B.Tech. Aeronautical-Structure

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Sub. Code Subject Name L T P C Sub. Code Subject Name L T P C
MAT 2151 Engineering Mathematics – III 2 1 0 3 MAT 2251 Engineering Mathematics – IV 2 1 0 3
AAE 2154 Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing Technology 2 1 0 3 AAE 2254 Aerodynamics 3 1 0 4
AAE 2155 Aircraft Structures 3 1 0 4 AAE 2255 Aircraft Propulsion 3 1 0 4
AAE 2156 Fluid Dynamics 3 1 0 4 AAE 2256 Flight Mechanics 2 1 0 3
AAE 2157 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering 2 1 0 3 AAE 2257 Linear Control Theory 3 1 0 4
AAE 2158 Thermodynamics 3 1 0 4 **** **** Open Elective – I 3
AAE 2163 Fluid Mechanics Lab 0 0 3 1 AAE 2264 Aerodynamics & Propulsion Lab 0 0 6 2
AAE 2164 Structures Lab 0 0 6 2 AAE 2265 Numerical Computation Lab - I 0 0 3 1
15 6 9 24 13 5 9 24
Total Contact Hours (L+T+P) 30 Total Contact Hours (L+T+P) + OE 27 + 3 = 30
HUM 3151 Engg Economics and Financial Management 2 1 0 3 HUM 3152 Essentials of Management 2 1 0 3
AAE 3155 Aircraft Design 2 1 0 3 AAE 3253 Finite Element Method 2 1 0 3

AAE 3156 Avionics and Navigation Systems 3 1 0 4 AAE 3254 Theory of Vibrations 3 1 0 4
AAE 3157 Flight Dynamics 3 1 0 4 AAE **** Program Elective – I 2 1 0 3
AAE 3158 Gas Dynamics 3 1 0 4 AAE **** Program Elective – II 2 1 0 3
*** **** Open Elective – II 3 *** **** Open Elective – III 3
AAE 3163 Geometric Modelling Lab 0 0 6 2 AAE 3263 Avionics Lab 0 0 6 2
AAE 3164 Numerical Computation Lab - II 0 0 3 1 AAE 3264 Structural Analysis Lab 0 0 6 2
13 5 9 24 11 5 12 23
Total Contact Hours (L+T+P) + OE 27 + 3 = 30 Total Contact Hours (L+T+P) + OE 28 + 3 = 31
AAE **** Program Elective – III 3 0 0 3 AAE 4298 Industrial Training 1
AAE **** Program Elective – IV 3 0 0 3 AAE 4299 Project Work/Practice School 12
AAE **** Program Elective – V 3 0 0 3 AAE 4296 Project Work (Only for B.Tech honour Students) 20
IV AAE **** Program Elective – VI 3 0 0 3
AAE **** Program Elective – VII 3 0 0 3
******* Open Elective – IV 3
15 0 0 18 13
Total Contact Hours (L+T+P) + OE 15 + 3 = 18
Minor Specializations THIRD SEMESTER
I. Aerodynamics
AAE 4081: Aerodynamics of Rockets and Missiles
AAE 4075: Computational Fluid Dynamics Gradient, divergence and curl, Line, surface and volume integrals.
Green's, divergence and Stoke's theorems. Fourier series of periodic
AAE 4083: High-Speed Aerodynamics functions. Half range expansions. Harmonic analysis. Fourier integrals.
AAE 4034: Turbomachinery Aerodynamics Sine and cosine integrals, Fourier transform, Sine and cosine transform.
II. Material Science Partial differential equation-Basic concepts, solutions of equations
PHY 4051: Physics of Low Dimensional Materials involving derivatives with respect to one variable only. Solutions by
PHY 4052: Physics of Photonic & Energy Storage Devices indicated transformations and separation of variables. One-dimensional
CHM 4051: Chemical Bonding wave equation, one-dimensional heat equation and their solutions.
CHM 4052: Chemistry of Carbon Compound Numerical solutions of boundary valued problems, Laplace and Poisson
equations and heat and wave equations by explicit methods.
III. Business Management
HUM 4051: Financial Management
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, (5e), Wiley
HUM 4052: Human Resource Management
Eastern, 1985.
HUM 4053: Marketing Management
2. Sastry S. S., Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, (2e),
HUM 4054: Operation Management
Prentice Hall, 1990.
IV. Computational Mathematics 3. Grewal B. S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers,
MAT 4051: Applied Statistics and Time Series Analysis 1989.
MAT 4052: Computational Linear Algebra 4. Murray R. Spiegel, Vector Analysis, Schaum Publishing Co., 1959.
MAT 4053: Computational Probability and Design of Experiments
Programme Electives
AAE 4043: Advanced Propulsion Systems Materials science and engineering: Crystalline structure and Miller
AAE 4044: Aeroelasticity indices, Material characterization techniques, plastic deformation,
AAE 4045: Air and Space Transportation Systems dislocation, strain hardening, Mechanical behavior of materials, fracture,
AAE 4046: Aircraft Systems and Instruments toughness, fatigue, S-N curve, creep, metals and alloys in aviation and
AAE 4047: Airship Technology their applications, steels, Al and Mg alloys, Titanium and its alloys, heat
AAE 4048: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning treatment of alloys, annealing stages, surface modification techniques,
AAE 4049: Bio-Inspired computational Techniques Composites materials in aerospace industry, Manufacturing systems
AAE 4050: Composite structures and functions, production drawing, GDT symbols and interpretation,
AAE 4051: Computer Integrated Manufacturing Casting technology, Forming technology: cold and hot working, forging,
AAE 4052: Experimental stress analysis rolling, extrusion, sheet metal processing, laser shock peening,
AAE 4053: Exploration and Mapping using Autonomous systems electromagnetic forming and joining, Welding technology: friction stir
AAE 4054: Fracture Mechanics welding, laser welding, welding of dissimilar metals, solid state welding,
AAE 4055: Global Positioning System Technology welding defects, Machining, technology, machine tools, CNC machining,
AAE 4056: Industrial Automation Advanced machining: abrasive water jet machining, ECM, EDM, wire-
AAE 4057: Lightweight materials EDM, LBM, chemical machining, Additive Manufacturing, overall
AAE 4058: Metrology and Non-destructive Testing process chain, classification, process overview for AM used for
AAE 4059: Navigation, Guidance and Control Aerospace components.
AAE 4037: Noise Vibration and Harshness
1. Pradip K. Saha, Aerospace Manufacturing Processes, CRC Press,
AAE 4060: Operations and Supply chain Management
AAE 4061: Optimal Control
2. Eswara Prasad, R. and J. H. Wanhill, Aerospace Materials and
AAE 4062: Optimization Techniques
Material Technologies, Vol 1 and II, Springer, 2017.
AAE 4063: Orbital Mechanics
3. Callister W. and Balasubramaniam R., Materials Science and
AAE 4064: Product Design and Development
Engineering, Wiley, 2014.
AAE 4065: Renewable Energy
4. Mikell P Groover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, John
AAE 4066: Robust Control
Wiley, 2012.
AAE 4067: Rocket Propulsion
5. Campbell, F.C, Manufacturing Processes for Advanced Composites,
AAE 4068: Spacecraft Dynamics and Control
Elsevier, 2004.
AAE 4069: Statistical Quality control and Reliability
6. Barrie D. Dunn, Materials and Processes for Spacecraft and High-
AAE 4070: Surface Engineering and Coating Technology
Reliability Application, Springer Nature, 2016.
AAE 4071: Unsteady Aerodynamics
Open Electives AAE 2155: AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES [3 1 0 4]
AAE 4301: Automotive pollution and control Loads on the airframe, functions of structural components, Stresses
AAE 4302: Introduction to Automobile Engineering Tensile, Compressive and Shear, determination of stresses on inclined
AAE 4303: Introduction to Aerospace Engineering planes, principal stresses, strain. Elastic constants and strain energy.
AAE 4304: Introduction to Avionics and Navigation systems Euler buckling of columns, Inelastic buckling, Effect of initial
imperfections, beam-columns, Stability of beams under transverse and
axial loads. Types of beams. Supports and loads. Shear force and

bending moment diagrams in beams. Theory of symmetrical and 4. Howard D Curtis., Orbital mechanics for Engineering Students,
unsymmetrical bending of beams. Bending of open and closed thin- Butterworth Heinemann, 2013.
walled beams. Stress analysis of isotropic and composite beams, beam 5. Anderson Jr. JD, Fundamental of Aerodynamics, McGraw Hill
deflection and slope. General stress, strain and displacement International Edition, 2017.
relationships for open and single cell closed section thin-walled beams.
Shear of open and closed section beams. Torsion of solid sections, open AAE 2158: THERMODYNAMICS [3 1 0 4]
and closed section beams. Analysis of Combined open and closed
section beams under Bending and Torsion. Structural idealization, Effect Vocabulary associated with thermodynamics, basic concepts of
of idealization on the analysis of open and closed section beams Stress thermodynamics zeroth law of thermodynamics, temperature
analysis of aircraft components wing and fuselage. measurement and temperature scales ideal gas and pure substance.
thermodynamic properties using tables of thermodynamic properties and
analyze the processes on T-v diagrams to solve advanced engineering
1. Megson THG, Aircraft Structures for Engineering students,
problems. first law of thermodynamics for closed and open systems
Elsevier/Butterworth Publication, 1998.
undergoing different thermodynamic processes. Use of the first law to
2. Donaldson, B. K, Analysis of Aircraft Structures – An Introduction,
understand its application for open systems such as turbine, nozzle and
(2e), McGraw Hill, 1993.
heat exchanger. The second law of thermodynamics. formulation of
3. Timoshenko S., Strength of materials, Vols. I & II, CBS Pub, 2004.
entropy principle from the second law of thermodynamics for a cycle by
4. Mott R. L., Applied Strength of materials, (6e) CRC Press, 2016.
establishing the inequality of Clausius. the inequality of Clausius and
5. Egor P. Popov, Engineering Mechanics of Solids, PHI, 2014.
establish the property entropy of a system. various power cycles and
6. Peery, D. J, and Azar. J. J., Aircraft Structures, (2e), Mc Graw-Hill,
comparison of the otto, diesel, and dual cycle performance. Estimate the
N.Y., 1993.
efficiency of Brayton cycle for various engineering case studies
7. Rivello R. M., Theory and Analysis of Flight Structures, McGraw Hill,
1993. References:
AAE 2156: FLUID DYNAMICS [3 1 0 4] 1. Van Wylan G. & Sonntag R. E., Fundamentals of Classical
Thermodynamics, John Wiley 1997.
Fluid Properties and Fluid Statics: Hydrostatic law, Piezometer, Simple and 2. Jones J.B., & Dugan R.E., Engineering Thermodynamics, Prentice
differential manometers, pressure gauges, Fluid Kinematics: Continuity Hall, 1996.
equation in 3D flow, stream function, velocity potential function. F l u i d 3. Yunus Cengel & Boles, Thermodynamics-An Engineering Approach
Dynamics: Continuity equation in 3D flow, stream function, velocity (7e), Tata McGraw Hill, 2000.
potential function. Similitude and Flow Measurement: Flow through 4. Holman J. P, Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill International, 1985.
Venturimeter and Orifice meter, flow through notches and weirs. 5. Nag P. K., Engineering Thermodynamics, (3e) Tata McGraw Hill, 1998.
Approximate solutions of Navier Stoke Equations: Prandtl contribution,
Characteristics of the boundary layer along a thin flat plate Exact Solutions AAE 2163: FLUID MECHANICS LAB [0 0 3 1]
of Navier Stokes Equations, Flow of Compressible Fluid: Thermodynamic Irrigation Lab: Venturi meter, orifice meter, orifice, v-notch, rectangular
relations, basic equations of compressible flow, the velocity of sound. notch, friction in pipes. Fluids Lab: Closed cup and open cup flash point
and fire point, Saybolt viscometer, redwood viscometer, boys' gas
calorimeter. Thermal lab: Measurement of emissivity, natural convection
1. Yunus A Cengel, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013.
and forced convection.
2. Frank N white, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw Hill, 2011.
3. Bruce R. Munson, Theodore H. Okiishi, Wade W. Huebsch, Alric P.
1. Yunus A Cengel, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
Rothmayer, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons,
2. Ethirajan Rathakrishnan, Fluid Mechanics An Introduction, PHI
New Jersey, 2013.
publisher, 2013.
4. Clayton T. Crowe et al, Engineering Fluid Mechanics, John Wiley and
3. Kumar K. L., Chand S. & Co, Engineering Fluid Mechanics, 2005.
Sons, New Jersey, 2009.
4. Frank N white, Fluid Mechanics, Mc-Graw Hill, 2011.
5. John F Douglas, Fluid Mechanics, (5e), Pearson Educations
publishers, 2005.
Introduction and Overview of The History of Flight, Fundamental
Thoughts, Ballooning, Basic/Constructive Principles of Fluid Mechanics- AAE 2164: STRUCTURES LAB [0 0 6 2]
Bernoulli's Theorem and Control Volume Approaches, The Sources of all
Experiments based on Tensile, Torsion, Bending, Compression, Fatigue,
Aerodynamic Forces, Equation of State for a Perfect Gas, Specific
Impact and hardness properties of different structural materials.
Volume, Anatomy of Aircraft and Space Vehicles, Standard Atmosphere,
Deflection of beams, Poisson ratio calculations, Non-destructive testing.
Hydrostatic Equation, Relation between Geopotential and Geometric
Altitudes, Basics of Aerodynamics, Airfoil Nomenclature, Lift, Drag and References:
Moment Coefficient, Elements of Airplane Performance, Astronautics, 1. Megson T. H. G., Aircraft Structures for Engineering students,
Basics of Propulsion. Elsevier/Butterworth Publication, 1999.
2. Donaldson, B. K, Analysis of Aircraft Structures – An Introduction
(2e), McGraw Hill, 1993
1. Anderson Jr. JD, Introduction to Flight, McGraw Hill International
3. Timoshenko S., Strength of materials, Vols. I & II, Princeton, D.Von
Edition, 2012.
Nostrand Co., 1988.
2. Dava Newman, Interactive Aerospace Engineering and Design,
4. Mott, Applied Strength of materials, PHI, 1998.
McGraw Hill International Edition, 2002.
5. Egor P Popov, Engineering Mechanics of Solids, PHI, 2004.
3. A. C. Kermode, Flight without Formulae, Pearson Education (United
6. Norman E. Dowling, Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Pearson
Kingdom), 1990.
Education, 2010.

FOURTH SEMESTER 5. El-Sayed Ahmed, Aircraft Propulsion and Gas Turbine Engines, Taylor
and Francis (CRC Press), 2008.
6. Saravanamuttoo, H. I. H., Rogers G. F. C., Cohen H., Gas Turbine
Theory, Pearson, 2001.
Statistics: Measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion,
Correlation coefficient, regression, least squares principles of curve AAE 2256: FLIGHT MECHANICS [2 1 0 3]
fitting. Probability: finite sample spaces, conditional probability and
independence, Baye's theorem, one-dimensional random variable, Introduction, Forces and Moments Acting on Vehicles in Flight, Review of
mean, variance. Two and higher dimensional random variables: mean, Aerodynamics and Propulsion, Equations of Motion and Simplification
variance, correlation coefficient. Distributions: Binomial, Poisson, for Performance Analysis, Earth's Atmosphere and International
uniform, normal, gamma, Chi-square and exponential distributions, Standard Atmosphere, Hydrostatic Equation, Density, Pressure And
simple problems. Moment generating function, Functions of one Temperature Altitude, Low Subsonic Drag Polar, High Subsonic Drag
dimensional and two-dimensional random variables, Sampling theory, Polar, Drag Polar Estimation, Performance Analysis of Accelerated and
Central limit theorem and applications. Optimization: Basic concepts, Un-accelerated Flight, Climb, Descent, Cruise, Take-Off and Landing,
Linear programming, Graphical and Simplex methods, penalty cost and Range, Endurance, Glide, V-N Diagram, Flight Manoeuvres.
two-phase methods. Transportation problems. References:
References: 1. Anderson Jr. J D, Aircraft Performance and Design, McGraw Hill
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, (5e), Wiley International Edition, 1999.
Eastern, 1985. 2. Ruijgrok GJ, Elements of Aircraft Performance, VSSD, 2009.
2. Meyer P. L., Introduction to probability and Statistical Applications 3. Pamadi B., Performance, Stability, Dynamics and Control of an
(2e). Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc, 1970. Airplane, AIAA Publications, 2015.
3. Grewal B. S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 4. Phillips W. F., Mechanics of Flight, John Wiley, 2010.
1989. 5. Anderson Jr. J D, Introduction to Flight, McGraw Hill International
4. Hamdy A Taha, Operation research (9e), Pearson, 2014. Edition, 2012.
6. Kermode A. C., Mechanics of Flight, Pearson Education (United
AAE 2254: AERODYNAMICS [3 1 0 4] Kingdom), 2012.
Fluid motion Basics:- Streamline, pathline, types of flows, basic
aerodynamics forces, boundary layer, Potential flows: stream function, AAE 2257: LINEAR CONTROL THEORY [3 1 0 4]
velocity potential, their properties, Inviscid incompressible flows:
Mathematical Modelling of System, Laplace Transforms, transfer
governing equations, Blasius theorem, boundary layer equations,
functions, block diagram representation. Block diagram reduction, Time
application of momentum theory, Low speed aerodynamics: airfoils:
response characteristics. Introduction to stability, Routh Hurwitz stability
elementary flows, kutta joukowsky theorems, kutta condition, circulation
theorem,Flow over a wing: vortex element, downwash , induced drag, criterion. Root locus plots, stability margins. Frequency response
effect of aspect ratio, Conformal transformations, Zhokowsky analysis: Nyquist stability criterion, Bode plots and stability margins in
transformation and its application, Wind Tunnel Techniques, force the frequency domain. Basics of control design, the proportional,
balancing system, PIV techniques, PDV techniques. derivative and integral actions. Design using Root Locus Design using
Bode plots Effects of zeros, minimum and non-minimum phase
References: systems. Introduction to state space methods, Linearization of nonlinear
1. Anderson, J. D., Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, (5e), McGraw-Hill systems.
International, 2011.
2. Houghton, E. L. and Carruthers N.B., Aerodynamics for Engineering
Students, Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd., London, 1989. 1. Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Pearson Education
3. Clancy L. J., Aerodynamics, 1986. 2. Nagrath I. J. and Gopal M., Control Systems Engineering, New Age
4. Pitman, Milne Thomson, Theoretical Aerodynamics, Macmillan 1985. Publications, 2015.
3. Farid Golnaraghi and Benjamin C Kuo, Automatic Control Systems
AAE 2255: AIRCRAFT PROPULSION [3 1 0 4] (9e), John Wiley and Sons, 2009.
Understand and develop the importance of jet engine and ramjet 4. Harry Trentelman, Anton A. Stoorvogel, Malo Hautus, Control Theory
engine concepts. Understand the development of Stagnation values in for Linear Systems, Springer-Verlag, 2001.
different regions of jet and propeller engine. Classify the type's jet
engines and Construct the charts and investigate and compare their AAE 2264: AERODYNAMICS & PROPULSION LAB [0 0 6 2]
performance properties. Understand the concept of each type of Introduction to wind tunnels specification and calibration, Flow over
engine and in its derivations and problems related to the cylinder, Pressure distribution and calculation of lift over symmetrical
corresponding type of jet engine. Understand about problems of
airfoil, Pressure distribution and calculation of lift over unsymmetrical
combustion problems and controlling combustion process.
airfoil, boundary layer calculations, calculation of zero lift angle on a
Familiarize with much of the terminology used in all the jet engine in the
cambered airfoil, Hotwire anemometer, Calculation of drag on cylinder
field of propulsion through sizing and matching of the engine.
using wake survey method, Calculation of drag on airfoil using wake
References: survey method.
1. Kroes Michael J. & Wild Thomas W., Aircraft Powerplants, (7e), Tata-
Mcgraw-Hill, 2010. Measurement of Nozzle flow by varying the motor speeds. Free Jet and
Wall Jet measurements by varying speeds and position of the jet. The
2. Hill Philip, Peterson Carl, Mechanics and Thermodynamics of
Propulsion, Addison Wesly, 1992. efficiency of Axial flow fan by variable Guide vane Position. Forced and
natural Convection over a flat plate. Finding out the given fuel Calorific
3. Roy Bhaskar, Aircraft Propulsion, Elsevier, 2008.
value. Measurement of Burning velocity in a premixed flame. Find out the
4. Mattingly J. D., Elements of Propulsion - Gas Turbines and Rockets,
performance of Mini Gas turbine.
AIAA Education series, 2006.

