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 We know gesture is a kind of language acquisition.

 In fact some children acquire a language naturally by
 Every children acquire a language in early age.
 Deaf children or deaf parents acquire a sign language.
 If some children born in different country they
acquire different sign language.
 Both sign and gesture is the movement of our hand or body.
 For different thing we have different sign.
 We use from sign instead of speech.
Example: when you move your hand down while talking it mean
you do not very well or when you make twisting your hand it
means to open the bottle.
Gesture is way that we express our felling or idea by signing.
 Emblems are different from gestures.
 Gestures: are the movement of our hand while speaking or
 Emblems: are the sign that deaf people use from it, and
emblems are a signals.
 Emblems examples: thumbs up (it means that’s good). Or put
your fingers on your lips (it mean quiet)
Type of gesture
 Gestures are accompany your speech.
1: Iconic: is the reflection of meaning of what you say.
Examples: when you make a squire with your hand in the air it means I need
a box.
2: deictic: it means to pointing, to point in some things or some peoples
during speaking.
3: beats: is a short quick movement of your hand or fingers.
This gesture accompany the rhythm of talking, and when you emphasize for
some part what you say and use for describe an event or commenting to
some event.
Type of signs
 We have two kind of signs in our languages.
1: alternate sign language
2: primary sign language
Alternate sign language
 Is a system of hand signal developed by speaker
for limited communication in specific context
where speech can not be used.
Example: monks in a monastery.
Primary sign language
 Is the first language of a group of people who do not
use spoken language with each other.
 British sign language and French sign language are
used for everyday communication among members of
the deaf communicates of British and French are
primary sigh language.
 British sign language is different with American sign
 It was not until 1960s any serious consideration was given to ASL as
natural language.
 Some teacher believed to use of sign language for deaf people is very
essay. But the deaf people cant acquire the English language.
 They use from oralism, this method required that the student practice
English speech sound and developed lip reading skill.
 A few student can speak intelligible English (less than 10 %).
 And fewer can lip-read (around 4%).
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 Many deaf children acquire a sign language from their parents, not from
 Only one in ten deaf children had deaf parents from whom they acquire a
sign language.
 Culture transmission most children acquire a sign language from another
Signed language
 Substantial change in deaf education have take place in recent year, but
they emphasize on learning of English.
 Producing a sign that correspond to the word in English sentences.
 Signed English designed to facilitated interaction between the deaf and
the hearing community.
 Hearing teacher in deaf education can make use of sign English when
they sign at the same time as they speak.
 Its very essay for hearing interpreter who produce a simultaneous
translation for public speech or lecture for deaf audience.
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 Many deaf people prefer interpreters to use sign English because they
say their higher likelihood of understanding massage.
 The aim of teaching signed language in deaf school because prepared
the student to be able to read and write English.
Origins of ASL
 At the first ASL developed from the France sign language used in paris
school founded in the eighteenth century.
 Early in nineteenth century a teacher from this school named Laurent
 And com to united state by American Minister Thomas Gallaudet, who
try to establish a school for deaf people.
 Clerc not just to teach the deaf children, he also trained the teachers.
The structure of signs
 In ASL eyes is more important than ears. Because we just talk or point
with our eyes.
 In ASL we four important keys
1: shape
2: Location
3: Movement
4: orientation
 These four keys called articulatory parameters.
Shape and orientation
 For saying Thank you in ASL we start with the shape or configuration of
a hand.
 The shape may differ in term of which finger are used, mayby the finger
extended or bent.
 The orientation of the hand (palm up ) rather than (Palm down) when
saying Thank you.
 Another way, (Flat hand, palm toward singer) it means mine.
Location and Movement
 The shape and orientation of the hand there also be a location, and it
have a relation with head and upper body of the signer.
 For saying Thank you define near the mouth and complete near the chest
 Some sign can only be use on base of location.
 For summer (above the eyes) and for ugly (below the eyes) the shape,
palm orientation, and movement of our hand are the same in these signs.
 Use tow hands For medicine ( one hands act like base location and other
hand move above it)
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 Movement: for saying Thank you our hand move (out and down ward)
toward the recover.
 The fast and slowly movement of our hand also effect on the meaning.
 In the story write by Stokoe (2001) the director of public relation at
Gallaudet Collage (for deaf people), that two employee signed one day with
each other about former president who had very ill. She saw a sign that they
used for a (dead).
 After that she know that the movement of our hand quickly change the
 And different type of movement creates different meaning.
 We can define a writing as the symbolic of representation of a language
trough the use of graphic sign.
 When we go to the history of writing about 20000 years ago these people
that they lives in caves, they draw somethings in the wall.
 Or we go to about 10000 years ago that people write in clay.
 The earliest evidence is known in cuneiform that they write in clay tablets
about 5000 years ago.
 Much evidence used in the reconstruction of ancient writing system, they
write in stone, wood, leather,
 In the past the people dose not have a specific writing to communicate
with each other, the used from particular image for particular things.
 They draw and might use that for the sun.
 They represent of some symbols convey the meaning of similar things.
 During the time the symbols become a little change, like: it used
for heat and daytime as well the sun.
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 The symbol that extend from sun to the heat, its move from something
visible to something conceptual, this type of symbol is then become part
of idea-writing or ideograms.
 We have modern pictogram that represent of language.
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 In Egypt in the people use some simple for house.

