A measure of central tendency is a typical value around which other values congregate
Simpson and Kafka
The average is a typical value in the sense that it is sometimes employed to represent
all the individual values in a series or a variable Ya-Lun Chou
2. To facilitate comparison
Kinds of
Arithmetic Positional
Averages Averages
An average should be
a. Rigorously defined.
b. Easy to compute.
c. Capable of simple interpretation.
d. Dependent on all values of observation.
e. Not unduly affected by one or two extremely large or small values.
f. Should fluctuate relatively little from one random sample to another.
g. Be capable of mathematical manipulation
Arithmetic Mean
Arithmetic mean is one of the most commonly used arithmetic average. It is also
known as “Mean” and symbolically represented by or
Arithmetic Mean
x3 1
x4 3
x5 4
x6 10
Mathematical Calculations & Interpretations
Discrete Frequency Distribution Number of
Marks of
Students Students or
x Frequency
x1 1 1 Number of Students = ?
x2 3 3 = 14 =
Sum of Marks = ?
x3 4 3
= 66 =
x4 5 4
x5 7 2
x6 10 1
Mathematical Calculations & Interpretations
Continuous or Grouped Frequency Distribution
Number of
Students Total Marks
Marks of Students x fx
0 10 5 4 20
10 20 15 12 180
20 30 25 21 525
30 40 35 10 350
40 50 45 3 135
Combined Arithmetic Mean of Groups
Now, if the number of items in both the groups are equal i.e.
But what if man purchases 5 kgs of mangoes, 2 kgs of apples and 6 kgs of
oranges? Then;
Properties of Arithmetic Mean
o If a constant amount is added, subtracted, multiplied or divided from each value in the series,
mean is also added, subtracted, multiplied or divided by the same constant amount.
o The algebraic sum of the deviations of all values from their mean = 0.
o If the mean and number of values are given but one value is missing in the series,
o If one or two values have been taken wrongly while calculating the mean then,
Weighted Arithmetic Average
Statistics 4 63 60 65
Mathematics 3 65 64 70
Economics 2 58 56 63
Hindi 1 70 80 52
2 2 4 5 8 11 13 17 17 18 19 20 26 28 30 33 38 43 46
10 Kg
5 Kg 5 Kg
Centre Point
Value Deviation Value Deviation Value Deviation Value Deviation Value Deviation
2 -18 11 -9 18 -2 28 +2 38 +18
4 -16 13 -7 19 -1 28 +8 43 +23
2 2 4 5 8 11 13 17 17 18 19 20 26 28 30 33 38 43 46
Sum of the deviations ; hence the arithmetic mean is a central figure
Geometric Mean
Its an arithmetic average that uses product of values instead of addition. It can be said
that the average of multiplicative effect is geometric mean.
Geometric Mean an Introduction
Sometimes when we are deal with quantities that change over a period of time, we need to know
an average rate of change, such as average growth rate over a period of several years. In such
cases, the simple arithmetic mean is inappropriate, because it gives the wrong answers. We need
to know ‘Geometric Mean’ simply called G.M.
G.M. is generally used in situations where small items are assigned large weights and vice versa.
The following are the some uses of geometric mean
G.M. is useful to calculate average percentage increase or decrease. In the construction of Index
numbers, geometric mean is considered to be best average tool.
Mathematical Formulation
The Geometric mean for certain number of observations can be given by;
Further if are the frequencies associated with then the, Geometric Mean is given by;
Here, n=3
Numerical Illustration
x f
4 3 1
( )
( )
4 1 1 1 1
3 2 ∑𝑓𝑖 3+2+ 1+4
𝐺 . 𝑀 .= ∏ 𝑥
𝑓𝑖 3 2 1 4
5 1 𝑖
= 4 × 3 ×5 ×6 =4.54
6 4
Application of Geometric Mean
Suppose and investment gives you a return of 100% in first years and gives a
return of – 50% when reinvested. What is the average rate of return?
