Hotandcoldapplication 230120100704 17b9d752
Hotandcoldapplication 230120100704 17b9d752
Hotandcoldapplication 230120100704 17b9d752
At the end of this chapter the learners will be
able to:
• State purpose of applying heat to the body; of
applying cold to the body.
• Explain specific precaution when applying
heat, or cold
Local Application of Heat and Cold
• Heat and cold are applied to the body for local and
systemic effects
Heat Application
• Purpose
1. To relieve pain and muscles spasm – by relaxing
- Increase blood flow to the area
2. To relieve swelling (facilitate wound healing)
- To relieve inflammation and congestion
Increases the action of phagocytic cells that ingest
moisture and other foreign material
Increases the removal of waste products or infection
metabolic process
3. To relieve chilling and give comfort
• Heat can be applied in both dry and moist forms
Dry Heat :- is applied locally, for heat conduction
-By means of a hot water bottle
Moist heat – can be provided, through conduction
-By compression or sitz bath
Cold Application
• To relieve pain: cold decrease prostaglandin's,
which intensify the sensitivity of pain receptors,
and other substances at the site of injury by
inhibiting the inflammatory processes
• To reduce swelling and inflammation: by
decreasing the blood flow to the area
(vasoconstriction effect)
• Reduce raised body temperature due to fever
• Cold can be applied in moist (cold compress
18-270C) and dry form (ice pack (bag) <15 oC)
• Systemic effects of cold – extensive cold
application can increase blood pressure
• Systemic effects of Hot – produce a drop in
blood pressure – excessive peripheral
Tepid Sponging
Application of Cold
• Has systemic and local effect
• Can be applied to the body in two ways
1. Moist
2. Dry
Purpose: (Indication)
• To reduce body temp. during high fever and hyper pyrexia or sun
• To relieve local pain
• To reduce subcutaneous bleeding e.g. in sprain and contusion
• To control bleeding e.g. epistaxis
• To relieve headache
• To provide comfort to a patient in extreme hot weather if desired
1. Moist Cold
Cold compress
• A cloth (padded gauze) is immersed in cold water and
applied in area where we get large superficial vessels
• E.g. axilla and groin
• Change the cloth when it becomes warm
• Applied for 15-20 min
2. Dry Cold (Ice Bag)
Ice kept in a bag
• Covered with cloth and applied on an area
• Temperature <150C
Application of Heat
To relieve stasis of blood
To increase absorption of inflammatory products
To relieve stiffness of muscle and muscle pain
To relieve pain and swelling of a localized
inflammation boil or carbuncle
To increase blood circulation
To promote suppuration
To relieve distention and congestion
To provide warmth to the body
Thank you