References: McGraw Hill Publication, New Delhi, 2008.
1. Anderson J. D., Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, McGraw-Hill 6. Thuesen G.J., Engineering Economics Prentice Hall of India, New
International Edition, 2011. Delhi, 2005.
2. Houghton E. L. and Carruthers N. B., Aerodynamics for Engineering 7. Blank Leland T. Tarquin Anthony J. Engineering Economy, McGraw
Students, Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd., London, 1989 . Hill, Delhi, 2002.
3. Hill, P. G. and Peterson, C. R., Mechanics and thermodynamics of 8. Chan S. Park, Fundamentals of Engineering Economics, 3rd edition,
propulsion, (2e). Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1992. Pearson Publication, 2013.
4. Sutton G. P. and Biblarj O., Rocket propulsion elements, (7e), Wiley
Interscience Publications, 2001. AAE 3155: AIRCRAFT DESIGN [2 1 0 3]
5. Mukunda H. S., Understanding aerospace propulsion, Interline Factors affecting aeroplane design, Preliminary Three-View Drawing
Publishing, 2004. Based On Data Collection, Lading Distance. Estimation Of Empty-Weight
Fraction, Estimation Of Fuel Fraction; Guidelines For Drag Polar And Sfc
AAE 2265: NUMERICAL COMPUTATION LAB -I [0 0 3 1] For Subsonic Airplanes, Choice Of Wing Loading Based On
Basic of the MATLAB/Simulink programming, Live script, array, loop, Considerations Of Landing Field Length, Choice Of Engine,
function, plotting, Approximations and Error, Linear Algebraic Systems Considerations For Choice Of Wing Parameters, Features Of The
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors-Matrices, Numerical Differentiation and Fuselages, Preliminary Sizing Of Horizontal And Vertical Tails,
Integration, Curve fitting and Optimization and transportation planning, Calculation Of C.G. Location, Introduction to aircraft structures, Planning
Linear and Nonlinear Equation, Regression and Interpolation Ordinary and Structural weights, Introduction to loads, aero elasticity, flight
Differential Equations-Euler's Method, Runge-Kutta Methods, Multistep, maneuvers, Wing and fuselage internal structural designs, Performance
Boundary Value Problems- Partial Differential Equations, Finite Element and function, design criteria and ground rules, structural life estimation.
1. Leland Nicolai, Grant Carinchner, Fundamentals of aircraft and aircraft
1. Robert J. Schilling and Sandra L. Harries, Applied Numerical Methods
design, AIAA Educational Series– Volume -1.
for Engineers using MATLAB and C, Thomson Learning Inc., 2000.
2. Daniel P Raymer, Aircraft Design – A Conceptual approach.
2. Brian R Hunt, et al, Guide To Matlab: For Beginners And Experienced
3. Niu M., Airframe structural design, Conmilit Press Ltd, 1993.
Users, (2e), Cambridge University Press, 2011.
4. Megson T. H, Aircraft structures for engineering students, John Wiley
3. Fausett L.V., Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB, (2e).,
& Sons, 1999.
Pearson Education, 2007.
FIFTH SEMESTER Introduction to Avionics, Avionics Systems Essentials:-Displays, HMI,
I/O Devices and Power, Packaging, ARINC and DOD Types, System
HUM 3151: ENGINEERING ECONOMICS AND Cooling, EMI/EMC Requirements; Electrical Power Generation and
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT [2 1 0 3] Distribution Systems, Digital Communication, Digital Data Bus System,
Nature and significance, Micro & macro differences, Law of demand and ARINC-429,629, AFDX, MIL-STD-1553, Fiber Optic Comm., FMS, FBW,
supply, Elasticity & equilibrium of demand & supply. Time value of Autopilot, LRU, IMA & Mission Systems, Inertial Sensors, Inertial
money, Interest factors for discrete compounding, Nominal & effective Navigation Systems, Multisensors Navigation Systems, Kalman filter
interest rates, Present and future worth of single, Uniform gradient cash basics & Mechanization, GPS-INS Mechanization, Point source and
flow. Bases for comparison of alternatives, Present worth amount, hyperbolic source systems, Satellites Radio Navigation:-Satellite
Capitalized equivalent amount, Annual equivalent amount, Future worth Navigation Systems, Orbital Mechanics & Clock Characteristics,
amount, Capital recovery with the return, Rate of return method, an Atmospheric effects on satellite signals, NAVSTAR Global Positioning
Incremental approach for the economic analysis of alternatives, Systems, Global Orbiting Navigation Satellites Systems, Radar & landing
Replacement analysis. Break-even analysis for single product and multi- systems, UAV Avionics, DO-178 B/C, Embedded safety and Security in
product firms, Break-even analysis for evaluation of investment aerospace domain, Antenna Design, analysis and placement.
alternatives. Physical & functional depreciation, Straight-line Reference:
depreciation, Declining balance method of depreciation, Sum-of-the- 1. Myron Kayton & Walter R. Fried, Avionics Navigation Systems, (2e),
years digits method of depreciation, Sinking fund and service output Wiley-Interscience, 1997.
methods, Costing and its types – Job costing and Process costing, 2. Siouris G. M., Aerospace Avionics systems: A Modern Synthesis,
Introduction to balance sheet and profit & loss statement. Ratio analysis - Academic Press, 1993.
Financial ratios such as liquidity ratios, Leverage ratios, Turn over ratios, 3. Collinson R. P. G., Introduction to Avionics Systems, Springer, 2002.
and profitability ratios 4. Ching-Fang Lin, Modern Navigation, Guidance, and Control
Processing, Prentice Hall, 1991.
References: 5. Bradford W. Parkinson and James J. Spilker, The Global Positioning
1. Prasanna Chandra., Fundamentals of Financial Management, Tata System: Theory and Application, Volume I & II, AIAA Copyright, 2010.
Mc-Graw Hill Companies, New Delhi, 2005. 6. Cary R. Spitzer, Digital Avionics Handbook: -Avionics Development
2. James L Riggs, David D Bedworth and Sabah U Randhawa., and Implementation (2e), CRC Press, 2007.
Engineering Economics, Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Company 7. DO 178B/C software.
Ltd, New Delhi, 2004.
3. T. Ramachandran., Accounting and Financial Management, Scitech AAE 3157: FLIGHT DYNAMICS [3 1 0 4]
Publications Pvt. Ltd. India, 2001.
4. Eugene F. B. & Joel F. H., Fundamentals of Financial Management, 12th Aircraft Equations of Motion, Modelling of Longitudinal Aerodynamic
ed., Cengage Learning Publisher, 2009. Forces and Moments in Steady State, Modelling of Longitudinal
5. M. Y. Khan & P. K. Jain., Financial Management, 5th edition Tata Aerodynamic Forces and Moments in Perturbed State, Modelling of

Lateral Directional Aerodynamic Forces and Moments in Steady state, References:
Modelling of Lateral Directional Aerodynamic Forces and Moments in 1. Robert J. Schilling and Sandra L. Harries, Applied Numerical Methods
Perturbed State, Static Stability, Modelling of Longitudinal and Lateral for Engineers using MATLAB and C, Thomson Learning Inc., 2000.
Directional Thrust Forces and Moments in both Steady and Perturbed 2. Fausett L. V. Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB, (2e)., Pearson
State, Dynamic Stability, Solutions to Longitudinal Equations, Education 2007.
Longitudinal Dynamic Modes and Approximations: Short Period and 3. Balanis C. A., Antenna Theory - Analysis and Design, John Wiley.
Phugoid, Lateral Directional Dynamic Modes and Approximations: Spiral, 4. Pradeep Oak and Renu Rajani, Software Testing – Effective Methods,
Roll and Dutch Roll, sensitivity analysis and Cooper Harper Ratings. Tools and Techniques McGraw Hill.
1. Napolitano M. R., Aircraft Dynamics from Modeling and Simulation, SIXTH SEMESTER
Wiley Publications, 2012.
2. Schmidt L.V., Introduction to Aircraft Flight Dynamics, AIAA Education HUM 3152: ESSENTIALS OF MANAGEMENT [2 1 0 3]
Series, 2001. Definition of management and systems approach Nature & scope, The
3. McRuer Det. Al., Aircraft Dynamics and Automatic Control, Princeton functions of managers, Corporate social responsibility. Planning: Types
University Press, NJ, 2004. of plans, Steps in planning, Process of MBO, How to set objectives,
4. Stengel R. F., Flight Dynamics, Princeton University Press, NJ, 2004 Strategies, Policies & planning premises, Strategic planning process and
5. Jan Roskam, Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls, tools. Nature & purpose of behaviour, Span of management, factors
DAR Corporation, 2001. determining the span, Basic departmentalization, Line & staff concepts,
Functional authority, Art of the delegation, Decentralisation of authority.
AAE 3158: GAS DYNAMICS [3 1 0 4] HR planning, Recruitment, Development and training. Theories of
Review of thermodynamics, governing equations, Introduction to total motivation, Special motivational techniques. Leadership – leadership
and stagnation parameters,1D flows and its equations, Normal shocks, behaviour & styles, Managerial Grid. Basic Control Process, Critical
oblique shocks, Expansion waves, nozzle flows, Supersonic jets, Non- Control Points & Standards, Budgets, Non-budgetary control devices.
isentropic flows, experimental setup, flow visualization, a 2D method of Profit & loss control, Control through ROI, Direct, Preventive control.
characteristics, unsteady flow phenomena, introduction to hypersonic Managerial practices in Japan & USA & application of Theory Z. The
flows. nature & purpose of international business & multinational corporations,
the unified global theory of management. Entrepreneurial traits,
References: Creativity, Innovation management, Market analysis, Business plan
1. Liepmann H. W., and Roshko A., Elements of Gas Dynamics, Dover concepts, Development of financial projections.
Publications, Inc., Mineola, NY, USA. References:
2. Oosthuizen P. H., and Carscallen, W. E., Compressible Fluid Flow, 1. Koontz D., Essentials of Management, Mc Graw Hill, New York,
McGraw-Hill international editions, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2004.
Singapore. 2. Peter Drucker, Management, Task and Responsibility, Allied
3. Babu V., Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics, Ane Books India, Chennai. Publishers, 2006.
4. Anderson J. D., Introduction to modern compressible flow, McGraw- 3. Peter Drucker, The practice of management, Butterworth Hein Mann,
Hill International, 2011 2003.

Introduction to 2D entities, Mechanical Components, Aerospace Introduction to Finite Element Method, Difference between Finite Element
components, Introduction to 3D Entitles, Introduction to Assembly and, Finite Difference Methods, steps in Finite element method,
commands, Aerospace Components assembly, Rocker Arm Assembly, Displacement, one dimensional elements, derivation of bar element,
Plummer block assembly, Connecting rod, Engine Cross Head, Screw beam element, spring element stiffness matrix, bar element orientation,
Jack. beam element with UDL, hinge condition, 2D plane element, constant
References: strain triangle, linear strain triangle elements, energy method, weighted
1. Prof Sham Tickoo, CATIA V5R17 for engineers & Designers, residual method.
Dreamtech Press Publication, 2008.
2. Michael Michaud, CATIA Core Tools: computer-aided three- References:
dimensional interactive application, McGraw Hill Professional 1. Reddy J. N., An Introduction to Finite Element Method, McGraw Hill
Publication, 2012. Publication, 2003.
3. Kirstlie Plantenberg, An Introduction to CATIA V6 Release 2012, 2. Segerlind L. S., Applied Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley & Sons,
Schroff Development Publication, 2011. 1998.
3. Rao S S., The Finite Element Method in Engineering, Pergamon, 2004.
AAE 3164: NUMERICAL COMPUTATION LAB -II [0-0-3-1] 4. Logan D., The Frist course in finite element method, Cengage
Basic of the MATLAB/Simulink programming, Basic of Antenna Design, Learning, 2016.
Analysis and Placement on Aircraft, DO 178 B/C Software-Embedded
Safety and Security for embedded system, LabVIEW-Basic Circuit Design AAE 3254: THEORY OF VIBRATIONS [3 1 0 4]
and Analysis, Finite Element Method-ODE, PDE application, Proteus Introduction to Vibrations terminology. SDOF – undamped and damped
Software, Aircraft Simulation & Systems Identification, Mass-Spring- free vibrations. SDOF systems subjected to forced vibration. 2DOF
Damper Systems, Characteristic Polynomial and Telescope Position systems: Natural frequencies and modes of vibration by the classical
Control, Root finding and Suspension cable, -Link of robotic Arm, UAV method of the spring-mass system, Coordinate coupling. Dynamic
dynamics and instrumentation-GCS. vibration absorber, pendulum absorber. MDOF systems-influence
coefficients. Matrix method, Numerical methods. The vibration of

continuous systems and Critical speeds of shafts, critical speed of SEVENTH SEMESTER
shafts with damping. Importance of NVH in automobiles- tailpipe noise
measurement and vehicle pass by noise measurement. Introduction to There are five program electives and one open elective with a total of 18
Modal analysis- Impact hammers, Electrodynamic shakers, credits to be taught in this semester.
microphones and their applications in Automobile Industries.
1. Singirisu Rao S, Mechanical Vibration, Pearson Education, Delhi, AAE 4298: INDUSTRIAL TRAINING
2004. Each student has to undergo industrial training for a minimum period of 4
2. Dukkapatti Rao V, Text Book of Mechanical Vibration, Prentice Hall of weeks. This may be taken in a phased manner during the vacation
India Ltd, 2004. starting from the end of the third semester. The student has to submit to
3. Daniel Imnan J., Engineering Vibration, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, the department a training report in the prescribed format and also make a
2001. presentation of the same. The report should include the certificates
4. Groover G. K., Mechanical Vibrations, Nemchand And Bros, Roorkee, issued by the industry.
5. Seto W. W., Theory and Problems in Mechanical Vibrations, MGH, AAE 4299: PROJECT WORK/PRACTICE SCHOOL
Singapore, 1989. The project work may be carried out in the institution/industry/ research
6. Rao J. S. and Gupta K., Introductory Course on Theory And Practice of laboratory or any other competent institutions. The duration of the project
Mechanical Vibrations, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1984. work shall be a minimum of 16 weeks which may be extended up to 24
weeks. A mid-semester evaluation of the project work shall be done after
AAE 3263: AVIONICS LAB [0 0 6 2] about 8 weeks. An interim project report on the progress of the work shall
Digital Circuit Verification, Assembly Programming-ADC, DAC Hardware be submitted to the department during the mid-semester evaluation. The
interface, Breadboard to Build Circuit, UAV instrumentation integration, final evaluation and viva-voice will be conducted after submission of the
UAV Simulator-Mission Planner, , Satellite Trainer, Radar Trainer, Antenna final project report in the prescribed form. The student has to make a
Design Software-Hardware & Software, Data bus, Aircraft Modelling, presentation on the work carried out, before the department committee
Simulation based on MATLAB/SIMULINK, autopilot design based on as part of project evaluation.
MATLAB & LabVIEW(Graphical Systems Design), UAV/MAV Telemetry,
Embedded Electronics/Autopilot and Mini Project based on PROGRAM ELECTIVES
MATLAB/SIMULINK, LabVIEW, Flight Simulator –CESSNA 172 Flight
DATA ANALYSIS, Longitudinal and Lateral stability mode analysis, Flight AAE 4081: AERODYNAMICS OF ROCKETS AND MISSILES [2 1 0 3]
performance analysis, Antenna Design and Analysis, DO 178B/C
Software analysis, Circuit design using proteus. Airframe components of rockets and missiles- Forces acting on a missile
while passing through the atmosphere- Classification of missiles- Types
References: of design and control. Kinematics of flow, Mach and shock waves,
1. Myron Kyton, Walfred Fried, Avionics Navigation Systems, John Wiley Theory of fluid flow about slender bodies. Method of describing
& Sons, (2e), 1997. aerodynamic forces and moments-Lateral aerodynamic moment-Lateral
2. Albert Helfrick, Practical Aircraft Electronic Systems, Prentice Hall damping moment and longitudinal moment of a rocket-Lift and drag
Education, 1995. forces-Drag estimation - Body upwash and downwash in the missiles-
3. Cary R.Spitzer, The Avionics Handbook (2e), CRC Press LLC, 2006. Rocket dispersion. The non-linear potential equation, linearization of
4. Misza Kaiechman, Practical Matlab basics for Engineers, CRC Press, potential equation, Bernoulli's equation, line pressure source,
2008. aerodynamic characteristics of rectangular and triangular lift surfaces on
5. Ronald W. Larsen, Lab VIEW for Engineers, Pearson, 2010. the basis of supersonic wing theory, simple sweep theory, conformal
mapping. Aerodynamic code requirements and uses in various missile
AAE 3264: STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS LAB [0 0 6 2] design stages, types of aeroprediction codes, conventional approximate
Introduction to Ansys Classic, introduction to elements, 1D element, aerodynamic methods, new approximate aerodynamic methods.
truss, beam element, 2D and 3D elements, Plane solid, brick element, 2D
and 3D modeling techniques, modal analysis, thermal analysis, shell References:
analysis, Introduction to Ansys Workbench, Modeling techniques, 1. Jack N Nielsen, Missile Aerodynamics, Mc Graw Hill Publication,
importing models, Static analysis, beam, 2D and 3D structural analysis, 1960.
Modal, thermal analysis in workbench, Simple Crash analysis, Contact 2. Richard Dow, Fundamentals of Advanced Missiles, John Wiley and
analysis. sons.
3. Mark Pinney, Aerodynamics of Missiles and Rockets, McGraw-Hill
References: Professional, 2014.
1. Choudary R. B., Introduction to ANSYS10.0, IK International, 2009.
2. Esam M. A., Finite element simulation using ANSYS, Taylor & Francis AAE 4075: COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS [2 1 0 3]
Publication, 2010. Derivation of governing equations of fluid dynamics and discussion on a
3. Paleti Srinivas, Krishna ChaitanyaS ambana, Rajesh Kumar Datti, characteristic of the governing equations, the initial and boundary
Finite element using ANSYS 11.0, PHI Publications, 2010. conditions. The mathematical behaviour of different classes of partial
4. Stolavski T., Nakasone Y., Yoshimoto S., Engineering analysis with differential equations. Discretization of governing equations using Finite
Ansys software, Butterworth-Heinemann Publication, 2006. Difference and Control Volume approach. The basic solution techniques for
steady-state and transient equations. A solution of Diffusion Problems.
Numerical methods for steady 1D convective flow with diffusion. The need

for a staggered grid. Discussion on SIMPLE, SIMPLER and PISO AAE 4043: ADVANCED PROPULSION SYSTEMS [2 1 0 3]
algorithms. Implementation of Boundary Conditions in CFD. Scramjet and Ramjet engines: performance parameters, physical
significance through thermodynamics aspects, Electrical propulsion
References: systems: Definitions, thrust equations, performance parameters, related
1. John D Anderson Jr., Computational Fluid Dynamics- The Basics with numerical problems, Ion propulsion systems: Definitions, thrust
Applications, International Edition. McGraw Hill. New York, 1995. equations, performance parameters, related numerical problems,
2. Suhas V Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Plasma Propulsion systems: Definitions, thrust equations, performance
Hemisphere / McGraw Hill New York, 1980. parameters related numerical problems, Nuclear propulsion systems:
3. Versteeg H. K., Malalasekera W. An Introduction to Computational Definitions, thrust equations, performance parameters, related
Fluid Dynamics- The Finite Volume Method, Longman Scientific & numerical problems.
Technical. England, 1995.
4. Anderson D. A, Tannehill J. C, and Pletcher R. H., Computational Fluid References:
Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Taylor and Francis Group. New York, 1. Hill, P. G. and Peterson, C.R., Mechanics and thermodynamics of
1997. propulsion, (2e), Reading, Massachusetts: Addison Wesley
5. Chung T. J., Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Publishing Company, 1992.
Press South Asia Edition, 2003. 2. Sutton, G. P. and Biblarj, O., Rocket propulsion elements, (7e), New
6. Fletcher C. A. J., Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics, Vol I York: Wiley Interscience Publications, 2001.
and Vol II., Springer- Verlag. Berlin, 1988. 3. Mukunda, H. S., Understanding aerospace propulsion, Bangalore:
Interline Publishing, 2004.
AAE 4083: HIGH SPEED AERODYNAMICS [2 1 0 3] 4. Ramamurthi, K., Rocket Propulsion, Macmillan (in press), 2009.
Importance/properties of hypersonic flow-Basic equations boundary 5. Mishra D. P., Fundamental of rocket propulsion CRC Press 2017.
conditions for inviscid flow, shock wave shapes, flow over a wedge-
Prandtl-Meyer flow- Axi-symmetric flow over a cone - Flow over a flat AAE 4044: AEROELASTICITY [2 1 0 3]
plate -Flow over a wedge and a cone- Blast wave analogy,-Newtonian Introduction to Aeroelastic problems and Aircraft Structures,
impact theory- Busemann centrifugal correction -Shock expansion Deformation of Structures and Influence Coefficients, Energy Methods,
method- Tangent cone and tangent wedge methods, Reference Lagrange's Equation, Static Aeroelasticity, Divergence of lifting surfaces,
temperature method-Entropy layer effects on aerodynamic heating- Divergence of a 2D Airfoil, Control Reversal and Effectiveness,
Hypersonic viscous interactions-Strong and weak interactions-Shock Symmetric and Anti-Symmetric Flow Conditions. Effect of Sweep in
wave/ boundary layer interactions, Hypersonic propulsion and vehicle Divergence, Dynamic Aeroelasticity, Flutter Speed Calculations, Flutter
design, Hypersonic Wind tunnels and its design. Conics, Buffeting.

