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Sir Rivera
The human body is
made up of different
kinds of bones. These
bones are called
skeleton. The human
skeleton is the internal
framework of the body.
The skeletal system
serves as the framework
of the body.
Its major functions are:

1.body support
2.facilitation of movement
3.protection of internal
The skeletal system is mainly composed of bones which
classified into two divisions, the axial and the appendicular
The axial skeleton
includes the skull,
vertebral column, ribs, and
sternum. These bones form
the axes or framework of
the trunk and head.

The appendicular skeleton

includes the bones of the
shoulder, arms, hands,
hips, legs, and feet.
The human skeletal system has several important
1. Support -The skeletal system provides the
framework which supports and maintains
shape of the body. It gives the body much
needed support.
2. Protection -The skeletal system protects
the internal organ of the body.
3. Movement- The skeletal system provides
attachment for the muscle which makes
movements possible.
There are 3 kinds of
Smooth Muscles

•Smooth muscles are called involuntary

muscles (cannot be controlled

•Present in the walls of the digestive tract

like esophagus, stomach, and intestine.
Cardiac Muscle
• Involuntary muscles present only in the heart.

• Allows the heart muscle to contract rhythmically.

• Your heart beat at the rate of 70 times per minute

or more than 100,000 times a day.
Skeletal Muscles

•Voluntary muscles that are consciously

controlled to move bones.

•Make up the large part of the arm, legs,

chest, and abdomen.
JOINTS - It is a place where two bones meet.
BONE - It is a hard structure that protect the
body’s internal organ.
LIGAMENT - Connective tissues that can be
stretched, hold the joints and connect bones.

CARTILAGE - It is more flexible material than

bone. It serves as a protective layer where
bones come together.
TENDON - These are bands of connective
tissues that connect muscles to bone, or

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