Glycogen Metabolism.
Glycogen Metabolism.
Glycogen Metabolism.
• It is stored in liver and muscle, Due to more muscle mass, the quantity of
glycogen in muscle (250 g) is about three times higher than that in the liver (75
• Glycogen content of liver (10 g/100 g tissue) is more than in the skeletal muscle
(1-2 g/100 g), but the total quantity of muscle glycogen is more than liver
glycogen because of larger muscle mass.
• Liver glycogen stores increase in a well-fed state which are depleted during
• Muscle glycogen serves as a fuel reserve for the supply of ATP during muscle
• It requires ATP and UTP besides glucose and reaction takes place in cytosol
1. Synthesis of UDP-glucose
• The enzymes hexokinase (in muscle) and glucokinase (in liver) convert glucose
to glucose 6-phosphate
• The hydroxyl group of the amino acid tyrosine of glycogenin is the site at which the
initial glucose unit is attached
• Enzyme glycogen initiator synthase transfers the first molecule of glucose to glycogenin
• Glycogenin itself takes up a few glucose residues to form a fragment of primer which
serves as an acceptor for the rest of the glucose molecules
3. Glycogen synthesis by glycogen synthase
• This enzyme transfers the glucose from UDP-glucose to the non-reducing end of
glycogen to form α-1,4 linkages.
4. Formation of branches in glycogen
• Glycogen synthase can catalyse the synthesis of a linear unbranched molecule with
1,4 α -glycosidic linkages
• This enzyme transfers a small fragment of five to eight glucose residues from the
non-reducing end of glycogen chain (by breaking α -1,4 linkages) to another
glucose residue where it is linked by α-1,6 bond.
• This leads to the formation of a new non-reducing end, besides the existing one.
• This process will continues until four glucose residues remain on either side of
branching point (α -1,6-glycosidic link)
• The glycogen so formed is known as limit dextrin which cannot be further degraded
by phosphorylase.
2. Action of debranching enzyme
• The liver, kidney and intestine contain the enzyme glucose 6-phosphatase that cleaves
glucose 6-phosphate to glucose.
• This enzyme is absent in muscle and brain, hence free glucose cannot be produced from
glucose 6-phosphate in these tissues.
• Therefore, liver is the major glycogen storage organ to provide glucose into the circulation to
be utilised by various tissues.
• In the peripheral tissues, glucose 6-phosphate produced by glycogenolysis will be used for
• It is also called Von Gierke’s Disease. Most common type of glycogen storage
disease is type I.
• Glucose-6-phosphatase is deficient.
• Glycogen gets deposited in liver. Massive liver enlargement may lead to cirrhosis.
Symptoms, in addition to
Glycogen Storage Disease
glycogen accumulation
Type I, liver deficiency of hypoglycemia (low blood
Glucose-6-phosphatase (von glucose) when fasting, liver
Gierke's disease) enlargement.
Type II deficiency of lysosomal Death occurs at an early age
α-1,4 glucosidase (Pompe’s due to heart failure
Type III, deficiency of Similar to type I but milder
debranching enzyme (Cori’s
Type IV, deficiency of branching liver dysfunction and early
enzyme in various organs, death.
including liver (Andersen's
Symptoms, in addition to
Glycogen Storage Disease
glycogen accumulation
Type V, muscle deficiency of muscle cramps with exercise.
Glycogen Phosphorylase
(McArdle's disease)
Type VI, deficiency of liver Liver enlarged; mild
glycogen phosphorylase (Her’s hypoglycemia and ketosis
Type VII, muscle deficiency of inability to exercise.