History of MoneyUS Dollar
History of MoneyUS Dollar
History of MoneyUS Dollar
• Currency comes to mind when we hear the
word money . However, money is any commodity
which satisfies the following characteristics:
Unit of account
Store of Value
Medium of exchange
Early Commodity Money
• Until around 3000BC,
commodities such as
livestock and grain were
used as money for
many societies
China: 1200 BC
• Ancient Chinese Money
“cowries as money”
China: 1200 BC
• By 1000 BC, “tool
currencies” were
adopted. These were
miniature metal models
of spades, hoes, blades,
The First True Coins: 561 BC
• The Lydian King Croesus
created the first true
Middle Ages: 800 – 1500 AD
• Medieval coinage was
standardized by
Charlemagne when he
conquered most of
Europe around 800AD
Chinese Paper Currency: 806 AD
• Due to a severe copper
shortage, the Chinese
begin issuing paper
currency. Known as
Chao .
• Frequent reissues fuel
1100 AD: British Tally Sticks
• King Henry issued the
first Tally Sticks in
1100AD. This practice
lasted in England for
over 700 years!
Paper Money in Europe
• In the 1660’s, goldsmith’s
notes are accepted as
evidence of ability to pay.
These notes mark the first
use of Banknotes in
The New World
• The colony of
Massachusetts was the
first colony to issue
paper currency in the
The First US Dollar
• To finance the
Revolutionary War,
the congress issued
“Continentals”. Due
to oversupply, they
rapidly became
The First Bank of the US
• On August 15, 1971, Nixon closes the gold window and the US
dollar ceases to be convertible into gold. This marks the
beginning of the current anchorless system.
US Dollar a Fiat Currency
US Dollar a Fiat Currency