HIP HOP Others

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Learning Competencies:

1. Differentiates the terminologies used in hip-hop

2. Applies correct techniques to minimize risk of
3. Recognize hip-hop as a dance form and an
example of fitness activity that can be engaged
in moderate to vigorous physical activities.
Let us do the call and response dance
(MAPEH expedition pp. 370-371)
Performing the following moves with music accompaniment:
1. Walk it out
2. Harlem shake
3. Pop lock
4. Crip walk

After the activity, answer the “rate your level” table from the
book on page 371.
Other hip-hop terminologies/moves
1. Crip walk
2. Walk It Out
a) Twist your legs left and right but pick your heels
off the floor.
b) Move your arms in different directions.
c) Step
your right leg behind your left leg at the
same time.
3. Harlem Shake
a) Have your shoulders kind of pivot out and at the same time, bring your
other shoulder out.
b) While you are doing that, you can move in from side to side and you
are bringing it from side to side, leaving your hips in one section.
c) Just
shake and shake from your shoulders. That is why they call it
Harlem Shake.
d) You can put your shirt over your head and improvise steps. But the
basic step is about shoulder movement.
Other terminologies…
1. Breaking
- Also known as breakdancing, b-boying (male break
dancer), and g-girling (female break dancer).
- Includes
A. Toprock (steps done while standing: kickstep,
kickstep out, kickstep twist, kickstep cross
and knee kerking movement)
B. Downprock – also known as t he power
moves and sequence on the
- More on acrobatic and gymnastics skills
( Corckscrew drop, kick out, swipe)
C. Uprock – consists of foot shuffles, spins,
turns, and creative movements.
2. Popping styles:
A. Boogaloo – first form of popping
a) Waving – shows the smooth fluid motion of body
parts especially arms literally
imitating the waves in the ocean.
b) Strutting – shows popping or hitting angles from
your limbs.
3. Floating, gliding and sliding
- Footwork techniques that create
illusions of your body floating
smoothly on the floor.
Ex. moonwalk
4. Isolation
- Techniques where you keep the rest
of your body still while separating
and moving specific body part
quickly or slowly.
5. Scarecrow
- Imitating a puppet or scarecrow with string
attached to your joints.
6. Strobing
- Style of popping that makes your body move
and stop quickly to make it look like you
are moving with a strobe light.
7. The robot or botting
- Imitating the movement of a robot or
mannequin by executing different popping
8. Tutting (King Tut)
- Derived from the Egyptian pharaoh
- Movement involves creating geometric shapes
with right angles using your arms or hands.
Directions: Choose the letter that corresponds to your
1. It is a more competitive type of top rock that
consists of foot shuffles, spins and turns, and creative
A. down rock B. up rock C. top rock
2.These are dance steps that you do while
standing that include kickstep, kickstep out,
A. down rock
B. up rock
C. top rock
3. It is the first form of popping
A. breaking
B. boogaloo
C. strutting
4. Footwork techniques that create illusions of
your body floating smoothly on the floor.
A. gliding and sliding
B. isolation
C. popping
5. This movement looks like you are imitating
a puppet with strings attached to your joints
A. scarecrow
B. strobing
C. strutting
6. A style of movement which involve creating
geometric shapes with right angles using
your arms or hands.
A. botting
B. robot
C. tutting
7. It is like imitating the movement of a
mannequin by executing different popping
A. botting
B. tutting
C. waving
8. It is a style of popping that makes your body
move and stop quickly to make it look like
you are moving with a strobe light.
A. scarecrow
B. strobing
C. strutting
9. It is a technique where you keep the rest of
your body still while separating and moving
a specific body part quickly or slowly.
A. isolation
B. popping
C. robot
10. It is also known as the power moves and
sequences on the ground.
A. down rock

B. up rock
C. top rock

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