References: References:
1. Anderson, J. D. Jr., Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, (4e), McGraw- 1. Wright J. and Cooper J., Introduction to Aircraft Aeroelasticity and
Hill, 2007. Loads, John Wiley and Sons UK, 2007.
2. Anderson, J. D, Hypersonic and High-Temperature Gas Dynamics, 2. Bisplingshoff R. L., Ashley H., Halfman R. L., Aeroelasticity, Dover
McGraw-Hill, 1989. Publications Inc, New York, 1996.
3. Bertin, J. J, Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics, AIAA, 1994. 3. Fung Y. C., An Introduction to the Theory of Aeroelasticity, Dover
4. Zuker, R. D., and Biblarz O., Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics, John Publications Inc, New York, 1993.
Wiley & Sons Inc. 4. Ulgen Gulcat. Fundamentals of Modern Unsteady Aerodynamics,
Springer Publications, 2011.
AAE 4034: TURBOMACHINERY AERODYNAMICS [2 1 0 3] 5. Dowell E. H., Curtiss H.C, Scalan R. H., Sisto F, A Modern Course in
Classify the type's jet engine compressors and turbines and Construct Aeroelasticity, Sijthoff and Noordhoff, 1978.
the charts and investigate and compare their performance properties.
Understand and develop the importance of aircraft engine fan, AAE 4045: AIR AND SPACE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM [2 1 0 3]
compressors and turbines concepts. Understand the development of Objectives and Constraints: Definition, parts of aircraft functions.
Stagnation values in different regions of jet engine compressors and Environment, operational conditions, safety, security, conditions.
turbines. Understand the concept of each type of compressors and Regulations of transportations, facility, equipment, airspace safety.
turbines and in its derivations and problems related to the corresponding System elements: the aircraft, airlines, airports, airspace, compatibility
type of jet engine component. Familiarize with much of the terminology with objectives, and operational infrastructure, Efficiency and
used in all the jet engine turbomachinery in the field of propulsion through effectiveness. Airlines: objectives, planning, operations – procedures.
sizing and matching of the engine. Airspace: Airspace management, Communication, navigation,
References: surveillance systems, categories of airspace, sectors, separation
1. Nicholas Cumpsty, Compressor Aerodynamics, Kreiger minima, capacity, demand, delay, ICAO future air navigation systems.
Publications, USA, 2004. Systems Engineering And Systems Design Considerations: definition,
2. Johnson I. A., Bullock R.O. NASA-SP-36, Axial Flow Compressors, System engineer, Systems engineering cycle, Systems engineering
NTIS, 2002. process, Doctrine of successive refinement, Systems engineering in a
3. El-Wakil M. M., Powerplant Technology, McGraw-Hill Pub, 1984. DOD Context, Systems Engineering in a NASA Context, System
4. NASA-SP-290, Axial Flow turbines, NTIS, USA, 2002. integration, System interfaces and control, Tools and methodologies,
5. Horlock J. H, Axial flow compressors, Butterworths, UK, 1958. Basic launch vehicle system trade analysis methodology. Transportation
6. Horlock J. H, Axial Flow Turbines, Butterworths, UK, 1965. system architecture, infrastructures and U.S. Space shuttle: Historical
7. Lakshminarayana B., Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer in drivers for space infrastructure, Political considerations, Historical
turbomachineries, Wiley USA, 1995. drivers for space infrastructure, Political considerations, National

mission model, Private sector and commercialization, Development of techniques: Genetic Algorithm (GA), different operators of GA, analysis
commercial space transportation architecture and system concepts, of selection operations, Hypothesis of building blocks, Simulated
Recommended improvements to space transportation architectures, annealing and Stochastic Hybrid Systems: Neural-Network-Based Fuzzy
Shuttle evolution and future growth. Systems, Genetic Algorithm for Neural Network Design and Learning,
References: Machine Learning and data science: Machine learning, pattern
1. Hirst, The Air Transport System, M. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., recognition, image processing, text processing, natural language
2008. processing, graphics, cognition and computation, data mining,
2. Bazargan M., Ashgate, Airline Operations and Scheduling, 2004. Introduction to Computer Vision: Edge detection, Expert Systems:
3. Wensveen J. G., Air Transportation – A Management Perspective, fundamental blocks, case studies in various domains, concept of shells,
Ashgate, 2007. connectionist expert systems. Introduction to Natural Language
4. Belobaba, Global Airline Industry, P. et al., AIAA, 2009. Understanding: problems of ambiguity, ellipsis and polysemy, Intelligent
5. Walter Hammond, Space Transportation: A Systems Approach to System Applications: Intelligent Systems for Search and modelling,
Analysis and Design, AIAA Education Series, American Institute of Automated Training Using an Intelligent System.
Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, 1999.
AAE 4046: AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS AND INSTRUMENTS [2 1 0 3] 1. Rajsekharan S., Vijayalaxmi Pai, Neural Networks, Fuzzy logic and
Flight Control Systems, Principles of Flight Control, Engine Control Genetic Algorithms, Synthesis and applications. 2003.
Systems, Engine Technology and Principles of Operation, Fuel Systems, 2. Russell S. & Norvig P., Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach,
Characteristics of Fuel Systems and its Components, Hydraulic Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1995.
Systems, Hydraulic Circuit Design and Actuation. Electrical Systems, 3. Ethem Alpaydin, Introduction to Machine Learning, (3e), MIT Press,
Power Generation, Pneumatic Systems, Bleed Air and Its Control, Pitot 2014.
Static Systems, Environmental Control Systems, G-Tolerance, Misting 4. Stephen Marsland, Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective
And Demisting, Deicing, Emergency Systems, Warning Systems, Fire (2e), CRC Press, 2014.
Detection, Advanced Systems, Introduction to Integrated Flight And 5. Christopher M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.
Propulsion Control, Vehicle Management System. Springer-Verlag, 2006.
6. Krishnakumar, K., Intelligent Control for Aerospace Systems, Global
References: Aerospace Technology, World Market Research Center, 2000.
1. Pallett E.H.J., Aircraft Instruments and Principles, Pitman and Co.,
1993. AAE 4049: BIO-INSPIRED COMPUTATION [2 1 0 3]
2. Ian Moir and Allan Seabridge, Aircraft Systems, John Wiley and Bio-inspired Computation Algorithms ,Ant Colony Optimization,
Eastern Ltd. 2011. Biological Inspiration ,Principle of Ant Colony Optimization, Ant System
3. Pallett E.H.J., Aircraft Instruments and Integrated systems, Addison and Its Extensions, Particle Swarm Optimization, Biological Inspiration
Wesley Longman Publications., 1993. ,Principle of Particle Swarm Optimization ,Parameters and Population
4. David Lombardo, Advanced Aircraft Systems, McGraw Hill Topology, Artificial Bee Colony ,Biological Inspiration, Principle of
Education, 1993. Artificial Bee Colony, Algorithmic Structure of Artificial Bee Colony,
5. Barnhart R. K., Stephen B Hottman, Douglas M Marshall, Introduction Differential Evolution , Biological Inspiration, Principle of Differential
to Unmanned Aircraft Systems, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Evolution, Control Parameters of Differential Evolution, Glowworm
Group, 2012. Swarm Optimization, Bacteria Foraging Optimization, Bat-Inspired
Algorithm, Biological Vision-Based Surveillance and Navigation, A BC
AAE 4047: AIRSHIP TECHNOLOGY [2 1 0 3] Optimized Edge Potential Function Approach to Target Identification, The
Introduction, basic principles, aerodynamics, stability and control, Principle of Edge Potential Function ABC Optimized EPF Approach to
propulsion, materials, structures, aerostatics, weight estimates and Target Identification , Chaotic Quantum-Behaved PSO Based on Lateral
control, systems, mooring, ground handling, meteorology, Inhibition for Image Matching, The Quantum-Behaved PSO Algorithm,
performance, design synthesis, unconventional designs, Various types Lateral Inhibition Mechanism , Chaotic Quantum-Behaved PSO Based on
of airships, Aerodynamic aspects of hybrid. Conceptual design and Lateral Inhibition , Implementation of Autonomous Visual Tracking and
analysis of hybrid airships. Landing for Low-Cost Quadrotor, The Quadrotor and Carrier Test
References: Computer Vision Algorithm , Control Architecture for Tracking and
1. Gabriel Alexander Khoury, Airship Technology, Cambridge Aerospace Landing .
Series, 2012.
2. Leland M Nicolai, Grant Carichner, Fundamentals of Aircraft and References:
Airship Design: Airship Design and Case Studies, v. 2, AIAA 1. Haibin Duan, Pei Li, Bio-inspired Computation in Unmanned Aerial
Education Series, 2013. Vehicles, Springer ,2014.
3. John A Taylor, Principles of Aerostatics: The Theory of Lighter-than- 2. Hagan M., et al., Neural Network Design, (2e), Martin Hagan, 2014.
air Flight, 2013. 3. Jacek M. Zuarda, Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, Jaico
4. Charles P Burgess, Airship Design, 2004. Publishing House, 1997.
4. Xin-She Yang and João Paulo Papa, Bio-Inspired Computation and
AAE 4048: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND Applications in Image Processing, Elsevier, 2013.
Artificial Neural Network: Introduction, basic models, Hebb's learning,
Classification characterization composites, Mechanical Behavior of
Adaline, Perceptron, Multilayer feed forward network, Back propagation,
composite materials, Basic terminologies, Review of Basic Equations of
Different issues regarding convergence of Multilayer Perceptron,
Mechanics and Materials and Linear Elasticity, Stress-Strain Relations
Competitive learning, Types of learning,.Evolutionary and Stochastic

for a unidirectional and orthotropic lamina, Effective Moduli of a plane and circular polariscopes, Interpretation of fringe pattern,
continuous fibre reinforced, lamina - Models based on mechanics of Calibration of photoelastic materials, Compensation and separation
materials, the theory of elasticity. Numerical Examples. Stress- techniques, Introduction to three dimensional photo elasticity. The
displacement relationship, Stress-strain relationship, Laminate stiffness, relation between stresses in coating and specimen, use of failure
Determination of lamina stresses and strains. Special cases of laminate theories in the brittle coating, Moire method of strain analysis.
stiffness. Inter-laminar Stresses. Numerical Examples. Failure of
Continuous Fibre-reinforced orthotropic Lamina. Maximum stress/strain References:
criteria, Tsai-Hill and Tsai-Wu criterion, Hygrothermal effects on material 1. Dally J. W. and Riley W.F., Experimental Stress Analysis, McGraw Hill
properties on the response of composites. Design with Composites. Inc., New York, 1998.
2. Srinath L. S., Raghava, M. R., Lingaiah, K., Garagesha G., Pant B.,
References: and Ramachandra K., Experimental Stress Analysis, Tata McGraw
1. Daniel and Ishai, Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials, Hill, New Delhi, 1984.
(2e), Oxford University Press, 2005. 3. Sadhu Singh, Experimental Stress Analysis, Khanna Publishers, New
2. Ronald F. Gibson, Principles of Composite Material Mechanics, (3e), Delhi, 1996.
CRC Press, 2012. 4. Pollock A. A., Acoustic Emission in Acoustics and Vibration
3. Kollar L. P., George S Springer, Mechanics of Composite Structures, Progress, Ed. Stephens R.W.B., Chapman and Hall,1993.
Cambridge University Press. 5. Ramesh K., Digital Photoelasticity, Springer, New York, 2000.
4. Agarwal B. D., Broutman L. J. and Chandrashekhara K., Analysis and
Performance of Fiber Composites, (3e), John Wiley & Sons, 2012 AAE 4053: EXPLORATION AND MAPPING USING
5. Autar K Kaw, Mechanics of Composite Materials, (2e), CRC Press, AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS [2 1 0 3]
2005. Introduction, Basic Techniques Mobile Robot Localization Using Particle
6. Jones R. M., Mechanics of Composite materials, (2e), CRC Press, Filters.Grid Maps. Decision-Theoretic Exploration Using Coverage Maps.
1998. , Definition of Coverage Maps, Updating Coverage Maps upon Sensory
Input. , Choosing the Closest Target Location, Exploration Using the
AAE 4051: COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING [2 1 0 3] Information Gain. , Mapping with Noisy Sensors. , Comparing, the
Introduction- Historical background of Manufacturing, Definition of N.C. Viewpoint Selection Strategies, Coordinating a Team of Robots during
Machine, Classification, Design consideration of N.C. Machine tools, Exploration, Cost of Reaching a Target Location. , Computing Utilities of
general construction requirements, Methods of improving machine Frontier Cells, Target Point Selection, Coordination with Limited
accuracy and productivity, Control loops of NC systems – Control loop of Communication Range, Collaborative Mapping with Teams of Mobile
a point to point systems, Control loop of contouring systems. Co- Robots. ,Comparison between Uncoordinated and, Coordinated
ordinate systems, point to point and contour programming, manual Exploration ,Exploration with Limited Communication ,Comparisons to
method (word address format only), Computer Numerical Control, Direct Other Coordination Techniques ,Semantic Place Labeling ,Estimating the
Numerical Control, Adaptive Control Machining System, Programmable Label of a Goal Location ,Using Semantic Place Information for Efficient,
Logic Controller, Introduction to Robotics, Robot anatomy physical Multi-Robot Exploration ,Mapping and Exploration under Pose
configurations, Manipulator Kinematics, Technical features, robotic Uncertainty, Using Laser Range Data to Compute an Improved, Proposal
applications. Automated Inspection and Testing: Principle and Methods, Distribution . , Selective Resampling. , Actively Closing Loops During
Part classification and coding, production flow analysis, machine cell Exploration. Detecting Opportunities to Close Loops. , Representing
design, benefits of group technology, Computer Integrated Actions under Pose Uncertainty, Active Loop-Closing vs. Frontier-Based,
Manufacturing System, Types of Manufacturing System, Material Exploration. . Mapping and Localization in Non-Static, Environments,
Handling System, Flexible Manufacturing System, Computer control in Learning Maps of Low-Dynamic Environments, Map Segmentation. ,
CIM, Computer-aided Process planning, Computer integrated planning Learning Configurations of the Environment., Map Clustering.
systems. Material requirement planning. Capacity planning, shop floor Application in an Office Environment., Localizing the Robot and
control, factory data collection systems, automatic identification Estimating the State of, the Environment, Global Localization.
systems – Bar code technology, automated data collection systems.
References: 1. Cyrill S., Robotic Mapping and Exploration, Springer, 2009.
1. Mikel P Groover, Automation, Production Systems and computer 2. Feng Liang Xu, Extraterrestrial Robotic Exploration: Mapping and
Integrated manufacturing, PHI, New Delhi, 2008. Localization, VDM Verlag, 2009.
2. Yoram Koren, Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems and 3. Bellman R. E., Dynamic Programming, Princeton University Press,
Computer Integrated Manufacturing, PHI, New Delhi, 2006. Princeton, 1957.
3. Yoram Koren, Joseph Ben Uri, Numerical Control of Machine Tools,
Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2005. AAE 4054: FRACTURE MECHANICS [2 1 0 3]
4. Mikell P Groover and Emory W Zimmers, Computer-aided design and Fracture Mechanics Principles: Mechanisms of Fracture, the Graffiti s
manufacturing, PHI, New Delhi, 2008. criterion, Stress intensity approach. Stress Analysis for Members with
Cracks: Linear elastic fracture mechanics, Crack tip stress and
AAE 4052: EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS [2 1 0 3] deformations; Relation between stress intensity factor and fracture
Extensometers and Displacement Sensors, Advantages and toughness, Plane stress and plane strain concepts. The Dugdale
disadvantages, electrical resistance strain gauges, Types and their uses, approach. Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics: Elasto-plastic factor
Wheatstone bridge and potentiometer circuits for static and dynamic criteria, crack resistance curve, Crack opening displacement.
strain measurements, strain indicators, Rosette analysis, stress gauges, Impor tance of R-curve in fracture mechanics, Experimental
load cells, Data acquisition, six component balance, Two dimensional determination of I-integral. Dynamic and Crack Arrest: the dynamic
photo elasticity, Photo elastic materials, Concept of light – photoelastic stress intensity and elastic energy release rate, crack branching, the
effects, stress optic law, Transmission photoelasticity, Jones calculus, principles of crack arrest, and the dynamic fracture toughness. Fatigue

