Unit Iv L2
Unit Iv L2
Unit Iv L2
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1 www.mca.gov.in Publication
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Dr. Anudeep Arora
Kamal Institute of Higher Education and Advance Technology,
Mohan Garden, New Delhi
2.1 Learning Objectives
2.2 Concept and Policies
2.3 Base and Complementary Compensation
2.4 Individual, Group and Organization incentive plans
2.5 Fringe benefits
2.6 Performance-linked compensation
2.7 Employee stock option
2.8 Pay band compensation system
2.9 Job Evaluation
2.10 Summary
2.11 In-Text Questions
2.12 Answers of MCQ
2.13 Summary
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© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
Course Code- 2.3 (DSC-2.3): Human Resourse Management
The Human Resources department has the task of assisting in the stipulation and creation of a
productive environment for all organisation employees that will nurture the accomplishment
of the organization's top objectives of research and education through great customer delivery.
Furthermore, Human Resources promotes the opportunity for employees to accomplish their
full potential and maintain a high standard through the administration and explanation of
corporate policies and procedures, applicable federal and provincial legislation, and
participation in the administration and delivery of personal and professional growth
Compensation is the oversight of the various types of compensation that an organisation
provides. Compensation managers or business owners are quite often held accountable for
this. There are four major types. Straightforward pay, employee compensation, incentive
compensation, and assistance programs are instances of these. It is essential that
organizations understand not only how each type operates. They should also understand why
it is critical to communicate with employees about pay.
Compensation management is a systematic discipline that entails adjusting the task
relationship through providing employees to monetary and non-monetary benefits. Rewards,
dividends, bonus pay, goal is to convey, and commission based are all some of the examples
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© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
Course Code- 2.3 (DSC-2.3): Human Resourse Management
An ideal remuneration system will have a beneficial effect on the professionalism and
outcomes. It will encourage employees to work harder and encounter the established
standards. Workers' trust, performance, and partnership will enhance as a result of
compensation. Workers will be pleased if you are just and fair. A good compensation and
incentives system brings harmonious relationship to the manager-employee relationship;
cooperation focuses primarily on financial compensation.
An ideal compensation system guarantees that staff is satisfied and content. This reduces
worker turnover. Thus, the organisation achieves market stability.
If the industry has a talented, skilful, and pleased workforce, it can devise a compensation
strategy and thrive. An effective compensation system is an indication of an organization's
prosperity and wealth.
Compensation has been a key problem for both the employee and the employer.
This is due to the fact that money is a significant motivator and is directly or indirectly
related to satisfaction of all social beings. Staff members sell their hands and intelligence to
meet their basic needs, while employers hire them to achieve organisational goals. As a
consequence, the perspectives of the employer and the employee on recompense differ.
Because of the total operating costs, effective compensation management becomes critical
from a cost standpoint alone. Another point of view from an employer is to evaluate its
impact on a wide range of employees' perceptions, behavior patterns, and, finally, its potency
on organisational effectiveness. Compensation has a direct impact on key outcomes such as
employee satisfaction, appeal, retainment, achievement, competence, partnership, and
versatility, among others.
The compensation policy outlines the particulars of the compensation components in the
institution, which of them are used, and the circumstances in which the remuneration element
can be used in the workers' specific situation. Many compensation elements are used by each
institution and must be described. Employees are driven to show up to work if they are fully
compensated. Their morale still seems to be high, and their employee satisfaction is rising.
High morale guarantees that employees are motivated enough to come to work each day and
perform their finest work.
Since reimbursement elements are utilized by one and all institutions and hence ought to be
characterized. The reimbursement strategy describes the essential layout of compensation, the
way they are calculated, who seems to be suitable for usage, and the endorsement method.
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© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
Course Code- 2.3 (DSC-2.3): Human Resourse Management
The compensation course of action is the browsed and debated in-house policies as a part of
organisation since it specifies a person’s salary. Every single employee is involved with the
remuneration package along with forthcoming overall amount accessible within an
organization. The compensation document is the principal means to gain insights on
compensation mechanism and means to achieve maximum ready money.
