Wagering Agreement
Agreements entered into between parties under the
condition that money is payable by the first party to the
second party on the happening of a future uncertain
event, and the second party to the first party when the
event does not happen, are called Wagering Agreements
or Wager.
There should be mutual chance of profit and loss in a
wagering agreement. Generally wagering agreements
are void. Wager means a bet. It is a game of chance
where the probability of winning or losing is uncertain.
The chance of either winning or losing is wholly
dependent on an uncertain event.
Parties involved in a wagering contract mutually agree
upon the nature of the agreement that either one will
Each party stands equally to win or lose the bet. The
chance of gain or the risk of loss is not one sided. If
either of the parties may win but not lose, or may
lose but cannot win, it is a wagering contract. The
essence of a wagering contract is that neither of the
parties should have any interest in the contract
other than the sum, which he will win or lose.
Parties to a wagering contract focus mainly on the
profit or loss they earn. Illustrations A and B agree
with each other that if it rains on Tuesday, A will
pay Rs. 100 to B and if it does not rain on Tuesday,
B will pay A Rs. 100. Such an agreement is a
wagering agreement and hence is void.
Dependence on Uncertain Event