Title01 - Job Costing and Batch Costing
Title01 - Job Costing and Batch Costing
Title01 - Job Costing and Batch Costing
able to
Understand the meaning of different costing
Use the different costing systems in practical
Understand the characteristics. Advantages and
limitations of different costing systems.
Title _01
After reading this lesson, the user should be
able to understand:
Unit and Output Costing
Production Account
Job Costing and its features, basic principle &
special term, applications, advantages &
Batch Costing and its features, difference
between job & batch costing and applications
Need of different costing systems
Designing costing system depending upon the
type of manufacture and their nature have
been developed.
There are two basic methods of costing viz.
order or job costing
Continuous operation or process costing
A document which provides for the assembly
of the detailed cost of a cost centre or cost
A periodical statement of cost
Designed to show in detail the various
components of cost of goods produced like
prime cost, factory cost, cost of production,
total cost and cost per unit
Opening stock of raw materials
Add: Purchase of raw materials
Less: Closing stock of raw materials
Value of raw materials consumed
Prime cost —
Add: Factory overheads —
Work-in-progress (beginning) —
Less: Work-in-progress (closing) —
Works cost
Cost of production
Add: Opening stock of finished goods
Less: Closing stock of finished goods
Cost of goods sold
From the following particulars prepare a Production Account showing all details of cost
and their break up and also calculate gross profit and net profit.
1-9-2012 30-9-2012
Rs. Rs.
Stock of Raw Material 75,000 91,500
Stock of Work-in-Progress 28,000 35,000
Stock of Finished Goods 54,000 31,000
Rs. Rs.
Direct Expenses 1,500 Sales 2,11,00
Raw Materials Purchased 66,000
Salesmen Salaries and Commission 6,500
Direct Wages 52,500 Office Rent, Rates etc.
Indirect Wages 2,750 Sundry Office Expenses
Factory Expenses 25,000 Advertisement 3,500
Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 3,500 Carriage Outwards 2,500
Cost sheet Production Account
Material Cost
Labour Cost