GR 2-Pr1titledefense
GR 2-Pr1titledefense
GR 2-Pr1titledefense
Research 1
Presented By: Group 2
Effectiveness Of Interleaving
In Learning Social Science For
Humanities And Social Sciences
Research Variables
The research variables are as follows: the Independent Variable and the research topic, the Dependent
Variable and the study's target respondents.
Research Variables: Independent Variable
This are the areas of knowledge concerned with human beings and their
culture, as well as analytic and critical methods of inquiry drawn from an
awareness of human values and the unique power of the human spirit to
express itself. Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopedia (2024, February 29).
Social Science
Has been a big part of the education system for the Humanities and Social
Sciences students. Social science is a discipline of academic study or
research that studies human behavior in its social and cultural context.
Nisbet, R. A. and Greenfeld, Liah (2024, January 5)
While there are other learning techniques, such as the blocked practice,
interleaving is a learning approach that combines many topics or modes
of practice to promote learning. Shatz, I. Interleaving: How Mixed
Practice Can Boost Learning.
Reference Link:
Related Literature
Interleaving provides many benefits, including enhanced retention of new
knowledge, faster acquisition of new skills, and improved mastery of
existing abilities, a phenomenon known as the interleaving effect.
Brunmair, M., & Richter, T. (2019). Similarity matters: A meta-analysis
of interleaved learning and its moderators. Psychological Bulletin,
Reference Link:
Related Literature
The impact of interleaving concept examples in terms of memory retention and
transfer to new items was investigated through a comprehensive review. Interleaving
is the presentation of concept examples in a different sequence than a blocked order.
The goal of the study is to determine if learning and remembering new concepts is
better accomplished by interleaving or blocking. When there are little changes
between items, interleaving is most useful. This benefit applies to both art and
science-based items, and it has implications for practitioner decisions regarding when
and how to apply the approach. Firth, J., Rivers, I., & Boyle, J. (2019). A systematic
review of interleaving as a concept learning strategy. Social Science Protocols, 2, 1-7.
Reference Link:
Related Literature
Local Literature
Related Literature
Humanities and Social Sciences
The Department of Education's K-12 program offers learners a variety of career choices as
they prepare for college experiences. One of the strands is humanities and social sciences,
which is the study of human behavior and interaction in social, cultural, environmental,
economic, and political settings. The importance of this strand is proved by its ability to give
students with the necessary skills and opportunities to become global citizens capable of not
just solving problems but also sensing humanity's inner depths as it faces struggles,
difficulties, and failures. Future Humanities and Social Sciences strand graduates work in
social scientific fields such as journalism, law, education, politics, writing, and psychology.
Malugao, D. D., & Asis, L. R. (2019, February 8). The relevance of the Humanities and
Social Sciences strand in the 21st Century. Panay News, 9.
Reference Link:
Related Literature
The Humanites and social science strand focuses mostly on social
sciences and how individuals interact with society. Consing, F. Y. (2021).
Being a Humanities and Social Sciences student. Panay News, 11.