Fungal and Miscellnous

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Fungal Disease


Both Microsporum canis and Trichophyton mentagrophytes have
been reported to cause epidemics of this disease in rabbitries.

Symptoms and lesions:

The lesions appear mostly on the head, ears and paws. There is
complete or partial alopecia and the skin appears dry and scaly; slight
itching is typical .
The lesions may be secondarily invaded by β-haemolytic
streptococci of human origin, which cause more severe and purulent
infections. The handling of these animals may result in infected
scratches and the formation of abscesses in humans.
Sample: skin scrapings and hair collected from around the edge of the
Direct detection sample +KOH …..microscopic examination
Isolation and identification
1-Hygiene :regular burning with a gas burner of the wool
and hair left hanging on the cages.
2- Adding of griseofulavin to the feed is recommended
only in exceptional cases as it is expensive. The best
dosage is .075 g /kg feed for 14 days.
A clinical cure can be accomplished by spraying in the
sheds with an enilconazole solution (50 mg per m2floor
area , twice a week for 20 week)
In particular , the walls and ceiling should be thoroughly
sprayed. Such expensive methods of treatment are
financially justifiable only for valuable breeding animals.
Miscelleneous Diseases
Sore hocks (ulcerative pododermatitis)

pododermatitis is a chronic multifactorial skin

disease that appears mainly on the plantar surface
of the hind legs.
The causes are complex and various factors play a
The major cause is trauma, due to the pressure on the sole
caused by rough floors or bad quality of the wire mesh or litter
- body weight

Most rabbit breeds are not suited to wire-mesh floors.

Breeds and strains intended for meat production should be

selected by their suitability to wire-mesh floors, as it is not
economical to keep them on straw
Genetics play a role too.
** Large size breed
**Rex breed have feet padded with short soft fur that
brings little protection.
** Angora rabbits, shaved for their hairy coat, hair must
never be shaved away from the bottom of their feet.
Symptoms and lesions:

 alopecia on the sole

abnormal keratinization of the skin
ulcer or an abscess.
 The infection spreads to deeper located
tissues, which can lead to the infection of
the lymphatic (l.node), the bone
(osteomyelitis), or can disseminate into the
abdominal organs;

** The wounds should be treated carefully with disinfecting

ointments. Soft, dry bedding should be provided during the
healing period.
The Outlook's poor. Treatment must be continued until
.complete recovery; relapses are frequent
The bedding of rabbits housed on straw must be kept **
.dry and changed regularly
**Only breeds and cross-breeds that are suited for it
can be kept on wire mesh, otherwise there will always be
problems with older animals.
**Only highly finished wire mesh that is designed for rabbits
should be used.

**For adult does and bucks, some breeders use plastic

grilles that can be cleaned and disinfected easily.
Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy
Mucoid enteropathy
(constipation, caecal impaction,
Gut stasis)
Epizootic rabbit enteropathy

Epizootic rabbit enteropathy (ERE) is a severe

disease of unknown etiology ERE can be associated
with a mortality rate of 30% to 95%.
The phenomenon is probably a reaction to
slowed intestinal flow or to non-specific
It is because one of its characteristics is the
absence of inflammatory lesions, that the word 'enteritis'
has been replaced by ‘enteropathy’.
. Lack of this fiber …… decrease intestinal motility

Diets low in fiber cause cecocolic hypomotility,

prolonging the retention of digesta in the cecum
and ultimately producing changes in cecal
microflora and PH
Populations of potentially pathogenic bacteria,
primarily Clostridium and coliform species such as Escherichia
coli, are normally present in small numbers in the Even mild
alterations in cecal pH cause an increase in these pathogens

Overgrowth of these pathogens can cause a range of

pathologic changes, from intestinal gas distention to death
from enterotoxemia. Gas and toxin formation cause pain
and stress,
This condition occurs most often in rabbits aged 4-8
weeks old, i.e. 1-2 weeks after weaning.
Those that show the highest weight gain seem to be
more frequently affected.
Clinical signs
Stop eating but drink a lot.

 They may grind their teeth as an expression of pain and

keep their stomach pulled in

By palpation, a hard core, the impacted caecum, can be

usually located in the right side of the abdominal cavity.
 Breathing difficulties ,shortly before death, fluid runs
out of the nose and mouth.

 The mortality rate can reach 60-100% in young

Gross pathology

**The stomach is overfull with watery contents.

**The small intestine ranges from normally to overly full,

without inflam­mation.
**The contents of the caecum are either dried up (Plate
24) or just a little too watery.
**In most instances, the first 5-10cm of the colon
contains a dried up mass; further on, a tough lump of
mucus may be found.
Histopathological examination:

The characteristic lesions in goblet cell hyperplasia with

no inflammatory response in the small and large
intestine , occasionally see goblet cell hyperplasia of
gall bladder, pancreatic and bile duct epithelia and
tracheal epithelial cells may be noted.

Is based on clinical signs, gross lesions
and histopathology and Radiographs are very
helpful in the diagnosis
The following therapies are available.
• Curative: An intramuscular injection of 250 mg metamizole
with 2.5 mg methindizate hydrochloride (Isaverin, Bayer) and 1mg
dexa-methasone sodium phosphate (Dexadreson, Intervet) is
• Preventive: Tetracyclines (250 mg per litre drinking water or
500ppm in the feed) are very effective.
Only susceptible animals (i.e. those recently weaned) should
be treated, and this should last for a period of 2 weeks.
Instead, so-called medicinal weaning feeds, containing
antibiotics, can be used; this is common practice in industrial
Addition of alpha amylase enzyme in D.W. (15
Medical treatment

1-Relieving pain :Paracetamol or maropitant may

be better choices for dealing with visceral pain for
dealing with visceral pain.

2-Softening the caecal contents:

The caecal contents had been softened by orally
administered liquid paraffin

3-Promoting gastrointestinal motility:

Prokinetic drugs such as cisapride and
metoclopramide can be helpful in stimulating
It is known that increasing the amount of indigestible fiber in
the diet of newly weaned rabbits significantly reduces the
incidence of mucoid enteropathy.

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