18 Teams and Teamwork

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Presented By
Deepthi R – 2040623036
Dhamsania Druvi P – 2040623010
Two or more people who interact with and influence
each other toward a common purpose.
formal team : it is created by managers & charged
with carrying out specific tasks to help the organization
achieve its goals.

Informal Groups emerge whenever people come

together and interact regularly.
 Formal and Informal teams:
• The most prevalent type of formal group is command
team which includes all a manager and its employees.
• Command team :
• A team composed of manager & employees who reports
to that manager.

• Committee is a formal organization team that usually

relatively long lived created to carryout specific
organizational tasks.

• Task Forces or Project Team: Task forces created to deal

with a specific problem and are usually disbanded after
the tsk is completed.
Functions Of Informal Groups
 They maintain and strengthen the norms and values their
members hold in common.
 They give members feelings of social satisfaction, status
and security.
 Informal groups help their members communicate . They
learn about their problems and matters and develop their
own informal channels of communication
 Informal group help solve problems.
 Beyond a the 4 groups is the reference groups which
identify and compare ourselves E.g.: For manager a
higher level is higher level manager.
Types Of Teams
 High Performance or Super Teams:
• They are a group of 3 to 30 workers drawn from
different areas of corporations.
• Well Run Super teams manage themselves and
arrange their work schedules, set their
productivity quotas, order their own equipment
and supplies, improve product quality.
Self Managed Teams:
Super teams that manage themselves without any formal
supervision are self managed or self managed work groups.

 Characteristics Of Self Managed Teams:

• The teams has responsibility for relatively
whole task .
• Team member each possess a variety of task
related task
• The team has power to determine such things as
work methods and assignment
• The performance of the group as a whole is the
basis for compensation and feedback
Characteristics Of Teams

 Leadership Roles :
• A person who speaks up more than others who
offers more and better suggestions than anyone
else or gives direction to groups activities
usually becomes a informal leader.
• A self confident, assertive individual may
develop into a formal or a rival to formal leader.
 Stages Of Team Development
 Forming : The group forms and learns what sort of behavior is
acceptable to the group.
 Storming : The members become more comfortable then
brainstorming occurs where opposition to ideas and they begin to
assert their individual responsibilities
 Norming: The conflicts that arose in previous stage are addresses
and hopefully resolved. Group unity emerges as members establish
common goals and norms, rules.
 Performing: The groups begins to operate as a unit. The structure
of group now supports and eases group dynamics and performances.
 Adjourning: Temporary groups such as task forces, this is the time
when the group wraps up activities
Characteristics Of Teams
• Expectations about how the others members will behave. Some
of these norms are carried over from society in general such as
dressing properly for or showing up to time.
• When an individual breaks with team norms , the other members
will probably pressure that individual to conform.
• Conform to norms can be extremely useful, as norm answer
many questions about how we should behave toward one
another on a day to day basis.
• Conformity to Norms can be negative if it stifles initiative and
innovation, holding back group’s performances.
Characteristics Of Teams

• The degree of solidarity and positive feelings held by individuals
towards group.
• The more cohesive the group more strongly members feel about
belonging to it, the greater its influence.
• Higher the cohesive teams lesser is the tension and hostility and
more uniform output than less cohesive group.
4 ways to improve cohesiveness

 Introduce Competition:
Conflict with external teams increases group cohesiveness.
 Increase Interpersonal Attraction:
People tend to join teams whose members they identify.
 Increase Interaction:
Increased interaction can improve coordination and communication.
 Create Common Goals And Common Fates:
a)Task Interdependence: The extent to which work requires its members to
b)Potency: Collective belief of a group that it can be effective
c)Outcome interdependence: The degree to which work has its effect by its
Making Teams Effective
 A committee is a task force is the best way to collect the expertise of
different members of the organization and then channel their efforts to
solve problems

 Guidelines For Committees:

 The committee goals should be clearly defined, preferably in writing.
 The committee’s authority should be specified
 The optimum size of committee should be determined.
 A chairperson should be decided on basis of his ability
 The agenda and all supporting materials for the meeting should be
distributed to all members
 Meetings should start and end on time.
Making Teams Effective

 Focusing Teams On Performances:

• 1st challenges to be looked are the best
ways to create teams, and that size,
purpose, goals, skills approach and
accountability of the team
A few rules which can enhance team performance
 Team assignments need to address specific, concrete issues rather than
broad generalization
 Work has to be broken down and assigned to subgroups and individuals
 Team membership must be based on what each member can achieve the
 Each team member has to do roughly the same amount of work, or
inevitably there will be differing commitments to outcomes.
 Teams will work only if the traditional hierarchical pattern of
communication and interaction is broken down.
 Top management teams have to work together like all teams focusing on
their task and fostering an environment of openness, commitment and
Making Teams Effective
 There are 7 paradoxical aspects of groups conflicts
 Paradox Of Identity
 Paradox Of Disclosure
 Paradox Of Trust
 Paradox Of Individuality
 Paradox Of Authority
 Paradox Of Regression
 Paradox Of Creativity
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