and Fatigue Crack Growth Rate: Fatigue loading, Various stages of crack References:
propagation, the load spectrum, approximation of the stress spectrum, 1. Shell R. L. and Hall E. L., Handbook of Industrial Automation, CRC
the crack growth integration, fatigue crack growth laws. Fracture press, 2000.
Resistance of Materials: Fracture criteria, fatigue cracking criteria, the 2. Mikell P. Groover, Automation, Production System and Computer
effect of alloying and second phase particles. Integrated Manufacturing, (4e), Pearson Higher Education, 2015.
References: 3. Krishna Kant, Computer Based Industrial Control, (2e), EEE-PHI,
1. Karen Helen, Introduction to Fracture Mechanics, McGraw Hill Pub, 2010.
2000. 4. Viswanandham , Per formance Modeling of Automated
2. Jayatilake, Fracture of Engineering Brittle Materials Applied Science, Manufacturing Systems, PHI, 2009.
London, 2001.
3. Anderson T. L., Fracture Mechanics Application, CRC press, 1998. AAE 4057: LIGHTWEIGHT MATERIALS [2 1 0 3]
4. David Broek, Elementary Engineering Fracture of Mechanics, Introduction and use of lightweight materials, Aluminium alloys,
Martinus Nijhoff, London, 1999. magnesium alloys, beryllium and titanium alloys: Application,
designation and heat treatment. Introduction to composite materials,
AAE 4055: GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY [2 1 0 3] types of material and manufacturing methods. FRP constituents: fibres
Introduction and Heritage of NAVSTAR, The Global Positioning System, and resins. Micromechanics of a lamina. Analysis of an individual ply.
Overview of GPS Operation And Design, Coordinate and time systems, Macro-mechanics of a laminate; stiffness, strength and analysis
Definition of global and local coordinate systems, Relationship between techniques. Stress distribution around holes in laminates. Test methods;
satellite and conventional geodetic systems, Satellite orbital motions, determination of elastic constants, static strengths, fibre volume
Different Satellite Constellation And Geometric Dilution of Precision, fractions and void content. Metal matrix composites. Ceramic matrix
Indian satellite program-GAGAN/IRNS S constellation and Signal composites. Selection guidelines for lightweight materials.
structure, GPS Signal Structure And Theoretical GPS Navigation, GPS
Satellite And Payload , Fundamentals of Signal Tracking Theory ,GPS References:
Receivers, GPS Navigation Algorithms & GPS observables, estimation 1. Ian Polmear et al, Light alloys, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2017.
procedure, GPS Operational Control Segment, GPS Error Analysis, 2. Campbell F. C., Introduction to lightweight Materials, ASM
Ionospheric Effects on GPS Tropospheric Effects on GPS, Multipath International, 2012.
Effects , Foliage Attenuation For Land Mobile/aerospace Users, 3. Jones R. M., Mechanics of Composite Materials, (2e), Taylor and
Ephemeris and Clock Navigation Message Accuracy , Selective Francis, 2017.
Availability , Introduction to Relativistic Effects on The Global Positioning 4. Kaw A. K., Mechanics of Composite Materials, (2e), Taylor and
System, Interference Effects and Mitigation Techniques , methods of Francis, 2006.
GPS processing data, Applications and examples of GPS data analysis
along with other space geodetic data, Satellite based augmentation AAE 4058: METROLOGY AND NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING [2 1 0 3]
system and application, Kalman Filter in GPS, Front End Receiver. International Vocabulary in Metrology (VIM), essential terms and
interpretations, systematic and random errors, traceability, calibration,
References: uncertainty, type A and type B uncertainty, combined standard
1. Hofmann-Wellenhof B., Lichtenegger H., and Collins J., GPS Theory uncertainty, coverage factor and expanded uncertainty, ISO method for
and Practice, Springer, 1994. the quantification and reporting of uncertainty, uncertainty and
2. Parkinson, B. W., Spilker J., et al., Global Positioning System: Theory calibration, uncer tainty and product conformity assessment,
and Applications, Vol. 1. American Institute of Aeronautics & Ast, Geometrical Dimensioning and Tolerancing, GDT symbols and
1996. interpretations, GDT rules, datum, MMC, LMC, virtual condition, reading
3. Parkinson, B. W., Spilker J., et al., Global Positioning System: Theory and interpreting blue prints, limits ,fits and tolerances, ISO tolerance
and Applications, Vol. 2. American Institute of Aeronautics & Ast, class, assembly tolerance, assembly shift ,tolerance stack up analyses:
1996. worst case and statistical analyses, linear and angular measurements,
4. Pelton, Joseph N., Madry Scott, Camacho-Lara, Sergio (Eds.), gauge design, CMM: constructional features and measurement strategy,
Handbook of Satellite Application,.2013. surface roughness, waviness, 2D and 3D parameters , bearing ratio
5. John W. Betz, Wiley Online Library, Engineering Satellite-Based curve, measurements of roughness, form errors and form testing
Navigation and Timing: Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Signals, device, roundness measurement, 3D scanners and laser trackers,
and Receivers, 2015. Measurement Systems Analyses, repeatability and reproducibility,
reporting Gauge R and R, NDT methods, Acoustic Emission Testing,
AAE 4056: INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION [2 1 0 3] Electromagnetic Testing, Laser Testing Methods, Ultrasonic testing, Leak
Introduction: Principles and strategies of automation, basic elements, Testing, Magnetic Flux Leakage Eddy-Current testing, Ultrasonic Testing ,
transfer lines. Material handling and identification technologies: Radiographic Testing, Visual Testing, Infrared thermography, Bond
Overview, Principles and Design Consideration, Automatic Identification Testing, NDT for Structural Health Monitoring, Microwave Testing.
Methods. Automated Manufacturing Systems: Components,
Classification and GT and Cellular Manufacturing, FMS. Quality Control References:
Systems: SPC Tools, Inspection Principles. Control Technologies in 1. Les Kirkup and Bob Frenkel, An Introduction to Uncertainty in
Automation: Industrial Control Systems Continuous Versus Discrete Measurement, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Control, Computer Process. Computer-Based Industrial Control: 2. Mark A. Curtis and Francis T. Farago, Handbook of Dimensional
Introduction & Automatic Process Control, Building Blocks of Measurement, Industrial Press, 2014.
Automation Systems Distributed Control System. Modelling and 3. David Whitehouse, Surfaces and their Measurement, Butterworth-
Simulation for Plant Automation need for system Modelling Modern Heinemann, 2004.
Tools & Future Perspective. 4. Gene R. Cogorno, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing for
Mechanical Design, McGraw-Hill, 2012.

5. Bryan R. Fischer, Mechanical Tolerance Stack-up and Analysis, CRC to supply chain, complexity, ,key issues, Supply chain strategy and
Press, 2004. performance measures, Centralized vs. decentralized systems, Value of
6. ASNT, Aerospace NDT Industry Handbook, ASNT, 2014. information and supply chain integration, Bullwhip effect ,Push-based,
pull based systems, Outsourcing : Make or buy decisions,
AAE 4059: NAVIGATION, GUIDANCE & CONTROL [2 1 0 3] Transportation decision, Drivers of the decision., Network design
Introduction of navigation, Inertial sensors and inertial navigation decisions, Cross-docking, transshipment, Distribution and logistics in
system, multi-sensor navigation systems, radar and its types; types of supply chains, Direct shipment/intermediate storage policies, Vehicle
navigation, satellite-based navigation systems, Introduction of guidance, routing models, Third-party logistics, Information Technology in supply
guided missiles, classification and systems in missiles. Fundamentals of chain, Enabling supply chain through IT.,ERP vendor platforms, Service
guidance; Interception and Avoidance; Taxonomy of guidance laws, oriented architecture (SOA).
Classical and empirical guidance laws; guidance laws: pursuit, LOS and
PN laws, Applied optimal control and optimal guidance laws; Differential References:
games and pursuit-evasion problems; Recent advances in guidance 1. David A. Collier and James R. Evans, Operations Management,
theory; Collision detection and avoidance strategies; Applications to Cengage Learning, 2016.
guided missiles, Unmanned aerial vehicles and Mobile Robots. Classical 2. Jay Heizer and Barry Render, Operations Management, Pearson,
& modern control systems application in aerospace, Proteus, Antenna 2013.
Design Software and analysis. 3. Ray R. Venkataraman and Jeffrey K. Pinto, Operations Management:
Managing Global Supply Chains, Sage Publisher, 2017.
References: 4. Janat Shah, Supply Chain Management, Prentice Hall, 2013.
1. Myron Kayton & Walter R. Fried, Avionics Navigation Systems, (2e), 5. Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management: Strategy,
Wiley-Interscience, 1997. Planning, and Operation, Pearson Education, 2018.
2. Zarchan P., Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance, (5e), AIAA
Series, 2007. AAE 4061: OPTIMAL CONTROL [2 1 0 3]
3. Ching-Fang Lin, Modern Navigation, Guidance, and Control Nonlinear optimization, Formulation of optimal control problems,
Processing, Prentice Hall, 1991. Parameter optimization versus path optimization, Local and global
4. Skolnik M. I., Introduction to Radar Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1982. optima; general conditions on existence and uniqueness. Some basic
5. Nise N., Control Systems Engineering, Wiley , (4e), 2004. facts from finite-dimensional optimization, the Euler-Lagrange equation,
6. Siouris G.M., Missile Guidance and Control Systems, Springer path optimization subject to constraints, weak and strong extrema,
Verlag, 2004. Calculus of variations applied to optimal control, Pontryagin's minimum
7. Antenna Design Software-CEM ONE Solution. principle, Optimal control with state and control constraints, Time-
optimal control, Singular solutions, Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB)
AAE 4037: NOISE VIBRATION AND HARSHNESS [2 1 0 3] equation and dynamical programming, Finite-time and infinite-time state
Fundamentals of Vehicle Vibrations and sound- basics of vibrations and (or output) regulators, Riccati equation and its properties, Tracking and
sound, analysis of test procedures. Power-train vibrations and sound- disturbance rejection, Kalman filter and duality, The LQR design, The
engine vibrations and noise, transmission vibrations and noise and LQG design, ESTIMATORS/OBSERVERS:-MIMO System and SVD,
isolation. Vibrations and sounds of body and chassis systems- Interior Holonomic & Nonholonomic System Optimal Control, Game Theoretic
noise, structure-borne noise, wind noise, rattle and vehicle low- Optimal Control Design, Signals and system norms and their
frequency vibrations. Evaluation of vehicle vibrations and sound- noise applications in aerospace vehicle design.
and sound quality evaluation and vibration evaluation.
References: 1. Bryson A. E. and Ho Y. C., Applied Optimal Control, (2e), Blaisdel.,
1. Gang Shen, Vehicle Noise, Vibration and Sound Quality, SAE 1975.
International, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 2012. 2. Naidu D. S., Optimal Control Systems, CRC Press, 2002.
2. Matthew Harrison, Vehicle Refinement: Controlling Noise and 3. Sinha A., Linear Systems: Optimal and Robust Control, CRC Press,
Vibration in Road Vehicles, Mathew Harrison Publication, 2004. 2007.
3. Malcolm J. Crocker, Handbook of Noise and Vibration Control, John 4. Athans M. and Falb P. L., Optimal Control, McGraw Hill, 2007.
Wiley & sons Publication, 2007. 5. Kirk D. E., Optimal Control Theory: An Introduction, Prentice-Hall,
4. Anton Fuchs, Eugenius and Hans, Automotive NVH Technology, 1970. (former textbook on deterministic control, Dover reprinted
Springer publication, 2016. 2004), 2004.
5. Sujatha C., Vibration And Acoustics, Tata McGraw Hill publication, 6. Stengel R. F., Optimal Control and Estimation, Dover Paperback,
2010. 1994.
7. Dimitri P. Bertsekas, Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control,
AAE 4060: OPERATIONS AND SUPPLY CHAIN Volume I, (3e), Athena Scientific, 2005.
MANAGEMENT [2 1 0 3]
Forecasting, Need for forecasting, Quantitative methods, Facility layout AAE 4062: OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES [2 1 0 3]
and location, Qualitative aspects, Quantitative models for layout Introduction to optimal design. Elements of an optimal design problem.
decisions. The product, process fixed position, group layout. Location Formulation of optimal problem. Local and global optima. Single variable
decisions-quantitative models, Capacity and aggregate planning, optimization: region elimination methods, bracketing methods and
Capacity measurement, Long-term and short term strategies, Aggregate gradient-based methods. Multivariable optimization without constraints:
planning, Inventory management, Various costs in inventory Direct search methods and gradient-based methods. Multivariable
management and need, Deterministic models and discounts., optimization with constraints: Sequential Unconstrained Minimization
Probabilistic inventory management, Scheduling models and Techniques Constraint Scaling, Augmented Lagrange Method (ALM) for
applications, Scheduling in MRP system, Sequencing rules and Equality Constraints, ALM for Inequality Constraints and Generalized
applications, Batch production sequencing and scheduling, Introduction ALM. Heuristic search methods: Tabu search, simulated annealing,

genetic algorithms. Multiobjective optimization and Pareto optimality. AAE 4065: RENEWABLE ENERGY [2 1 0 3]
Sensitivity, tradeoff analysis, goal programming. Multidisciplinary Measuring energy, its conversion, carriers and its transportation,
design optimization and methods. Hydroelectricity, Wind energy, solar energy, biomass, geothermal
energy, tidal energy, ocean current and wave energy, factors influencing
References: energy use, Aerodynamics of wind energy,its resources, power curve,
1. Rao S. S., Engineering optimization, New Age Int., 2013. energy yield, status and prospectus of PV technology, PV system
2. Kalyanmoi Deb, Optimization for Engineering Design, Prentice Hall concepts, storage of PV systems, combustion and gasification,
India, 2004. Electrical loads, forms of storage.
3. Ashok Belegundu and Chandragupta T., Optimization concepts and
applications in engineering, Cambridge University Press, 2011. References:
4. Arora J. S., Optimum Design, Academic press, 2012.
5. Kalyanmoi Deb, Multi-objective optimization using evolutionary 1. Fang Lin Luo, Ye Hong Renewable Energy Systems: Advanced
algorithms, John Wiley and sons, 2002. Conversion Technologies and Applications, CRC Press, 2017.
6. Jaroslaw S. S., Moris A., Tooren M. V., Multidisciplinary design 2. Boyle, Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, Oxford
optimization supported by knowledge-based engineering, John University Press, 2004.
Wiley and sons, 2015. 3. Kothari D. P., Singal K. C., Rakesh Ranjan, Renewable energy sources
and emerging technologies, PHI Learning, 2011.
AAE 4063: ORBITAL MECHANICS [2 1 0 3] 4. Gil Masters, Renewable and efficient electric power systems (2e)
Introduction and overview, Space Technology Basic Definitions, Space Wiley International, 2013.
Environment And Missions, Two-body problem, Kepler's Laws,
LaGrange Points, Types of orbits, Transfer Trajectories, Orbit AAE 4066: ROBUST CONTROL [2 1 0 3]
determination various techniques, Relative Motion in Orbit, Orbit
Perturbations, Transfer Trajectories, Techniques involved, Space Debris, Introduction to Robust Control, Control system specifications for
Orbital Coverage. aerospace vehicles, robustness issues: robust stability and robust
References: performance, describing functions. Robust Control of Linear & Nonlinear
1. Howard Curtis, Orbital Mechanics for Engineering students, Elsevier/ Systems:-Introduction, Matched Uncertainty, Unmatched Uncertainty
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2013. Uncertainty in the Input Matrix, Problems, Kharitonov Approach:-
2. Chobotov, Orbital Mechanics, AIAA Education series, (3e), 2002. Introduction, Preliminary Theorems, Kharitonov theorem, Control Design
3. Tom Logdson., Orbital Mechanics, Wiley Publications, 1998. Using Kharitonov Theorem, Problems, Eigen structure assignment
4. John E. Prussing, Bruce A. Conway, Orbital Mechanics, Oxford techniques, Eigenstructure assignment, output feedback, Observer
University Press, 2012. design, Controller Synthesis by Robust Eigenstructure Assignment,
LQR, LQG/LTR, H2 and H∞ control optimization/H∞ Optimal Control,
AAE 4064: PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT [2 1 0 3] Robustness Analysis, Nonlinear H∞ Control, Introduction to neuro-fuzzy
Introduction: Classification/ Specifications of Products. Product life control, examples of state, output feedback and tracking control systems
cycle. Product mix. Introduction to product design. Modern product for aerospace vehicles, Robust Adaptive control.
development process. Innovative thinking, TRIZ (TIPS), Morphology of
design. Conceptual Design: Generation, selection & embodiment of Reference:
concept. Product architecture. Industrial design: process, need. Robust 1. Feng Lin., Robust Control Design: An Optimal Control Approach,
Design: Taguchi Designs & DOE. Design for Mfg & Assembly: Methods of John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007.
designing for Mfg & Assy. Designs for Environment. Product Costing. 2. Bhattacharya, Apellat, Keel, Robust Control-The Parametric
Legal factors and social issues. Engg ethics and issues of society related Approach. Prentice Hall PTR, 2000.
to the design of products. Value Engineering / Value Analysis. : Definition. 3. John Doyle, and Keith Glover, Robust and Optimal Control, Kemin
Methodology. Case studies. Economic analysis: Qualitative & Zou, Prentice Hall, 1995.
Quantitative. Ergonomics / Aesthetics: Gross human autonomy. 4. Zhou, Kemin and Doyle C., John, Essentials of Robust Control,
Anthropometry. Man-Machine interaction. Prentice Hall, 1999.
5. Morari, Manfred and Zafiriou, Evanghelos, Robust Process Control,
References: Prentice Hall, 1989.
1. Karl T Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger, Product Design & Development, 6. Mahmoud S., Magdi Munro, Neil, Robust Control and Filtering for
Tata McGraw-Hill New Delhi, 2004. Time-Delay Systems, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1989.
2. David G Ullman, The Mechanical Design Process, McGrawhill Inc 7. Balas G., Doyle J., Glover K., Packard A., and Smith R., Mu-Analysis
Singapore, 1992. and Synthesis Toolbox: User's Guide, the MathWorks, 1995.
3. Roozenberg N. J. M., Ekels J., Roozenberg N. F. M., Product Design
Fundamentals and Methods, John Willey & Sons, 1995. AAE 4067: ROCKET PROPULSION [2 1 0 3]
4. Kevin Otto & Kristin Wood, Product Design: Techniques in Reverse Classify the types of rockets and Construct the charts and investigate
Engineering and New Product Development, Pearson Education New and compare their properties. Understand the concept of each type of
Delhi, 2004. propellant rockets and in its derivations and problems related to the
5. Hollins B. & Pugh S., Successful Product Design, Butter worths corresponding type of rocket. Understand about problems of
London, 2001. combustion instability and controlling combustion instability. Familiarize
6. Jones J. C., Design Methods, Seeds of Human Futures, John Willey with much of the terminology used in all the rockets in the field of
New York, 1992. propulsion through TVC (Thrust Vector Control).

References: coating Carburizing, Carbo-nitriding, Chromizing, Aluminizing, Thin film
1. Hill, P. G. and Peterson, C. R., Mechanics and thermodynamics of Coating: PVD, and CVD, Diamond Like Carbon (DLC) coating, Nano
propulsion, (2e), Reading, Massachusetts: Addison Wesley crystalline diamond coating, Thermal spray coatings- Processes, Types
Publishing Company, 1992. of spray guns, Comparison of typical thermal spray processes, Selection
2. Sutton, G. P. and Biblarj, O., Rocket propulsion elements, (7e), New of coatings, Testing and inspection of coatings, ASTM and other
York: Wiley Interscience Publications, 2001. standards for the testing of engineering coating, Characterization of
3. Mukunda, H. S., Understanding aerospace propulsion, Bangalore: Coatings, Assessment of Surface Roughness and Thickness of Coating,
Interline Publishing, 2004. Adhesion of Coating, Surface microscopy and topography by scanning
4. Ramamurthi K., Rocket Propulsion, Macmillan, 2009. probe microscopy, Spectroscopic analysis of modified surfaces, Case
5. Misra D. P., Fundamentals of Rocket Propulsion, CRC Press, 2017. studies based on coatings and surface modification of important
engineering components.
Dynamic Systems Modeling and Analysis Dynamic Systems Control References:
Orbital Dynamics Orbital Maneuvers and Control Rotational Kinematics 1. Surface Engineering, ASM Handbook Volume 5, American Society
Rigid Body Dynamics Rotational Maneuvers and Attitude Control of Metals, 1994.
Structural Dynamics Attitude and Structural Control Robust Optimal 2. Ian Hutchings, Philip Shipway, Tribology: Friction and Wear of
Maneuvers. Engineering Materials, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2017.
3. Pierre L. Fauchais, Thermal Spray Fundamentals: From Powder to
References: Part, Springer, 2014.
1. Bong Wie, Space Vehicle Dynamics and Control, American Institute 4. Peter M. Martin, Handbook of Deposition Technologies for Films and
of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2008. Coatings, William Andrew Publisher, 2009.
2. Curtis, Orbital Mechanics for Engineering students, Elsevier, 2010. 5. Yang Leng, Materials Characterization: Introduction to Microscopic
3. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, (3e), Pearson,2001. and Spectroscopic Methods, Wiley, 2008.
4. Anton H. de Ruiter, Christopher Damaren James R. Forbes, 6. Sung Chul Cha and Ali Erdemir, Coating Technology for Vehicle
Spacecraft Dynamics and Control: An Introduction, Wiley, 2013. Applications, Springer, 2015.

