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JL S C e n t ra l School
16 Articles of
JL S C e n t ra l Faith
Article of Faith 1
The Jesus the Loving Shepherd Christian Fellowship
believes: that the Bible, both the old and the New
Testaments, is the inspired and the only infallible and
authoritative Word of God.
Article of Faith 2
The Jesus the Loving Shepherd Christian Fellowship
believes: That there is one God who revealed
himself as eternally self-existent and embodying
the relationship and association as the
Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
Article of Trinity
Fa it h 2
We believe that there is one
God - the Creator of the world.

Deuteronomy 6:4 says,

"Hear, 0 Israel:
the Lord our God
is one Lord."
There is only one God.

But a careful study

of the Scriptures will
show that God exists in
three Persons, that is,
a Godhead manifested in
three Persons.
Colossians 2:9 says,

"For in Him dwelleth

all the fulness of
the Godhead bodily."

How can God be three Persons

and one God at the same time?
Would that not make three Gods,
resembling pagan philosophy and
contradicting Deut. 6:4?
Is the doctrine of the Trinity not
incomprehensible and contrary to reason?
Isa. 55:8,9 teaches us that human
reason has no bearing in the study of
God, "For My thoughts are not your
thoughts, neither are your ways My
ways, saith the Lord. For as the
heavens are higher than the earth, so
are My ways higher than your ways,
and My thoughts than your thoughts."

Neither the words "Trinity" nor

"Triune God" can be found in the
Basis of the Doctrine
of Trinity
1. Baptism of Jesus
We see the Trinity at work: Matthew
God the Father spoke from heaven.
God the Son was being baptized.
God the Holy Spirit descended like a dove
and alighted on the Saviour.
2. The baptismal Matthew
formula 28:19
3. The benediction 2 Cor 13:13
4. The creation of man
It uses plural terms. Genesis 1:26

The Son Jesus Christ was true

and that the Holy Spirit is God.
Illustrations of the
Doctrine of Trinity
Il l us t r a t i o ns
Of Trinity revealed in three forms -
liquid, ice and steam, yet
it is only H2O.
a t i o ns
Il l us t r
red heat rays that are invisible
Of Trinity
picturing the Father, yellow
light rays that are seen
picturing the Son, blue
chemical rays that are seen
by their effects, picturing the
s t r a t i o ns
Business Firm
Il l u
(Smith & Co., three brothers,
Of Trinity
John, Henry and Peter)

It is one firm with one name

but each brother is head of a
department. The three work
together without friction as a
single unit as does the Lord.
Il l us t r a t i o ns A single person can be
Of Trinity revealed as three persons:
(for instance: My mother sees me as a son.
She sees me differently from anyone else
and I respond to her in a way that is different
from my response to others. My children see
me as a father and all that involves. The
class sees me as a teacher which is a
different relationship.)

I remain one person but I am revealed as a

son, father and teacher at the same time.
3-in-1 Coffee
Il l us t r a t i o ns
Of Trinity
Il l us t r a t i o ns
Of Trinity
Il l us t r a t i o ns
Of Trinity
Il l us t r a t i o ns
Of Trinity
God is one indivisible God
revealed in three separate
Of Trinity
It must be emphasized that the
Trinity remains a mystery and
that no single illustration can
possibly explain everything.
However, I believe that we can
use these various illustrations
to throw some light on this
Of Trinity
difficult and complex problem.

Because God is a Spirit and we

are physical it is hard for us to
comprehend God. God is infinite
while we are finite.
To attempt a philosophical
explanation of the triunity of
God is an attempt to put the Illustrations
facts of the infinite in finite Of Trinity

We firmly believe that there is

one God, eternally existing and
manifesting Himself to us in
three Persons - Father, Son and
Holy Spirit.
The Trinity Acting in
Genesis 1:2-3
1. In C re a t i o n
God the Father spoke.

God the Son was the Word

spoken, John 1:1

God the Holy Spirit moved

upon the face of the waters.
God the Father gave His only
2. I n t h e Son, John 3:16.

In c a r n a ti o n
God the Son was born into the
world, Luke 2:11.

God the Spirit came upon Mary to

cause conception, Luke 1 :35.
God the Father accepted the
re d e mp ti o n
3. I n sacrifice of Calvary, Heb.

God the Son offered Himself

as our substitute, Heb. 9 :14.

