The Worldview of Ukrainians
The Worldview of Ukrainians
The Worldview of Ukrainians
The worldview of
The worldview of Ukrainians is shaped
by a combination of historical influences,
cultural heritage, political events, and
aspirations for the future. This
multifaceted perspective provides
insights into how Ukrainians see
themselves, their nation, and their place
in the world.
The worldview
of Ukrainians
influencing the
worldview of The traditional worldview of the Ukrainian people is a system
Ukrainians of beliefs, knowledge, and ideas about both the material and
spiritual world, its origin, structure, and the place of man within
it. The worldview of common people is sometimes referred to
as folk philosophy, although in essence, it represents a naive
conception of the world. It is based on multi-stage and often
contradictory mythological and religious beliefs saturated with
magical ideas. These worldviews permeated various spheres of
life in traditional society: folklore, folk art, folk construction,
annual and family holidays, folk medicine, and folk knowledge
about the environment (for example folk meteorology,
astronomy, medicine, zoology).
The foundations of
traditional Ukrainian
Cult of fertility,
Agrarian magic fecundity, and
The most important elements and objects for Ukrainians were
earth, water, sky, fire, sun, grain, and bread. They were
considered universal, eternal, and ‘sacred’ world elements in
the system of mythological ideas.
Another important component of the people's worldview was
Ukrainian the belief in supernatural beings, both of demonic or semi –