RELIABILITY [2 1 0 3] Steady Aerodynamics, Unsteady Aerodynamics, Compressible
Fundamentals of quality and quality control. A measure of central Aerodynamics, Vortex Aerodynamics, Generation of Lift, Unsteady
tendencies. Probability Distributions. Tolerance allocation. Control chart Lifting Force Coefficient, Steady Aerodynamics of Thin Wings, Unsteady,
for variables and attributes. Process capability analysis and process Aerodynamics of Slender Wings, Compressible Steady Aerodynamics,
capability index. Acceptance sampling. Operating characteristic curves. Compressible Unsteady Aerodynamics, Slender Body Aerodynamic ,
Dodge Romig and MIL-STD acceptance sampling tables. The concept of Hypersonic Aerodynamics The Piston Theory, Calculation of pressure,
reliability, Reliability systems, maintainability. Incompressible unsteady two-dimensional lifting surface theory; Finite
wing in unsteady incompressible flow, method of solutions. Review of
References: incompressible ow concepts including potential ow, lift and drag, and the
1. Montgomery D. C., Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, (2e), Navier-Stokes equations. Vortex-dominated flow and vortex dynamics.
John Wiley & Sons, New York 2005. Unsteady flow including the unsteady Bernoulli equation, added mass,
2. Amitav Mitra, Fundamentals of quality control and improvement, (3e), and indicial flows.
Wiley, 2008.
3. Grant E. L., Statistical Quality Control, (6e), McGraw Hill Publications, References:
New York, 1988. 1. Kundu and Cohen, Fluid Mechanics, (3e), Elsevier Academic Press,
4. Duncan, Quality Control and Industrial statistics, Irwin Press, New 2004.
York, 1960. 2. Ülgen Gülçat, Fundamentals of Modern Unsteady Aerodynamics,
5. Juran J. M., Quality Planning and Analysis, (2e) McGraw Hill (2e), Springer, 2010.
Publications, Delhi, 1984. 3. Bisplinghoff and Holt Ashley, Aeroelasticity, Dover Books, 2013.
6. Bertrand L. Hansen, Quality Control-theory and applications, Hall 4. Joseph Katz and Allen Plotkin, Low-Speed Aerodynamics: From Wing
India, Delhi, 1987. Theory to Panel Methods, McGraw-Hill Int., 1991.


Sur face-dependent engineering proper ties, sur face-initiated Introduction- Historical background, Regulatory test procedures, Analysis
engineering failures; surface degradation of materials, mechanisms of of pollutants, Pollution from Spark Ignition engines, Pollution from
wear, abrasive and adhesive wear, contact fatigue – fretting corrosion; Compression Ignition engines, Fuels for spark ignition and compression
importance and necessity of surface engineering; Surface Preparation ignition engines, Engine Variants- Lean Burn engines, Stratified charge
methods such as Chemical, Electrochemical and, Mechanical, engines, Direct Injection in Gasoline engines, Instrumentation for pollution
Classification, Properties and applications of Various Coatings. Surface measurements- Non Destructive Infrared analyzers, thermal conductivity
protection and surface modification techniques: Surface modification by and flame ionization detectors, analysers for NOx, gas chromatograph,
use of directed energy beams, Plasma, Sputtering, Ion Implantation. Alternative Fuels- Hydrogen, Natural gas, Liquefied petroleum gas,
Surface modification by Friction stir processing, Surface composites, vegetable oil and biodiesel, Biomass Energy, Direct Energy conversion
Anodizing, Thermochemical processes: Metallic coating, Electrolytic methods- solar cells, thermo ionic converters.
and Electro less plating: Methodology used, mechanisms, Diffusion

References: 2. Dava Newman, Interactive Aerospace Engineering and Design,
1. Ganesan V., Internal Combustion Engines, Tata Mcgraw-hill Education, McGraw Hill International Edition, 2002.
New Delhi, 2012. 3. Kermode A. C., Flight without Formulae, Pearson Education (United
2. Mathur M. L. and Sharma R. P., Internal Combustion Engines, Dhanpat Kingdom), 1990.
Rai Publications, New Delhi, 2011. 4. Howard D Curtis., Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students,
3. Colin R Ferguson and Allan T Kirkpatric, Internal Combustion Engines, Butterworth Heinemann, 2013.
Wiley India Ltd, New Delhi, 2004. 5. Anderson Jr. J. D., Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, McGraw Hill
International Edition, 2017.
Introduction- Engine classifications, Cylinder arrangements, Engine SYSTEMS [2 1 0 3]
components, Valve operating mechanisms, valve timing diagrams, fuel Introduction to aircraft, Introduction to flight mechanics and flight
supply system, Battery ignition system, types of cooling and lubrication dynamics of aircraft & UAV, Introduction to Avionics in aircraft &
system, classification and working of clutch system, design of clutch spacecraft., Displays, HMI, I/O Devices and Power, Packaging, do
components, Sliding and constant mesh gearbox, Calculation of power, 178B/C Software, ARINC and DOD Types, System Cooling, EMI/EMC
gear ratio and tractive efforts, Propeller shaft, Differential, Steering Requirements; Aircraft Power Systems: Electrical Power Generation and
mechanism and geometry, types of suspension system, types of brakes, Distribution Systems, Digital Communication, Digital Data Bus System,
calculation of brake torque and stopping distance, Starting and lighting ARINC-429,629, AFDX, MIL-STD-1553, Fiber Optic Comm. Satellite
circuit. Communication, Flight control laws, FBW, Autopilot, FMS, LRU, IMA &
References: Mission Systems. Inertial Sensors and Inertial Navigation Systems,
1. Heldt.P. M., High-Speed Combustion Engines, Oxford and IBM Multisensory Navigation Systems, Kalman filter basics & Mechanization.
Publishers Co, 1985. Elements of Navigation Systems, Satellite Navigation Systems, Antenna
2. Newton and steeds, The Motor Vehicle, ELBS, 1980. Design, Analysis and placement on aerospace vehicle, Aircraft circuit
3. Narang G. B. S., Automobile Engineering, Khanna Publishers, 1990. design on proteas, Radar & Landing Systems.
4. Kirpal Singh, Automobile Engineering, Vol. I & II, Standard Publishers
Distributors, New Delhi, 1997. References:
1. Myron Kayton & Walter R. Fried, Avionics Navigation Systems, (2e),
AAE 4303: INTRODUCTION TO AEROSPACE ENGINEERING [2 1 0 3] Wiley-Interscience, 1997.
Introduction and Overview of The History of Flight, Fundamental 2. Siouris G. M., Aerospace Avionics systems: A Modern Synthesis,
Thoughts, Ballooning, Basic/Constructive Principles of Fluid Mechanics- Academic Press, 1993.
Bernoulli's Theorem and Control Volume Approaches, The Sources of all 3. Collinson R. P. G., Introduction to Avionics Systems, Springer, 2002.
Aerodynamic Forces, Equation of State for a Perfect Gas, Specific 4. Cary R. Spitzer, Digital Avionics Handbook, (2e), Avionics
Volume, Anatomy of Aircraft and Space Vehicles, Standard Atmosphere, Development and Implementation, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis
Hydrostatic Equation, Relation between Geopotential and Geometric Group, 2007.
Altitudes, Basics of Aerodynamics, Airfoil Nomenclature, Lift, Drag and 5. Ching-Fang Lin, Modern Navigation, Guidance and Control
Moment Coefficient, Elements of Airplane Performance, Astronautics, Processing, Prentice Hall, 1991.
Basics of Propulsion. 6. Cundy Dale R., Introduction to Avionics, Pearson Education India,
1. Anderson Jr. J. D., Introduction to Flight, McGraw Hill International
Edition, 2012.

OPEN ELECTIVES commands. File systems: Files and directories, file naming and
wildcards, file attributes, file permissions. Regular Expressions & filters:
MCA 4301: INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE SYSTEMS find, grep, cut, sort, grep patterns. AWK and SED. Shell and Shell
WITH MYSQL [ 3 0 0 3 ] Scripting: The need for shell, types of shells, interactive uses of shell,
using shell for creating user commands, functions. Bash shell features:
Modeling and Designing Databases, Database Design Process, Entity- Statements, data structure, built-in commands, environment
Relationship Model, Basic Concepts, Constraints, Design of ER database customization primitives. Linux Editors.
schema, Reduction of ER to schema, Relational model, Super,
candidate, primary ,foreign key, Schema Diagram, Relational Database References:
design, Functional dependencies, Normal forms, Creating a MySQL 1. Richard Blum and Christine Bresnahan, Linux Command Line Shell
Database, Table, Modifying table, constraints, indexes, Basic SQL, Scripting BIBLE, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 2015.
Inserting Data, Selecting Data, Updating Data, Deleting Data, MySQL 2. Mark Sobel. A Practical Guide to Linux commands Editor and shell
Functions, Numeric, String, Date /Time, Advanced Queries, Sorting, programming, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 2010.
Multiple tables, Inner Join, Left Join, Right Join, Natural Join, Nested 3. Stephen G. Kochan. Unix Shell Programming, 3rd Edition, SAMS
queries, Generating summaries, COUNT(), MIN(), MAX(), SUM(), AVG(), Publications, 2003.
Group By, Statistical techniques, Calculating Descriptive statistics, Per- 4. Bash Reference Manual Download able from GNU Project.
Group Descriptive Statistics, Generating frequency distribution, 5. Brian W Kerningham and Rob Pike. The Unix Programming
Calculating correlation coefficients, assigning ranks, Stored routines, Environment, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2009.
stored procedure, stored function, Triggers, Events to schedule
Database actions, Managing users and privileges, Importing and
Exporting data, importing data with LOAD data and mysql import, MCA 4304: INTRODUCTION TO DATA ANALYTICS [3 0 0 3]
importing csv files, exporting query results, tables, importing XML.
Introduction - data science, need for analytics, steps in data analysis
References: projects, Data- sources of data, data sets, data warehouses, data types,
1. Paul Dubois, MySQL Cookbook, O'REILLY, First Edition, 2007. privacy and confidentiality, samples vs. population. Data summarization
2. Larry Ullman, Visual Quick Start guide MySQL, Pearson Education, and visualization – tables and graphs. Data Preprocessing- cleaning,
2nd Edition, 2007. transformation, dimensionality reduction. Data Analysis and
3. Seyed M. M, Saied Tahaghoghi and Hugh Williams, Learning MySQL, Visualization – descriptive, inferential statistics, uni-variate and multi-
O'Reilly, 2006. variate analysis. Grouping – Cluster Analysis- distance measures,
4. Russell J.T. Dyer, MySQL in a Nutshell, O'REILLY, 2nd Edition, 2008. partitioning, hierarchical, density based methods. Market Basket
Analysis, Association Analysis, Market Basket Analysis. Classifiers-
MCA 4302: INTRODUCTION TO VR AND AR Bayesian, k-nearest neighbor, neural network, Support Vector Machine,
TECHNOLOGIES [3 0 0 3] Decision Trees. Prediction- Regression models, Evaluating Classification
Introduction: Input Devices, Output Devices, Displays, Computing and Predictive performance, ensemble methods. Anomaly Detection.
Architectures for VR, The Rendering Pipeline, PC Graphics Architecture, Forecasting models.
Workstation-Based Architectures, Distributed VR Architectures,
Modeling, Geometric Modeling, Physical Modeling, Behavior Modeling, References:
Model Management, VR Programming and other Toolkits. Introduction to 1. Glenn J. Myatt, Wayne P. Johnson, Making Sense of Data I: A Practical
Unity 3D Engine, 2D Game concepts and basic scripting, 3D Game Guide to Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining, 2nd Edition,
concepts and environment creation, Advanced game concepts. John Wiley & Sons Publication, 2014.
Introduction to Unity AR: Foundation and Vuforia, working with Vuforia in 2. Glenn J. Myatt, Wayne P. Johnson, Making Sense of Data II: A
Unity, ARCore in unity, Mini project on AR. Introduction to VR, Unity for Practical Guide to Data Visualization, Advanced Data Mining
Google cardboard, Basic VR app development for Cardboard, Develop Methods, and Applications, John Wiley & Sons Publication, 2009.
for a specific VR platform. 3. Galit Shmueli, Nitin R. Patel, and Peter C. Bruce, Data Mining for
Business Intelligence, John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
References: 4. Ian H. Witten, Eibe Frank, Mark A. Hall, Data Mining: Practical
1. Jonathan Linowers, Krystian Banbilinski, Augmented Reality for Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011.
Developers,Packt Publishers, 2017. 5. Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar, Introduction to Data
2. Edward Lavieri, Getting started with Unity 5, Packt publishing, 2015. Mining, Pearson Addison Wesley, 2005.
3. Grigore C. Burdea, Philippe Coiffet, Virtual Reality Technology, Wiley-
IEEE Press, 2003.
4. Sherman, W.R. & A. Craig, Understanding, Virtual Reality: Interface,
Application and Design, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA,
5. Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau, Pascal Guitton, Virtual Reality:
Concepts and Technologies, CRC, Taylor and Francis, 2011.


SCRIPTING [3 0 0 3]
Introduction to UNIX/LINUX Operating System: OS concepts, Linux
overview, key features of Linux, pros and cons of Linux. Processes:
Processes and Files, I/O redirection and pipes, process creation,
process attributes standard process file descriptors. File and Process

Minor Specialization: Computational Mathematics design, 2k Factorial Design, Blocking and Confounding in the 2k Factorial
Design, Partial Confounding. Two level fractional factorial designs, three
MAT 4051: APPLIED STATISTICS AND level and mixed level factorial and fractional factorial designs, 3k Factorial
TIME SERIES ANALYSIS [2 1 0 3] Design, Confounding in the 3k Factorial Design, Fractional replication of
Stochastic and deterministic dynamic mathematical models – the 3k Factorial Design, Factorials with mixed levels.
forecasting and control, transfer function models, models for discrete References:
control systems. Basic ideas in model building- linear and multiple linear 1. Robert V Hogg and Allen Craig, Introduction to Mathematical
regression. Basic concepts in stochastic processes and Markov chains, Statistics, (4e), Macmillan
Mean square distance, mean square error prediction, prediction of 2. M N Murthy, Sampling Theory and Methods, Statistical Publishing
covariance stationary process, ergodic theory and stationary process, Society, 1967
applications of ergodic theory, spectral analysis of covariance stationary 3. C Radhakrishna Rao, Linear Statitical Inference and its
processes, Gaussian systems, stationary point processes, level applications, (2e), Wiley Series.
crossing problems. ARIMA models, Autoregressive models, moving 4. Douglas C Montgomery, Design and Analysis of Experiments, (8e),
average models, duality, model properties, parameter estimates, Wiley Series, 2012,
forecasts.Volatility models: ARCH and GARCH modelling, testing 5. D D Joshi, Linear Estimation and Design of Experiments, New Age
strategy for heteroscedastic models, volatility forecasts, Black Scholes International Publishers, 2009
1. G.E.P. Box, G. M. Jenkins, G. C. Reinsel and G M Ljung, Time Series
Graphs and subgraphs, walks, paths and connectedness, distance as a
Analysis-Forecasting and Control, (5e), Wiley Series, 2016.
metric, degrees, regular graphs, cubic graphs, bipartite graphs, self-
2. Anderson T W, The Statistical Analysis of Time Series, John Wiley, complementary graphs, operations on graphs, extremal graphs, cut
New York, 1994 points, bridges and blocks, block graphs and cut point graphs.Trees and
3. Samuel Karlin, Howard M Taylor, First Course in Stochastic process, their characterizations, centres and centroids, block-cut point trees,
Academic Press, New York, spanning trees, independent cycles and cocycles, connectivity and line
4. C. Chatfield, The Analysis of Time Series – An Introduction, Chapman connectivity, graphical variations of Menger's theorem. Traversability:
and Hall / CRC, (4e), 2004 Eulerian graphs and Hamiltonian graphs. Line graphs and total graphs.
5. David Ruppert, Statistics in Finance, Springer Publications, 2004 Line graphs and traversability, coverings and independence, critical
points and lines. Planarity: Plane and planar graphs, outer planar graphs,
MAT 4052: COMPUTATIONAL LINEAR ALGEBRA [2 1 0 3] Kuratowski's theorem, vertex colouring.Incidence Matrix: Rank, minors,
Matrix Analysis: Basic Ideas from Linear algebra, vector norms, matrix path matrix, 0-1 incidence matrix. Adjacency Matrix: Eigen values of
norms, orthogonality and SVD, Projections and CS decomposition, the some graphs, determinant, bounds, energy of a graph, antiadjacency
sensitivity of square linear systems. General Linear Systems: Triangular matrix of a directed graph, non-singular trees. Laplacian Matrix: Basic
systems, The LU factorization, Round off analysis of Gausian elimination, properties, computing Laplacian eigen values, matrix tree theorems,
Pivoting, Improving and estimating accuracy. Orthogonalization and least bounds for Laplacian spectral radius, edge-Laplacian of a tree.
squares: Householder and Givens matrices, The QR factorization, The full References:
rank LS problem, Other orthogonal factorizations, The rank deficient LS 1. F. Harary, Graph Theory, Narosa Publishers, 1988.
problem, Weighing and iterative improvement, square and 2. J.A Bondy and U.S.R Murthy, Graph Theory with Applications,
underdetermined systems.The symmetric Eigen value problem: Eigen (5e), Elsevier Publishing Co., 1982.
values properties and decompositions, Power iterations, the symmetric QR 3. D.B. West, Introduction to Graph Theory, Pearson Education, Inc.,
algorithm, Jacobi methods, Tridiagonal Methods, Computing the SVD, 2001.
some generalized eigen value problems. 4. R.B Bapat, Graphs and Matrices, Hindustan Book Agency, 2010.
References: 5. Lowell W Beineke and Robin J Wilson, Topics in Algebraic Graph
1. Gene H. Golub and Charles F. Van Loan, Matrix Computations, (4e), Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013.
2. Gilbert Strang, Linear Algebra and its applications, (4e), Wellesley OPEN ELECTIVES
Cambridge press, 2009. MAT 5301: APPLIED GRAPH THEORY [2 1 0 3]
3. David S. Watkins, Fundamentals of Matrix Computations,(3e), Wiley, Graphs and applications of the theorems by Havel and Hakimi, Erdos
New York, 2010. and Gallai. Cut points, bridges and blocks, block graphs and cut point
4. Roger a Horn, Matrix Analysis, (2e), Cambridge University Press, graphs. Trees and their characterizations, centre and centroids, block-
2013. cut points trees, spanning trees, independent cycles and cocycles,
connectivity and line connectivity, Whitney's theorem. Traversability-
MAT 4053: COMPUTATIONAL PROBABILITY AND Eulerian, Hamiltonian, line graphs and total graphs. Traversability,
DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS [2 1 0 3] coverings and independence, theorem of Gallai, critical points and lines.
Sampling and sampling distributions, Most powerful tests, Uniformly Planarity, genus, thickness, crossing number. Colorability, chromatic
most powerful tests, Likelihood ratio tests, The sequential probability number and its bounds, Nordhaus Gaddum theorems, the four and five
ratio test, Randomized Designs, Inferences about the differences in colour theorems, chromatic polynomial. Matrix Representation -Incident
Means, Paired Comparison Designs, Inferences about the variance of matrix, Adjacency matrix, cycle matrix, cutset matrix, path matrix,
normal distributions, Monte Carlo estimation methods.The analysis of Digraphs, Matrix - tree theorem on number of spanning trees.
variance, RCBD, LSD and Related Designs, The Graeco - Latin square Tournament. Graph theoretic Algorithms: Computer representation of
Design, Balanced Incomplete Block Designs, PBIBD Introduction to graphs-Input and output, Algorithms for connectedness, Spanning Tree,
Factorial Designs, The Two Factor factorial design, Blocking in a factorial Fundamental Circuits, Directed Circuits and Shortest paths.

