HRMPPT 230712043813 68757dda
HRMPPT 230712043813 68757dda
HRMPPT 230712043813 68757dda
1. Job Analysis
- Gather information on job roles and requirements
2. Recruitment and Selection
- Create job postings
- Advertise job openings
- Screen resumes
- Conduct interviews
- Select and hire candidates
3. On boarding and Orientation
- Provide orientation programs
- Complete paperwork and administrative tasks
1. Environmental Scanning:
Analyze internal and external factors
Identify technology, industry trends, economic conditions, and demographic
2.Demand Forecasting:
Analyze strategic plans and environmental factors
Estimate future HR demand (quantity and quality)
3. Supply Forecasting:
Assess current workforce capabilities
Analyze attrition rates, retirements, promotions, and external hiring
4. Gap Analysis:
Compare demand and supply forecasts
Identify gaps or surpluses in the workforce
5. Developing HR Strategies:
Develop strategies and action plans
Address gaps identified in the gap analysis
Plan recruitment, training, development, succession, or
6. Implementation:
- Execute planned strategies
- Implement recruitment, training, and development programs
- Revise organizational structure if required
- Monitor progress and outcomes
7. Evaluation and Adjustment:
- Evaluate effectiveness of implemented strategies
- Gather feedback and assess organizational needs
- Make adjustments for ongoing alignment
- Ensure HR practices support organizational goals