Lectures 7 8
Lectures 7 8
Lectures 7 8
E.g.I go – we go
[He, she, it] goes – They go
The Category of Number
The Category of number shows whether the
action is performed by one or more than one
persons or non-persons
The Category of Number is a two-member
opposition: singular and plural.
Number is mostly restricted to the Present tense.
E.g. John goes to college. vs. John went to
In the Past Simple tense it is only the verb to be
that has the category of number. I/he/she/it was
– you/we/they were
The categories of person and number with
some restrictions are found in all analytical
forms containing the present simple tense of the
auxiliaries to be and to have.
It's way too hot in here (opinion)
He bought her flowers for their anniversary (fact)
It was so cute (opinion)
You finish school next year, yes? (fact-checking
Maya wants to come with us to the farm
later (fact)
The Imperative mood in English is
represented by the base form of the verb,
or the bare infinitive, e. g. Come!
There are also lexico-grammatical forms of the
imperative with the verb let, e. g.: Let the children
do it; Let’s go and have some coffee.
The Imperative mood forms are limited in their
use to one type of sentences, namely, imperative
sentences. Most British and American scholars
do not recognize the verbal category of the
imperative mood, they prefer to speak about the
imperative sentences as a special type of
The subjunctive mood