Material Requirements Planning
Material Requirements Planning
Material Requirements Planning
What is
(MRP) systems have been installed
MRP? almost universally in manufacturing
firms, even those considered small.
The reason is that MRP is a logical,
easily understandable approach to
the problem of determining the
number of parts, components, and
materials needed to produce each
end item. MRP also provides the
schedule specifying when each of
these materials, parts, and
components should be ordered or
Manufacturing Resource Planning(MRP II)
• However, as computer power grew and applications
expanded, so did the breadth of MRP. Soon it considered
resources as well as materials and was called MRP II,
standing for manufacturing resource planning. A complete
MRP program included 20 or so modules controlling the
entire system from order entry through scheduling,
inventory control, finance, accounting, accounts payable,
and so on. Today MRP impacts the entire system and
includes just-in-time, kanban, and computer- integrated
manufacturing (CIM).
• Dependent
demand is
caused by the
demand for a
Tires, wheels,
and engines
are dependent
demand items
based on the
demand for
• Independent
demand is the
demand for a
product, which
is being ordered
by an outside
Cars (finish
Where MRP can be used?
• MRP is most valuable in industries where a number of products are made in
batches using the same productive equipment.
• The list in Exhibit 16.1 includes examples of different industry types and the
expected benefit from MRP. As you can see in the exhibit, MRP is most
valuable to companies involved in assembly operations and least valuable to
those in fabrication.
One more point to note: MRP does not work well in companies that pro- duce
a low number of units annually. Especially for companies producing complex,
expensive products requiring advanced research and design, experience has
shown that lead times tend to be too long and too uncertain, and the product
configuration too complex. Such companies need the control features that
network scheduling techniques offer.
• Before discussing details of an MRP system, we briefly explain how quantities
are calculated, lead times are offset, and order releases and receipts are
established. Suppose that we are to produce Product T, which is made of two
parts U and three parts V. Part U, in turn, is made of one part W and two
parts X. Part V is made of two parts W and two parts Y.
Exhibit 16.2 shows the product structure tree of Product T. By simple
computation, we calculate that if 100 units of T are required, we need
• Generally, the master schedule deals with end items. If the end item is quite
large or quite expensive, however, the master schedule may schedule major
subassemblies or components instead.
• All production systems have limited capacity and limited resources. This
presents a chal- lenging job for the master scheduler. Although the aggregate
plan provides the general range of operation, the master scheduler must
specify exactly what is to be produced. These deci- sions are made while
responding to pressures from various functional areas, such as the sales
department (meet the customer's promised due date), finance (minimize
inventory), manage- ment (maximize productivity and customer service,
minimize resource needs), and manufac- turing (have level schedules and
minimize setup time)
To ensure good master scheduling, the master scheduler (the human being) must;
For example, the aggregate plan for a furniture company may specify the total
volume of mattresses it plans to produce over the next month or next quarter.
The MPS goes the next step down and identifies the exact size mattresses
and their qualities and styles. All of the mattresses sold by the company
would be specified by the MPS. The MPS also states period by period
(usually weekly) how many and when each of these mattress types is
Still further down the disaggregation process is the MRP program, which
calculates and schedules all raw materials, parts, and supplies needed to
make the mattress specified by the MPS.
• The purpose of time fences is to maintain a reasonably controlled flow
through the production system. Unless some operating rules are established
and adhered to, the system could be chaotic and filled with overdue orders
and constant expediting.
• Exhibit 16.5 shows an example of a master production schedule time
fence. Management defines time fences as periods of time having
some specified level of opportunity for the customer to make
changes. (The customer may be the firm's own marketing
department, which may be considering product promotions,
broadening variety, or the like.) Note in the exhibit that for the next
eight weeks, this particular master schedule is frozen. Each firm has
its own time fences and operating rules. Under these rules, frozen
could be defined as anything from absolutely no changes in one
company to only the most minor of changes in another. Moderately
firm may allow changes in specific products within a product group so
long as parts are available. Flexible may allow almost any variations
in products, with the provisions that capacity remains about the same
and that there are no long lead time items involved.
