5.software Design

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Software Design

Design phase transforms SRS document:
into a form easily implementable in some
programming language.

Design Activities
SRS Document Design Documents

• Architecture: This is the conceptual model that defines the

structure, behavior, and views of a system. We can use
flowcharts to represent and illustrate the architecture.
• Modules: These are components that handle one specific task
in a system. A combination of the modules makes up the
• Components: This provides a particular function or group of
related functions. They are made up of modules.
• Data: This is the management of the information and data
Items Designed During Design Phase

1. module structure,
2. control relationship among the modules

3. interface among different modules,

data items exchanged among different modules,
4. data structures of individual modules,
5. algorithms for individual modules.
Module Structure
A module consists of:
1. several functions
2. associated data structures.
D1 ..
D2 ..
D3 ..
F1 .. Functions
F2 ..
F3 ..
F4 ..
F5 ..
Design activities are usually classified into two stages:
1. preliminary (or high-level) design
2. detailed design.

• Interface design is the specification of the interaction between

a system and its environment. This phase proceeds at a high
level of abstraction with respect to the inner workings of the
• during interface design, the internal of the systems are
completely ignored, and the system is treated as a black box.
High-level design
1. modules
2. control relationships among modules
3. interfaces among modules.

d1 d2

d3 d1 d4
High-level design
The outcome of high-level design:
program structure (or software
Detailed design
For each module, design:
1. data structure
2. algorithms

Outcome of detailed design:

module specification.
What Is Good Software Design?

Correctness: Should implement all

functionalities of the system correctly.
Understandable: Should be easily
Should be efficient.
Maintainability: Should be easily able to
What Is Good Software Design?

Understandability of a design is a
major issue:
determines goodness of design:
a design that is easy to understand:
also easy to maintain and change.
What Is Good Software Design?

Unless a design is easy to understand,

tremendous effort needed to maintain it.

We already know that about 60% effort is spent

in maintenance.

If the software is not easy to understand:

maintenance effort would increase many times.
--Use consistent and meaningful names
for various design components,

--Design solution should consist of:

a cleanly decomposed set of modules (modularity),

--Different modules should be neatly arranged in a hierarchy:

in a neat tree-like diagram. (called layering)

*** Means understandable design is modular and layered

Modularity is a fundamental attribute of any
good design.

Decomposition of a problem cleanly into modules:

1. Modules are almost independent of each other
2. divide and conquer principle.

If modules are independent:

modules can be understood separately.
reduces the complexity greatly.
Example of Cleanly and Non-cleanly
Decomposed Modules

In technical terms, modules should

1. high cohesion
2. low coupling.
Cohesion and Coupling

Cohesion is a measure of:

functional strength of a module.

A cohesive module performs a single task or


Coupling between two modules:

a measure of the degree of interdependence or
interaction between the two modules.
Cohesion and Coupling

A module having high cohesion and low


functionally independent of other modules:

A functionally independent module has minimal

interaction with other modules.
Advantages of Functional Independence

Better understandability and good design:

Complexity of design is reduced,

Different modules easily understood in

 modules are independent

Advantages of Functional Independence

Functional independence reduces error

degree of interaction between modules is low.

an error existing in one module does not directly

affect other modules.

Reuse of modules is possible.

Classification of Cohesiveness

communicational Degree of
procedural cohesion

Coincidental cohesion

The module performs a set of tasks:

which relate to each other very loosely, if at

the module contains a random collection of

functions have been put in the module out of
pure coincidence without any thought or design.
Example of coincidental cohesion

Module Name: Random-operations

create member
request librarian leave
Logical cohesion

All elements of the module perform

similar operations such as error
handling, data input, data output, etc.

Example: a module containing set of

print functions for generating reports
such as grade sheet, salary slip, annual
reports etc.
Temporal cohesion

The module contains functions that are related by the fact that all
the functions must be executed in the same time span.

Example: Booting process of system, start-up and shut-down of

Procedural cohesion

If the set of functions of the module all part of a procedure

(algorithm) in which certain sequence of steps have to be
carried out in a certain order for achieving an objective. These
functions may work towards different purpose and operate on
different data.
e.g. 1. algorithm for decoding a message.
2. order processing module by sales clerk
containing login(), check-order(), print-bill(), place-
order-to-vendor(), update-inventory().
Communicational cohesion

If All functions of the module Refer-to

or update the same data structure.
the set of functions defined on an array
or a stack. Admit-students, enter-marks,
printgradesheet etc
Sequential cohesion

If the Elements of a module forms

different parts of a sequence, output
from one element of the sequence is input
to the next.
Example: sort

Functional cohesion

If the Different elements of a module

cooperate to achieve a single task.
Example: 1. a module containing all the functions required to
manage employees’s payroll shows functional cohesion
2. Module-name: managing-book-lending
Functions: issue-book, return-book, query-book
Coupling indicates:
how closely two modules interact or
how interdependent they are.

The degree of coupling between two

modules depends on their interface
Classes of coupling

control Degree of

What is external coupling?

Data coupling
Two modules are data coupled,
if they communicate by an elementary
data item that is passed as a
parameter between the two, eg an
integer, a float, character etc.
Stamp coupling
Two modules are stamp coupled,

if they communicate via a composite

data item
Control coupling
It exists between two modules.

If Data from one module is used to

direct order of instruction execution in

Example of control coupling:

a flag set in one module and tested in
another module.
Common Coupling
Two modules are common coupled,
if they share some global data items.
Content coupling
Content coupling exists between two
if they share code,

e.g, jump from one module into the code of

another module.

The degree of coupling increases

from data coupling to content coupling.
Neat Hierarchy

Control hierarchy represents organization of

modules. control hierarchy is also called program
Characteristics of Module Structure

number of levels of control

a measure of the number of modules
directly controlled by given module.
Module Structure
Fan out=2

Fan out=1

Fan in=2
Fan out=0
Goodness of Design

A design having modules:

with high fan-out numbers is not a good
a module having high fan-out lacks
Visibility and Layering

A module A is said to be visible by another

module B,

if A directly or indirectly calls B.

The layering principle requires

modules at a layer can call only the modules
immediately below it.
Bad Design
The principle of abstraction requires:
lower-level modules do not invoke
functions of higher level modules.

Also known as layered design.

High-level Design

High-level design maps functions into

modules {fi} {mj} such that:
1. Each module has high cohesion

2. Coupling among modules is as low as


3. Modules are organized in a neat

Design Approaches

Two fundamentally different

software design approaches:

Function-oriented design
Object-oriented design
Function-Oriented Design

A system is looked upon as something

that performs a set of functions.
Starting at this high-level view of the
each function is successively refined into
more detailed functions.

Functions are mapped to a module

Function-Oriented Design

Each subfunction:

split into more detailed subfunctions

and so on.
Object-Oriented Design

System is viewed as a collection of

objects (i.e. entities).

each object manages its own state

Object-Oriented Design Example

Library Automation Software:

each library member is a
separate object with its own data
and functions.

Functions defined for one object:

cannot directly refer to or change
data of other objects.
Object-Oriented Design

Objects have their own internal data:

defines their state.

Similar objects constitute a class.

each object is a member of some class.
Object-Oriented versus Function-
Oriented Design

Unlike function-oriented design,

in OOD the basic abstraction is not
functions such as “sort”, “display”,
“track”, etc.,

but real-world entities such as “employee”,

“picture”, “machine”, “radar system”, etc.
Object-Oriented versus Function-
Oriented Design

software is not developed by designing
functions such as:
1. update-employee-record,
2. get-employee-address, etc.

but by designing objects such as:

1. employees,
2. departments, etc.

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