Seminar-DILIP 1CR20EC405
Seminar-DILIP 1CR20EC405
Seminar-DILIP 1CR20EC405
Seminar Presentation
► The Internet of Things is the technology that allows the exchange of data between objects through
various communication channels.
► Wireless access devices in the campus networks and ESP8266 devices are connected to each other
and a large network of wireless sensors have been developed.
► Data from the temperature and humidity sensor connected to ESP8266 devices can be monitored via
the wireless network in the campus area.
► The data from the ESP8266 modules used in the study are collected on a server and monitored and
reported in real time.
► It is a significant advantage that the proposed method is a dynamic wireless sensor network and low
► In this study, the method of using wireless access devices in campus networks with
wireless sensor networks has been developed.
► The proposed method uses the DHT11 temperature humidity sensor with the
ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. The ESP8266 Wi-Fi module connects wireless access
points on campus networks with WPA-PSK.
► Temperature and humidity values from sensors are transferred to the server and
stored. Then user interface sensors are monitored in real time. In this study, two
important contributions are presented.
► The first method is to have a dynamic structure. The ESP8266 module can connect
to any wireless access point in the campus and send data to the server.
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