References: on population dynamics Mathematical modelling through difference
1. F. Harary, Graph theory, Narosa Publishers equations. Some simple models. Modelling of economics and finance
2. Narsingh Deo, Graph theory with applications to Engineering and through difference equations, population dynamics and generation of
Computer Science, Prentice Hall. models through difference equations, modeling in probability theory,
3. Robin J.Wilson, Introduction to Graph theory, Logman examples. Optimization models: Mathematical modeling through linear
programming. Mathematical modelling through graphs: elements of
graphs, digraphs. Mathematical models for blood flow. Mathematical
model for Peristaltic transport of two layered.
Finite dimensional vector spaces, subspaces, linear independence,
basis and dimension. Sum and intersection of subspaces. Algebra of
linear transformations, range and null space of a linear transformation, 1. J N Kapur, Mathematical Modelling, New age international
Inner-product spaces, metric spaces and banach spaces, Gram Schmidt publishers,(2e), 2015.
orthogonalization, linear operators and their adjoint, self adjoint, unitary 2. J N Kapur Mathematical Models in biology and medicine, East- West
and normal transformations, polar decomposition. Matrix algebra, press.
simultaneous equations, Eigen values, characteristic vectors, Cayley- 3. J N Kapur Mathematical models of environment, INS Academy, New
Hamilton theorem, minimal polynomial, Application of eigen values to Delhi
solve simultaneous difference and differential equations. Quadratic
forms and their classification, constrained optimization. MAT 5305:OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES [2 1 0 3]
Somecomputational methods of linear algebra. Formulation, Linear programming-simplex method, Penalty coase
References: methods, 2-phase method. Dual Simplex method. Duality theory
1. Gantmocher F.R., The Theory of Matrices, Cheisea. .Transportation problem-Volgel's approximation method, MODI method,
2. Gilbert Strang , Linear Algebra and its applications,Thomson learning Assignment problem-Hungarian method.Project Management -
3. David C. Lay, Linear Algebra and its applications, Pearson Education Networks, Project planning and control using PERT and CPM. Project
crashing. Game theory - 2persons zero sum games, Minimax principle,
games with mixed strategies. Dominance theory, solution using Linear
Matrix Algebra : Solution for linear system of equations – Direct methods:
Gauss elimination method, Gauss Jordon method, Crouts (LU
decomposition) method. Iterative methods, Jacobi Gauss Seidal and 1. Bronson Richard - Theory and Problems of Operations Research-
successive over relaxation methods. Computation of inverse of a matrix: Schaum series- MGH
Jordan method, Triangularization method, Choleski's method, partition 2. P.K.Gupta& Man Mohan - Operations Research - Sultan Chand &
method. Eigen value & Eigen vectors: Given's method for real symmetric Sons
matrices, Jocobi's method for real symmetric matrices, Power method. 3. HamdyA.Taha - Operations Research PHI
Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: Single step
methods, Runge- Kutta method, Adam Bashforth's predictor corrector MAT 5306: STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND RELIABILITY [2 1 0 3]
method, Milne's predictor and corrector method. Numerical Solution of Static probabilities: Review and prerequisites generating functions,
Partial Differential Equations: Finite difference approximation to difference equations.Dynamic probability: definition and description
derivatives of Parabolic, Elliptic. Explicit finite difference method, implicit with examples. Markov chains, transition probabilities, Chapmen
method. Kolmogrov equations. Classification of states, chains of Markov
References: process. Stability of Markov systems, limiting behaviour, random walk.
1. Jain, Iyengar and Jain: Numerical methods for Scientific and Poisson Processes : assumptions and derivations, related distributions,
Engineering Computations, New Age Publishers birth and death processes. Queueing System, general concepts, Model
2. Carnahan, Luther and Wikes: Applied Numerical Methods, John M/M/1 and M/M/S, steady state behaviour, transient behaviour. Wiener
Willey processes and Gaussian processes. Differential equations of a wiener
3. Conte S.D and Be Door, Introduction to Numerical analysis, McGraw process, Kolmogrov equations, Ornstein – Unlenbeck Process. White
Hill. note. Reliability Theory : Definition of Reliability, types of failure, Hazard
rate, Laws of failure - normal, exponential & Weibull failure laws - System
reliability - in series, in parallel series - parallel system, Paralled - series
system & related problems.
Introduction, Techniques, classification and characteristics of
mathematical models, mathematical modeling through algebra, ordinary
differential equations of first order. Mathematical modeling through 1. Medhi. J., Stochastic Processes, Wiley Eastern.
systems of ordinary differential equations of first order, Prey- Predator 2. Bhat U R, Elements of Applied Stochastic Processes, John Wiley.
model Mathematical modeling through systems of ordinary differential 3. A Papoulis, Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic
equations, modeling in medicine A model for diabetic mellitus. Modelling Procesess, McGraw Hill.

Minor Specialization: Business Management HUM 4053: MARKETING MANAGEMENT [2 1 0 3]
Marketing definition, scope and concepts, Adapting marketing to the
HUM 4051: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT [2 1 0 3] New Economy, Marketing strategic planning. Market Demand, Marketing
Introduction and objectives of financial management, Evolution of Environment, Marketing Information System, Marketing Research.
corporate finance, responsibilities. Types of accounts, Golden rules of Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning, Buying Behaviour: Consumer
accounting, Preparation of Journal, Ledger, Trial balance and final Markets and Business Markets, Competition: Identifying competitors,
accounts. Sources of long term finance, Characteristics of equity capital, analysing competitors. Product Life Cycle: Product life-cycle marketing
Preference capital, Debenture capital & Term loans. Valuation of strategies. New Market Offerings: New product development and
securities, Concepts, Bond valuation and related models, Bond value challenges, Branding. Designing and Managing Services, Price
theorems, Yield to maturity. Equity valuation; Dividend capitalization Strategies, Retailing, Wholesaling, Integrated Marketing
approach, Leverage, Operating leverage, Financial leverage, Total Communications, Digital Marketing and Trends, International Marketing
leverage, Indifference point analysis. Working capital management, References:
Capital budgeting: appraisal criteria, pay-back period, Average rate of 1. Philip Kotler, Kevil Keller, Abraham Koshy & Mithileshwar Jha,
return, Net present value, Benefit cost ratio and Internal rate of return. Marketing Management – A South Asian Perspective, Pearson
Risk analysis in capital budgeting, Cost of capital: introduction, cost of Education Inc, New Delhi, 2012.
debt capital, Preference capital and Equity capital, Weighted average cost 2. Arun Kumar & N Meenakshi, Marketing Management, Vikas
of capital, Determination of proportions, Cash management, Dividend Publishing House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2011.
decisions. 3. Varshney R L and Gupta S L., Marketing Management, Sultan Chand &
References: Sons, New Delhi, 2004.
1. Prasanna Chandra., Fundamentals of Financial Management, Tata 4. Adrian Palmer., Principles of Marketing, Oxford University Press, New
McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 2006. York, 2000.
2. I M Pandey, Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.,,
New Delhi, 2015. HUM 4054: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT [2 1 0 3]
3. N Ramachandran & Ram Kumar Kakani, Financial Accounting for Introductions to operations management – process view and supply
Management, 3/e, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, chain view, types of production activities, competitive priorities and
2011. capabilities. Break-even analysis, evaluating services or products,
4. Eugene F Brigham & Michael C E, Financial Management: Theory and evaluating processes - make or buy decision, decision making under
Practice. 12e, Cengage Learning, India, 2008. risk, and decision trees. Introduction to forecasting, importance and
5. Maheshwari S.N., Financial Management, Sultan Chand & Co., New uses of forecasting, demand patterns, demand management options,
Delhi, 2002. judgement methods, causal methods - linear regression, time series
method – naïve method, moving average, weightage moving average,
HUM 4052: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT [2 1 0 3] and exponential smoothing curve. Planning long-term capacity,
Introduction, Scope of HRM, Objectives of HRM, Functions, Activities, measures of capacity and utilization, economies of scale, diseconomies
Roles, HRD organization and responsibilities. Evolution of HRM, of scale, capacity timing and sizing strategies, sizing capacity cushions,
Influence of various factors on HRM. Human resource planning: timing and sizing expansion – expansionist strategy, wait and see
Introduction, Strategic considerations, Nature and scope, Human strategy, and a systematic approach to long term capacity decision.
Resources Inventory, Job analysis, Job design, Job description, Job Levels inoperations planning and scheduling across the organization,
specification and Job evaluation. Employee Recruitment & Selection: sales and operation planning strategies- chase strategy, level strategy,
Policy, Process, Tests, modern methods, Interview, Provisional operations planning using linear programming technique, scheduling job
selection, Medical/Physical examinations, Placement, Induction and facility scheduling, and work for scheduling. Theory of constraints,
programs and socialization. Training and development: Basic concepts, managing bottle necks in manufacturing and service processes,
Employees training Process, Planning, Preparation of trainees, identifying bottle necks, relieving bottle necks, drum buffer rope system,
Implementation, Performance evaluation and Follow-up training. and managing constraints in a line system. Supply chain design across
Competency Mapping and Career development programmes. the organization, supply chains for services and manufacturing,
Performance appraisal and Merit rating, Promotion, transfers and measures of supply chain performance - inventory measures, financial
separations, Wages and salaries administration, Discipline and measures, inventory and supply chains - pressures for small inventories,
grievances. Industrial and labour relations and Trade Unionism pressures for large inventories, types of inventory, inventory reduction
Overview: Collective bargaining and maintaining Industrial health. tactics, and inventory placement. Costs of quality, total quality
management, acceptance sampling, statistical process control - control
References: charts, and process capability. Continuous improvement using lean
1. Michael Armstrong ., A Handbook of Human Resource Management systems, different types of wastes, strategic characteristics of a lean
Practice: 10th Edition, New Delhi, Kogan Page India,2006 system, designing lean system layout, and Kanban system.
2. Gary Dessler& BijuVarkey .,Human Resource Management:12th
Edition Dorling Kindersley(India),Noida,2011 References:
3. T.V. Rao and Pereira D F., Recent experiences in Human Resources 1. Krajewski L. J., Ritzman L. P., Malhotra M., and Srivastava S. K.,
Development, Oxford and IBH Publishing, 1986. Operations Management, 11th edition, Pearson Education
4. Subbrao A., Essentials of Human Resource Management and (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 2016.
industrial Relations, Himalaya Publishing House, 1999. 2. Heizer J. and Render B., Operations Management, 11th edition.
5. Aswathappa K,Human ResourceManagement,Text&Cases Pearson Education India, 2016.
McGrawHill 7th Edition,2006 3. Khanna R. B., Production and Operations Management, 2nd edition,
6. N G Nair and Latha Nair., Personnel Management and Industrial PHI Learning Private Limited, 2015.
Relations, S. Chand Company, 1995.

HUM 4301: COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH [3 0 0 3] The challenges of Intercultural communication - interacting in a diverse
(Offered for Lateral Entry Students only) world, understanding cultures, alternative views of reality, cultural
Common Errors in English: Subject Verb Agreement; Uses of Tenses / stereotyping. Foundational Theories in Intercultural Communication -
Sequence of Tense; Prepositions; Articles; Special Usages; Creative Edward Hall, Samovar, G Hofstede, Understanding cultural Dimensions
Writing Essay: Types of Essays, Argumentative Essay, Descriptive/ and Cultural Stereotyping- collectivism/ individualism, power distance,
Expository/Narrative Essays; Reading Comprehension; Dynamic text; masculine/feminine, cultural metaphors, Intercultural Business
Critical Evaluation; Group Discussions; Presentation Skills; Essay writing.; Communication Competence - The Role of Language in Intercultural
Audio texts/speeches -Practice listening skills- summary, commentary, Business Communication , Nonverbal Language in Intercultural
listening exercises. Video Speeches -T h e m e b a s e d s p e e c h e s - Communication, Cultural influence on interpersonal communication,
motivational, informative, technical, and persuasive, discussions. Speech - Intercultural Dynamics in the multicultural organizations.
Elements of a good speech, types of speeches, model speech, Speech References:
exercises, individual presentations, peer and facilitator feedback. 1. Dodd, Carley H. Dynamics of Intercultural Communication,
Formal/Informal communication. Communication Styles- formal and McGraw-Hill, Boston. 1998.
informal, standard English and variations in usages, examples and analysis 2. Gannon M J and Pillai R. Understanding Global Cultures, Sage
of faulty usages; Correspondence: formal/informal letters and emails . Publications, California. 2010.
References: 3. Hall, E. T. The dance of life: The other dimension of time, Random
1. Green David., Contemporary English Grammar, Structures and House, New York. 1983.
Composition Chennai: Macmillan Publications. 4. Hofstede, Geert., Cultures' Consequences, Comparing Values,
2. Thompson AJ & Martinet AB., A Practical English Grammar, OUP. Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations across Nations, Sage
3. Turton N D , Heaton J B., Longman Dictionary of Common Errors, Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. 2001.
1998. 5. Martin, J.N. & Nakayama, T.K., Intercultural communication in
4. Meenakshi Raman & Sangita Sharma., Technical Communication; contexts. 4th Edition. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield. 2007.
Principles and Practice, Oxford University Press, 2011. 6. Samovar, L A and Porter, R., Communication between Cultures,
Cengage Learning, Wadsworth, CA. 2007.
HUM 4302: FILM STUDIES [2 1 0 3]
History of invention of motion pictures - Daguerre, Muybridge, Edison, HUM 4305: INTERPRETATION OF LITERARY TEXTS [3 0 0 3]
SkaldanowskyBrothers,Lumieres; Evolution of film – Lumieres, Melies, Texts-static, dynamic, cryptic and delphic ; Language of literature; Form
Porter, Griffith, Basic techniques – Mise-en-scene, Mise-en-shot, and structure; Literature verses popular fiction; Text and discourse;
Deepfocus Photography, Longtake, Continuity, Editing, Montage, Authors and critics; Theories and approaches to literary texts;
German Expressionism; French Impressionism; Soviet Montage cinema; Formalism, Structuralism, Marxism, Feminism, Deconstruction;
Hollywood cinema, Italian Neo-realism; French Nouvelle Vague, Ideational functions and textual Functions; Class, gender and texuality;
Documentary, Directors – Eisenstein, Kurosawa, Godard, Chaplin, Race and nationality; Genre, phonological deviations –sound patterns
Bergman; Mohsen Makmalbakf, Majid Majidi, Keislowski, Zhang Yimou, and figures of speech ; Pragmatic approach to literature; Understanding
Kim Ki Duk, “New Wave” Cinema in India - Bengali; Malayalam; Kannada; syntax, Lexical and syntactic analysis of literary texts; Point of view in
Hindi, To be screened- Bicycle Thieves, The 400 blows, Rashomon, Wild literary texts and foregrounding; Prediction and making sense of a text;
strawberries, Battleship Potemkin, Cabinet of Dr.Caligari, The kid, Stylistic analysis of a novel; Kinds of meaning, Rhetorical structure;
Children of heaven, Hero, Ghatashraddha, PatherPanchali, Mathilukal. Pragmatics and discourse analysis; Interpreting cohesive devices and
References: complex functional values; Stylistic approach to literature ; Elements of
1. Bordwell, David and Thompson, Kristin., Film Art: an Introduction, literary style; Stylistic analysis of selected short stories, Poems, Novels
7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Co., 2004. and Plays; Genre, the plot setting, characterization, tone and themes;
Stylistics and its implications on narrative techniques; Intertextuality and
2. Kawin, Bruce., How Movies Work. Berkeley and Los Angeles:
conceptual blending; Identifying patterns in the texts; Meaning making
University of California Press, 1992.
process in literature; Imagery, metaphor as a mode of thought;
3. Cook, David A., A History of Narrative Film, 4th ed. New York: W.W. Coherence and Cohesion; Context, turn taking and Adjacency Pair; Pro-
Norton & Co., 2004. forms, Discourse markers, Lexical cohesion and presupposition;
Recognizing text organization; Critical texts, Shared assumptions on
HUM 4303:GERMAN FOR BEGINNERS [3 0 0 3] critical texts; The role of schema and the concept of speech acts in
Text selections, dialogue and exercises which have been designed to give literary texts.
the absolute beginner grounding in the rudiments of the German References:
language, as well as providing background information about the history, 1. Austin, J.L., How to do Things with Words, Longman, London,
life and culture in Germany.Introduction to the German alphabet and the 1992.
German language – dialogues & conversations – pronunciation, basic 2. Barthes. R., Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives,
vocabulary lists - key points of grammar - background information Fontana, London, 1977.
about the history and culture of Germany - exercises on vocabulary,
3. Blake.N.F., An Introduction to the Language of Literature,
grammar and German culture - reading & listening comprehension.
Macmillan, London. .1990.
4. Carter, R. (ed.)., Language and Literature: An introductory Reader
1. Sally Johnson, Natalie Braber., Exploring the German Language, in Stylistics, Allen and Unwin, London, 1982.
(2E), Cambridge University Press. 2008.
5. Cook, G., Discourse and Literature, Oxford University Press,
2. Charles Russ., The German Language Today: A Linguistic London, 1994.
Introduction, Routledge. 1994.
6. Harold, C.M.(ed.)., Style in Prose Fiction, Columbia University
Press, New York.
7. Leech, G.N., A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry, Longman,
London, 1969.

HUM 4306: PUBLIC SPEAKING [3 0 0 3] References:
Public Speaking -Introduction to Public speaking- Voice modulation, 1. Aquinas, Thomas., On Being and Essence. Trans. Armand Maurer.
Sounds/accent (basics), Articulation, Anxiety management, Logical Canada: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1968.
arguments, Concept of purpose, Audience, Smart use of Body language. 2. John-Terry, Chris., For the Love of Wisdom: An Explanation of the
Types of speech-Informative speeches - designing and delivery- meaning and Purpose of Philosophy. New York: Alba House, 1994.
Persuasive speeches – designing and delivery- Impromptu speeches – 3. Maritain, Jacques., An Introduction to Philosophy, London: Sheed
designing and delivery -Special occasion speeches- designing and and Ward. 1979.
delivery, Presentations - planning and execution -Types of presentation - 4. Radhakrishnan, S. (Ed)., History of Philosophy Eastern and Western
Informative-Planning and delivery - Persuasive - Planning and delivery - Vol.II George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, 1953.
Motivational - Planning and delivery, Other forms of speaking – Debates, 5. Wallace, William., The Elements of Philosophy. New York: Alba
Seminars, Panel Discussion, Group Discussion, Tall Tales, Turn Coat, Art House, 1990.
of Evaluation-Providing feedback- planning, designing and delivering
constructive feedback - Receiving feedback – making use of relevant
HUM 4309: CREATIVE WRITING [3 0 0 3]
feedback -Techniques of providing feedback- Speech analysis –Role of
the Evaluator. Various literary/prose forms and their characteristics; techniques and
strategies for reading; nuances of language and meaning in reading and
writing; Writing Exercises - techniques and strategies of writing
1. Duarte Nancy., Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform
creatively; Critical Concepts and Terms in Literary Writing; Writing
Audiences, John John Wiley and Sons, 2010.
Exercises; creative writing output.
2. Minto Barbara., The Pyramid Principle: Logic in writing, thinking and
Problem Solving, Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2002.
1. Milan Kundera ., The Art of the Novel.
3. Berkun Scott., Confessions of a Public Speaker, O'Reily Media,
2. The Art of Fiction: Illustrated from Classic and Modern Texts, David
4. Goodale Malcolm., Professional Presentations, Cambridge
University Press, 2005.
5. Carnegie Dale., The Art of Public Speaking, 1905.
AND CULTURE [3 0 0 3]
Part I:The History of Comic Books, Part 1: Developing a Medium Defining
comic books as a medium-Relationships between comic books and
Psychology - Meaning, Nature and Scope, Defining Psychology, other forms of sequential art-The (continental) roots of comics as an art
Meaning of the term Behavior, Nature of Psychology, Scope of form -The ways in which comic strips and pulps contributed to the
Psychology: Branches and fields of Psychology. Development of emergence of the comic book. The History of Comic Books, Part 2: The
Psychology - Historic Sketch of Psychology, Modern Age of Psychology, Maturation of the Medium-Influence of underground movement, ways in
Gestalt Psychology, Psycho Analysis, Contemporary Psychology. which mainstream publishers began to address more relevant topics,
Systems of Psychology- The Nervous System, Nature V/s Nurture, proliferation of independent comics, the increase in the profile and
Sensation and perception, States of Consciousness. Methods of prominence of the medium due to ambitious projects. Part II: Creating the
Psychology - Classical Conditioning, Introspection Method, Naturalistic Story: Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative-Some narrative
Method, Experimental Method, Differential Method, Clinical Method, structures commonly found in comic books -The types and techniques
Psycho Physical Method. Personality- Personality types, Personality of encapsulation-The nature of the relationship between the pictorial and
Disorders, Abnormal psychology, Treatment of personality disorders. linguistic elements of comic books Experiencing the Story: The Power of
Thinking - Nature of Thinking, Types of Thinking, Language and Comics - About diegetic images that show the world of the story-
Intelligence. Discussion, Presentation and Assignments. About interpretive images that comment on the story-The impact art style
References: has on the emotional reactions of the reader; and how the meaning of
1. Boring, E.G., Langfield,H.S. &Weld,H.P., Foundations of Psychology, each image is affected by the relationship to other images in that
Asia Publishing House, Calcutta, 1963. particular book, in other texts, and in the reader's personal experience-
2. Carson, R.C., Butcher, J.N. & Coleman, J.C., Abnormal Psychology Part III: Comic Book Genres-the definition of genre and the role it plays in
& Modern Life, (8th ed) Scoff, Foresman& Co. 1988. shaping the creation of comics products- the characteristics of genres,
3. Lahey, B.B.,Psychology: An Introduction, 6th Ed., Tata McGraw Hill, including character types, narrative patterns, themes, and other
New York, 1965. conventions-how the example genres of teen humor, romance, funny
4. Olson, M.; Hergenhahn, B.R., Introduction to the Theories of animals, horror, and memoir developed in comics, and what
Learning, Prentice-Hall India, 2009. characterizes each-how the hybridization of genres helps
experimentation and expansion of narrative possibilities.
RELIGION AND CULTURE [3 0 0 3] 1. Roger Sabin., Comics, Comix and Graphic Novels.
Notions of Philosophy; The Origin and Development of Philosophy; 2. Robert Petersen, Allan Moore., Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels:
Ancient Philosophy; Medieval Philosophy; Modern Philosophy; A History of Graphic Narrative3. Comics as Performance, Fiction as
Contemporary Philosophy; Indian Philosophy; Comparative Religion; Scalpel.
Western Philosophy; The Relevance of Philosophy; Branches of 3. JeetHeer, Kent Worcester., Arguing Comics: Studies in Popular
Philosophy; Methods of Philosophy; Philosophy and other Branches of culture.
Study; Some Problems of Philosophy; Themes of Philosophy; Mind and
Body, and the Problem of Universal; Change/Movement time and place;
Existence of God and Evolution; Indian Culture; Social Ethics; Logic and
Scientific Methods; Philosophy of Language.

