Sesi 14 - New Trend in HCM Summary INDO For UCO - Newest
Sesi 14 - New Trend in HCM Summary INDO For UCO - Newest
Sesi 14 - New Trend in HCM Summary INDO For UCO - Newest
Categories Percentage
•Watson Wyatt identified four
major categories of HR practice • Total rewards and accountability 16.5 percent
that could be linked to increases in
shareholder value creation.
• Collegial, flexible workforce 9.0 percent
•HCI shows that better an
organization is doing in managing
its human capita, the better its • Recruiting and retention excellence 7.9 percent
return for shareholders
Work Decision
People Management Structure and Rewards
processes making
• Each elements plays out differently within the context of the organization, creating a unique DNA.
• The statistical tool, ‘Internal Labour Market Analysis’ used by Mercer scrutinize the record of employee and labour
market data to analyse the actual experience of employees rather than stated HR programmes and policies
• Thus gaps can be identified between what is required in the workforce to support business goals and what is actually
being delivered.
The human capital monitor –
Andrew Mayo
Mayo has developed the ‘human capital monitor’ to
identify the human value of the enterprise or ‘human
asset worth’, which is equal to ‘employment cost ×
individual asset multiplier’.
5. Processes – how the organization identifies, manages, reviews and improves its processes.
6. Customer satisfaction – what the organization is achieving in relation to the satisfaction of its external
7. People satisfaction – what the organization is achieving in relation to the satisfaction of its people.
8. Impact on society – what the organization is achieving in satisfying the needs and expectations of the
local, national and international community at large.
9. Business results – what the organization is achieving in relation to its planned business objectives and in
satisfying the needs and expectations of everyone with a financial interest or stake in the organization.
The Sears Roebuck model (Rucci et al., 1998)