The compensation policy is the fundamental document that drives the specific details of the
organization's compensation practices. Whereas the reward policy generates the companies’
reputed level of remuneration goals, the remuneration guideline talks about precise details of
the individual components of compensation, followed by behavioural patterns, individual’s
involvement in the organization's payment system.
Compensation Strategy
Recruitment Policy
Performance Management
Talent Management
Employee Segmentation
HR Operations
Corporate Culture
Business Partnering
Employee effort and achievement are inspired by compensation policies since staff is
responsible for finding out the brainiest and quickest means to earn the most funds with the
least quantity of individual performance. The incentive policy must be crafted in such a way
that potential countermeasures and violent behaviour are managed to avoid. The
compensation policy has to be straightforward, as well as provide only one interpretation. It
is crucial that managers and staff are evident about the remuneration component and
comprehend the terms that pertain to the authorization of the specific compensation
Engaging Processes
Self Explanatory
Freedom to Act
Simple Language
Clear guidelines
Appealing procedure
4| P a g e
© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
Course Code- 2.3 (DSC-2.3): Human Resourse Management
The policy must cover all remuneration elements used in the organisation as it actually
impacts large population. The extraordinary supervisory element methods can be referred
to the overall pay structure, but individuals ought not to be kept under wraps. Coworkers
could indeed rely on a compensation policy that does not specify all components of pay.
Remuneration entails a variety of both monetary and non-monetary bonuses offered to staff
in exchange for their services to the organisation. It is paid in the form of salaries, wage, and
other benefits such as vacations, maternity leave, medical coverage, and so on. Compensation
aids in employee motivation and reduces labour turnover.
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© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
Course Code- 2.3 (DSC-2.3): Human Resourse Management
paid on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Wage, on the other hand, is the
compensation given to office workers. Wages can be calculated based on the number of units
produced (piece wage system) or the amount of time worked (time wage system). However,
salary is always resolute by the amount of time spent on the job. When judging the company's
outcome is challenging, remuneration is paid in the form of a salary.
Reward system concentrate on the best performers who accomplish individual goals, so
although team incentives help to remunerate performance of the organization. Individual and
collaborative benefits occur may be used in tandem. Participants in a blended rewards
arrangement will still be paid fairly for their contributions.
Individual Incentive Plan: Individual incentive plans are emphasizes the value which has
been linked to the individual performance of the employees. These plans are created for a
specific group of employees. Generally, a certain pay rate is assured under this plan, and the
incentives represent extra compensation.
Individual wage incentive plans might include three types of personnel. They are blue-collar
workers, white-collar workers such as sales representatives, and management staff. All of
these employee categories have various needs; vary in certification and kind of work,
resulting in distinct plans designed for each other.
Incentives are variable rewards given based on the level of achievement in case of specific
results. Incentives include compensation for achievement and payment based on outcomes.
To put it another way, a motivation programme must incorporate elements of both time-
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© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
Course Code- 2.3 (DSC-2.3): Human Resourse Management
A fringe benefit is an incentive received by an employee in lieu of their regular wage. It may
include a number of benefits, such as: Health coverage, meals were being subsidized,
corporate phone or laptop.
While companies may involve several fringe benefits for all members of the team, they can
also be promised as bonuses to specific individuals. Benefits may be provided by employers
based on your sector or the corporation itself. For example, if you are employed at a
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© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
Course Code- 2.3 (DSC-2.3): Human Resourse Management
restaurant, you will be given complimentary meals. Collaborating at an athletic centre may
entitle you to free fitness classes.
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© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
Course Code- 2.3 (DSC-2.3): Human Resourse Management
Employee stock option plans (ESOPs) or Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) are
employee benefit strategies that allow employees to own stock in the company. Employees
purchase these shares at a price below the market price, or at a discount. Employees are
granted possibilities under the employee stock option plan, which allow them to buy stock at
a lower cost than the current market price/value of the stock, or they are given a certain
proportion of their compensation in company stock.
Employee stock options (ESOs) are a form of equity compensation given to employees and
executives by companies. Instead of directly authorizing shares of stock, the company grants
derivative options on the stock.
