Restraint of Trade and Employment Contract
Restraint of Trade and Employment Contract
Restraint of Trade and Employment Contract
Arindam Basu
Assistant Professor
Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law
IIT Kharagpur
What is restraint?
Employer/Trader tries to limit the freedom of other party/parties
to the contract.
The covenantor:
Contracts of employment
Anti-poaching agreement
Garden-leave clause
Breach of confidence
Sale of goodwill
Solus ties
Allocating Territories
Exclusionary Agreements
Some Examples:
Allocating Territory
Exclusive Dealing Agreements
How far one can restrain other?
Section 27 of ICA
VFS Global Services (P) Ltd. V. Suprit Roy, 2008 – Garden leave clause
– Court disagreed
Protection of trade secrets and confidential information
Things to remember when drafting or reviewing:
Goodwill – Limited exception
Solus ties