ICAIEKM Material 180116
ICAIEKM Material 180116
ICAIEKM Material 180116
Recognised as
PPE as per AS 10
Treatment of Subsequent Costs
Cost of day-to-day
servicing (repair &
Charged to profit
and Loss A/c
The cost of “Remodelling” a
Measurement of PPE
Elements of Cost
Purchase Price:
• It includes import duties and non –refundable purchase taxes.
• It requires deduction of Trade discounts and rebates
Cost of a Self-constructed Asset
substance; Or
Fair value of neither the asset(s) received nor
If Fair value of neither the asset received nor the asset given
up is reliably measurable. Then it is measured at the
carrying amount of the asset given up.
PPE purchased for a Consolidated
Where several items of PPE are purchased for a
consolidated price, the consideration is
apportioned to the various items on the basis
of their respective fair values at the date of
Measurement after Recognition
Accumulated depreciation
Gross carrying amount
AS 2: Depreciation of
manufacturing plant and
equipment is included in the costs
of conversion of inventories as per
AS 2.
Depreciable amount = Cost- Residual value
Depreciation of an
asset begins when it
is available for use
Each part of an item of PPE with a cost that is
significant in relation to the total cost ofthe
item should be depreciated separately.
Example : It may be appropriate to depreciate