Lesson 4:: Statement of The Problem
Lesson 4:: Statement of The Problem
Lesson 4:: Statement of The Problem
Writing a Statement of the Problem
Taking selfies or a video of oneself has become a social phenomenon that has been
brought about by the use of modern gadgets, particularly the mobile phone
adolescents take pictures or videos of themselves, their possessions, their latest
happenings or gigs, their friends, their food-anything, anyone they take a fancy on,
anywhere, anytime. A good number of people say that this social phenomenon has
evolved into narcissism. There is, to date, a dearth of research on this topic.
Statement of the Problem
- Parents
- Curriculum Planners
- Administrators
- Teachers
- Guidance Counsellors
- Peers
Directions: Go back on the sample given. On the topic
that you have chosen, write a specific statement.
Test I.
Directions: Put an (/) if the statement is true, and (X) if it
is false. Write your answer in the space provided.
The Teachers. The result of this study may help the teacher in
constructing and developing new teaching strategies to help the students
in their performance and be mindful that even if students are provided
and supported by the government, they still need equal guidance to
perform well in school. The factors affecting the performance of the
students may also help the teacher as their basis in making daily lessons.
The Parents. The result of this study will inform the
parents that their guidance is a big impact on the
performance of the students in school.
Thus, delimitations are the characteristics that limit the scope and
describe the boundaries of the study, such as the sample size,
geographical location or setting in which the study takes place,
population traits, etc. Additionally, the researcher might also
choose to use some research tools and methodologies to collect
data but not others.
Examples of Delimitation of Research:
➢ Operational Definition
• The meaning of the concept or terms as
used in a particular study.
Sample Operational Definition of Terms
Conceptual Definition Operational Definition
Academic Performance CCT or Conditional Cash
It is the product of education- Transfer
the degree to which a student, a This is a program that transfers
teacher or organization has cash, largely to deprived
attained their educational goals. families, on the circumstance
It is dignified by the final grade that those families make
earned in the course. prespecified funds in the human
assets of their kids.