Conflict Situation

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Levels of Conflict

Topics To Be Discussed

 Different Levels of Conflict

 TKI Model
 Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn's
Classification of Organizational
What Is Conflict?
Definition of Conflict

• According to Joe Kelly , “Conflict is

defined as opposition or dispute
between persons, groups or ideas ”

• According to Follett, “ Conflict is

the difference of opinions &
interests ” .
Different Levels of Conflict.

In an organization there are different levels of

conflict. It depends on the person himself,
relationship between the persons, relationship
between the groups or team and relationship
between different organizations.

Conflict may be within the same person or

between different persons. Conflict can also be
created within the same group or between
different groups working in the same
Thomas-Kilmann's Five Levels of Organizational Conflict

• In the 1970s, Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann recognized

that when management understands the reasons behind a
conflict and how serious the conflict is, a more positive outcome
• The two identified five levels or styles of dealing with conflict
and called these the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode
Instrument (TKI)
The Thomas-Kilmann model has two

The first dimension, the vertical axis,

is concerned with conflict responses
based on our attempt to get what we
want. Thomas and Kilmann call these
the Assertiveness options.

The other dimension, the horizontal

axis, is concerned with responses
based on helping others get what
they want. Thomas and Kilmann call
these the Co-operativeness options.

Competing means you take

an assertive and
uncooperative approach for
resolving the conflict.

Competing = trying to satisfy

your concerns at the expense of

Outcome: I win, you lose.


Collaborating or “two or more heads are

better than one” is an assertive and
cooperative approach to resolving the

Collaborating = trying to find a win-win

solution which completely satisfies both
people’s concerns.

Outcome: I win, you win.

Compromising or “split the difference” is a
moderately assertive and cooperative
approach to resolving the conflict.
Compromising means some give and take,
or seeking a quick middle-ground solution.

Compromising = trying to find an

acceptable settlement that only partially
satisfies both people’s concerns.

Outcome: Both Win, not Fully.


Accommodating or “kill them with

kindness” means you take an
unassertive and cooperative approach
for resolving the conflict, the complete
opposite of competing.

Accommodating = trying to satisfy the

other person’s concerns at expense of
your own.

Outcome: I lose, you win.


Avoiding, or “leave alone” means you

take an unassertive and uncooperative
approach for resolving the conflict. You
don’t want to deal with the conflict so
you stall or ignore the issue.

Avoiding = sidestepping the conflict.

Outcome: I lose, you lose.

Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn's Classification of
Organizational Conflict

1. Intra-organizational conflict is a conflict that takes place within one


2. Interpersonal conflict is the conflict, taking place between two or

more individuals within the organization.

3. Intra-group conflict is conflict exists between members of one

particular group.

4. Inter-group conflict is conflict among members of two or more

different groups.
5. Inter-departmental conflict is similar, but at the level of

6. Inter-organizational conflict occurs between different


7. Vertical conflict occurs between hierarchical levels, say between

management and employees.

8. Horizontal conflict, on the other hand, takes place between

different individuals, groups or departments at the same
hierarchical level, say between two competing departments that have
similar power and authority in different areas.
9. Line-staff conflict is conflict about who has power and official
authority over specific tasks and processes.

10. Role conflict is about expectations of tasks, primarily when

they are not communicated effectively or the communication
given is not received effectively.

11. Work-flow interdependency conflict takes place when

groups and individuals that are inter-dependent must collaborate
together but fail to do so effectively.
12. Domain ambiguities or role-conflict take place when people
or teams are put in unclear situations and they do not understand
who must take responsibility.

13. Resource scarcity conflicts, takes place where resources

are scarce.

