G1 Housekeeping
G1 Housekeeping
G1 Housekeeping
Presented by GROUP 1
Topic 1: Overview
Topic 6: Factors of 5s
3. Seiso/Sweep/Simutin
3. 5s practice
5s Philosophy 4. Siguruhin
5. Sariling kusa
5S Terms:
1. Seiri/ Sort/ Suriin
– is the first S which means sorting out unnecessary
items and discarding them.
is the fourthStandardize/
S which means Siguruhin
we have to standardize what we are doing.
– is the fifth and last S which means we have to do this process without
5. Shitsuke/Self- Discipline/Sariling kusa
Good housekeeping is needed for quality improvement. By this we lessen
rejects/losses. If the workplace is in order, it is easy to do the job. An easier
job, having no defects, continuous production and an orderly workplace is
akin to work improvement. And now that ISO Certification is the trend, the
impression of a company to the community is very important. A company
that follows good housekeeping principles will surely be recognized as a
provider of quality service and products.
Steps in
Implementing 5s Step 2
Management’s official
announcement Step 3
Management’s Role Big clean-up Day
Supervisor’s Role
Worker’s Role
Step 1
Step 4
Initial Seiri
Daily Seiso and Seiton Activities
Hard 5s
Soft 5s
5s Office Guidelines
Step 5
Periodic 5S audits
Step 1: Preparations
a. Understanding 5S concepts and benefits by the CEO
b. CEO’s visit to the 5S model companies
c. CEO’s commitment to 5S implementation
d. Organize 5S working Committee
e. 5S facilitators f. Train facilitators and practitioners
Step 2: Management’s official
Worker’s Role
• Follow housekeeping procedures
• Maintain an orderly workplace
• Report to supervisors any unsafe condition
Step 3: Big clean-up day
Soft 5S :
a. Office policies and procedures
b. Dress code
c. Sharing of responsibilities, telephone etiquette
5s Office Guidelines
1. Desks 5. Hallways
3. Toilets
4. Canteen
5s Office Guidelines
Visual Control
- a technique that enables people to make
the rules easy to follow, differentiate normal an abnormal situations
and act accordingly, with the use of visual aids.