 The Chinese draw like this for river, or maybe used for stream
between two bank.
 During the day they change the shape Egypt people use this symbole
for river , and used just once for water
 When symbol is used represent of words in a language it called
 In early example of logographic writing system used by Sumerian in
the southern part modern Iraq, around 5000 years ago.
 They have a particular shape for their symbol.
 They was the first persons that they use from cuneiform.
 They have some specific symbols for every things.
 Nowadays we have some logogram in English like: @,&,$.
 Most of the logogram used in Chinese writing, many Chinese use from
symbol that represent the meaning of somethings.
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 One of the advantage of using symbols is this when two Chinese come
from different place of Chania they dint know about spoken language, and
they use from writing symbols.
 Chinese writing have longest history about 3000 years.
 Those symbols that represent of a word is called (logographic system)
 Those symbols that represent of a sound is called (phonographic system)
Rebus writing
 Using of existing symbol to represent of the sound of language is called rebus
 In this process they use from some symbol for the sound of the spoken
 The sound of word in English “eye” we can image how is the pictogram.
 This kind of symbol is used for deaf people.
 In English texting where the symbols “2” is used like this example:
(Ind2spk2u2nite) in this massage the word (u) represent as a you.
Syllabic writing
 The symbol that is used for the pronunciation of part of a word represent a unit of (ba)
that consist of consonant sound (b) and vowel sound (a).
 There are no purely syllabic writing system use today, but Japanese can be written
with a sent of signal symbols that represent as a spoken syllable.
 In early nineteenth century, a Cherokee named Sequoyah living in north Carolina,
invented a syllabic writing that it widely used within the Cherokee community to
create written massage from the spoken language.

 It is not until time of the Phoenicians, inhabiting what is the modern Lebanon between
3000 and 4000 years ago, that we find full use of syllabic writing system.
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 The direction of writing is from right to the left.

 About 3000 years ago the Phoenicians had stooped using logograms
and had fully developed syllabic writing system.
Alphabetic writing
 A set of writing symbols, each one representing a single type of sound in a
 The situation just describe what seems to have occurred in the
development of writing system of Semitic language such us Arabid and
Hebrew. Word written in these language in everyday use, largely consist of
symbols for the consonant sounds in the word, with a particular vowel
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 From the Greek, this revised alphabet passed to the rest of Western European trough the Romans,
and along the way underwent serval modification to fit the requirement to the spoken language
 We talk about Roman alphabet as the writing system used for English.
 Cyrillic alphabet is the basis of the writing system is used in Russia today.
English orthography
 The orthography (spilling) of contemporary English allow for a lot of
variation in how each sound is represented.
 The vowel sound /i/ is written in various way.

 The consonant sound represent by (ƒ)

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 In English most of the words are borrowed, often in their spelling.
Example: the word (F) is from Greek, and English instead of (f) in English
come (ph), like: Alphabet orthography
 Two word combine together and make one word is compound letter.
 Or the combination two letter used for single sound as, “ph”, /f/ and
“sh” , /ƒ/ is called digraph.
 Some words come from Latin and French, like: “qu” come in old English
replace of “cw” like: Queen.

