Health Safety Wellbeing Induction

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Site Induction


This presentation outlines the responsibilities that both

you and Northland have in ensuring Work, Health and
Safety (WHS) for yourselves and that of your
colleagues in the workplace.

It is designed to complement the induction into your

Specific SWMS at time of induction.

This session will provide an overview of WHS

arrangements and how you can contribute to fostering
and maintaining a safe and supportive culture in your

Information on the following topics will be provided:

• Duties of Northland and individuals under the New South
Wales Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) (WHS Act)
• Relevant site procedures
• Risk management
• Injury management, including rehabilitation
• Health and wellbeing
• Key roles and contacts.
Health, safety and wellbeing

• The WHS Act sets out the legal requirements for health and
safety in workplaces and work activities in New South
• Your relevant SWMS and Northland WHS Plan reflect the
requirements of this legislation, related codes of practice and
relevant Australian Standards.
• Procedures and guidelines helps Northland and its
contractors' meet health and safety duties by highlighting
relevant legal requirements and detailing how these can be
• You are required to review and understand the information in
these documents as part of your induction prior to works
commencing on site.
Key roles and duties

•to ensure, so far is as reasonably practicable, the
health and safety of their workers while at work.

Contractors (Officers)
•to exercise due diligence to ensure their
organisation complies with WHS laws.
•an officer can be found guilty of an offence
regardless of whether the organisation has been
found guilty.
Due diligence

Contractors need to show due diligence by taking

reasonable steps to:
•Acquire and update their knowledge of health and
•Understand the operations, hazards and risks
associated with these
•Ensure their respective teams has, and uses:
• appropriate resources and processes to eliminate or
minimise health and safety risks arising from work being
• appropriate processes to receive and respond promptly to
information regarding incidents, hazards and risks
• processes for complying with duties under the WHS Act.
Manager responsibilities

Principals and managers are to:

• Lead by example in the workplace and ensure legal requirements are
met in relation to the health and safety of all workers on site.
• Actively promote a positive WHS culture throughout the workplace.
• Ensure personnel understand and comply with their responsibilities.
• Implement consultation processes using clear communication.
• Actively participate and encourage personnel engagement in health
and safety focused activities.
• Ensure personnel and visitors are aware of workplace hazards.
Worker responsibilities

While at work, a worker must:

•take reasonable care of their own health and safety.
•take reasonable care that their acts or omissions do not
adversely affect the health and safety of others
•comply with reasonable instructions
•cooperate with any reasonable policy or procedure
relating to health and safety at the workplace
•make yourself aware of key emergency, and WHS
contacts in your workplace.

Report hazards, comply with risk controls, report

incidents, advise of sickness/absence, follow emergency
procedures and participate in wellness activities.
Bullying / Harassment

• Bullying is strictly prohibited on site. Anyone found to be harassing or

bullying anyone on site will be re-inducted and if they breach further,
they will be removed and banned from site.
• Sexual harassment of any worker will not be tolerated, and offenders
will be reported
• Physical violence is strictly prohibited on site. Offenders regardless if
at fault will be removed, banned and reported to their supervisors.
Hazard and risk

• A hazard is something that has potential to cause harm.

• Risk is the likelihood that harm will occur from exposure to or contact
with a hazard.
• Under the WHS Act, employers must provide and maintain – as far as
reasonably practicable – a safe working environment, safe systems of
work, and provide plant and substances in a safe condition.
• This requires that hazards and risks are not only identified but
effectively and actively managed to minimise the potential for harm.
• Both you and your principal/manager are responsible for controlling
exposure to health and safety risks associated with hazards in the
Risk management

Risk management is a four step process:

1. Identify hazards
2. Assess risks
3. Control risks
4. Review control measures
Hazards on Site

Hazards in my workplace include, but are not limited to:

•Live Edges
•Plant and Machinery
•Electrical equipment
•Overhead crane works

It is also a worker's duty to inform Northland site team of any

potential hazards so that it may be mitigated.
Control the risk

Control measures are ranked in terms of their effectiveness

and are referred to as the ‘hierarchy of controls’.



Administrative measures
Personal protective equipment
If an incident occurs

If you are involved in a workplace incident and/or sustain an injury, the

following should occur:

• Notify First Aider via Nurse Call (see image)

• First aid or medical treatment will be provided
• Your supervisor is verbally notified of the incident and
associated hazards
• The incident is recorded in the induction register.
Emergency information

• The Site has an emergency response plan.

• Make yourself aware of who your building’s
emergency wardens are.

Your workplace emergency evacuation information

can be found: In site office on safety board
Your evacuation assembly point is: On Terminal
Place (Refer to Evac plan)
The closest first aid kit is located: In site office
(Refer to Evac plan)
Evacuation Plan

The first point of contact for all WHS matters is Northland Site Management
Team via Nurse Calls on site

Key contacts in our workplace are:

•Health and Safety Representative (HSR) – Bob Issa 0416 966 556
•Site Manager – Martin Cabrera 0427 818 887
•First Aiders – Bob Issa 0416 933 556
•Hadi Sawaya – 0424 134 645
•Elie Gemayel – 0422 560 387
The end
Health, Safety and Wellbeing induction

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