A calculator is a small, portable electronic device used to perform basic arithmetic operations. The idea originated from abacuses used for calculation. Major manufacturers include Casio, Citizen Systems, Hewlett-Packard, Sharp, and Texas Instruments. Calculators come in different types for different uses such as scientific, graphing, financial, and printing calculators. Calculators work by inputting numbers and operations via the keypad which are encoded and sent to registers for processing by the microprocessor chip before being displayed.
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A calculator is a small, portable electronic device used to perform basic arithmetic operations. The idea originated from abacuses used for calculation. Major manufacturers include Casio, Citizen Systems, Hewlett-Packard, Sharp, and Texas Instruments. Calculators come in different types for different uses such as scientific, graphing, financial, and printing calculators. Calculators work by inputting numbers and operations via the keypad which are encoded and sent to registers for processing by the microprocessor chip before being displayed.
A calculator is a small, portable electronic device used to perform basic arithmetic operations. The idea originated from abacuses used for calculation. Major manufacturers include Casio, Citizen Systems, Hewlett-Packard, Sharp, and Texas Instruments. Calculators come in different types for different uses such as scientific, graphing, financial, and printing calculators. Calculators work by inputting numbers and operations via the keypad which are encoded and sent to registers for processing by the microprocessor chip before being displayed.
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A calculator is a small, portable electronic device used to perform basic arithmetic operations. The idea originated from abacuses used for calculation. Major manufacturers include Casio, Citizen Systems, Hewlett-Packard, Sharp, and Texas Instruments. Calculators come in different types for different uses such as scientific, graphing, financial, and printing calculators. Calculators work by inputting numbers and operations via the keypad which are encoded and sent to registers for processing by the microprocessor chip before being displayed.
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Made 8y
nAML Amandeep SlnghSunnyurvashl
CLASS L3010 8CLL nC'S 131413 A CAlCulAT0R lS A SHAll, P0RTAlF, uSuAllY ltFXPFtSlvF FlFCTR0tlC 0FvlCF uSF0 T0 PFRF0RH THF ASlC 0PFRATl0tS 0F ARlTHHFTlC. THF l0FA 0F CAlCulAT0R CAHF FR0H THF ARlTHHFTlC CAlCulATl0t AACuS. lt 1986, CAlCulAT0RS STlll RFPRFSFtTF0 At FSTlHATF0 41 0F THF w0Rl0'S 6FtFRAl PuRP0SF HAR0wARF CAPAClTY T0 C0HPuTF ltF0RHATl0t. CuRRFtT HAJ0R HAtuFACTuRFS - CASl0 C0HPuTFR C0., lT0. (JAPAt),ClTlZFt SYSTFHS JAPAt C0. lT0. (JAPAt),HFwlFTT-PACKAR0 0FvFl0PHFtT C0HPAtY, l.P. (u.S.A),SHARP C0RP0RATl0t (JAPAt) TFXAS ltSTRuHFtTS ltC. (u.S.A.) @he flrsL malnframe compuLers uslng flrsLly vacuum Lubes and laLer LranslsLors ln Lhe loglc clrculLs appeared ln Lhe 1940s and 1930s @hls Lechnology was Lo provlde a sLepplng sLone Lo Lhe developmenL of elecLronlc calculaLors ln 1934 l8M ln Lhe uS demonsLraLed a large allLranslsLor calculaLor and ln 1937 Lhe company released Lhe flrsL nnf allLranslsLor calculaLor 0lSPlAY CAlCulAT0R - @hey perform baslc maLh operaLlons such as addlng subLracLlng mulLlplylng and dlvldlng SClFtTlFlC CAlCulAT0R - @hey perform LrlgonomeLrlc funcLlons and have a larger memory @hese calculaLors usually cosL beLween $10 and $20 6RAPHlt6 CAlCulAT0R - @hey have larger memorles and are able Lo sLore and graph equaLlons As a resulL graphlng calculaLors have a larger screen Lo dlsplay Lhe graphs FltAtClAl CAlCulAT0R -lnanclal calculaLors are speclally deslgned Lo perform flnanclal