What Is Version Control?: by Ashok Kumar
What Is Version Control?: by Ashok Kumar
What Is Version Control?: by Ashok Kumar
Version control is a system that tracks and manages changes to a project's files
over time. It allows teams to collaborate effectively, keep a history of revisions,
and easily revert to previous versions if needed.
by Ashok Kumar
Introduction to Git
Git is a powerful distributed version control system that helps developers manage
changes to their codebase over time. It allows teams to collaborate effectively,
track modifications, and maintain a reliable history of their project's evolution.
With Git, developers can easily branch off, experiment with new features, and
seamlessly merge their work back into the main codebase when ready.
Git Basics
1. Git is a distributed version control system that allows developers to
collaborate on projects and track changes to their codebase over time.
Easily create new Seamlessly merge Quickly switch between Delete branches when
branches to isolate branches back into the branches to work on they are no longer
changes and experiment main branch when different parts of the needed, keeping your
with new features without features are complete, project, keeping your repository clean and your
affecting the main combining the changes in work organized and workflow streamlined.
codebase. a controlled manner. focused.
Git Commits
1 Snapshot
2 History
3 Restore
A Git commit represents a snapshot of your project at a specific point in time. Each commit has a unique SHA hash that
serves as its identifier. Commits build on top of each other, creating a chronological history of your project's changes. You
can use Git to restore your project to any prior commit, allowing you to undo mistakes or experiment safely.
Git Merging
Merge Branches
Combine the changes from one branch into another using the git merge command.
This allows you to integrate new features or bug fixes into the main codebase.
Resolve Conflicts
When merging, Git may encounter conflicting changes that need to be manually
resolved. You'll need to review the differences and decide which changes to keep.
Fast-forward Merges
If a branch can be merged without creating a new commit, Git will perform a fast-
forward merge, moving the branch pointer forward without creating an extra merge
Git Conflicts
Identifying Conflicts Manual Conflict Avoiding Conflicts
Communicate with your team
Git will alert you when changes Resolve conflicts by editing the and coordinate your work to
made in different branches files with merge conflicts, minimize the likelihood of
cannot be automatically merged. choosing which changes to keep conflicting changes. Use feature
You'll need to review the from each branch. Then stage branches and merge frequently
conflicting lines of code to the resolved files and commit to catch conflicts early.
determine the correct resolution. the merge.
Git Collaboration