What will he
1 year return
st 2nd year return
100% - 50%
Application of Geometric Mean
1 − 0.5
𝑥= = 0.25= 25 %
Rs. 131.25
1 year return
st 2nd year return
25% = Rs 25 25% = Rs 31.25
Application of Geometric Mean
Rs. 100.00
1 year return
st 2nd year return
0% = Rs 0 0% = Rs 0
Application of Geometric Mean
Rs. 100.00
1 year return
st 2nd year return
100% = Rs 100 -50% = -Rs 100
Application of Geometric Mean
Year Inv A Inv B Which is a better Investment?
1 12 % 50%
2 -3% -40%
3 8% 30%
4 15% 70%
5 0% 10%
6 4% -50%
Application of Geometric Mean
Time Average Return Return on Rs. Time Average Return Return on Rs.
Period (A.M.) 100 Period (A.M.) 100
1 6% 106
1 12.00 112
▪ Let d be half the distance between the two cities. The first leg of the journey took d/20 hours, the
second d/30. Therefore, on the whole, the fellow was on the road T = d/20 + d/30 hours.
▪ During that time he covered D = 2d miles. It follows that his average speed is given by S = 2d/(d/20 +
d/30) or, after cancelling out the common factor d, S = 2/(1/20 + 1/30) = 24 mph. If the distance
between the cities were, as in the first problem, 50 miles, then the journey would take T = 50/24 hours
or 2 hours and 5 minutes, from which 1 hour and 15 minutes (= 25/20 hours) were spent on the first 25
miles and 50 minutes (= 25/30 hours) on the second 25 mile stretch.
▪ What we found is that, depending on the circumstances, to determine the average speed of motion,
computations based on the same basic formula (S = D/T) may have to follow different routes.
Mathematical Formulation of Harmonic Mean
Empirical Relationship
𝐺𝑀 = √ 𝐻𝑀 × 𝐴 𝑀
Median is the central figure of the data that divides the data in to two halves.
Introduction and Mathematical Formulation
Step 3:
Solved Examples
{ (( ) ( ) ) }
Step 3: 8 𝑡h
8 𝑡h
+ +1
2 2 4 𝑡h +5𝑡h 15+17
𝑀𝑒= = = =16
2 2 2
Solved Examples
5 20 35
7 15 50
11 18 68
8 12 80
Quartile, Decile & Percentile
Serial No Marks Serial No Marks Serial No Marks
1 12 11 33 21 47
2 17 12 35 22 48
3 21 13 37 23 48
4 24 14 38 24 49
5 26 15 38 25 50
6 27 16 40 26 52
7 30 17 42 27 55
8 32 18 44 28 58
9 33 19 44 29 62
10 33 20 45 30 68
Quartile, Decile & Percentile
lower limit of median class
Number of items
Cumulative frequency previous to median class
Class interval of median class
Frequency of median class
Introduction and Mathematical Formulation
lower limit of median class
Number of items
Cumulative frequency previous to median class
Class interval of median class
Frequency of median class
Introduction and Mathematical Formulation
lower limit of quartile class
Number of items
Cumulative frequency previous to quartile class
Class interval of quartile class
Frequency of quartile class
Introduction and Mathematical Formulation
lower limit of decile class
Number of items
Cumulative frequency previous to decile class
Class interval of decile class
Frequency of decile class
Introduction and Mathematical Formulation
lower limit of percentile class
Number of items
Cumulative frequency previous to percentile class
Class interval of percentile class
Frequency of percentile class
Practice Problem
From the following data, calculate the values of the upper and lower quartiles, D 2, P30.
Marks Below 10 10 – 20 20 – 40 40 – 60 60 – 80 Above 80
No. of Students 8 10 22 25 10 5
For Q1 :
N = 80 N/4 = 20
l1 = 20
f = 22
c.f-1 = 18
For Q3 :
N = 80 3N/4 = 60
l1 = 40
f = 25
c.f-1 = 40
For D2:
N = 80 2N/10 = 16
l1 = 10
f = 10
c.f-1 = 8
For P30 :
N = 80 30N/100 = 24
l1 = 20
f = 22
c.f-1 = 18
Mode is the most common value, i.e., the value having maximum frequency in the
series. For example
The retail price paid for a commodity by most of the customers in the model price.