God the Spirit - Jesus offered

Himself "through the eternal
Spirit" Heb. 9:14.
God the Father received the prodigal
4 . In from the far country, Lk 15:22.
Sa l v a ti o n
The Father welcomes the sinner,
forgives him, supplies robes, rings
and a feast. God the Son is the
Shepherd that goes to seek the lost
sheep, Luke 15:4.

God the Spirit seals the new convert,

Eph. 1 :13.
God the Father invites us to
5 . In come to Him for fellowship,

m mu n i o n Eph. 2:18.
God the Son is the
reconciliation, II Cor. 5 :19.

God the Spirit effects this union

and communion, Eph. 2 :18.
God the Father is the One who
6 . In receives the requests, John
Pr a y e r 16:23.

God the Son is the One in whose

Name we pray, John 16:23.

God the Spirit directs us in our

requests, Rom. 8:26.
God the Father is to eventually
7 . In receive the millennial kingdom, I
G l o r y
God the Son is the One who will
change our vile body to one like
His, Phil 2:5

God the Spirit gives the invitation,

Rev. 22 :17.
e n e r a ti o nGod the Father records the new
8 . In Reg name in glory, Luke 10:20.

God the Son cleanses the sin in

His' precious blood, Eph. 1:7.

God the Spirit performs the

transforming miracle of the new
birth, John 3:3-6.
The Trinity and the
Attributes of God
1. Eternal Attributes of the
Triune God
God the Father: Psalm 90:2

God the Son: Revelation 1:8,17

God the Spirit: Hebrews 9:14

2. Omnipotent Attributes of
the Triune God
God the Father: 1 Peter 1:5

God the Son: 2 Corinthians 12:9

God the Spirit: Romans 15:19

3. Omniscient Attributes of
the Triune God
God the Father: Jeremiah 17:10

God the Son: Revelations 2:23

God the Spirit: 1 Cor 2: 11

4. Omnipresent Attributes of
the Triune God
God the Father: Jeremiah 23:24

God the Son: Matthew 18:20

God the Spirit: Psalm 139:7

5. Holiness Attributes of
the Triune God
God the Father: Revelation 15:4

God the Son: Acts 3:14

God the Spirit: Luke 1:15

6. Truth Attributes of
the Triune God
God the Father: John 7:28

God the Son: Revelations 3:7-10

God the Spirit: John 16:13

7. Benevolent Attributes of
the Triune God
God the Father: Romans 2:4

God the Son: Ephesians 5:25

God the Spirit: Nehemiah 9:20

8. Communion Attributes of
the Triune God
God the Father: 1 John 1:3

God the Son: 1 John 1:3

God the Spirit: 2 Cor 13:14

Do not be troubled if you
cannot understand this
perplexing doctrine.
"He who would try to
understand the Trinity fully
S um m a r y will lose his mind. But he who
would deny the Trinity will
lose his soul." - Lindsell and
It is a mystery and will remain
a mystery until we meet the Lord
in glory. However, this does not
mean that we cannot believe it.
We must believe it. God is so

S um m a r y different from us; He is a Spirit

and we are human beings. I
believe that God is honored and
made happy by our believing
this doctrine.
Man too, is a tripartite being -
body, soul and spirit - for we
were made in the image and
likeness of the Lord. Let us
worship this great God - this
One who is so superior to us.
S um m a r y Let us thank each member of
the Trinity, the Father, the Son
and the Holy Ghost, for that
which they have personally done
for us.
This I Believe
(The Creed)
Our Father everlasting
The all creating One
God Almighty

Through Your Holy Spirit

Conceiving Christ the Son
Jesus our Savior
I believe in God our Father
I believe in Christ the Son
I believe in the Holy Spirit
Our God is three in one
I believe in the resurrection
That we will rise again
For I believe in the
name of Jesus
Our Judge and our
Suffered and crucified
Forgiveness is in You

Descended into darkness

You rose in glorious life
Forever seated high
I believe in God our Father
I believe in Christ the Son
I believe in the Holy Spirit
Our God is three in one
I believe in the resurrection
That we will rise again
For I believe in the
name of Jesus
I believe in You
I believe You rose again
I believe that Jesus
Christ is Lord
I believe in life eternal
I believe in the virgin birth
I believe in the saints' communion
And in Your holy Church
I believe in the resurrection
When Jesus comes again
For I believe in the name
of Jesus
Thank you
for attending Sunday

God bless you!

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