Accounts - Answers2
Accounts - Answers2
Accounts - Answers2
(c) As per AS 16 A qualifying asset is an asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to
get ready for its intended use or sale. Other investments and those inventories that are routinely
manufactured or otherwise produced in large quantities on a repetitive basis over a short period of
time, are not qualifying assets. Assets that are ready for their intended use or sale when acquired
also are not qualifying assets. Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition,
construction or production of a qualifying asset should be capitalized as part of the cost of that
asset. Other borrowing costs should be recognized as an expense in the period in which they are
Construction of factory shed amounting ` 240 lakhs is qualifying asset in the given case. The
interest for this amount during the year will be added to the cost of factory shed. All others
(purchase of machinery, vehicles and technical know how, working capital, advance for
tools/cranes) are non-qualifying assets and related borrowing cost will be charged to Profit and
Loss statement.
Qualifying Asset as per AS 16 (construction of a shed) = ` 240 lakhs
Borrowing cost to be capitalized = ` 40 lakhs x 240/320 = ` 30 lakhs
Interest to be debited to Profit or Loss account: ` (40 – 30) = ` 10 lakhs.
Note: Assumed that construction of factory shed completed on 31 st March, 2023.
(d) Computation of amount of depreciation as per AS 10
(i) Machinery purchased on 1/4/18 for ` 10 lakhs (having residual value of ` 10 lakhs) Nil
Reason: The company considers that the residual value, based on prices
prevailing at the balance sheet date, will equal the cost. Therefore, there is no
depreciable amount and depreciation is correctly zero.
(ii) Land (50 lakhs) (considered freehold) Nil
Reason: Land has an unlimited useful life and therefore, it is not depreciated.
(iii) Machinery constructed for own use (` 5,00,000/10) 50,000
Reason: The entity should begin charging depreciation from the date the machine
is ready for use i.e. 1st April,2022. The fact that the machine was not used for a
period after it was ready to be used is not relevant in considering when to begin
charging depreciation.
(iv) Machinery having revised useful life 15,000
Reason: The entity has charged depreciation using the straight-line method at
` 10,000 per annum i.e (50,000/5 years). On 1 st April,2022 the asset's net book
value is [50,000 – (10,000 x 2)] i.e. ` 30,000. The remaining useful life is 2 years
as per revised estimate. The company should amend the annual provision for
depreciation to charge the unamortized cost over the revised remaining life of 2
years. Consequently, it should charge depreciation for the next 2 years at
` 15,000 per annum i.e. (30,000 / 2 years).
2. (a) Journal Entries in the Books of Noida Branch
Particulars Debit (`) Credit (`)
Salary Advance A/c Dr. 5,000
To Salaries A/c 5,000
(Being the amount paid as advance adjusted by debit to
Salary Advance A/c)
To Wages 84,000
(90,000 – 6,000)
To Gross Profit 1,20,000
[20% of Sales)
7,57,000 7,57,000
* For financial statement purposes, this would form part of closing stock (since there is no sale).
However, this has been shown separately for computation of claim for loss of stock since the goods
were physically not with the concern and, hence, there was no loss of such stock.
Statement of Insurance Claim
Value of stock destroyed by fire 1,32,000
Less: Salvaged Stock (31,000)
Loss of stock 1,01,000
Since policy amount is less than value of stock on date of fire, average clause will apply. Therefore,
claim amount will be computed by applying the formula:
Insured value
Claim = × Loss suffered
Total cost
Claim amount = ` 1,01,000/1,32,000X1,00,000 = ` 76,515 (Rounded off)
NOTE: The average rate of 20% has been given in the question. In the above solution, Gross Profit
is calculated @ 20% on sales. Alternative answer considering Gross Profit of 20% is also possible.
4. (a) Journal Entries
Date Particulars Dr. (`) Cr. (`)
Bank A/c Dr. 84,500
To Equity Share Capital A/c 84,500
(Being the issue of 8,450 Equity Shares of
` 10 each as per Board’s Resolution No…..dated…….)