Management information system: Introduction to management, Entrepreneur: Meaning of entrepreneur, evolution of the concept,
information and system. System concepts, general model of a system functions of an entrepreneur, types of entrepreneur, and intrapreneur.
and types of systems. Evolution of MIS , models and resources used in
Concept of entrepreneurship - evolution of entrepreneurship,
the MIS model. Structure of MIS, operating elements of an information
system, synthesis of the structure. Information systems for different development of entrepreneurship, stages in entrepreneurial process, role
applications: Transaction processing systems, Human resource of entrepreneurs in economic development, entrepreneurship in India,
management systems and Marketing-application areas. Production barriers for entrepreneurship. Small scale industry: Definition,
planning and Office automation systems. Role of management characteristics, need and rationale. Objectives, scope, role of Small
information in decision making: Concepts of decision making, Decision
Scale Industries (SSI) in economic development, advantages of SSI,
making process and information needs at different levels of
management. Herbert. A. Simon model. Phases in the decision making steps to start an SSI - government policy towards SSI, different policies
process, Programmed vs non-programmed decisions, General model of of SSI, impact of liberalization, privatization, and Globalization. Effect of
human as an information processor, Allen Newell Simon model. Decision WTO/GATT and supporting agencies of government for SSI. Institutional
support systems -structure, elements and working. Information as a support: Different Schemes: TECKSOK, KIADB; KSSIDC; KSIMC; DIC
strategic resource. MIS as a technique for making programmed
Single Window Agency: SISI, NSIC, SIDBI, and KSFC, New schemes and
decisions: Behavioral models of the decision maker and methods. MIS
support for decision making. Role of MIS in Organizations -recent trends support for start-ups and new venture under Govt. of India. Preparation
and e-commerce applications. Development of customized of Business plan and project report: components of a successful plan.
management information system approaches: SDLC -phases in SDLC, Meaning of project, project identification, project selection, project
Strategic and project planning for MIS, conceptual design and detailed report, need and significance of report, contents, formulation, guidelines
design phases: general business planning and MIS response. MIS
by planning commission for project report. Network analysis, errors in
Planning and planning cycle. Conceptual system design and Detailed
System design. MIS System Implementation, and Pit falls: Pit Falls in MIS project report, project appraisal. Identification of business opportunities,
development, Fundamental weaknesses, soft spots in planning, design market feasibility study, technical feasibility study, financial feasibility
problems and review. study and social feasibility study and documentation and evaluation.

References: References:
1. Gordon B. D. and Margrethe H. O., (2005), “Management 1. Vasant Desai., Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development &
Information Systems”, McGraw-Hill, New York. Management, Himalaya Publishing House, 2007.
2. Kenneth L. and Price J. P., (2003), “Management Information 2. David H. Holt Entrepreneurship: New Venture Creation, Published by
Systems”, Macmillan. prentice Hall,1991.
3. Jawadekar W. S., (2000) “Management Information System”, Tata 3. Poornima. M. Charantimath., Entrepreneurship Development, Pearson
McGraw Hill. Education, 2006.
4. Senn J. A., (2003), “Analysis & Design of Information System”, 4. S.S. Khanka., Entrepreneurship Development, S.Chand& Co, 2007.
McGraw Hill International Student Edition.
5. Mudrick; Ross (1997) “Information Systems for Modern
Management “ Prentice Hall of India.
6. James A. O.Brien (1995)“Management Information Systems,
Galgotia Publications.

Minor Specialization: Material Science OPEN ELECTIVES

Thin films: Thick and Thin Film Materials, preparation by physical and ASTROPHYSICS [3 0 0 3]
chemical methods. Thickness measurement techniques. Theories of Introduction to astronomy and astrophysics. Properties of ordinary
nucleation - Capillarity and atomistic theory, effect of deposition stars: Brightness of starlight; the electromagnetic spectrum; Colours of
parameters on nucleation and growth of thin films. Epitaxial growth. stars; stellar distances; absolute magnitudes; HR diagram. Stellar
Reflection and Transmission at interface between isotropic transparent evolution: Formation of star; the main sequence; stellar structure;
media. Reflectance and Transmittance in thin films. Antireflection evolution off the main sequence; planetary nebulae; white dwarfs. The
coatings. Electrical conduction in discontinuous metal films - Quantum death of high mass stars: Supernovae; neutron stars; pulsars; stellar
mechanical tunneling model. Conduction in continuous metal and black holes. Normal Galaxies: Types of galaxies; Dark matter in galaxies.
semiconducting films. Thermoelectric power in metal films. thin film Cosmology: The scale of universe; expansion of the universe; open or
resistors, thermopiles. Quantum well devices. closed universe; the big bang; the cosmic background radiation; big
Nanomaterials: Chemical Synthesis of Nanoparticles: Bottom up bang nucleosynthesis. Astronomical instruments.
approach. Functionalized nanoparticles in different medium. Size References:
control. Self assembly. Nanopar ticle arrays. Semiconductor 1. Marc L Kutner, Astronomy: A physical Perspective (2e) Cambridge
nanoparticles- synthesis, characterization and applications of quantum University Press,2003
dots. Magnetic nanoparticles- assembly and nanoastructures. 2. BaidyanathBasu, An Introduction to Astrophysics (2e), PHI Learning
Manipulation of nanoscale biological assemblies. Carbon nanotubes and Pvt. Ltd, 2011.
fullerene as nanoclustures. Nanostructured films. Physical Methods of 3. Michael Zeilik, Introductory Astronomy and Astrophysics (4e),
Nanostructure Fabrication: Top down approach. Nanopatterning- Saunders College Pub. 1992.
Lithography- Optical, X-ray and Electron beam lithography. Ion- beam
Types of magnetism, ferromagnetic domains, soft and hard magnetic
materials, ferrites, magnetic storage, Superconducting materials,
1. Chopra K. L., Thin Film Phenomena, Mc Graw Hill, 1969 Applications of superconductors, Nano-materials, bottom-up and top-
2. Milton Ohring, Materials Science of Thin Films, Elsevier, 2001 down methods, Quantum dots and nano-carbon tubes, Composite
3. Heavens O. S., Optical Properties of Thin Solid Films, Dover, 1955 materials, micromechanics of composites - Density, Mechanical and
4. Liz-Marzan L. M. and Kamat P. V. (Eds), Nanoscale Materials, Thermal properties, Semiconductors, Metals, semiconductors and
Kluwer, 2003 insulators, Direct and indirect band-gap semiconductors, Intrinsic and
5. Nalwa H. S. (Ed), Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology, extrinsic semiconductors, Diffusion and drift processes, Crystal growth
Academic, 2002 techniques, Preparation of semiconductor devices.
1. William F. Smith, Principles of Materials Science and Engineering
PHY 4052: PHYSICS OF PHOTONIC AND (2e), McGraw-Hill International Edition, 1990.
ENERGY STORAGE DEVICES [3 0 0 3] 2. Nalwa H.S., Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology (2e),
Semiconductors: Direct and indirect band gaps. Carrier concentrations Academic, 2002.
at thermal equilibrium. Fermi level. Degenerate and non-degenerate 3. Chawla K. K. Composite Materials- Science & Engineering (3e),
semiconductors. Semiconductor Crystal growth techniques Contact Springer-Verlag, 2012.
phenomenon- semiconductor-semiconductor, metal-semiconductor 4. Streetman Ben G. and Banerjee Sanjay Kumar, Solid State Electronic
contacts. Schottky and Ohmic contacts. Preparation of semiconductor Devices (6e) PHI learning Private Limited, 2012.
devices. IC technology, elements of lithography.
Photonic Devices: LED and semiconductor lasers: Radiative and non- PHY 4303: RADIATION PHYSICS [3 0 0 3]
radiative transitions, diode laser, population inversion, laser operating Radiation Sources: Fast electron sources-Heavy charged particle
characteristics, efficiency, photoconductor, photodiode, avalanche sources-Sources of electromagnetic radiation-Neutron sources.
photodiode, phototransistor, material requirement for solar cells, theory Radiation Interaction: Photoelectric and Compton process -pair
and types of solar cells. production. Interaction of heavy charged particles-stopping power-
Fuel cells: Hydrogen energy – merits as a fuel – production of hydrogen, Energy loss characteristics- Bragg curve-Particle range-range
Hydrogen Fuel cells – introduction – difference between batteries and straggling- stopping time-energy loss in thin absorbers-Interaction of
fuel cells, components of fuel cells, principle of working of fuel cell, fuel fast electrons-absorption of beta particles-interaction of gamma rays-
cell stack, fuel cell power plant: fuel processor, fuel cell power section, gamma ray attenuation-Interaction of neutrons-neutron cross section-
power conditioner, Advantages and disadvantages of fuel cell power neutron induced nuclear reactions. Radiation Detectors and
plant. Types of fuel cells. Application of fuel cells – commercially Instrumentation: Semiconductors diodes-JFET-MOSFET-Integrated
available fuel cells. Circuits-OPAMP and their characteristics-Differential Amplifier-
Operational amplifier systems-Pulse Amplifiers. Principles of radiation
References: detection and measurements-Gas filled detectors-Ionisation chambers-
1. Neamen Donald A., Semiconductor Physics and Devices, basic Propor tional counters-GM counters-Scintillation detectors-
principles, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002 Semiconductor detectors-Thermo luminescent Dosimeters-Radiation
2. Sze S. M., Physics of Semiconductor Devices, John Wiley & Sons, spectroscopy with scintillators-Gamma spectroscopy-Multichannel
2007 pulse analyzer-Slow neutron detection methods-Reactor
instrumentation. Industrial uses of nuclear measurements: Radiation
3. Larminie J. and Dicks A., Fuel Cell Systems Explained, Wiley, 2003 detection in industrial environments-Measuring systems for industrial
4. Xianguo Li, Principles of Fuel Cells, Taylor and Francis, 2005 problems-Determination of physical material characteristics by nuclear
5. S. Srinivasan, Fuel Cells: From Fundamentals to Applications, measurements-Level height determination-Density measurements-
Springer, 2006 Quantity measurements-Thickness measurement-coating thickness

References: Schemes, properties of optical fibers, discussion on device
1. Knoll G. F., Radiation Detection and Measurement (3e), Wiley 2010 requirements, OEICS. Optical storage devices: Data recording and read
2. Boylestad R. L., Electronic Devices and Circuit theory (11e), out from optical discs. Holographic data storage systems.
Pearson Education 2016
3. Malvino A. P., Electronic Principles (7e), TMH 2010 References:
4. Foldiak G., Industrial Applications of Radioisotopes, Elsevier 1. Ghatak A., OPTICS (4e), Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
Science Ltd 1986 2009.
2. Singh J., Optoelectronics: An Introduction to Materials and Devices,
PHY 4304: SOLID STATE PHYSICS [3 0 0 3] TATA McGraw- Hill Companies, Inc. 2014.
Review of Crystal structure: Lattice, basis and unit cell, crystal system, 3. Wilson & Hawkes, LASERS, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. 1987.
symmetry, crystal planes and miller indices, reciprocal lattice, Bragg's 4. Hugh Bennett, Understanding Recordable & Rewritable DVD,
law, experimental methods of x-raydiffraction, types of crystal binding, OSTA.org.
analysis of stress and strain in crysals. Electrical conduction: Free 5. Hugh Bennett, Understanding CD-R & CD-RW, OSTA.org.
electron gas model, Sommerfield quantum theory, Fermi energy,
parameters of free electron gas at absolute zero, electrical conductivity, PHY 4306: INTRODUCTORY QUANTUM MECHANICS [3 0 0 3]
Drude-Lorentz theory and Sommerfield theory of electrical conductivity, Review of certain basics : Limitations of classical physics, wave-particle
Band theory of solids, electrical conduction in metals, insulators and duality, De Broglie's hypothesis, matter as wavepacket, Heisenberg's
semiconductorsDielectrics: Static dielectric constant, polarization and uncertainty principle, Mathematical Formalism : operators; commutation
polarizability, local field, ferro electricity, piezo electricity, frequency relation; orthonormal functions; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; the
dependence of polarizability (electronic, ionic and dipolar), dielectric Dirac notation; the postulates of quantum mechanics.The Schrödinger
losses, requirements of insulating materials, applications of dielectric Equation : Introduction, wavefunctions , time dependent Schrödinger
materialsMagnetism: Classification of magnetic materials, classical equation, conservation of probability, expectation values, Ehrenfest's
theory of diamagnetism and paramagnetism, Weiss theory of theorem, time independent Schroedinger equation, stationary states,
ferromagnetism, ferrites, hard and soft magnetic materials, garnets, Schroedinger equation in one dimension : the infinite square potential
magnetic bubbles, ceramic magnets, applications of magnetic materials well; the finite square potential well; the potential barrier; tunneling; the
harmonic oscillator.Quantum mechanics in three dimensions:
References: Schrödinger equation in spherical coordinates, separation of variables,
1. Kittel C., Introduction to Solid State Physics (7e), Wiley 1996. the angular equation, the radial equation, Applications (energy
2. Rao A., A first course Solid State Physics, Asiatech publications eigenvalues and eigenfunctions): the rigid rotator; the hydrogen atom;
2000. angular momentum. Identical Particles.Some applications of quantum
3. Pillai S.O., Solid State Physics (6e), New age international mechanics in nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, and
publications 2006. spectroscopy: alpha decay, nanostructures, STM, vibrational and
4. Wahab M. A., Numerical problems in Solid State Physics, Alpha rotational spectra of molecules etc.
science international publications 2011.
5. Gupta H. C., Solid State Physics, Vikas publishing house Pvt. Ltd. References:
1996. 1. Verma H.C., Quantum Physics (2e), Surya Publications. 2016.
2. Gasiorowicz S., Quantum Physics (3e), Wiley India Pvt Limited.
PHY 4305: MODERN OPTICS [3 0 0 3] 2007.
Optics: Review of geometrical and physical optics, Dual nature of light, 3. Jain M. C., Quantum Mechanics: A Textbook for Undergraduates,
Electromagnetic spectrum, Optical devices, mirrors, lenses, prisms, PHI Learning Private Limited 2012.
grating, beam splitters, zone plate, polaroids. Light sources, emission 4. Griffiths D. J., Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (2e), Pearson
profile. Elements of lasers: Basic requirements in a laser, characteristic Education.
properties of lasers. Q-switched and mode locked lasers. CO2, Nd: YAG 5. Eisberg R. and Resnick R., Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules,
lasers. Applications. Introduction to Non-linear optics. Optoelectronic Solids, Nuclei, and Particles (2e), Wiley-India Pvt Limited. 2009.
devices and its application: Photo diodes, solar cells, LED, and diode
lasers. DBR and DFB lasers, CCD. Optical Communication: Conceptual
picture of the optical communication system, Modulation and Detection

Minor Specialization: Material Science concepts, Classification, Principles, Experimental techniques of CC,
HPLC, TLC, GC and their applications. Electroanalytical methods: Basic
CHM 4051: CHEMICAL BONDING [3 0 0 3] principles and applications of conductometric, potentiometric titrations.
Introduction to bonding, Classification. Ionic bond- Lattice energy, Born
Haber cycle, Radius-ratio rules, Properties of ionic compounds, References:
Covalent character in ionic bonds. Covalent bond-Covalency, Valence 1. D.A. Skoog, J. Holler, F.T.A. Nieman, Principles of Instrumental
bond theory, Sigma and pi bond, Hybridization, VSEPR Theory, Analysis, 5thEdn, Saunders, Philadelphia, 1992
Molecular orbital theory, Bond order, Properties of covalent compounds. 2. D. A. Skoog, D. M. West and F. J. Holler, Fundamentals of Analytical
Coordination bond - Primary and Secondary valencies, ligands, Valence Chemistry, 5thEdn, Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia, 1988
bond theory of complexes, Crystal field theory of octahedral and 3. Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, GH Jeffery, John
tetrahedral complexes, Low and high spin complexes. Metallic bond- Wiley & Sons Inc, 5thEdn, 1989
Band theory of metals, Conductors, semiconductors and insulators.
Secondary bonding- Hydrogen bonding, London forces and dipole-
dipole interactions. CHM 4302: FUNDAMENTALS OF INDUSTRIAL
References: CATALYTIC PROCESSES [3 0 0 3]
1. J D Lee, “Concise Inorganic chemistry”, Wiley India, 2012 Adsorption & Catalysis: Physisorption and chemisorption, Adsorption
isotherms, Factors influencing adsorption, Adsorption of gases by
2. B R Puri , L R sharma and K C Kalia, “Principle of Inorganic solids, Adsorption from solution, Introduction to catalysis, Energetics,
chemistry”, Vishal Publishing Co., Punjab, 2017. Catalytic cycles Solutions & Solubility: Ideal and non-ideal solutions,
3. D F Shriver, P W Atkins, “Inorganic chemistry”, Oxford India, 2014 Raoult's law, Thermodynamics of ideal solutions, Vapor pressure and
4. A F Cotton, “Basic Inorganic chemistry”, Wiley Publishers, 2007 boiling point composition curves, Distillation behaviour of completely
miscible & immiscible liquid systems, Azeotropes Colligative Properties:
CHM 4052: CHEMISTRY OF CARBON COMPOUNDS [3 0 0 3] Determination of molar masses from vapor pressure lowering, Osmotic
pressure, Boiling point elevation and Depression of freezing point, Vant
Introduction to Organic Compounds: Classification, Nomenclature; Hoff's factor Colloids: Types, Preparation and purification of sols,
Alkanes: Homologous series, Preparation; Cycloalkanes: Ring size and General properties, Optical, Electrical & Kinetic properties of sols,
strain, Applications; Alkenes: Markovnikov and anti-Markovnikov stability of sols, Application of colloids, Emulsions & Gels- Types,
addition reactions, Reduction, applications; Alkynes: Acidity, Preparation, Properties and their applications.
preparation, Reduction of alkynes, applications; Alkyl halides: SN1, SN2,
E1 and E2 reaction mechanisms; Alcohols: Classification, Acidity,
organo-metallic reagents; Aromatic compounds: Electrophilic and References:
nucleophilic substitution reactions; Mechanism of some named 1. Principles of Physical Chemistry, B.R. Puri, L.R. Sharma, M.S.
reactions; Carbonyl compounds: aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic Pathania, Vishal Publications, New Delhi, (23e), 2008
acids and carboxylic acid derivatives; Heterocyclic compounds: 2. Principles of Physical Chemistry, S.H. Maron, C.F. Prutton, IBH
Nomenclature, synthesis and reactivity of thiophene, pyrrole and furan; Publishing co. New Delhi, (4e), 1985
Carbon materials: Fullerenes, carbon thin films, nanotubes and carbon 3. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, F.J.
fibers; Carbon nanotubes: SWNT, MWNT, synthesis, properties and Holler, R. Crouch, (4e),Thomson-Brooks, 2007
applications; Carbon nanomaterials applications.
References: AND PRODUCTS [3 0 0 3]
1. B S Bahl and Arun Bahl, “Advanced Organic Chemistry”, S Chand, Introduction and principles of green chemistry, Examples, Atom
New Delhi, 2012.
economy, carbon efficiency, life cycle analysis, sustainable products,
2. Robert T. Morrison and Robert N. Boyd, “Organic Chemistry”,
process and synthesis catalysis and green chemistry, examples of fine
Pearson, New Delhi, 2016.
and bulk chemicals production, catalysts for clean technology.
3. P.S. Kalsi, “Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms”, New Age
International Private Limited, New Delhi, 2017. Application of ecofriendly approach to waste treatment. Cleaner
4. Ashutosh Tiwari and S. K. Shukla, “Advanced Carbon Materials and production processes, clean synthesis in lab Scale, industrial examples,
Technology”, John Wiley & Sons, 2013. use of ecofriendly energies. Bio-pesticides, polymers & pharmaceutical
B. Bhushan ed., “Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology”, Springer products. Electrochemical synthesis, Alternate reaction media using
Publishers, Berlin, 2004. water and other green solvents, ionic liquids & supercritical fluids; phase
transfer catalysis.
CHM 4301: ANALYTICAL METHODS AND 1. P.T. Anastas, J. C. Warner, Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice,
INSTRUMENTATION [3 0 0 3] Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 2008
Spectroscopic methods of analysis: Properties of EMR, General features 2. A.S. Matlack, Introduction to Green Chemistry, Marcel Dekker, New
of spectroscopy, Types of molecular spectra, Interaction of EMR with York, 2001
matter, Instrumentation, Applications, Theory, Instrumentation and 3. P. T. Anastas, R. H. Crabtree, Handbook of Green Chemistry and
applications of Microwave, Raman, Infrared, UV-Visible, NMR Catalysis, Wiely-VCH, Weinheim, 2009
spectroscopic techniques. Chromatographic Techniques: General

