Unit 4 Ict in Various Content Areas
Unit 4 Ict in Various Content Areas
Unit 4 Ict in Various Content Areas
What are 21st Century Skills Learning and Innovation Skills
The word ‘abilities of the 21st century’ refers Increasingly, learning and creativity
to a wide range of believed expertise, skills, skills are recognized as those that
work habits, and character traits by distinguish students who are
educators, school reformers, college prepared for ever more dynamic living
professors, employers, and others to be and working environments in the 21st
critically important to success in today’s century, and those who are not. To
world. 21st Century Skills refer to the skills prepare students for the future, a
that are required to enable an individual to focus on innovation, critical thinking,
face the challenges of the 21st-century world communication, and teamwork is
that is globally-active, digitally transforming, essential.
collaboratively moving forward, creatively
progressing, seeking competent human-
resource and quick in adopting changes.
Creativity and Innovation
Think Creatively
● Using a large variety of methods to generate concepts (such as
● Creating new and exciting innovations (both revolutionary and incremental)
● Create, refine, evaluate and assess your thinking to improve and optimize
creative efforts
Work Creatively with Others
● Effectively create, introduce and pass on new ideas to others
● Be responsive and receptive to new and diverse perspectives; job input and feedback
● Demonstrating originality and inventiveness in the workplace and recognizing the actual drawbacks of
introducing new ideas
● See failure as an opportunity to learn; know that creativity and innovation are a long-term, cyclical cycle of
minor successes and regular errors
Implement Innovations
● Act on new ideas to make a concrete and meaningful difference to the area
where the invention takes place
Reason Effectively
● Using the different forms of reasoning (inductive, deductive, etc.)
according to the situation
Use Systems Thinking
● Analyze how portions of a whole communicate with each other to
achieve overall results in complex systems
Make Judgments and Decisions
● Analyze and appraise facts, points, statements, and beliefs effectively
● Analyze and analyze essential alternative perspectives
● Synthesize and connect the knowledge and the arguments
● Interpret details and conclude using the best possible methodology
● Grant serious thought to learning experiences and processes
Solve Problems
● Solve different forms of unknown issues, both conventionally
and innovatively
● Identify and ask essential questions which explain different
perspectives and lead to better solutions
Communication and Collaboration
Communicate Clearly
● Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively in several ways and contexts using vocal, written and nonverbal
communication skills
● Hear to decode meaning effectively like information, beliefs, attitudes, and intentions
● Using contact for a variety of purposes (for example, educating, instructing, motivating and persuading)
● Using various media and technologies, and know-how to determine their performance a priori and their effect
● Effectively interact in can contexts (including multi-lingual ones)
● Know how and why media messages ● Know-how and why media
are created, and for what purposes messages are created, and for what
● Examine how people understand terms purposes
differently, how principles and opinions ● Examine how people understand
are integrated or omitted, and how media terms differently, how principles and
can affect attitudes and behaviors opinions are integrated or omitted,
● Apply a clear understanding of and how media can affect attitudes
ethical/legal problems related to access and behaviors
and use of media. ● Apply a clear understanding of
ethical/legal problems related to
access and use of media
Information Literacy