These options are similar to regular call options in that they give the employee the right to
purchase the company's stock at a predetermined price for a limited time. The terms of ESOs
will be fully spelled out in an employee stock options agreement.
Overall, the getting benefits of a stock are discovered when the underlying stock of a
company rises above the exercise price. Unlike standard listed or exchange-traded options,
ESOs are typically issued by the company and cannot be sold. When the price of a stock
rises above the exercise price of a call option, the call option is executed and the bearer
acquires the company's value at a price reduction. The owner could opt to sell the stock in
the market place for a profit straight away or to hold onto the stock over time.
A pay band is a component of the salary process in which different jobs are ranked according
education and experience. It is used to place applicants in the appropriate position and
ensure that they
are fairly compensated. Employers are required by law to publish the
minimum and maximum amount they are willing to pay for each band.
9| P a g e
© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
Course Code- 2.3 (DSC-2.3): Human Resourse Management
A pay band is a salary range given to a specific job or group of jobs. Employers typically
use pay bands to standardize their remuneration structure and establish basic pay ranges
based on current market rates.
Pay bands can also help employers regulate labour costs even though they limit the
amount of money that an employee can obtain.
Rather than a set wage, pay bands focus on providing employees with a range of possible
salaries for their position. This allows employees to make more money as they gain
experience and skills in their position.
Pay bands also provide employers with some salary-setting flexibility, as they can adjust
the band based on business needs or the market rate for similar roles.
Support employee development: Organizations can encourage employee development and
progression by relocating employees to different pay bands as they gain new skills and
Pay bands can help to improve organisational efficiency and effectiveness by ensuring
that employees are paid fairly and in accordance with their skills and experience.
A pay band is a set salary range for a group of jobs with known to have similar characteristics,
qualifications, and levels of responsibility. Pay bands can be used by an organisation to
control labour costs and make salaries more equitable among employees. While pay bands
can add structure and stability to a firm's payment scheme, they can also make it challenging
to retain and recruit top performers.
Some of the most common difficulties encountered when implementing pay bands are as
Job evaluation is a systematic and logical approach to determining the comparative value of
different jobs within such a corporation. Performance assessment seeks to compare jobs with
an intention of establishing a compensation arrangement that is reasonable, egalitarian, and
coherent for all.
Job evaluation entails determining the significant meaning of various jobs within an
corporate body. It takes time and patience to develop a technique for evaluating a broad range
of jobs.
10| P a g e
© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
Course Code- 2.3 (DSC-2.3): Human Resourse Management
Evaluation process does not ascertain academic results or wage scales, but it does create a job
hierarchy that may not be representative of everyone's notion. In order to provide accurate
information about the jobs at hand, some basic job analysis is required. The job analysis and
resulting job description are frequently used as a starting point. This is used to evaluate the
job. One of the most important aspects of the evaluation is the job's added value to the
organisation. Based on this assessment, the task is introduced to the job structure. Women
and minorities will benefit from equal pay and openness as a consequence of the leadership
and management.
Certain processes are used in job evaluation in such a way that the accepted means in the
possession of personnel administration are trying to dodge employment rate discrepancy. As
a result, it would lead to uniformity in the entire salary framework.
Job analysis is the purposeful process of determining the value of one worker in the
organization in comparison to the other. During job evaluation, the relative worth of
numerous positions is assessed so that salaries can be paid regardless on the job's worth.
Staff members must be reimbursed based on the job they will perform in order to improve
their performance and retain a high level of efficiency at work.
Job evaluation is referred to as the method of establishing the worth of each job when
compared to the worth of other jobs in a company. Its primary objective is to establish a
logical, orderly power structure of jobs based on their value to the firm by examining the
complexity of the services performed as well as its contribution to the business. The aspects
used to evaluate the value of a position are identified, described, and evenly distributed in the
company's job evaluation plan.
