Occupational Safety

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• The 5S, a Japanese concept that aims to optimize time for

production, is a very practical, simple and proven approach to
improving housekeeping in the workplace. Housekeeping is
important because it lessens accidents and related injuries and
illnesses. It therefore improves productivity and minimizes
direct/indirect costs of accidents/illnesses. Housekeeping means
putting everything in its proper place. It is everybody’s business to
observe it in the workplace.
What is 5S?

5S is a systematized approach to:

• organizing work areas
• keeping rules and standards
• maintaining discipline

5S utilizes:
• workplace organization
• work simplification techniques
5S practice…
• develops positive attitude among workers
• cultivates an environment of efficiency, effectiveness and economy
5S Philosophy:
• Productivity comes from the elimination of waste
• It is necessary to attack the root cause of a problem, not just symptoms
• Participation of everybody is required
• To acknowledge that the human being is not infallible
5S Terms:

1. Seiri/Sort/Suriin – is the first S which means sorting out

unnecessary items and discarding them.
• Make the work easy by eliminating obstacles
• Eliminate the need to take care of unnecessary items
• Provide no chance of being disturbed with unnecessary items
• Prevent faulty operation caused by unnecessary items
2. Seiton/Systematize/ Sinupin – is the second
S which means we need to organize things.
7 Seiton Principles:

• Follow the first-in-first-out (FIFO) method for storing items

• Assign each item a dedicated location.
• All items and their locations should be indicated by a systematic
• Place items so that they are visible to minimize search time
• Place items so they can be reached or handled easily
• Separate exclusive tools from common ones.
• Place frequently used tools near the user
3. Seiso/Sweep/Simutin – is the third S which means we have to
sanitize or clean our workplace.
• Keep environmental conditions as clean as the level necessary for
the products
• Prevent deterioration of machinery and equipment and make
checking of abnormalities easy
• Keep workplace safe and work easy
4. Seiketsu/Standardize/Siguruhin – is the fourth S which means we
have to standardize what we are doing.

5. Shitsuke/Self- Discipline/Sariling kusa – is the fifth and last S

which means we have to do this process without prodding.
• Good housekeeping is needed for quality improvement. By this we
lessen rejects/losses. If the workplace is in order, it is easy to do
the job. An easier job, having no defects, continuous production
and an orderly workplace is akin to work improvement. And now
that ISO Certification is the trend, the impression of a company to
the community is very important. A company that follows good
housekeeping principles will surely be recognized as a provider of
quality service and products.
Steps in implementing 5S

Step 1: Preparations
a. Understanding 5S concepts and benefits by the CEO
b. CEO’s visit to the 5S model companies
c. CEO’s commitment to 5S implementation
d. Organize 5S working Committee
e. 5S facilitators
f. Train facilitators and practitioners
Step 2: Management’s official announcement

a. CEO officially announces the implementation of the 5S program

b. CEO explains the objectives of 5S to all colleagues
c. Publicize 5S organizational chart and lay-out
d. Work out various promotional tools
Management’s Role

• Providing adequate equipment

• Including housekeeping in the planning of all operations
• Including maintenance of good housekeeping as part of individual’s
job responsibility
• Providing clean-up schedule and personnel
• Maintaining executive supervisory and interest
Supervisor’s Role

• Maintaining constant check on housekeeping conditions

• Seeing that employees maintain good housekeeping
• Having unusual situations corrected or cleaned up immediately
• Planning for orderliness in all operations
• Issuing definite instructions to employees
• Insisting on clean-up after every job
Worker’s Role

• Follow housekeeping procedures

• Maintain an orderly workplace
• Report to supervisors any unsafe condition
Step 3: Big clean-up day

a. Organize a big clean-up day after 5S implementation

announcement by CEO
b. Divide company premises into small areas and assign a small
group of people for each area
c. Provide enough cleaning tools and materials
d. This big cleaning must include public areas such as gardens,
canteen and car park
e. Everybody must participate in this big cleaning day
Step 4: Initial seiri

a. Establish disposal standards for unnecessary items

b. Apply “Disposal Notices” to all questionable items
c. Carefully examine responses to disposal notices
d. Dispose of unnecessary items according to disposal standards
e. A company-wide seiri should be planned and practiced annually
Step 5: Periodic 5S audits

a. An stablish 5S evaluation and incentive plan

b. Conduct 5S evaluation and inspection regularly
c. Organize 5S inter-department competition
d. Periodically award groups and individuals
e. Organize study tours to other companies f. Organize 5S inter-
company competition
Purpose of 5S audit

a. Turn PDCA Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act)

b. Analyze the results of actual implementation in the workplace
c. Give support and guidance to the members of each unit
d. Dissemination of good practices
e. Regular audit sustains the program
Key points in the implementation of 5S

1. Start small, easy and proceed slowly but steadily

2. Start with the most suitable “S”
3. Only one or two “S” are enough for the initial practice
4. Set simple, easily achievable and step by step targets
5. Everyone’s participation is important
6. Management should take leadership of 5S movement
7. Record improvements for comparison
8. Devise schemes to stimulate awareness and stimulate enthusiasm
What is the purpose of workplace

• Poor housekeeping can be a cause of accidents, such as:

 tripping over loose objects on floors, stairs and platforms
 being hit by falling objects  slipping on greasy, wet or dirty
 striking against projecting, poorly stacked items or misplaced
 cutting, puncturing, or tearing the skin of hands or other parts of
the body on projecting nails, wire or steel strapping
Factors leading to the success of 5S

a. Strong sponsorship and leadership of CEO

b. Active promoter/5S committee
c. Good launching activity
d. Regular audits
e. Good documentation
f. Visits by external consultants
g. Competition
Factors that hinder the success of 5S

a. Project sponsor is not the decision maker

b. Organizational policies
c. Lack of experience in undertaking cross-functional activities
d. Lack of top management support
e. Implementation carried out through orders from the
f. Implementation done by task forces
g. 5S treated as a project
h. Emphasis on immediate results
What are some benefits of good
housekeeping practices?
Effective housekeeping results in:
 reduced handling to ease the flow of materials
 fewer tripping and slipping accidents in clutter-free and spill-free work areas
 decreased fire hazards  lower worker exposures to hazardous substances (e.g. dusts,
 better control of tools and materials, including inventory and supplies
 more efficient equipment cleanup and maintenance
 better hygienic conditions leading to improved health
 more effective use of space
 reduced property damage by improving preventive maintenance
 less janitorial work
 improved morale
 improved productivity (tools and materials will be easy to find)

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