calculaLlons PRltTlt6 CAlCulAT0R - 9rlnLlng calculaLors conLaln a roll of paper on whlch Lhey prlnL Lhe lnpuL and resulLs S0lAR CAlCulAT0R - Many baslc calculaLors are powered by solar cells raLher Lhan baLLerles @hese cells called phoLovolLalc cells converL sunllghL lnLo elecLrlcal energy Showlng Lhe blob of resln coverlng Lhe Lwo lnLegraLed clrculL chlps whlch are dlrecLly bonded Lo Lhe clrculL board Cne chlp performs Lhe calculaLlons and Lhe oLher drlves Lhe LLu dlsplay ower source (battery and]or so|ar ce||) keypad conslsLs of keys used Lo lnpuL numbers and funcLlon commands (addlLlon mulLlpllcaLlon squarerooL eLc) rocessor ch|p (mlcroprocessor) conLalns *Scann|ng un|t when a calculaLor ls powered on lL scans Lhe keypad walLlng Lo plck up an elecLrlc slgnal when a key ls pressed *Lncoder un|t converLs Lhe numbers and funcLlons lnLo blnary code *k reg|ster and reg|ster @hey are number sLores where numbers are sLored Lemporarlly whlle dolng calculaLlons All numbers go lnLo Lhe x reglsLer flrsL @he number ln Lhe x reglsLer ls shown on Lhe dlsplay *I|ag reg|ster @he funcLlon for Lhe calculaLlon ls sLored here unLll Lhe calculaLor needs *ermanent Memory (kCM) @he lnsLrucLlons for lnbullL funcLlons (arlLhmeLlc operaLlons square rooLs percenLages LrlgonomeLry eLc) are sLored here ln blnary form @hese lnsLrucLlons are programs sLored permanenLly 9ermanenL memory cannoL be erased *User memory (kAM) @he sLore where numbers can be sLored by Lhe user user memory conLenLs can be changed or erased by Lhe user *Ar|thmert|c Log|c Un|t (ALU) @he ALu execuLes all arlLhmeLlc and loglc lnsLrucLlons and provldes Lhe resulLs ln blnary *Decoder Un|t converLs blnary code lnLo declmal numbers whlch can be dlsplayed on Lhe dlsplay unlL *D|sp|ay ane| dlsplays lnpuL numbers commands and resulLs Seven sLrlpes (segmenLs) are used Lo represenL each dlglL ln a baslc calculaLor SclenLlflc calculaLors are used wldely ln any slLuaLlon where qulck access Lo cerLaln maLhemaLlcal funcLlons ls needed especlally Lhose such as LrlgonomeLrlc funcLlons LhaL were once LradlLlonally looked up ln Lables Lhey are also used ln slLuaLlons requlrlng backofLheenvelope calculaLlons of very large numbers as ln some aspecLs of asLronomy physlcs and chemlsLry WA baslc explanaLlon as Lo how calculaLlons are performed ln a slmple 4funcLlon calculaLor @o perform Lhe calculaLlon 23 + 9 one presses keys ln Lhe followlng sequence on mosL calculaLors 2 3 + 9 W When 23 ls enLered lL ls plcked up by Lhe scannlng unlL Lhe number 23 ls encoded and senL Lo Lhe x reglsLer W nexL when Lhe + key ls pressed Lhe addlLlon lnsLrucLlon ls also encoded and senL Lo Lhe flag reglsLer W @he second number 9 ls encoded and senL Lo Lhe x reglsLer @hls pushes Lhe flrsL number (23) ouL lnLo Lhe ? reglsLer W When ls pressed a message from Lhe flag reglsLer Lells Lhe permanenL memory LhaL Lhe operaLlon Lo be done ls addlLlon W @he numbers ln Lhe x and ? reglsLers are Lhen loaded lnLo Lhe ALu and Lhe calculaLlon ls carrled ouL followlng lnsLrucLlons from Lhe permanenL memory @he answer 34 ls senL back Lo Lhe x reglsLer rom Lhere lL ls converLed by Lhe decoder unlL lnLo a declmal number (usually blnarycoded declmal) and Lhen shown on Lhe dlsplay panel All oLher funcLlons are usually carrled ouL uslng repeaLed addlLlons Where calculaLors have addlLlonal funcLlons such as square rooL or LrlgonomeLrlc funcLlons sofLware algorlLhms are requlred Lo produce hlgh preclslon resulLs
Prove That Eigen Value of Hermittian Matrix Are Alays Real - Give Example - Use The Above Result To Show That Det (H-3I) Cannot Be Zero - If H Is Hermittian Matrix and I Is Unit Matrix
Prove That Eigen Value of Hermittian Matrix Are Alays Real - Give Example - Use The Above Result To Show That Det (H-3I) Cannot Be Zero - If H Is Hermittian Matrix and I Is Unit Matrix