Available to promise
• Some firms use a feature known as available to promise
for items that are master scheduled. This feature identifies
the difference between the number of units currently
included in the master schedule and firm customer orders.
For example, assume the master schedule indicates that
100 units of Model 538 mattress are going to be made
during week seven. If firm customer orders now only
indicate that 65 of those mattresses have actually been
sold, the sales group has another 35 mattresses
"available to promise" for delivery during that week. This
can be a powerful tool for coordinating sales and
production activities.
• Material requirements planning (MRP) system creates
schedules identifying the specific parts and materials
required to produce end items, the exact numbers
needed, and the dates when orders for these materials
should be released and be received or completed with- in
the production cycle. MRP systems use a computer
program to carry out these operations. Most firms have
used computerized inventory systems for years, but they
were independent of the scheduling system; MRP links
them together.
• The main purposes of a basic MRP system are to
control inventory levels, assign operating
priorities for items, and plan capacity to load the
production system. The theme of MRP is "getting
the right materials to the right place at the right
• The material requirements planning portion of manufacturing
activities most closely interacts with the master schedule, bill of
materials file, inventory records file, and the output reports as shown
in Exhibit 16.6.
The first is known customers who have placed specific orders, such
as those generated by sales personnel, or from inter department
transactions. These orders usually carry promised delivery dates.
There is no forecasting involved in these orders-simply add them up.
2. Next, the program uses the current on-hand balance, together with the schedule of orders that will be received in the future
to calculate the "net requirements." Net requirements are the amounts that are needed week by week in the future over and
above what is currently on hand or committed to through an order already released and scheduled.
3. Using net requirements the program calculates when orders should be received to meet these requirements. This can be a
simple process of just scheduling orders to arrive according to the exact net requirements or a more complicated process
where requirements are combined for multiple periods. This schedule of when orders should arrive is referred to as "planned-
order receipts."
4. Since there is typically a lead time associated with each order, the next step is to find a schedule for when orders are
actually released. Offsetting the "planned-order receipts" by the required lead time does this. This schedule is referred to as
"planned-order release."
5. After these four steps have been completed for all the level zero items, the program moves to level 1 items.
6. The gross requirements for each level 1 item are calculated from the planned-order release schedule for the parents of
each level 1 item. Any additional independent demand also needs to be included in the gross requirements.
7. After the gross requirements have been determined, net requirements, planned-order receipts, and planned-order releases
are calculated as described in steps 2-4 above.
8. This process is then repeated for each level in the bill of materials.
• Net change systems are "activity" driven
and requirements and schedules are
updated whenever a transaction is
processed that has an impact on the item.
4. Try to schedule part of the work of Week 11 earlier into Week 10, and delay part of the
work into Week 12.
Recognize that the input to the MRP system is the master production schedule, as was
stated earlier in the chapter. The MRP program does an explosion of all the parts,
components, and other resources needed to meet this schedule. The capacity requirements
planning module then checks the MRP output to see if sufficient capacity exists. If it does
not, feedback to the MRP module indicates that the schedule needs to be modified.
Continuing through the MRP system. orders are released to the production system by
executing the capacity and material plans. From that point on, it is a matter of monitoring,
data collection, completing the order, and evaluating results. Any changes in production,
capacity, or material are fed back into the system.
• When the material requirements planning (MRP) system has information
feedback from its module outputs, this is termed closed-loop MRP. Closed-
loop MRP is defined as
What do we have?
The right side of Exhibit 16.20 shows a master production schedule at the top feeding a JIT
system. Computer control has been severed, and the JIT portion operates as its own separate
pull method drawing from preceding stages. MRP may well be used to help create the master
production schedule.
• The determination of lot sizes in an MRP system is a complicated and
difficult problem. Lot sizes are the part quantities issued in the
planned order receipt and planned order release sections of an MRP
schedule. For parts produced in-house, lot sizes are the production
quantities of batch sizes. For purchased parts, these are the quantities
ordered from the supplier. Lot sizes generally meet part requirements
for one or more periods.
