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Title Presentation In Practical

Research 1
Presented By: Group 2

Leader: Montibon, Chelsea Andrea

Members: Calaguas, John Matthew
Cuenca, Trixie Ann
Granados, Wendell Louis
Gloria, Jean Jasmin
Naparate, Prince Jhas

MARCH 11, 2024

Research Title:

Effectiveness Of Interleaving
In Learning Social Science For
Humanities And Social Sciences
Research Variables
The research variables are as follows: the Independent Variable and the research topic, the Dependent
Variable and the study's target respondents.
Research Variables: Independent Variable

 Interleaving In Learning Social Science

Research Variable: Dependent Variable

 Humanities And Social Sciences Learners


Humanities and Social Sciences Students

 Reference Link:

Significance of the study
The purpose of this study is:
 To investigate how effective the interleaving method is in studying social science and
its concepts for humanities and social sciences students at Children of Fatima School
 To demonstrate how helpful interleaving method is for the humanities and social
sciences strand.
 To benefit students by investigating on a possible effective way of learning, which is
the Interleaving Method.
Related Literature
International Literature
Related Literature

 This are the areas of knowledge concerned with human beings and their
culture, as well as analytic and critical methods of inquiry drawn from an
awareness of human values and the unique power of the human spirit to
express itself. Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopedia (2024, February 29).

 Reference Link:

Related Literature

Social Science
 Has been a big part of the education system for the Humanities and Social
Sciences students. Social science is a discipline of academic study or
research that studies human behavior in its social and cultural context.
Nisbet, R. A. and Greenfeld, Liah (2024, January 5)

 Reference Link:

Related Literature

 While there are other learning techniques, such as the blocked practice,
interleaving is a learning approach that combines many topics or modes
of practice to promote learning. Shatz, I. Interleaving: How Mixed
Practice Can Boost Learning.

 Reference Link:
Related Literature

 Interleaving provides many benefits, including enhanced retention of new
knowledge, faster acquisition of new skills, and improved mastery of
existing abilities, a phenomenon known as the interleaving effect.
Brunmair, M., & Richter, T. (2019). Similarity matters: A meta-analysis
of interleaved learning and its moderators. Psychological Bulletin,
 Reference Link:
Related Literature
 The impact of interleaving concept examples in terms of memory retention and
transfer to new items was investigated through a comprehensive review. Interleaving
is the presentation of concept examples in a different sequence than a blocked order.
The goal of the study is to determine if learning and remembering new concepts is
better accomplished by interleaving or blocking. When there are little changes
between items, interleaving is most useful. This benefit applies to both art and
science-based items, and it has implications for practitioner decisions regarding when
and how to apply the approach. Firth, J., Rivers, I., & Boyle, J. (2019). A systematic
review of interleaving as a concept learning strategy. Social Science Protocols, 2, 1-7.
 Reference Link:
Related Literature
Local Literature
Related Literature
Humanities and Social Sciences
 The Department of Education's K-12 program offers learners a variety of career choices as
they prepare for college experiences. One of the strands is humanities and social sciences,
which is the study of human behavior and interaction in social, cultural, environmental,
economic, and political settings. The importance of this strand is proved by its ability to give
students with the necessary skills and opportunities to become global citizens capable of not
just solving problems but also sensing humanity's inner depths as it faces struggles,
difficulties, and failures. Future Humanities and Social Sciences strand graduates work in
social scientific fields such as journalism, law, education, politics, writing, and psychology.
Malugao, D. D., & Asis, L. R. (2019, February 8). The relevance of the Humanities and
Social Sciences strand in the 21st Century. Panay News, 9.
 Reference Link:
Related Literature
 The Humanites and social science strand focuses mostly on social
sciences and how individuals interact with society. Consing, F. Y. (2021).
Being a Humanities and Social Sciences student. Panay News, 11.

 This strand studies human behavior and societal developments, as well as

analyzes arts, culture, literature, and politics. It combines political
science, anthropology, linguistics, psychology, and communication.
Tabamo, S. T. E. (2020, January 25). I Stan HUMSS. Sun.Star Pampanga.
 Reference Link:
Research Studies
International Studies
Related Studies
 Aiello, Donovan, Duque, Fabrizio, Flecha, Holm, Molina, Esther, and Reale (2021) address
techniques for increasing the societal impact of societal Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
research. They emphasize the growing pressure on science to produce societal benefits and
genuine social impact. The authors underline how SSH research projects can help to improve
societal outcomes. The study looks at a variety of strategies, such as having a clear project
aim and working with stakeholders, researchers, and end users to co-create knowledge. It
shows that such strategies can boost the social impact of humanities and social sciences
research. Furthermore, the authors underline the need of gathering relevant data on
stakeholder participation, implementing project findings, and evaluating their practical
outcomes. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the importance of applying suggested ways to
increase the social effect of SSH research, fulfilling the aspirations of governments and
society for verifiable societal benefits.

