Power Theft Using GSM: M.B.M. University, Jodhpur Department of Electronics and Communication

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University, Jodhpur
Department of Electronics and Communication

Power theft using GSM

Guided By: Submitted By:

Mr. Kapil Parihar Harman Chouhan(21UEEE9014)

Mehak (21UEEE9060)
Department ofA Electronics and Communication Pintu Nayak (21UEEE(9061)
M.B.M. University Vivek Kumar (21UEEE9069)
Rampratap Singh (20UEEE9068)


In India, every year there is very increasing number of electricity thefts across domestic electricity
connection as well as industrial electricity supply, which results in loss of electrical energy and because of
which we are facing the frequent problems of load shedding in urban as well as rural areas so as to
overcome the need of electricity for whole state.
In this, we propose an electricity theft detection system to detect the theft which is a made by the most
common way of doing the theft and that is bypassing the meter using the a piece of wire, people simply
bypasses electricity meter which is counting the current unit by placing a wire before and after the meter
reading unit. In this project we use current sensor, GSM, IR, LCD and relay module for supply switching.
With help of GSM, we can easily on electricity supply from anywhere .
The proposed system will be hidden in such meter and as soon as a theft occurs. This project will
automatically collect the reading from houses or industries and compares with the overhead line values
and vice versa. If any theft occurs it turns on the relay circuit and trips the main circuit

 This system would provide a simple way to detect an Electrical power theft without any
Human Interface.
 It will indicate exact zone and distribution line on which unauthorized tapping is done in
real time .
 It will determine transmission line faults .
 To maximize revenue generation by the power utility companies .
 Its cost is less as compare to other present system.

Earlier several cases related to electricity theft generally used to take place in villages because
they need more power requirement for their field to drive water pump and for motors and all
the other farm related work which requires electricity. But now days it is not limited in
villages but also industrial area as well as consumer side comes under power theft. There are
various modes of power theft such as Bogus seal and tampering of seals, Meter tampering,
meter tilting, meter interface and meter bypassing, Changing connection, Direct tapping
from line, By using remote sensing device, Improper of illegal use of power meters.

Resistor Transformer Diode

A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical A transformer is a passive electrical A diode is a two-terminal electronic that
component that implements electrical device that transfers electrical energy conducts current primarily in one direction
resistance as a circuit element. In electronic between two or more circuits through (asymmetric conductance); it has low
circuits, resistors are used to reduce current (ideally zero) resistance in one direction,
electromagnetic induction. It consists of
flow, adjust signal levels, to divide voltages, and high (ideally infinite) resistance in the
two coils, known as the primary and
bias active elements, and terminate other. Is a crystalline piece of
secondary windings, usually wound
transmission lines, among other uses. High- semiconductor material with a p-n junction
power resistors that can dissipate many
around a common magnetic core.
connected to two electrical terminals. A
watts of electrical power as heat may be Transformers are used for voltage
vacuum tube diode has two electrodes, a
used as part of motor controls, in power conversion, impedance matching, and plate (anode) and a heated cathode.
distribution systems, or as test loads for isolation in various electronic devices Semiconductor diodes were the first
generators. and power distribution systems. semiconductor electronic devices.
Capacitor Atmega 328 IC GSM Modula
A capacitor is a passivetwo-terminal The Atmel 8-bitAVRRISC-based The GSM module, short for Global
microcontroller combines 32 kBISPflash System for Mobile Communications
electrical component that stores
memory with read-while-write capabilities, 1
potential energy in an electric field. The module, is a hardware device that
kBEEPROM, 2 KBSRAM, 23 general purpose
effect of a capacitor is known as enables communication between
I/O lines, 32 general purpose working
capacitance. While some capacitance registers, three flexible timer/counters with electronic devices and mobile networks.
exists between any two electrical compare modes, internal and external It's commonly used in applications like
conductors in proximity in a circuit, a interrupts, serial programmable USART, a sending SMS, making calls, and
capacitor is a component designed to add byte-oriented 2-wire serial interface, SPI serial accessing mobile data. If you have
port, 6-channel 10-bit A/D converter (8- specific questions about GSM modules
capacitance to a circuit. The capacitor
channels in TQFP and QFN/MLF packages),
was originally known as a condenser. or need assistance with a project,.
programmable watchdog timer with internal
oscillator, and five software selectable power
saving modes. The device operates between
1.8-5.5 volts. The device achieves throughput ACS 712 Current
Switching Relay approaching 1 MIPS per MHz
A switching relay is an electromechanical device
The ACS712 is a Hall-effect-based current
that uses an electromagnetic coil to control one
sensor. It can measure DC or low-frequency
or more switch contacts. When the coil is
energized, it creates a magnetic field, causing LCD 16x2 AC currents by utilizing the Hall effect,
the switch contacts to move and establish or where a voltage is induced across a conductor
The LCD 16x2 refers to a liquid crystal display
break an electrical connection. Switching relays perpendicular to the current flow. The
with 16 columns and 2 rows. It's a common type of
are commonly used in various applications, such alphanumeric display used in various electronic ACS712 provides an analog voltage output
as controlling high-voltage circuits, automation devices for showing text and simple graphics. If you proportional to the current it detects. It's
systems, and industrial processes. If you have have specific questions or need assistance with often used in electronics projects for current
more specific questions about switching relays something related to an LCD 16x2, monitoring and control applications. If you
or their application, feel free to ask! have a particular question or need assistance
with using the ACS712,.

 The system can be incorporated for almost all types of users.

 The concept is well suited especially for villages and interior areas.
 It can be implemented in malls where huge amount of power is wasted.
 It can also be implemented in schools and collages

 This method will reduce the energy wastage and save a lot of energy for future use.
 Real time theft monitoring
 The system consumes very little power for its operation.
 System operation is independent of time (24 hours functioning).
 This project is low budget project and easily reparable system.

 Wide range of frequencies is required to facilitate large number of users. To overcome this,
carrier levels can be changed from region to region.
 Presently, it requires a power supply (230 V) for the operation, but a small battery with
automatic charging facility can be provided in real time.
 Cannot determine who is stealing, but even no other existing system is capable of doing
 If implemented on a large scale it may take lot of time and manual input.

 The project model reduces the manual manipulation work and theft.
 The government saves money by the control of theft in energy meter and also
 More beneficial for customer side and the government side.
 Cost wise low when compared to other energy meter without automatic meter reading and
theft control.
 This method will reduce the energy wastage and save a lot of energy for futu
Harman Chouhan (21UEEE9014)

Mehak (21UEEE9060)

YOU Pintu Nayak (21UEEE(9061)

Vivek Kumar (21UEEE9069)

Rampratap Singh (20UEEE9068)

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