9% Redeemable Preference Share Capital A/c Dr. 2,00,000
Premium on Redemption of Preference Shares A/c Dr. 20,000
To Preference Shareholders A/c 2,20,000
(Being the amount paid on redemption transferred to
Preference Shareholders Account)
Bank A/c Dr. 40,500
Profit and Loss A/c (loss on sale) A/c Dr. 4,500
To Investment A/c 45,000
(Being investment sold at loss of ` 4,500)
Preference Shareholders A/c Dr. 2,20,000
To Bank A/c 2,20,000
(Being the amount paid on redemption of preference
Note: For computing the interest on the bonds sold on 15 Feb 2023, if number of days (138 days)
is taken instead of months, the interest received on 15.02.2023 should be `72,592 and the total
interest transferred to Profit & Loss Account should be ` 2,16,592.
Investment in Equity Shares of G Ltd
For the period 1st April 2022 to 31 March 2023
Date Particulars Nos Dividend Amount Date Particulars Nos Dividend Amount
(`) (`) (`) (`)
01/4/22 To Balance b/d 8,000 15,20,000 16/9/22 By Bank A/c 48,000 42,000
(WN 7)
01/5/22 To Bank A/c (WN 7,000 16,26,100 1/12/22 By Bank A/c 7000 18,01,800
5) (WN 8)
15/6/22 To Bonus Shares 6,000 25/1/23 By Bank A/c 48,300
(WN 10)
25/8/22 To Bank A/c (Right 2,100 4,83,000 31/3/23 By Balance c/d 16,100 25,00,100
Shares) (WN 11)
(WN 6)
01/12/22 To Profit & Loss 7,14,800
A/c (Sale of
(WN 9)
31/3/23 To Profit & Loss 96,300
Working Notes
1. Computation of the Interest element in the bonds purchased on 01 June 2022
No of Bonds purchased 36,000
Face value per bond ` 100
Face value of the bonds purchased ` 36,00,000
Interest Rate 8%
Interest Amount 36,00,000 x 8% x 2/12
` 48,000
Cum-interest per bond ` 86
Value of bond excluding interest 36,000 x ` 86 – `48,000
` 30,48,000
6. Right Shares
No of Right Shares Issued (8,000+7,000+6,000)/7 = 3,000 shares
No of right shares sold 3,000 shares x 30% = 900 shares
Proceeds from sale of right shares to be 900 shares x ` 75 = ` 67,500
credited to statement of profit & loss
No of right shares subscribed 3,000-900 = 2,100 shares
Amount of right shares subscribed 2,100 x 230 = ` 4,83,000
7. Computation of Dividend Received on 16 Sept 2022
No of shares held during the period of dividend 8,000 shares
Dividend per share `6
Dividend Amount 8,000 x 6 = ` 48,000
No of shares received after the period of dividend 7,000 shares
(excluding bonus & right shares)
Dividend per share `6
Dividend Amount 7,000 x ` 6 = ` 42,000
The amount of dividend for the period for which the shares were not held by the investor
has been treated as capital receipt. Thus ` 42,000 shall be treated as capital receipt.
8. Sale Proceeds for the shares sold on 1st Dec. 2022
No of shares sold 7,000 Shares
Sale price per share ` 260
Proceeds from sale of share 7,000 x 260 = ` 18,20,000
Less: Brokerage @ 1% ` 18,200
Net Sale Proceeds ` 18,01,800
Note: The entire amount of sale proceeds from rights has been credited to Profit and Loss account
in the above solution. However, the sale proceeds of rights in respect of 7,000 shares
(purchased cum right on 1.5.20) can be applied to reduce the carrying amount of such
investments (without crediting it to profit and loss account) considering that the value of these
shares has reduced after becoming their ex-right. In that case, ` 22,500 (67,500X 7/21) will
be applied to reduce the carrying amount of investment and ` 45,000 will be credited to profit
and loss account.