 Reference Link: https:

Related Studies
 Dr. Muhammad and Junaid Nadvi's book, published in June 2022, highlights the
significance of recognizing the interconnection of multiple social science topics for
future social scientists. They claim that many scholars ignore these interrelationships,
which are critical for understanding modern socioeconomic concerns. The book,
which is designed to the courses of the International Islamic University in Islamabad,
attempts to provide a complete overview of social science basics. It aims to convey
the subject in an understandable manner, including both secular and Islamic
viewpoints. The writers emphasize the Master's responsibility for accurately and
rationally delivering the course content.
 Reference Link:
Related Studies
 Eva M. Janssen, Tamara van Gog, Laura van de Groep, Anne Jóia de Lange, Roosmarijn L.
Knopper, Erdem Onan, Wisnu Wiradhany & Anique B. H. de Bruin, (August 15, 2023). “The
Role of Mental Efforts in Student's Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Interleaved and
Blocked study strategies and their willingness to use them”. Interleaved practice mixes
exercises with different student concepts, while blocked practice focuses on just one concept
at a time. Two studies explored why might choose easier (but less effective) blocked studying
over harder (but more effective) interleaved studying. Even though interleaved studying
required more effort, students underestimated its benefits. This effect was stronger when
students could directly compare the two methods. The study suggests that interleaving is
benefits come from deeper processing, spaced repetition, and retrieval practice. Giving
students feedback improved their perception of interleaved studying, but not enough to make
them prefer it over the easier blocked approach. This suggests students rely heavily on effort
when choosing study strategies.
 Reference Link:
Related Studies
 Joshua Samani & Steven C. Pan, (November 12, 2021). “Interleaved practice enhances
memory and problem-solving ability in undergraduate’s physics”. This study investigated
whether switching between physics topics during practice (interleaving) improves student
learning and problem solving, particularly for complex problems where students need to
identify the problem type itself. The results showed that interleaved practice led to better
memory and problem solving for novel and challenging problems compared to practicing
problems of the same type in a row (blocked practice). These findings extend the known
benefits of interleaving observed in math to physics. While research suggests interleaved
practice is valuable (e.g., Bjork et al., 2013), its effectiveness for different problem types
remains unclear. This study explores this gap by showing benefits of interleaved practice even
for complex problems.

 Reference Link:

Research Studies
Local Studies
Related Studies
 Cabaguing, A. M. (2016) Teaching and Learning Styles in Social Science: The Case
of Samar State University, Philippines. 4, 11, 474-482. The social science courses at
Samar State University were the focus of this study on teaching and learning
approaches. It is believed that teachers without a degree in education employ a lecture
style of instruction, whereas the majority of teachers actively include their students in
additional activities. Consequently, even though their boundaries are well-defined,
open and friendly teachers help students learn Social Science courses more
effectively. Students also benefit from active participation in the classroom.
Therefore, it may lead to better learning attitudes and a rise in the number of students
who will be doing better in social science courses.
 Reference Link: https:
Research Gap
The Research Gap to this Study
Research Gap

 Classic Literature Gap

Citation / Reference
Citation / References:
 Consing, F. Y. (2021). Being a Humanities and Social Sciences student. Panay News, 11
 Tabamo, S. T. E. (2020, January 25). I Stan HUMSS. Sun.Star Pampanga.
 Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2024, February 29). humanities. Encyclopedia Britannica.
 Nisbet,R. A.andGreenfeld,.Liah(2024, January 5).socialscience.EncyclopediaBritannica.
 Malugao, D. D., & Asis, L. R. (2019, February 8). The relevance of the Humanities and Social
Sciences strand in the 21st Century. Panay News, 9.
 Shatz, I. Interleaving: How Mixed Practice Can Boost Learning.
Citation / References:
 Brunmair, M., & Richter, T. (2019). Similarity matters: A meta-analysis of interleaved learning and its
moderators. PsychologicalBulletin,145(11)
 Firth, J., Rivers, I., & Boyle, J. (2019). A systematic review of interleaving as a concept learning
strategy. Social ScienceProtocols,2,1-7. https
 Aiello, E., Donovan, C., Duque, E., Fabrizio, S., Flecha, R., Holm, P., Molina, S., Oliver, E., & Reale,
E. (2021, March 24). Effective strategies that enhance the social impact of social sciences and
humanities. Vol. 17: Issue 1, 136-146.
 Cabaguing, A. M. (2016) Teaching and Learning Styles in Social Science: The Case of Samar State
University, Philippines. 4, 11, 474-482 https://
Citation / References:
 Nadvi, M. J. (2022). Introduction to Social Sciences.
 Eva M. Janssen, Tamara van Gog, Laura van de Groep, Anne Jóia de Lange, Roosmarijn L. Knopper,
Erdem Onan, Wisnu Wiradhany & Anique B. H. de Bruin, (August 15, 2023). “The Role of Mental
Efforts in Student's Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Interleaved and Blocked study strategies and
their willingness to use them”
 Joshua Samani & Steven C. Pan, (Novemeber 12, 2021). Interleaved practice enhances memory and
problem-solving ability in undergraduates physics.
 Firth J., Rivers I., Boyle J., (2019, july 1). A systematic review of interleaving as a concept learning
strategy. Googlescholar.
Title Presentation In Practical
Research 1
Presented By: Group 2

Leader: Montibon, Chelsea Andrea

Calaguas, John Matthew
Cuenca, Trixie Ann
Granados, Wendell Louis
Gloria, Jean Jasmin
Naparate, Prince Jhas
MARCH 11, 2024

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