• Eg.Tossing a die–
• chance of getting 3
• chance of getting an odd number.
Favourable Cases
• The number of outcomes which result
in the happening of a desired event are
called favourable cases.
• Axiom 2 : P(S) = 1
• Probability to have
amebiasis is 59/200=
0.295= 29.5% Results for n (%)
E. histolytic
Positive 59 (29.5)
• Probability of does not Negative 151 (70.5)
have amebiasis es
151/200= 0.705 = 70.5% or
1 - 0.0.295=0.705 = 70.5%
Empirical Distributions
• Observed frequency distributions -
empirical distributions or experimental
• Poisson Distributions
142.5 3
145.0 8
147.5 15
150.0 45
152.5 90
155.0 155
157.5 194
160.0 Mean 195 ( 68 % )
162.5 136
165.0 93
167.5 42
170.0 16
172.5 6
175.0 2
Normal Curve
• It is often called the corner stone of
statistical analysis and drawing of
Properties of Normal Curve
• It is a bell shaped curve
• It is symmetrical about its mean
• At the centre of the distribution which is
peaked all the three measures of central
tendency mean,median and mode
• Total area of the curve above the x-axis is
one sq unit
• It has two points of inflections(points at
which the curve changes its direction) are
at a distance of one standard deviation
from the mean
• About 68.268% of the observations will be
falling within mean plus or minus one
standard deviation,95.45% within two
standard deviations and 99.73% within
three standard deviations
• It is mesokurtic.
– Different variability
– Same averages
Depressed Manic
Frequency Controls
• Graph 2: Blood sugar
– Same variability
– Different averages
Low High
The Normal Distribution
• Normal distributions with different
population variances and the same
population mean
2 = 1
2 = 2
f(x) 2 = 3
2 = 4
The Normal Distribution
• Normal distributions with different
population variances and different
population means
2 = 1 1
2 = 3 3
Standard Normal Curve
• Normal curve in which mean is zero and
the standard deviation is unity.