Presentation 2D Fourier

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Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform

(2D FT)
Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform (2D FT) :
 The 2D Fourier transform is a mathematical operation that transforms a two-dimensional function
from the spatial domain into the frequency domain. It is used in various fields such as signal
processing, image processing, optics, and more.
 The 2D Fourier Transform provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the frequency
content of images and signals, enabling a wide range of applications in fields where understanding
and manipulating spatial frequency information are essential.
 Given a function f(x,y) defined in the spatial domain, the 2D Fourier transform F(u,v) is defined
 (u,v) are the spatial frequencies in the frequency domain.
 (x,y) are the spatial coordinates in the spatial domain.
 i is the imaginary unit.
Inverse 2 Dimensional Fourier transform :

The inverse 2D Fourier transform is the mathematical operation that

reconstructs a two-dimensional function from its frequency domain
representation. Given the Fourier transform F(u,v), the inverse 2D Fourier
transform f(x,y) is defined as:


•(u,v) are the spatial frequencies in the frequency domain.
• (x,y) are the spatial coordinates in the spatial domain.
•i is the imaginary unit.
Applications of the 2D Fourier transform include image filtering, compression, pattern recognition,
and solving partial differential equations, among others. It allows us to analyze the spatial frequency
content of an image or a signal, which is crucial in many image processing and signal processing
tasks. The 2D Fourier transform plays a crucial role in various aspects of image processing. Some of
its applications include:
1. Image Filtering.
2. Frequency Domain Analysis.
3. Convolution and Correlation.
4. Image Compression.
5. Image Registration.
6. Inverse Filtering and Deconvolution.
7. Feature Extraction.
8. Noise Reduction.
9. Pattern Recognition.
2D Continuous Fourier Transform (2D CFT) :

The 2D Continuous Fourier Transform (2D CFT) is a mathematical operation

used to analyze functions of two variables (usually spatial coordinates) in the
frequency domain. It is an extension of the 1D Continuous Fourier Transform
to two dimensions. The 2D CFT is defined as follows:
F(, ) = dxdy
 F(, ) is the 2D Fourier Transform of the function f (x,y) with respect to the
spatial frequencies ​​and
 f(x , y) is the two-dimensional function in the spatial domain.
 ​and are the spatial frequencies in the frequency domain.
 j is the imaginary unit.
2D Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

 Fourier transform of a 2D signal defined over a discrete finite 2D grid of size M N.

 It is a 2D set of samples forming a bi-dimensional sequence.
 The signal is periodized along both dimensions and the 2D DFT can be regarded as a
sampled version of the 2D DTFT.
 2D Discrete Fourier Transform is a fast transform that is very useful in digital signal
processing, convolution , filtering , image analysis.
 2D DFT has good energy compaction. However it requires complex computations.
2D DFT (Cont.)

 2D Fourier (discrete time) Transform (DTFT) :

F(u , v) =
 2D Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) :
F[k , l] =
By doing 2D DFT we get,
1) Rectangular image : (M N )
F(k,l) =
2) Square image : (N N)
F(k,l) =
Properties of 2D DFT :
1. Separable property

 It allows a 2D transform to be computed in two steps by successive 1D operations on rows and

columns of image.
F(u,v) =
F(x,v)= [
2. Spatial Shift Property :
f(x,y) exp [ j2
and f(x-, y-

 This proves that the DFT of a shifted function is unaltered except for a linearly
varying phase function.

3. Periodicity Property :

 A [M,N] point DFT is periodic with period [M,N]

F[u , v] = F[u+mM, v] = F[u , v+nN] = F[u+mM, v+nN]

f[k , l ] = f [ k+mM,l ] = f [k, l+nN ] = f [ k+mM, l+nN ]

 This has important consequences on the implementation and energy compaction property.
4. Convolution Property :
This property tells that the convolution of two functions in the spatial domain corresponds to
multiplication in the frequency domain and vice versa.
f(x) * g(x)=
Where, = Dummy Variable.
f(x) * g(x) F(u) G(u)
f(x) g(x) F(u)* G(u)

5. Correlation Property :
 Correlation is basically used to find the relative similarity between two signals.
 The process of finding similarity of a signal to itself is auto correlation.
 The process of finding similarity of two different signals is cross correlation.
5. Correlation Property :
This property tells that the correlation of two sequences in time domain is equal to the
multiplication of DFT of one sequence and time reversal of the DFT of another sequence in the
frequency domain.
f(x,y) g(x,y) F*(u,v) G(u,v)
f * (x,y) g(x,y) F(u,v) G(u,v)

6. Scaling Property:
af(x,y) aF(u,v)
f(ax,by) F(u/a, v/b )

 According to this property, the expansion of signal in one domain is equal to

compression of signal in another domain.
7. Rotation Property:
 Polar coordinates :
x = r Cos, u= Cos, v= Cos

Which means that:

f(x , y), F(u , v) become f(r , ), F( )

f (r,) F()

 This property states that if a function is rotated by the angle, its Fourier Transform also
rotates by an equal amount and vice versa.
Images in the Fourier Domain:
Magnitude of the FT

Does not look anything like what actually we have seen.

Images in the Fourier Domain:
Magnitude of the FT

Does not look anything like what actually we have seen.

Limitations :

Here are some of the main limitations of the 2D Fourier Transform:

1. Boundary Effects.
2. Aliasing.
3. Limited Spatial Information.
4. Limited Resolution.
5. Limited to Periodic Signals.
6. Limited to Linear Systems.
7. Sensitivity to Noise.
8. Edge and Detail Representation.
9. Computational Complexity.
10. Non-linear Features.

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