14. Power or value asymmetries are conflicts where people that

rely on one another are seemingly starkly different from each other
in the areas of status, values or influence.
Levels of Conflict
i) Individual level conflicts

ii) Interpersonal conflict

iii) Group level conflict

iv) Organizational conflict

Topics to be
M e a n i n g o f I n t r a - Personal C o n f l i c t .
W h y an I n d i v i d u a l m a y face
Intra-Personal Conflict?
Reasons of Intra-Personal Conflict.
Nature of Choices of Intra-Personal Conflict.
Meaning of In tr a - Pe rs onal Conflic t

A conflict arises within an individual

when his motives or drives are blocked
or he is unable to take decision due to
being confronted with competing role
and goals.
An indi v id u al ma y experience in ter nal
conflic t d u e to the pr esence of :

a. A n u mbe r of compe ting need s and r ole s .

b. A varie ty of diffe r en t d r i v e s that compel
the indi v id u al to act in a certain w a y.
c . Ba rr ie rs that ma y come in between the
d r i v e and the goal achie vemen t.
d . Both po s i t i v e and negative
a s pec ts attached to de s i r ed
goal s .
e . Not ha ving a clear u nde rst anding of what
i s expected f r om the job r ole .
Reasons of Intra - Personal

Conflict due to Frustration:

F rustr a t ion occ urs w hen a
motivated d r i v e i s blocked befo r e a
pe rs on reache s a de s i r ed goal .
F rustr a t ion creates inne r conflic t
w i t h a pe rs on w hich d r i v e s to in tr a -
pe rs onal conflic t .
Conflict due to Goal:
Conflic t occ urs when an indi v id u al ha s
to select one op t ion f r om among man y
alterna tives. It can be selecting a job
offe r against con tin u ing r e s ea r ch .
Thi s type of conflic t ma y al s o ca use d u e
to non -u nde rst andabili ty of goal ,
s imila r type mo r e goal s, benefi ts to be
acc rued f r om the achievement of goal
and the like .
Nature of Choices of
Intra-Personal Conflict

In tr a - indi v id u al goal conflic t

can be iden t ified depending on
the nature of s ome the choice s.
The se choice s are cla ss ified in to
fo ur ty pe s.

. Arvoach
oidance - Arvoach
- App oidance
Conflic t
Conflic t
3. App r oach - A v oidance
Conflic t

4. M u l t iple App r oach -

A v oidance Conflic t
1 . App r oach - App r oach
Conflic t :
• It a r i s e s when an indi v id u al ha s to choo s e between two
attractive alterna tives. It i s a conflic t between two po s i ti v e
goal s.
• Diag ramma ticall y, it
can be represented a s:
Goal 1 Indi v id u al Goal 2
2 . A v oidance - A v oidance
Conflic t :
It in v ol v e s a choice between two eq u all y unattractive op t ion s. Thi s
• i s the case where two goal s have negative valence and the pe rs on
ha s to decide on one of t hem . Diag ramma ticall y, it can be
represented a s:

Goal 1 Indi v id u al Goal 2

3 . App r oach - A v oidance Conflic t :

In certain s i tu a t ion s, the indi v id u al face s conflic t when he ha s to

decide whether to app roach o r a v oid a pa rtic u la r goal that ha s
bo th po s i ti v e (attractive) a s w ell a s negative (unattractive) q u ali t ie s.
Diag ramma ticall y, it can
be represented a s:

Indi v id u al Goal (+Valence and - ve Valence)

4 . M u l t iple App r oach - A v oidance Conflic t :

In tr a - indi v id u al conflic t a r i s e s in s i tu a t ion s where the indi v id u al

ha s alternatives and each alternative po ss e ss e s bo th po s i ti v e and
negative valence .
Topics to be discussed

• Role conflict and ambiguity

• Basic causes of role conflict among individual
• Classification of role conflict
Role conflict and ambiguity

Role is the position one occupies in a social system. Roles are behaviors
expected from a particular status.

A role is a set of connected behaviors, rights , obligations, beliefs , and

norms as conceptualized by people in a social situation.

For example, a role (the role of HR manager position) is defined by the

expectations of the role senders (General Manager, line people, and
subordinates) and the role occupant (the HR Manager himself).
Role Conflict and Ambiguity

Role conflict occurs when fulfilling the role expectations of one status
interferes with a second status.

Role conflict occurs when the roles associated with one status clash with the
roles associated with a different status.
Role Conflict and Ambiguity

Role ambiguity occurs when people are uncertain about their duties, and
authority, it causes role ambiguity.
 Meaning of Interpersonal Conflict
 Difference between Intra personal and inter personal
 Behavioral Conflict Indicators of Inter Personal
Interpersonal Conflict

Any type of conflict

involving two or more
Meaning of Interpersonal Conflict

 An interpersonal conflict is a disagreement between two individuals or subgroups of

an organization involving significant resentment and discontent.

