Uvm Config DB
Uvm Config DB
Uvm Config DB
Uvm_config_db :
Configuration database where variables are stored in to a repository
whose access can be provided to the selected hierarchies only.
Similar to static data type,however differes in following aspects
More control on to which components to give access.
Include multiple hierarchies for access in one line
Variable retrieval will happen automatically if user follows some
Static variable
Apb_component::count = 10 ;// can be done from anywhere in the TB
Issue: we don’t have control on whom to give access and whom not to.
//person setting the value in to config_db,has control on which components
to give access to this variable
This count will be visible to components only in the magnet,nowhere
Simpler terms:
Static Data Type: This is a type of data storage where variables are
assigned values and they remain constant throughout the program.
Controlled Access: In a configuration database (config_db), access to
variables is controlled. This means that only certain parts of the program,
or certain "hierarchies" (sections of the code), are allowed to access
these variables.
Multiple Hierarchies: Config_db allows you to specify multiple
hierarchies, meaning you can control access to variables for different
parts of your program in one go.
Automatic Retrieval: In config_db, variables can be retrieved
automatically if certain guidelines are followed. This means that you
don't have to manually retrieve the value of a variable each time you
need it; the program can do it for you if you set it up correctly.
Example Comparison:
@shraddha_pawankar Date:02/04/2024
Static Variable: Let's say you have a variable called count in a test bench.
You can set its value to 10 from anywhere in the test bench, but you
can't control who can access or modify this variable.
Config_db Solution: With config_db, you can specify who can access the
count variable and where. For example, you can set it up so that only
components within a certain part of the test bench hierarchy (like
"env.agent") can access and modify the count variable. This gives you
more control over who can interact with the variable and where it can be
Uvm_config_db :
Config_db has following methods
1) Set
Used to set values in to config database
Set methods can only set component fields
2) Get
Used to get values from config database
Used by components and objects to retrieve component field
Context and/or inst_name specifies hierarchical field location
Context: object handle
Inst_name : string
3) Fields to be configured must be listed in uvm_component_utils
@shraddha_pawankar Date:02/04/2024
Context and Instance Name: These specify where to find the data
you're interested in. Context refers to the object handle, and
instance name is like a label for a specific instance of that object.
Fields Listed in UVM_Component_Utils: Fields that you want to
configure must be listed in uvm_component_utils macro. Think of
this as creating an inventory list of what's available to configure.
Automatic Retrieval for Non-Object Fields: If a field is listed in
uvm_component_utils, its value is automatically retrieved during
the build phase without explicitly calling the get() method. It's like
having certain items automatically placed in your hands when you
enter a room.
Explicit Retrieval for Object Fields: However, if the field is an
object (like a more complex data structure), you need to explicitly
call the get() method to retrieve its value, even if it's listed in
uvm_component_utils. This is akin to needing to specifically
@shraddha_pawankar Date:02/04/2024
initial begin
@shraddha_pawankar Date:02/04/2024
Note : it is possible to set in a lower hierarchy and retrieve in a
upper hierarchy.
Resource DB:
Two dimensional associative array which is globally accessible for
setting and getting the variables.Scope and key name are indices
for array access.
One dimension:SCOPE
2nd Dimension: KEY_NAME
Assco_array[scope][key] = value;
Setting entry in to Resource DB
@shraddha_pawankar Date:02/04/2024
2) Read by type
Uvm_resource_db#(d_type)::read by
Reading from the Table: To find what you've stored, you look in
the table at the specified scope and key and retrieve the value.
value = assco_array[scope][key];
Retrieval Methods:
Read by Name: If you know the scope and key, you can directly
read the value stored there.
Uvm_resource_db#(data_type)::read_by_name("scope", "key",
type_var, accessor);
Read by Type: If you only know the scope and the type of the
value (but not the specific key), you can retrieve all values of
that type within that scope.
type_field, accessor);
@shraddha_pawankar Date:02/04/2024