Great Britain

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01 Bronze & Iron
03 Anglo-Normans
& Middle Ages

02 Romano Britain 04 Late Medieval

Neolithic, Bronze
& Iron Ages
8300 BC – 42 AD
Great Britain itself did not exist until
around 6500 BC, when the English
Channel formed separating Britain
from the rest of Europe.
Neolithic, Bronze & Iron Ages
The first settlers here were hunter-gatherers, who
spent much of their lives travelling in search of
food. Around 750 BC iron was introduced into
Britain, which led the way for the production of
sophisticated and durable tools and weapons.
Romano Britain

43 – 1065 AD
In 43 AD the Roman army crossed the Channel and
quickly defeated any resistance from local
tribes. The Romans founded Londinium
(London) and built military roads throughout
the country. Within ten years, Roman rule had
reached far into the territories of England and
Wales. The Roman way of life continued in
Britain until the 5th century, after which Britons
were left more or less to fend for themselves.
Anglo-Normans &
Middle Ages

1066 –1347
In 1066 Duke William of Normandy
invaded Britain and famously
defeated King Harold of England,
who legend has it was shot with an
arrow through the eye during the
Battle of Hastings. Anglo-Saxon peasants. After the
Norman conquest, Anglo-Norman
Anglo-Normans & Middle Ages

William of Normandy went on to rule

England and Scotland, radically
changing the class system and changing
the official language to French. In 1216,
Henry III was crowned king, but was
William I, byname William
unpopular throughout his rule.
the Conqueror
Late Medieval
Late Medieval
1348 – 1484
The bubonic plague – or Black Death – reached
England in 1348 and quickly spread to Wales and
Scotland, killing up to a third of the population
by the end of 1350. The plague persistently re-
emerged in Britain until the 17th century,
severely affecting the country's economic
balance. In order to combat the devastating
effects of the plague, the ruling classes attempted
to restore economic stability through
parliamentary legislation.
The timeline of Britain
Neolithic, Bronze &
Iron Ages
8300 BC – 42 AD
Romano Britain 43 – 1065 AD Romans, Saxons and

Anglo-Normans & 1066 –1347 Normans

Middle Ages

Late Medieval 1348 – 1484 Tudors

THANK This presentation prepared by
Kosimova M and Joldasbaeva D

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by

Slidesgo, and includes icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik

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