Distinguishing Fact From Opinion

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Fact from
Before we
start, let's
have a
Pick out a strip ( rolled with
ribbon ) with a statement stating a
fact or an opinion inside a box.
Those who picked an opinion
should go to the left side; those who
picked a fact should go to the right
side. Pupils who did not get it
correctly should recite a poem or a
dance number.
* Boats never sink.
* Ice is cold.
* Three is not a number between two and four.
* All people can read.
* A kitten grew up to be a cat.
* You should brush your teeth.
* A baby cannot count one to ten.
* Rich people are happy.
Listen to the
Jose works with animals.
In fact, he spends every
spare moment in a
neighborhood pet store.
After school, he helps feed
the animals and clean their
cages. He spends a lot of
time training the animals A.
so that they could get
along with people.
Jose believes that being
a veterinarian and
working with animals
would be a wonderful
thing for him to do when
he grows up. He thinks
that he will become an
excellent veterinary
B. doctor in the future.
* Which paragraph expresses truth or
* Which paragraph expresses belief?
Let the pupils
g fact from
A forest is the b. Forests protect c. Trees prevent
best place to our wildlife and flood that can
relax. provide homes, kill people and
food and water to crops.
animals and birds.

d. From these forests e. Forest fires can be
come wood for houses, prevented.
telephone posts,
electric light poles and
many other things.

is a statement which
experiences and
experiments have
proven to be true.
is a view or guess which
may or may not be true.
Clue words like think,
believes, feel, must be,
must and probably, seems
often signal opinion.
The teacher will direct
the pupils to write at
least 2 sentences
distinguishing fact
from opinion.
The group will
distinguish whether the
sentences are fact or
opinion by pasting it
in the proper
Sentences: c. Animals need water to
a. I love water. survive.
b. Drink about 6-8 d. Some plants can live
glasses of water each without water.
day to be healthy and
strong. e. Clean water is pure.
Directions:Read each statement and then circle whether it is a fact or
opinion. Explain your answer.
1.The fastest land dwelling creature is the Cheetah.
Fact or Opinion Explain:
2.The ugliest sea creature is the manatee.
Fact or Opinion Explain:
3.Oranges contain both calcium and vitamin C.
Fact or Opinion Explain:
4.Diamonds are the hardest substance on Earth.
Fact or Opinion Explain:
5.McDonalds sells more hamburgers than any other restaurant chain
in the world.
Fact or Opinion Explain:
Direction: Distinguish fact from opinion. Write F if the
sentences express fact and O if it is an opinion on the blank
before the number.
______ 1. From birth to adulthood, we grow physically,
intellectually, and emotionally.
______ 2. According to many, girls mature earlier than boys
______ 3. I guess growing up has many challenges.
______ 4. During adolescence, boys grow to manhood and
girls develop into womanhood.
______ 5. Maybe, I would look like my mother.
– is a statement which
experiences and
experiments have
proven to be true.
- something that is
known to be true or real
is a view or guess which
may or may not be true.
Clue words like think,
believes, feel, must be,
must and probably, seems
often signal opinion.
- the idea is based on what
we think or how we feel
Directions: Distinguish fact from opinion. Write F if the
sentences express fact and O if it is an opinion on the blank
before the number.
______ 1. From birth to adulthood, we grow physically,
intellectually, and emotionally.
______ 2. According to many, girls mature earlier than boys
______ 3. I guess growing up has many challenges.
______ 4. During adolescence, boys grow to manhood and
girls develop into womanhood.
______ 5. Maybe, I would look like my mother.

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