• Most lot-sizing techniques deal with how to balance the setup or order
costs and holding costs associated with meeting the net requirements
generated by the MRP planning process. Many MRP systems have
options for computing lot sizes based on some of the more commonly
used techniques. It should be obvious, though, that the use of lot-
sizing techniques increases the complexity in generating MRP
schedules. When fully exploded, the numbers of parts scheduled can
be enormous.
• Next we explain four lot-sizing techniques using a common example.
The lot-sizing techniques presented are lot-for-lot (L4L), economic
order quantity (EOQ), least total cost (LTC), and least unit cost (LUC).
• Produces exactly what is needed each week with none carried over
into future periods.
Because the logic of lot-for-lot says the production quantity (column 3) will exactly match
the required quantity (column 2), there will be no inventory left at the end (column 4).
• The EOQ model uses an estimate of total annual demand, the setup or order cost, and
the annual holding cost. EOQ was not designed for a sys- tem with discrete time
periods such as MRP. The lot-sizing techniques used for MRP assume that part
requirements are satisfied at the start of the period. Holding costs are then charged
only to the ending inventory for the period, not to the average inventory as in the case
of the EOQ model.
EOQ assumes that parts are used continuously during the period. The lot sizes
generated by EOQ do not always cover the entire number of periods. For example, the
EOQ might provide the requirements for 4.6 periods. Using the same data as in the lot-
for-lot example, the economic order quantity is calculated as follows:
Exhibit 16.22 shows the MRP schedule using an EOQ of 351 units. The EOQ
lot size in Week I is enough to meet requirements for Weeks I through 5 and a
portion of Week 6. Then, in Week 6 another EOQ lot is planned to meet the
requirements for Weeks 6 through 8. Notice that the EOQ plan leaves some
inventory at the end of Week 8 to carry forward into Week 9.
• The least total cost method (LTC) is a dynamic lot-sizing technique that
calculates the order quantity by comparing the carrying cost and the setup (or
ordering) costs for various lot sizes and then selects the lot in which these are
most nearly equal.
• The top half of Exhibit 16.23 shows the least cost lot size results. The
procedure to compute least total cost lot sizes is to compare order costs
and holding costs for various numbers. of weeks. For example, costs are
compared for producing in Week 1 to cover the requirements for Week 1;
producing in Week I for Weeks 1 and 2; producing in Week I to cover
Weeks 1, 2, and 3, and so on. The correct selection is the lot size where
the ordering costs and holding costs are approximately equal. In Exhibit
16.23 the best lot size is 335 because a $38 carrying cost and a $47
ordering cost are closer than $56.75 and $47 ($9 versus $9.75). This lot
size covers requirements for Weeks 1 through 5.
Exhibit 16.23 shows that holding and ordering costs are closest in the
quantity hat covers requirements for Weeks 6 through 8. Notice that the
holding and ordering costs here are far apart. This is because our
example extends only to Week 8. If the planning horizon were longer, the
lot size planned for Week 6 would likely cover more weeks into the future
beyond Week 8. This brings up one of the limitations of both LTC and
LUC (discussed below). Both techniques are influenced by the length of
the planning horizon. The bottom half of Exhibit 16.23 shows the final run
size and total cost.
• The least unit cost method is a dynamic lot-sizing technique that adds ordering and
inventory carrying cost for each trial lot size and divides by the number of units in each
lot size, picking the lot size with the lowest unit cost. The top half of Exhibit 16.24
calculates the unit cost for ordering lots to meet the needs of Weeks I through 8. Note
that the minimum occurred when the quantity 410, ordered in Week 1, was sufficient to
cover Weeks I through 6. The lot size planned for Week 7 covers through the end of the
planning horizon.
• Using the lot-for-lot method, the total cost for the eight weeks is $376;
the EOQ total cost is $171.05; the least total cost method is $140.50;
and the least unit cost is $153.50. The lowest cost was obtained
using the least total cost method of $140.50. If there were more than
eight weeks, the lowest cost could differ.
Honeylen Marata
Aj Anne Palgan
RG Velasco