender safety audits to assess the safety, protection and security
concerns of households (esp. women) and measures to protect them and
monitoring of male champions activities conducted in 5 payams
• 9 monthly field monitoring visits were conducted by FAO and WCDO during the
reporting period.
• Quarterly field monitory visits conducted with government line ministries including
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Gender, Child and Social Welfare, Ministry of
Health and Cooperatives to various project locations
Gender safety audits

Gender safety audits at Mboro and Ngisha Boma

Challenges faced and mitigation

Problem encountered Action Taken/mitigation

• Prolonged dry spells affected • Refresher training was conducted on climate smart
production of crops such as maize and agriculture practices like planting on ridges, basins,
sorghum mulching, drought, or flood tolerant crop varieties and
IPPM techniques, post-production and crop diversification
• Some project locations were not • Prioritization and prepositioning of the inputs was done
accessible during the rainy season and youth were engaged on rehabilitation of some
community access roads
• Delays in payment of Cash for work • Early submission of attendance forms for verification and
incentives to youths sharing with the FAO cash team in Juba
Challenges faced and mitigation

• During the livestock fair implementation, • The vendors mobilized more female goats as a
some of the livestock especially poultry replacement for poultry. The delay in the payment of
were not sufficient in some locations vendors also hampered the smooth and quick
implementation of the fair as they had to wait for
payments to enable them to mobilize more livestock

• Lack of donkeys for the ploughs distributed • Crops farmers have been encouraged to use their own
to WEE and youth involved in crop donkeys and bulls or lease the ploughs for income
production. generation for the groups so they can eventually their
purchase own donkeys
Thank you

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