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 And we have some silent letters that they are not pronounced.
Example: Knight knife
 And also we can pronounced some vowel word in different
 Like: not note hat hate
 Some word that come from Latin in English it become changed.
 (dette become debt, doute become doubt, iland become island).
Family tree
 In 1786 British government official in India William Jones he done some
research about Sanskrit language.
 The Sanskrit language, whatever be its antiquity, it was more prefect that
Greek and more copious than Latin.
 Sir William suggest, that the quite revolutionary time, the number of
language of different place have a common ancestors.
 In 19th century they come to describe the ancestor of languages.
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 They come and insert some original language.
 They name (proto) for the source of modern language.
 In Indian (indo) and in Europe (European).
 Proto-Indo-European is the Great-Great grandmother of language.
 Indo-European language have a largest population in the world.
 There are 30 such a language family that contain about 6000 different
individual language.
 According to one reputable source there are actually 6912 language exist
around the world.
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 Some language are in danger because the speaker of that language are
very less.
 Chines has 1billion native speaker.
 English has 350 million speaker in different part of the world.
Family connection
 Looking the Indo-European language some language are related to each
other but the two modern language, Italian and Indian language dose not
related to each other.
 One way to know how language are related to each other we look in this
 Some language that are some connation with each other is called
cognates or group of related language that have some similarities.
 A word in one language (English) is a word in another language
(German) that has some similar form and it used with a similar meaning
is called cognates.
English: Mother, Father, Friend cognates with a German
German: Mutter, Vater, Freund
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 We know that modern English and modern German probably have a
common ancestor they both branch of Indo-European language.
 Spanish and Italian also have the same cognates.
Spanish: Madre, Padre, Amigo
Italian: Madre, Padre, Amigo
 These two language have the same ancestor and same cognates.
 Bothe of them are the Italic branch of Indo-European language.
Comparative reconstruction
 Using information from cognates, we can start on a procedure
are called comparative reconstruction.
 The aim of these procedure is to reconstruct what is the
original form common ancestor language.
 We have two principle of comparative reconstruction.
1: Majority principle
2: most natural development principle
Majority principle
 Is very straightforward.
 If in cognate three words begin with a [p] sound and one word begin
with a [b] sound, we know that majority have retained the original
sound [p].
Most natural development principle
 The certain type of some sound change in very common language, and
in some language are unlike.
 Final vowel often disappeared (vino-vin)
 Voiceless sound become voiced typically between vowel (muta-muda)
 Stope become fricatives ( ripa-riva)
 Consonant become voiceless at the end of the word (rizu-ris
Sound reconstruction
 Look at these chart and you can find the sound reconstruction, most of
the initial sound are have the original source.
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 We check the initial sound of word in a language, A and B are
pronounced [K] sound, and the C language is pronounced [].
 The majority principle suggest that initial sound [K] in A and
B language is older that [] sound in a language C.
 K is a stop consonant and [] if fricative.
 According to most natural development principle, change of
these sound that stop become fricative, the [K] sound more
likely to have been the original.
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 This type of procedure that we start comparative reconstruction the
common of origin of some word are related to each other.
A: Italian
B: Spanish
C: French
The origin of these three language is Latin language.
Word reconstruction
 By using majority principle the older form will most likely be based on
language 2 or 3.
 If it is correct the consonant become change.
P—b. t—d, k—g
 The voice less sound become voiced between vowel.
 One of the other most natural development type of sound change is
final vowel is disappeared.
 The best guide is that the language 2 is the original proto form.
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History of English
 The reconstruction of proto form how a language was exist befor written form.
 We have the written record of English is different from today’s written from.
 At the beginning of the book by the name of Lord’s prayer provide a good illustration
that some of English letter are alien.
The letter þ (called Tron) and ð (eth) now both of them replace to “th”, earth.
æ “ash” simply become “a” (today)
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 We divided English history in four type
1: Old English: before 1100
2: Middle English: 1100 to 1500.
3: Early modern English: 1500 to 1700.
4: Modern English: after 1700.
Old English
 In primary source developed as English language were the Germanic language spoken
by a group of tribe from northern Europe move to British Isles in fifth century.
 These tribe was Anglo, Saxon and Jutes were describe as “God’s wrath toward
 This two name from two term Angulo-Saxon it is the name of first tribe that they get a
word in Englisc and there new home was Eng-land.
 From early version early Englisc now we called old English.
 They have many basic form of a word in a language.
 Mann (man), wif (woman), cild (child), hus (house), mete (food), etan (ate), drincan
(drink) etc.
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 They was pagan there god was wooden and thor.
 But they did not remain pagan for a long time, from sixth to the eighth
century they converted to the Christianity and number of term from
Latin (language of the religion) come in the English at that time.
 Like: Angle, candle, church, priest, school
 From eighth century trough the ninth and tenth century another group
come in northern European came first and still in part of coastal
regions Britain.
 There were Vikings and there language was Old-Norse, that original
form of (give, law, leg, skin, shy, take and they) adopted.
Middle English

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