Mold-Tek: Packaging Limited
Mold-Tek: Packaging Limited
Mold-Tek: Packaging Limited
Packaging Limited
(Formerly known as Moldtek Plastics LId.)
Ref: Your email dated 12th October. 2021, bcarinl! Ref. no. USURV/ONLfPV/IJI 2021-2022 1758
With reference to the above. we hereby subm it that the Company has been regu larly disclosing 10 BSE
Limited. Stock Exc hange as well as to the National Stock Exc han ge of India Limited. all the material
informat ion and price-sensitive info rmation. which has a bearing on the operation s! performance of the
Com parl) including all necessa!) disclosures as em isaged under Regulation 30 of the SE Bt (Listing
Ob ligations and Disclosu re Requirements) Regulations. 20 I S. \\cll \\ ithin the sllpulalcd lime .
Furthcr. the Comp:IIlY confirms that it shal l keep the shareholders and the Exc hanges informed al all
times of any pricc·sens iti\'e infonnation or information \\hich has got a material impaci on the share
price/volume of the Co mpan ~ in accordance \\ilh SEO I (List ing Ob ligations and Di sclosure
Requi rements) Regulations. 20 I S.
We \\ ish to il1fonl1 ~ ou Iha! the Price iv!m cmcnt of the sc rip is p u re l ~ duc to market conditions and are
rnarkt't·dri, ell .
There have been nHlltiple developmellts that l1a\ c 11II ppcncd in Ih~ CompnllY in lhe year 2021.
1. Excettent Growth in Quarter· 1 for the FY 2021·22 as the PAT up by 670.80% and revenue up
by 104.54 %:
2. The Company is regular in dividend paying and has paid Interi m Di vided @ Rs. 3/· per share
:md Final Oi\ idend@ Rs. 4/· per share for the finan cia l )ear 2020·21:
3. Nc\\ en try announced into Injection 010'\ Moulding (1 13M) packaging produc ts \\ ith tn·Mold
Label ling (IML) for pharma. cosmetics & FMCG products:
4. Sett ing lip of another plant ill Una r Pradesh ''''it h Rs. 20 crare in 2022·:!3:
S. To make total in'vC<;lmelll n fR s 200 c rore in ne:\.t three )ca rs. subject to mjlrket con ditions;
6. Comp:lIl) has launched \ ariable printing 10 prO\ ide unique QR codes for prod ucts. This
futuris tic QR code lec hnique prm ides comp lete Ira ceahilil~ all ncro<;~ the s uppl) chain and
helps in arresting counterfe it markets:
7. Comp:lll) ha o; launched a range of product:. for ~\\et..' l s. cOll leclio nt',! and online food deli\ el) .
corpor~te Office:
Plot If 700, Road No. 36, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad • 500 033, Telangana, INDIA.
Phone +9t-4Q..403003OO, Fax . +91·40·40300328, E·mai I: [email protected]
Website . www. CIN No: l21022TG1997PLC026542
Packaging limited
(Formerly known as ,\ lo1dtek PI:!.SIics Ltd.)
The numerous s ignificant material dc\·elopments that ha\c happened so far and \\hich have been
appropriately intimated to the Exchanges are reilerated here\\ illl.
Further. we would like to reiterate that. as always. 'Ie make and will continue to make disc losures in
com pli ance with OUf obligation under agreclllcrllS with the Stock Exchanges and under the SEBI
(LODR) Regulations. 2015 .
Thanking) ou.
Yours f~lIthfull~.
Compan y Scc relary