 Interpersonal conflict occurs when a person or group of people frustrates or

interferes with another person's efforts at achieving a goal.
Difference between Intra personal and Inter personal conflict
Difference between Intra personal and Inter personal conflict
SL Dimension Intrapersonal conflict Interpersonal conflict
1 Nature It arises within one individual. It arises within different individuals.
2 Affect Individual employee may be affected Different persons may be affected.
by this conflict.
3 Third party For setting this conflict third party For setting this conflict third party
involvement involvement is not needed. involvement is required.
4 Impact This conflict can influence a small This conflict can influence a big number of
number of employees. employees.
5 Visibility Intra personal conflict may not be Inter personal conflict may be easily visible
visible if concerned employee does not because of involvement of many
disclose. employees.
6 Hampering This conflict may hamper the activity This conflict may hamper the activities of
work volume of one person only. many employees.
Behavioral Conflict Indicators of Inter Personal Conflict
Behavioral Conflict Indicators of Inter Personal Conflict

These indicators are classified into eleven points which are mentioned below:

1. Body language
2. Disagreements, regardless of issue
3. With holding bad news
4. Surprises
5. Strong public statement
6. Airing disagreements through media
7. Increasing lack of respect
8. Open disagreement
9. Lack of candor on sensitive issues such as budget
10. Fighting for certain specific goals
11. No discussion of progress.
Topics to be discussed Types of
Signs of Inter
Types of interpersonal Conflict

Types Policy Conflicts

Value Conflicts

Ego Conflicts
 Chronic Criticism
 Assuming the worst
 Discussions Usually Start Out Negative
 Chronic contemptuousness
 You've stopped doing the things you love
 You're always on the defensive
 Your Arguments Get Out Of Control
 The fourth of Dr. John Gottman's
 Professor of counseling
Group Conflict
Group conflict is an interpersonal problem
that occurs between two or more members of
a team, and affects result of teamwork, so the
team does not perform an optimum level.
Typical sign of group conflict:
• Behavioral sign of conflict in groups
• Work force diversity and conflict in groups
• Conflict and group decision-making
• Conflict and role of communication in group
Classifications of group conflict:
By Functional Attribute:
By origin of Conflict:
Values of team members
Roles and responsibilities
Lack of resources
By behavior:
Constructive team conflicts
Destructive team conflicts
Selected topics
 Difference between Intra and Inter Personal Conflict.
 Causes of inter group conflict.
 Causes of intra group conflict.
 Why inter group conflicts
Emotional effect
 Key points : Personal interest with the
group, Ideological differences within the
group, Confusing organizational policies,
Clash within the group, Feelings of
Organizational Conflict

The conflicts that take place at the individual level

or the group level are all inherent in the
organization level conflict. That means, all the
conflicts that have been discussed before relate to the
conflicts within the organizational setting. Inter-
organizational conflicts take place between the
organizations that are dependent on each
other in some way.
Example: Conflict between government agencies
and certain organizations .
Louis R. Pondy's Model of Organizational Conflict

 Figure: Stages of Louis R. Pondy's Model of Organizational Conflict

Louis R. Pondy's Model of Organizational Conflict (Cont’d)

The model consists of five distinct but interrelated stages:

Phase 1: Latent Conflict
Latent Conflict takes place when two or more parties must cooperate with one another in
order to achieve a desired objective, there is potential for conflict.
Example: A change in organizational direction, a change in a personal goal or value etc.
Louis R. Pondy's Model of Organizational Conflict (Cont’d)

Phase 2: Perceived Conflict

Perceived conflict is the point when members
are becoming more aware of a problem,
even if they are not sure where it comes from.
Phase 3: Felt Conflict
Felt conflict arises when the parties begin to
focus in on a differences of opinion and
interests, that means two people are aware
that they’re having a conflict in the workplace.
Louis R. Pondy's Model of Organizational Conflict (Cont’d)

Phase 4: Manifest Conflict

Manifest conflict is the outward display
of conflict which occurs when the opposing
parties plan follow through with acts to
frustrate one another.
Phase 5: Conflict Aftermath
The aftermath of a conflict episode refers to
its outcome, which can be positive or

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