11| P a g e
© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
Course Code- 2.3 (DSC-2.3): Human Resourse Management
1. Job analysis:- Job analysis is the practice of accumulating and measuring appropriate job
description. The piece of information gleaned should explain the essence of the task
undertaken (primary tasks, responsibilities, and commitments) along with the level of the
work being done. The data should embrace the different categories and extensiveness of data,
talent, physical and intellectual effort expended, as well as the typical conditions of
2. Job description:- The process of capturing job content information, typically in the form
of a written task description, is one of the most important outcome of job analysis. Thus
many job descriptions include a description of the responsibilities, instances of quintessential
work, and a declaration recognizing the expertise, competences, abilities, and other qualities
(KASOCs) that are required to perform the responsibilities adequately. The perfect job
description for remuneration would include data about not only "what" a job does, but also
"how" and "why" the responsibilities are executed.
3. Job analysis based on the organization's job evaluation strategy - In the third step, the
designated duties of a job are evaluated with the help of job assessment strategy or device
elected by the organisation. The job evaluation methods centre on three fundamental models:
a. Job classification
b. Job evaluation
c. Point factor schemes
12| P a g e
© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
Course Code- 2.3 (DSC-2.3): Human Resourse Management
A job evaluation plan yields a patriarchal ranking of job positions according to their relative
importance to the company. The arising ranked list, whether created by totaling the points
assigned to each position, should reflect an ordering of positions that makes sense and is
meaningful for a specific organisation.
The goal of a compensation plan is to develop a programme that is both internally equitable
and externally competitive. The next step is to consider market pay such that the organisation
can effectively complete for employees.
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© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
Course Code- 2.3 (DSC-2.3): Human Resourse Management
a. Monetary
b. Non-monetary
c. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. None of the above
a. Hourly
b. Daily
c. Weekly
d. Monthly
a. Allowances
b. Claims
c. Incentives
d. Fringe benefits
a. Productivity
b. Sales
c. Profit
d. All of the above
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© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
Course Code- 2.3 (DSC-2.3): Human Resourse Management
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© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
Course Code- 2.3 (DSC-2.3): Human Resourse Management
The expanding diversity of the company's workforce has created a delicate environment
when it came of opportunities and employee awareness. As a result, it is more important
than ever for HR teams to look for alternatives to ensure that their employees' needs are
met and that they are satisfied.
Compensation management system helps a company in assembling the data and resources
needed to develop and enforce a reward program for the employees. Compensation
management can be described as the simple method of assessing, maintaining, and making
assumptions on each employee's salaries and benefits and perks within an organisation. It
ensures that employees are appropriately and fairly remunerated.
Compensation management also aids HR in strategizing a foundation for employee
benefits and perks. Managers ensure that they present an attractive compensation plan to
their employees in order to keep them in the company and provide employee satisfaction.
This also motivates the employee to be dedicated towards their work as they notice the
company dedicated towards them. Compensation management also keeps a check on the
company budget and ensures that all the benefits and salary packages fall within the limits
of it.
The likelihood of earning rewards and royalties inspires staff to increase their productivity
level and create a significant sense of dedication to the company and to themselves.
Employment satisfaction is significantly related to their remuneration and the opportunities
to increase it and complement their monthly or yearly bonus. It is a form of encouragement
that is more effective than words or gifts.
Compensation is also an outstanding way to control the income statement. It enables the
management to impose rewards in a deliberate way without continuously raising their
overall pay while rewarding them with extra bonuses, rewards, and reimbursements.
“ A day’s pay for a day’s work is more than adequate when both the work and the pay are
appreciated as much as they are expected.” Cullen Hightower
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© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi
Course Code- 2.3 (DSC-2.3): Human Resourse Management
1. “The most basic problem is that performance appraisals often don’t accurately assess
Justify the above statement w.r.t. Compensation Management.
2. What are the ways to judge an employee’s effectiveness of being an asset or a liability
to the company?
3. Write the merits and demerits of Fringe benefits.
4. Do you agree that Performance linked compensation aids in employee morale? Justify.
5. Differentiate between Base and Supplementary compensation along with its features.
2. A - Hourly
3. C - Incentives
5. C - Gratuity
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© Department of Distance & Continuing Education, Campus of Open Learning,
School of Open Learning, University of Delhi