Inter Institute Open Electives
IIE 4306: BRAND MANAGEMENT [3 0 0 3]
Centre for Creative and Cultural Introduction to brand management, Developing a brand strategy, Brand
Studies (CCCS), Manipal resonance and brand value chain, Designing and implementing brand
marketing programs to build brand equity, Measuring and interpreting
IIE 4301: ART APPRECIATION [3 0 0 3] brand performance, Designing and implementing brand architecture
How to read a visual, how to enjoy or feel an art form, what is Creative strategies, Managing brands.
Thinking? Indian Art: Heritage & Culture; Art Appreciation: Western
Art, Artist & Art Movements: Raja Ravi Verma, Tagore, Da Vinci, Van References:
Gogh; Aesthetics: Beauty, Feel & Expression; Art & Science; Art & 1. Keller, K. L., Parameswaran, M. G., Jacob, I. (2015). Strategic Brand
Film; Art: Freedom & Society, to be an art literate. A journey to immerse Management (4e). Noida, India: Pearson Prentice Hall Publication.
in the world of Art. 2. Rowles, D., (2014). Digital Branding (1e.). UK: Kogan Page Limited.
3. Kapferer, J. N., (2012). The New Strategic Brand Management:
IIE 4302: INDIAN CULTURE AND CINEMA Advanced Insights and Strategic Thinking (5e). UK: Kogan Page
- AN INTRODUCTION [3 0 0 3] Limited
Introduction to Idea of Culture, Identity and tradition, Indian Cultural
History, Indian cultural history, Time and space, Indian Art and heritage, Centre for Integrative Medicine &
Indus valley civilization – Indian Independence, Post-colonial India,
Modern India, Indian Cinema, Body, language and feel, Film and culture,
Research (CIMR)
Evolution, Interpretation and Reflection, Indian Cinema, Media and the
medium, Pioneers and classical films, Culture and art of cinema, Culture, IIE 4307: YOGA [3 0 0 3]
Cinema and Society, Revolutions, ideas, innovations, Culture, Cinema Aim, Obiectives, Meanings and Definitions of Yoga, History of Yoga,
and Peace, Message, purpose and the challenge. Concepts and misconcepts of Yoga, Schools of Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga

Manipal Institute of Management, Manipal Subjects by Industry Experts

IIE 4304: CORPORATE FINANCE [3 0 0 3] IIE 4308: HEALTH ECONOMICS [3 0 0 3]

Introduction to Corporate Finance, Financial Goal, Agency Problems, Economics: Understanding Economics, Efficiency, Rational decision
Managers vs Shareholders Goals, Concepts of Value and Return, Capital making, Opportunity costs, Supply and demand, Price discovery, Health
Budgeting Decisions, Cost of Capital, Calculation of the Cost of Capital in economics: Defining health, Human capital, what does supply and
Practice, Financial and Operating Leverage, Capital Structure, Relevance demand mean in the context of health? Arrow on the uncertainty and
of Capital Structure, Irrelevance of Capital Structure, Relevance of welfare economics, The Moral hazard, DALY and QALY, Efficiency: The
Capital Structure, Dividend Theory, Dividend Relevance, Dividend Production possibility frontiers. The production function for health care.
Relevance, Dividend and Uncertainty, Dividend Irrelevance, Principles of Health policy, Defining equity, Standards of healthcare provision
Working Capital Management. Epidemiology, The Healthcare sector, The demand for health, Disease
prevalence, The pharmaceuticals market, Cross country case studies.
References: References:
1. Brealey, R., Myers, S., Allen, F., & Mohanty, P. (2014). Principles of 1. Sloan, Frank A., and Chee-Ruey Hsieh. Health economics. MIT Press,
Corporate Finance (11e). New Delhi : Mc Graw Hill Education (India) 2012
Private Limited,. 2. Annemans, L. Health economics for non-economists. An
2. Pandey, I. M. (2014). Financial Management (10e). New Delhi: Vikas introduction to the concepts, methods and pitfalls of health economic
publishers. evaluations. Academia Press, 2008
3. Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J., & Kakani, R. K. (2014). 3. Jeffery, Roger. The politics of health in India. University of California
Corporate Finance (10e). New Delhi: Mc Graw Hill Education (India) Press, 1988.
Private Limited.
4. Parasuraman, N. R. (2014). Financial Management - A Step-by-Step IIE 4309: DIGITAL MEDICINE [3 0 0 3]
Approach (1e.). New Delhi: Cengage Learning India Private Limited. Present day practice of medicine. Limitations of scalability in the present
framework. Introduction to computing, algorithms, big data, semantic
IIE 4305: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT [3 0 0 3] web, mobility. Communication-WAN/LAN, 3G/4G and 5G.
Historical perspective of international business, International business Patient/Electronic Health records. Experience with these records
environment, Modes of entering international business, Cross-Culture elsewhere Wearables, the physics of data capture. Practical
and dynamic market understanding, Differences in Culture, Theories of demonstration of wearables Genomics, an introduction. Computational
international business, World Bank, World trade organization, genomics including the software. Imaging –an introduction-ionizing and
Multinational Corporations and their involvement in International non-ionizing. Imaging software and science of diagnosis. How all the
Business, Tariffs and quotas, Balance of Payment Account. four 4 pillars-PHR/EHR, Wearables, Genomics and Imaging come
together with software as the glue to change the world of medicine.
References: References:
1. Hill Charles, W. L., & Jain Arun, K. (2011). International Business: 1. David Mount. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis.
Competing in the Global Marketplace. (8e), Tata McGraw Hill. CSHL, 2001
2. Kumar, S. P., & Sanchari, S. (2012). International Business 2. Durbin, Richard, Sean Eddy, Anders Krogh, and Graeme. Biological
Management-AGlobal Perspective. New Delhi: Excel Books. Sequence Analysis: Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleic
Acids. Cambridge University Press, 1999

throughout the course, Pastry Basics and Pie dough, The fundamental
Manipal College of Nursing Manipal production of classical European pastry based desserts are included,
Techniques of Cake Making, Techniques of Cookie making, The course
emphasizes the preparation and makeup techniques of various cookies.
Principles of First Aid, First aid kit and equipment, emergency drugs,
scene assessment, safety and identifying hazards, patient assessment,
1. Wayne Gisslen – Professional Baking, (5e), John Wiley USA.
Basic Life Support and AED, triage, extrication/stretchers, ambulance.
2. Haneman L.J. Bakery: Flour Confectionery HEINMAN.
Describe the causes, signs and symptoms and management of
3. Mermaid Books The Book Of Ingredients DOWELL PHILIP.
respiratory emergencies, acute gastro-intestinal emergencies,
4. John Wiley Understanding Baking AMENDOLA JOSEPH.
musculoskeletal emergencies, dental, ENT and eye emergencies, renal
5. New Age International, A Professional Text to Bakery and
emergencies, nervous system emergencies, hematological
Confectionery, KINGSLEE JOHN.
emergencies, endocrine emergencies, toxicological emergencies,
6. Virtue And Company Ltd., The New International Confectioner:
environmental emergencies, pediatric emergencies, psychiatric
emergencies, obstetrical emergencies
7. Charrette Jacques, Great Cakes and Pastries, TEUBNER CHRISTIAN.
8. Joseph Amendola, Baker's Manual, (5e), NICOLE REES.
1. Pollak, A.N. (2005). Emergency care and transportation of the sick
9. Joseph Amendola, Understanding Baking, (3e), NICOLE REES.
and injured. Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett publishers.
10. Culinary Institute Of America, Baking and Pastry: Mastering the Art
2. Keen, J. H. (1996). Mosby's Critical Care and Emergency Drug
and Craft, JOHN WILEY.
Reference. Missouri: Mosby's year book.
3. Walsh, M. (1990). Accident and emergency nursing. A new approach. IIE 4314: GLOBAL CUISINE & CULTURE- PRACTICAL [3 0 0 3]
Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann Ltd. European Cuisine: Familiarization of ingredients, recipes and preparation
4. Sbaih, L. (1992). Accident and emergency Nursing. A nursing model. of different countries. North American Cuisine: Familiarization of
London: Chapman and Hall. ingredients, recipes and preparation of different countries. South
5. Sbaih, L. (1994). Issues in accident and emergency Nursing. London: American Cuisine: Familiarization of ingredients, recipes and preparation
Chapman and Hall. of different countries. Asian Cuisine: Familiarization of ingredients,
6. Bourg, P., & Rosen, S. P. (1986). Standardized nursing care plans for recipes and preparation of different countries. Australian Cuisine:
emergency departments. Missouri: The C. V. Mosby Company. Familiarization of ingredients, recipes and preparation of different
7. Howard, P.K., &Steinmann, R. A. (2010). Sheehy's Emergency countries. African Cuisine: Familiarization of ingredients, recipes and
Nursing principles and practice. Missouri: Mosby Elsevier. preparation of different countries. Molecular Gastronomy: Additives,
8. Sira.S, (2017). First Aid Manual for Nurses (First ed.), New Delhi: CBS Tools, and Recipes. Processed Food: Comparison and Critiquing.
Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd. Mediterranean and European cuisine: Familiarization of ingredients,
recipes and preparation of different countries.
AND ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES [3 0 0 3] 1. The Professional Chef - The Culinary Institute of America
Principles and concepts of life style modification and various 2. Practical Cookery - Kinton, Ceserani and Foskett
complementary and alternative therapies, Demonstrate skill in 3. Food Production Operation - Parvinder S. Bali
performing different yoga aasanas, guided imagery/Progressive muscle 4. Professional Cooking - Wayne Gisslen
relaxation, meditation & Pranayama, reflexology, massage therapy, 5. Cookery for the Hospitality Industry - Dodgshun Peters
aerobics, laughter therapy 6. Modern Cookery - Thangam E Phillips
1. Bhat Krishna K. The power of yoga. Suyoga publications; DK, 2006 School of Communication, Manipal
2. M.M.Gore. Anatomy & Physiology of yogic practices; (5e), New age book.
3. K N Udupa. Stress and its management by yoga. (2e). Motilal IIE 4315: REPORTING AND WRITING [3 0 0 3]
Banarsidas publishers Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, 2007. Introduction to news writing news in different media, news, definition of
4. Yoga and total health. A monthly journal on the yoga a way of life. news, news values; types of news other theoretical issues relating to
5. Swami Satyananda Saraswati. Dynamics of yoga. (2e), Bihar school news writing. News Reporting Basic of news writing: structure of news
of yoga, Bihar 1997. reports; writing the lead; the changes in the composition of the lead;
techniques of news gathering; sources of news. Reporting various types
Welcomegroup Graduate School of Hotel of reporting (Objective, Interpretative, Investigative,) General assignment
reporting/working on a beat. Reporting for news agency, periodicals and
Administration, Manipal
magazines. Interviewing: doing the research, conducting the interview,
types and formats of interviews, writing interviews
Introduction to Indian cuisine, Basic Indian gravies, Rice cooking,
1. Mencher, Melvin (2006): News Reporting and Writing, Mac-Graw
Preparation of various rice products, Tandoor Cooking, Indian sweets,
Hill, Boston.
Comfort Food, Regional and sub-regional cuisine.
2. Scalnan, Christopher (2000): Reporting and Writing: Basics for the
21st Century, Harcourt College Publishers.
3. Harrington Walt (1997) Intimate Journalism: The Art and Craft of
PRACTICAL [3 0 0 3]
Reporting Everyday Life, Sage Publications.
Introduction to Patisserie and Baking Principles, Special emphasis
4. Carole, Rich (2007), Writing and Reporting News: A Coaching
placed on the study of ingredient functions, Students will have the
Method, Thomson Learning Inc.Kamath, K.V. (1993): Journalists'
opportunity to apply basic baking techniques, Understanding fundamentals
Handbook, Vikas Publishing House.
of yeast dough production, Emphasis on the application of ingredient
5. Aggarwal, Vir Bala (2006): Essentials of Practical Journalism,
functions, product identification and recipe interpretation occurs
Concept Publishing Company.

functions; Mounting accessories and movements. Shots-Types and
IIE 4316: INTRODUCTION TO ADVERTISING & Uses; Basic composition. Practical video recording process. Radio –
PUBLIC RELATIONS [3 0 0 3] Introduction to Radio-Microphone types, characteristics and uses;
Introduction to advertising; Evolution and history of advertising; Influence of Cables and Connectors. Recording device-Types and Characters, Audio
advertising on society and ethics. Advertising as part of marketing mix; editing, Programme formats-news, drama, feature and PSA's and
Structure and types of ad agencies; Advertising planning; creative strategy Advertising.
and implementation (media strategy). The essentials of advertising on
different media platforms – print, broadcast, internet and new media; discuss References:
the difference in planning and execution using examples or campaign case 1. Gerald Millerson, “Effective TV production”
studies. Public Relations-scope; definition; evolution; establish difference 2. Peter Jarvis, “The Essential TV director's Handbook
between PR and advertising; Identifying stakeholders and various Public 3. Hamlyn “Basic guide to photography”
Relation tools. Steps in developing a PR program/campaign-stating the 4. Ralph Milton “Radio programming – a basic training manual”
problem, planning and programming, action and evaluation; Crisis 5. Tomlinson Holman “Sound for film and television”
communication; Ethical issues in Public Relations. 6. Reporting and writing by Melwin Mencher

References: IIE 4319: GRAPHIC & SKETCHING [3 0 0 3]

1. Butterick, K (2012): Introducing Public Relations: Theory and Basic Art Principles: Element of Art & Design, Contour Drawing,
Practice. New Delhi: SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd. Composition Principles, Pencil shading, creating geometry model and
2. Cutlip, Center & Broom, (2000): Effective Public Relations.USA: shading. Basic Perspective: Still life sketching & Drawing, Styles of
Prentice Hall International. shading, Introduction to colors, color still life painting, Layout Design,
3. Jaishri Jethwaney and Shruti Jain, (2012): Advertising Management. Creating concepts for Design. Skeleton System, Body Proportions,
New Delhi: Oxford University Press Upper Body, Lower Body, Back, Hands and Legs. Text: Human Anatomy
4. Reddi, C.V.N. (2009): Effective Public Relations and Media Strategy. by Victor Perard, Dynamic Anatomy by Burne Hogarth. Gesture Drawing
New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Tips, Line of Action, Dynamic Poses, Body Weight and Gravity, Clothing.
5. Sharma, S. & Singh, R. (2009): Advertising Planning and Text: Figure Drawing by Anthony Ryder.
Implementation. New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
List of Practical's:
IIE 4317: BASIC PHOTOGRAPHY [3 0 0 3] 4 10 Drawings of Human Anatomy Study In Pencil
Photo Journalism: History of Photography and Photo Journalism. Photo 4 50 Drawings of Gesture Drawing In Pencil
Journalism: Definition, Nature, Scope and Functions of Photo Journalism 4 5 Contour Drawing
– Qualification and Responsibilities of Photo Journalists, News 4 2 Still Life Pencil Shading
Photographers and News Value, Types and Sources. Selection, Criteria 4 2 Color Still Life
for News Photographs – Channels of News Pictures – viz., Wire, Satellite, 4 2 Layout Design
Agency, Stock, Picture Library, Freelancer, Photo Editing, Caption
Writing, Photo – Presentation. Legal and Ethical aspects of Photography References:
– Professional Organizations – Camera – Components and Types of 1. Mastering Composition: Techniques and Principles to Dramatically
Camera – Types of Lens, Types of Films, Types of Filters – Importance of Improve Your Painting (Mastering (North Light Books)) Hardcover –
Light and Lighting Equipments – Camera Accessories – Picture 25 Jan 2008 by Ian Roberts
appreciation. Digital Camera – Digital Technology and its future – 2. Layout Essentials: 100 Design Principles for Using Grids (Design
Darkroom Infrastructure – Film developing and Printing Essentials) Paperback – 1 by Beth Tondreau
3. Pencil Drawing: Learn how to develp drawings from start to finish with
References: techniques for shading, contrast, texture, and detail (Artist's Library)
1. Basic Photography – Newnes Paperback – 1 Jan 1988 by Gene Franks
2. The Hamlyn Basic Guide to Photography – Hamlyn 4. Drawing the Head and Figure – Jack Hamm
3. Hamlyn Encyclopedia of Photography – Hamlyn 5. Dynamic Anatomy – Burne Hogarth
4. Photographing People – Guglielmezei 6. The artists complete guide to Human figure Drawing – Anthony Ryder
5. History of Photography – Cyernshem G R 7. Human Anatomy – Victor Perard
6. Photo Journalism – Rothsteline
7. Techniques of Photo Journalism – Milten Feinberg
8. Freelance Photography – Jechsend Gedsey
9. Picture Editing – Stanley E Kalish and Clifton C Edom
10. News Photography – Jack Price
11. 1000 Ideas for better News Picture – High Sidley and Rodney Fox


Print design elements – typography, colours, spacing, pictures, logos,
graphics, principles of layout and design – basic writing skills.
Photography – SLR camera, Lenses, Apertures and Shutter speeds,
Exposure, Understanding light, Filters and assessories, composing a
picture, developing and printing, creating special effects. Digital
photography – digital camera – digital technology and its future.
Television – Introduction to AV Media-pre-production, production, post-
production. Show packaging-Camera-characteristics, parts and


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