In a factory the wage being paid to most of the workers in modal wage.
In grouped frequency distribution the class having the highest frequency is the model
According to Zizek, Mode is “the value occurring most frequently in a series of items
and around which the other items are distributed most densely”.
Calculation of Mode
Find the mode of the following data :
41, 42, 45, 44, 45, 48, 50, 45, 47, 51, 56.
Arranging the distribution as frequency distribution, we get
Value Frequency
41 1
42 1
45 3
44 1
48 1
50 1
47 1
51 1
56 1
Mode by Grouping Method
For this method a grouping table has to be maintained:
▪ Column 1: Contains the original frequencies arranged in ascending order and the
maximum frequency is marked by putting a mark or a circle.
▪ Column 2: The frequencies are grouped twos, the total remaining frequencies are grouped
in tows and the highest total is marked.
▪ Column 3: Leaving the first frequency, the remaining frequencies are grouped in twos and
the highest total is marked.
▪ Column 4: The frequencies are grouped in threes. The highest total is marked.
▪ Column 5: Leaving the first frequency, the remaining frequencies grouped in threes and
the highest total is marked.
▪ Column 6: Leaving the first two frequencies, the remaining frequencies are grouped in
threes and the highest total is marked.
After completing the group table analysis table is formed for finding the value or the observation
which is repeated the highest number of times
The following table gives the measurement of collar size of 230 students in a
university. Determine the model size of the collar.
Collar Size
(cms) 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
No. of
Students 7 14 30 28 35 34 16 14 36 16
Solution : Determining the Mode by Grouping Method
Collar Size
Col (1) Col (2) Col (3) Col (4) Col (5) Col (6)
32 7
33 14 21
34 30 44 51
35 28 72
58 93
36 35 63
37 34 97
38 16 69
50 85
39 14 64
40 36 30
41 16 50 66
52 66
Analysis Table
Collar Size values contributing to the highest Frequency
Column No.
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
No. of - - 1 3 5 3 1 - 1 -
From analysis table we observe that size 36 is repeated the highest number of times. Therefore,
Model size is 36 cms.
Determination of Mode in Continuous Series
In this method the class having the maximum frequency is known as the
modal class. In case nearly equal concentration of frequencies is observed in
two or more classes, the grouping method can be used to determine the
model class. Afterwards following formula is applied to define mode:
𝑓 𝑚 − 𝑓 𝑚− 1
𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒=𝑙1 + ×𝑖
2 𝑓 𝑚 − 𝑓 𝑚 − 1 − 𝑓 𝑚+1
In this example the class intervals are unequal. For finding the mode class intervals has to be
equal. So converting the class intervals in to equal lengths i.e.,
0 – 6, 6 – 12, 12 – 18, ……………………………
We have the following arrangement
Analysis Table
Collar Size values contributing to the highest Frequency
Column No.
6 - 12 12 - 18 18 - 24 24 – 30 30 - 36
No. of Times 1 3 6 3 1
Now the Mode lies in the class 18 – 24. Whose frequency is 38.
𝑓 𝑚 − 𝑓 𝑚− 1
𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒=𝑙1 + ×𝑖
2 𝑓 𝑚 − 𝑓 𝑚 − 1 − 𝑓 𝑚+1
38 −36
𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒=18 + × 6=22
2× 38 −36 − 37
Selection of Appropriate Average
▪ No single average is sufficient to serve each and every purpose. To find a suitable average, the situation
has to be analyzed thoroughly and carefully. Mean takes in to account all values of distribution. If we
wish to make total value estimations, Mean is the most appropriate average e.g., per capita income of
the country.
▪ In case of open ended class intervals mean can not be found, hence in such a case we have to depend
on Median and Mode. If the data is qualitative, e.g., beauty, honesty, intelligence, etc, then Median
will be the most appropriate average. Regarding agricultural land holdings, psyche and social problems
Median is used.
▪ In case of business situations, where selection of ‘most common’, e.g., most common size of shoes for
certain age group, most common size of garments, etc., is to be made, the Mode is most common
average in use.
Thank You