English Final Project
English Final Project
English Final Project
Plot Throughout their journey, Aang and his friends, who
This TV series is set in a world where people can
call themselves the GAang, or Team Avatar, encounter
manipulate and bend the 4 elements, water, earth, fire,
various allies and enemies, including Toph, a blind
and air. This story revolves around a young air-bender
earthbender who becomes Aang’s earth-bending
named Aang, who realizes he is the one and only
teacher, and Zuko, the exiled prince of the fire nation
Avatar, a reincarnating spirit that is tasked with
whose mission was to capture the Avatar to restore his
maintaining balance in the world.
honor, but became his fire-breathing teacher and friend
The story begins with Aang, a young air-bender, being
encased in an iceberg for a hundred years.
As Aang trains and grows stronger, mastering all four
He is discovered by Katara and Sokka, two siblings
elements, he finally confronts the Fire Lord Ozai, who
from the water tribe. Aang realizes that his entire
was influenced by the power of Sozin’s comet, which
nation of air nomads were wiped out by the evil fire
temporarily increases their fire-bending power.
nation. It is led by the tyrant Fire Lord Ozai, who has
More to this story, there are sub-bending abilities, such
waged war against the 4 nations, seeking to conquer
as metal-bending, lava-bending, and blood-bending,
and control the world.
which makes this show never boring to watch. There is
Aang, realizing his duty as the Avatar, embarks on a
also a sequel called the Legend Of Korra which is the
journey to master all four elements to defeat the Fire
story about Aang’s next Avatar life, a water-bender
Lord before he takes over the world. Along the way, he
named Korra.
is joined by Katara and Sokka.
CTERS Name : Aang
Age : 12 (technically 112)
Height : 5’2
Appearance : Aang has a shaven, arrow-
shaped tattoos on his head and limbs, which
most air monks get. He wears an orange and
yellow robe, and uses a staff which can turn
into a glider.
Abilities : Can bend all 4 elements, can go into
Avatar state, which elevates his abilities. He is
a swift and agile air-bender, who is a incredible
He is carefree and fun, except when someone
messes with his sky-bison, Appa, or his lemur,
CTERS Name : Katara
Age : 14
Height : 5’4
Appearance : Katara has long dark brown hair
that she often wears in a braid or a ponytail.
She has blue eyes, and wears blue water tribe
Abilities : She is a master water-bender, and
she is a blood-bender. She can also bend ice,
steam, and mist. She can also use her abilities
to heal herself and her friends, which make her
a good team member of Team Avatar.
CTERS Name : Toph Beifong
Age : 12
Height : 4’11
Appearance : Toph is a small girl, but has a
tough mindset. She has short hair and wears
Earth Kingdom clothing. She was born blind.
She escaped from her parents because they
didn’t let her do what she loves the most, earth-
Abilities : She is a master earth-bender, and
later discovered metal-bending. She defeated
men three times the size of her in fights, and is
also skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
CTERS Name : Sokka
Age : 15
Height : 5’9
Appearance : Sokka is a lean and muscular
young man. He wears his hair in a ponytail and
wields a boomerang. He wears blue Water Tribe
Abilities : Although he cannot bend any
elements, he is smart, and an expert
swordsman. He is also a professional
boomerang thrower, and a capable leader,
making plans and strategies for Team Avatar to
win every fight.
Why I chose this story.
I really like the theme behind this series. It includes politics, discrimination, friendship, and hardwork.
Although it is an animation, it portrays important topics that concerns with life. It made me realize that nothing
will ever last, Eventually, everything will end. This story also has good character development. An example is
Zuko, who started out as an exiled prince wanting to gain back his honor by capturing the Avatar, to helping him
into defeating his tyrant father, Ozai.
This series also looks amazing visually, feeling like a storybook made into a series.
This also includes cultural differences, such as the differences between the Fire Nation, Earth Kingdom, Water
Tribe, and Air Nomads. They all each have different cultures, traditions, and ways of life. The courage of Aang is
also admirable. They way he protects his friends and never gives up would be a good example to set for children
watching this show.