Introduction To Software Life Cycle Models

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Introduction to Software

Life Cycle Models

The software life cycle model is a conceptual framework for describing the
stages involved in the development, maintenance of software. It encompasses all
activities used to design, develop, test, and deploy software. Understanding the
different software life cycle models is crucial for making informed decisions
about the development process.

by Sidhanth Asok
Waterfall Model

Definition Phases Advantages Disadvantages

The waterfall model is The phases in the It's easy to understand It's inflexible and not
a linear, sequential waterfall model and use, and its phases suitable for complex
approach to software include requirement are well defined. The or ongoing projects.
development. It gathering, system approach is also It's also difficult to
consists of several design, suitable for small, measure progress until
distinct phases, each implementation, stable projects with the late stages of
completed before the testing, deployment, clear requirements. development.
next one begins. This and maintenance.
approach is easily Each phase must be
understandable and completed before the
manageable. next one begins.
Prototyping Model: Iterative Development

1 Definition 2 Process
The prototyping model is an iterative The process involves creating a working model
development approach whereby a prototype is of various aspects of the system to exhibit its
built, tested, and then reworked until the functionality. This prototype is then reviewed
product reaches a final version that is by the user, and feedback is obtained.
acceptable to the user.

3 Benefits 4 Limitations
It provides users with a tangible understanding If the customer has not been clear about the
of the system. It also helps in refining the requirements, the prototype can be an
requirements systematically, and the expensive option in the end. Also, excessive
development time is less. involvement of the user can lead to an
unstructured system.
Spiral Models
Evolution and Spiral Models: Adaptive

1 Overview
The evolution and spiral models are iterative approaches to software development, focusing on
risk management and the ability to introduce changes as the project progresses.

2 Characteristics
These models emphasize identifying and reduce risks at the earliest stages, giving flexibility to
handle changes, and allowing for the gradual development of the full system.

3 Applications
They are suitable for large, complex, and high-risk projects where it's crucial to continuously
evaluate progress and adapt to evolving requirements.
Feasibility Study: Crucial in Software
Purpose Components
The feasibility study determines whether a Components include technical feasibility,
solution is practical and financially operational feasibility, economic
feasible. It helps in identifying potential feasibility, legal feasibility, and scheduling
issues before the project is actually feasibility.

Importance in Software Development

It ensures that the project is viable and valuable, minimizing the likelihood of wasted resources
on impractical projects. It helps in making informed decisions about investing in a particular

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